Shawn Michaels VS Undertaker (Career VS Streak)

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I honestly don't know what to say about this match. Streak vs career. If HBK wins the streak is over. If Undertaker wins the HBK is over.Undertakers streak is part of his career but HBK's career is his career. For me this is a lose lose situation either way it goes I won't be happy. But I see Undertaker winning this match( I aso betted money on him.) I say Undertaker winning because I really can't see HBK retiring. I think he might come back eventually. Even if he doesn't wrestle I see him doing some kind of appearance I just can't see HBK going away for ever off of one match.
I think The Undertaker is going to win, but i say prayers every night that i'm wrong. I really don't want shawn michaels to retire. He is still really good as an in ring performer and on the mic. He has a lot to give the world of wrestling and i don't want to see him go. I'm probably alone in this opinion, but i think the undertaker is more overrated than cena, hogan and flair combined. At this point in his career his mobility is extremely limited, and i swear if i have to hear about him "claiming souls" one more time i'm gonna scream. I want Shawn to win desperately, but something tells me Taker will keep his fucking streak intact.
HBK turns around just as HHH goes for the strike, BUT HBK DUCKS, and the Undertaker is hit and knocked out! HHH stands there stunned for a moment only to be delivered a SWEET CHIN MUSIC! The crowd goes wild as HBK pins undertaker for the 3. Thus Undertaker didn't lose cleanly, HBK doesn't retire, HHH and HBK feud can begin, and this entire board gets one HELL of a swerve!

What if its the other way around and taker ends up winning.
What i mean is if HHH hits shawn first THEN nails Taker with the sledge hammer and the undertaker lands on HBK for 1,2,3.It gives shawn a reason to come back and HHH a good fued for the next year.

Fighting taker first,then when shawn returns fights him.The 3 then have a triple threat at next years WM with shawn then losing to the undertaker keeping the streak in tack.

Alright, maybe not that last bit,but i think the first bit sounds pretty good.
My Prediction Is Shawn Michaels Will definetly lose. I Know they are both considering retirement soon. But HBK i recall his encounter with Sheamus. I wouldnt really call that just a tipicle Pep Talk. And I dont see WWE giving all these 17 Wrestlemania Wins and there Legacy and momentum To All Come to a already Sure-fire hall of Famer like Shawn Michaels. WWE Is smart in the sense of pushing new talent so i think They might let taker come back in 1 or 2 Wrestlemanias to Lose to like DiBiase or Rhodes or some of those other spectulated names who have been rumored to end the streak. Which would Cat-a-polt them into superstardom. I Can Just C HBK Losing and Coming Back to a much lighter schedual. But This will Be a Hard Hitting, Very Athletic Contest. Probably just like last year, mayb not as good but i see a lot of outside the ring combat. But Ondoubtably will go down as a classic
I just absoloutley love where this match is going just by reading everyones posts. Everyone is so confused and there is no way in hell anyone can pick a winner!!!! If Shawn loses his career is over, Taker loses and his streak is over so much on the line. I can just tell its going to be one of those matches that give you goosebumps, Damn I get goosebumps just watching the promos on RAW. I just know everyone that ill be watching it and be fucking prison bitch jumpy and have to walk out the room like 20 times like 15 mins in LOL.
Taker jobbed to Shawn on two major PPV's 1997 and in 1998 respectively. Now it's Shawns turn to return the favor.

Also, from a logical booking standpoint, Shawn screwed Taker out of the World Title. Taker as a character is not going to lose the belt because of HBK's interference and then one month later get beat and lose his streak as well....I don't see that happening in the span of one month. The fans will shit all over it.

Shawn is on a downward spiral, and this will be his ultimate end...for now.
I cannot fucking wait for this match. The build to this has been so fantastic and they haven't even touched each other and its been perfect. The video packages they have shown have been phenomenal and really show how important this match actually is. Possibly the biggest match in WrestleMania history. The best streak in the history of the WWE against one of the greatest careers in WWE history. Talk about big! Lol.

Onto the match itself, it will be an amazing match, I'm not sure whether it will be better than last year but it could be. The added stipulation helps it a lot. Even if the match isn't up to the standard they gave last year it will still be a great match. The winner is something I am not sure of. This is the first year that I feel the streak is in jeopardy. Right now I am going to say Taker' just because of the reports of fans rioting if he loses and i'm not sure if WWE could deal with that but I wouldn't be sour if HBK won.

Another thing. I don't understand why people want an up and comer to break the streak. Sure it will give them a massive rub but what if they're done with the company in a year so. It will be all for nothing. HBK has been with the company for decades and is one of the only people who I would be happy with to break the streak. Nobody else in the company Bar Cena and who hasn't already been defeated can actually defeat him without a lot of people being pissed.
This is the drama highlight of wrestlemania for sure. I don't want to see Shawn retire but I don't want to see the streak end either. I also don't want to see outside interferance decide the match but the WWE often defaults to that senerio in situations like this. If I had to choose one way to go I guess I want to see the streak go to 18/0 just because it has a good ring to it and fits the Deadman persona (18 = 6+6+6). Shawn could always wear a mask and come back to feud with Taker again later in the year and end the streak next year (It's not like a banned wrestler has never done that before - Dusty Roades did it in his feud with Flair back in the 80's) for a third times the charm senerio. Either way, whatever the outcome it should be a classic match in Wrestlemania history.
Hi,my first post ever

Undertaker wins,period.I dont believe that the streak will be intact ever.It was perfect oportunity for that when Orton battled him at wrestlemania 21 and when they should end it.Orton is one of the biggest stars today and it was apropriate thing to do it then because he was rising star and everybody knew that he would be big.Now I just dont see anyone in the roster that should do it today

Shawn is the legend and arguable one of the best but to me it should be someone younger to do it(you know,someone who could benefit longterm for that) but like I said I dont see anyone at this time

Then again,I read somewhere before that Undertaker wanted to end the streak in wrestlemania 22 to Mark Henry so Shawn is without argue better choice if they want to end the streak
On Impact, we get to watch Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair.
On Raw, we see Bret Hart and Vince McMahon.

Welcome to the Monday Night Wars II: The Revenge of the Geriatrics!

Back to the issue, both TNA and WWE are using old superstars to showcase themselves at the moment. Hogan and Flair in TNA, Mcmahon and Bret and of course HBK and the Undertaker at WM26. it does prove that these wrestlers have made one hell of an impact in their careers and i hope that each and every one of them is still in the business in 10 years time. Maybe not in the ring but still involved. Stone cold should still be in the business too
This is by far the most interesting match because I have absolutely no way to predict how this will end. I can't imagine the streak ever ending, because that is a nice reward for undertaker to walk away with when he ends up retiring for good. On the other hand, I don't know but it doesn't seem like shawn is quite ready to retire for good either, although I suppose that is possible. And if this thing were to end with some sort of draw, or outside interference, the fans would probably immediately change their overall opinions of it being a great memorable match to being incredibly pissed.

So kudos to WWE creative team for setting up a difficult to predict match, I just hope they haven't painted themselves into a corner with this one.
Hey this is my first post, I hope I do okay on this.

I think the Undertaker will win at Wrestlemania. If Undertaker loses it should be to someone younger on the roster. Guys like Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, John Morrison, or CM Punk should end the streak.

Shawn Michaels Career is on the line but most likely storyline. Shawn probably isn't actually retiring, just taking time off. If shawn loses than they'll find some loop hole or something to bring him back. Stone Cold was "fired" how many times in the Attitude Era and than brought back. JBL was retired in 2006 by Rey Mysterio but came back a year in a half later to wrestle. When JBL did retire he came back as an announcer. When Chavo Guerrero quit he became some what of a manager to Rey Mysterio. So they could bring back Shawn as an announcer/manager until he was ready to wrestle again. Then Shawn or someone of his choosing could wrestle for his career back. We could have Triple H get drafted to Smackdown and start a fued with Undertaker in which one match they could have is bringing Shawn back. That's just one possibility but there's probably many more.
HBK will win clean. From what I've heard, next years Mania will be his last and breaking the streak is his "send off" and "thank you" gift for not only all he has done in his career, but for being the only guy who never left Vince's side during the nWo angle, when he could have.

This is Vince's way of giving him the most memorable send off a guy could get. And let's be honest, it won't hurt UT at all. Streaks are made to be broken.
man i was just reading the exclusive of hbks post mania plans and as happy as i am for shawn to pursue his interests and ideas i am almost devestated and actually quite pissed off because of them pretty much telling us the winner this sunday at mania.. as i have posted before im as big of a hbk fan as they come hes been my favourite for 15 years and i was so excited as i still am to share this last big match situation with him, myself and others are not sure who was gunna in until i read that sources within the wwe are feeling that hbk is going to retire after mania, i mean now my hopes of him winning have went in a downward spiral, and i know that some are going to say i shouldnt of read it and whatever and its my fault but come on people, we have all been reading about both of their plans after mania and i would have been fine with everything that ws said except. " accordig to a source within the e the feeeling backstage is hbk is retiring after mania, i mean seriously, with one week away why couldnt that information be kept to yourself, tat royaly pisses me off, so now my question to u is, does that make u feel the match is now sealed with a victory from taker?
HBK will win clean. From what I've heard, next years Mania will be his last and breaking the streak is his "send off" and "thank you" gift for not only all he has done in his career, but for being the only guy who never left Vince's side during the nWo angle, when he could have.

This is Vince's way of giving him the most memorable send off a guy could get. And let's be honest, it won't hurt UT at all. Streaks are made to be broken.

Just a thought, Undertaker never left for WCW either..

Anyway with the news on Shawn's interest in a reality show, it does make me more doubtful. Personally, I understand how big a deal the streak is to some people, who are bigger Taker fans then myself. While I like Undertaker, I never have really been an avid fan of his and personally couldnt care less about his streak. I sincerely hope Shawn wins simply because he is one of my favourite wrestlers, and I personally would watch him over Undertaker any day.

This year there has been a flicker of hope that maybe Shawn will win this, Calloway doesnt seem to value the streak as much as some others do, and if Shawn were to end it, it doesnt seem that Mark would mind, and I certainly wouldnt mind either. If a young up and comer were to end the streak, I dont think it would be as valuable as some people think. Sure it would give that great surge of heat, but in many of these superstar's cases I dont believe they have the recognition, or the charisma to really roll with it and truly get the recognition from the fans that might beckon. Shawn on the other hand, is a living working legend, he has paid his dues plenty and in the common fans eye it is very possible that Shawn could kayfabe wise end the streak, while that seems completely unrealistic in the case of John Morrison or otherwise.

In the past year or so, there have been plenty of false cues regarding title changes, we have had future events officially listed seemingly confirming whoever will retain or lose the title to whoever. Only for it to blow up in our face, while this reality show news does make me doubt a little bit more, I still have hope that it is a swerve. Perhaps Shawn WILL retire at Wrestlemania and still end the streak, he doesnt have to lose to retire, perhaps as has been said this could be kind of a 'Thankyou', a ridiculously high point for Shawn to go out on for now.

As much as I hope Shawn will win this, I of course realise that he is still facing The Undertaker at Wrestlemania and if Taker is to win, while it isnt what I want, I still would be satisfied. For a rematch after only a years wait, the WWE has done a tremendous job building anticipation and I am not convinced at all that either wrestler has more chance of winning then the other. This is the match I am just going to sit back, enjoy and truly be a mark for, no matter how it ends.
I was thinking that HBK would win this and end the Takers streak, however watching RAW last night when HBK was doing his pose before the match, he mouthed the words, ONE LAST TIME, i cant help but feel that Taker is going to end his career!
It's been looking like Undertaker is going to indeed end Shawn's career at Wrestle Mania 26 as the weeks have gone on and last night's Raw made me believe so for sure. Shawn is up there, as is Undertaker, but I'm guessing The Deadman has more in the tank then The Showstopper. Undertaker seems the best one fit to end his career since Vince obviously isn't going to let a young guy get the rub. It's going to be a hell of a match for sure and I'm looking forward to what Shawn is going to show us in what will almost for sure be his final Wrestle Mania match.
I believe that The Undertaker is going to win this match, the streak is so established now that it simply wont be broken in my opinion. The Undertaker will not lose to Shawn Michaels and he sure as fuck wont lose to some young upstart either upon his last Wrestlemania match. I see the streak ending 20-0 before The Undertaker retires and that subsequently means he will not be losing to HBK. As for HBK losing and retiring, I don't see that happening either...this is professional wrestling folks, where retirement matches mean sweet fuck all, just ask Mick 'I've been retired 100 feckin' times' Foley. Fact is, Shawn is leaving WWE to spend more time with his family and to pursue other interests but do I think we'll ever see him again? Absolutely. He will return when the time is right for him to come back....

Of course I would love to see the streak being broken and I would love for WWE to prove me wrong come this Sunday but I just don't see it happening. Come on WWE, make me eat my words...please!!
I agree with you^ I think Taker is going to win but i'm hoping Shawn does. It would be nice to see him actually WIN at WM for a change. I was fine with him losing last year as Undertaker is my second fav. But 2 years in a row I can't do.
man i was just reading the exclusive of hbks post mania plans and as happy as i am for shawn to pursue his interests and ideas i am almost devestated and actually quite pissed off because of them pretty much telling us the winner this sunday at mania.. as i have posted before im as big of a hbk fan as they come hes been my favourite for 15 years and i was so excited as i still am to share this last big match situation with him, myself and others are not sure who was gunna in until i read that sources within the wwe are feeling that hbk is going to retire after mania, i mean now my hopes of him winning have went in a downward spiral, and i know that some are going to say i shouldnt of read it and whatever and its my fault but come on people, we have all been reading about both of their plans after mania and i would have been fine with everything that ws said except. " accordig to a source within the e the feeeling backstage is hbk is retiring after mania, i mean seriously, with one week away why couldnt that information be kept to yourself, tat royaly pisses me off, so now my question to u is, does that make u feel the match is now sealed with a victory from taker?

I read the same thing about him wanting to take extended time to do a reality show about his family and faith...Shawn is selling out!! LOL! That also could be a swerve or work of some sort cus I can't see them blatantly implying that Michaels will lose. Either way Shawn is going to disappear. From what I hear there won't be a huge send-off the next night which means he will wrestle again. Also, since he came back in 2002 he always takes a few months at a time off for personal time and injuries. I could see him returning at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble to set up his real last hurrah.
Hey I just realised something, if everyone thinks that a young gun should end the Undertakers streak shouldnt you also believe a young gun should end Shawns career, that wiuld be the same or maybe more of a rub than ending the streak, plus I could see Morrison or even The Miz doing that and catapulting them finally into the main event. Those two could also end the streak.
Undertaker will win and HBK will retire. Simple as that. The reason is that Undertaker's streak is flawless nad I don't think ANYBODY wants the streak to be broken. It's of too much value to just end here. And pushing the "Only Pinfall and Submissions" rule on Raw may be a sign that someone may interfere with the match, perhaps Triple H or Kane, and cause HBK to lose. HBK will not retire, he may be gone on a hiatus but that's as far as his "retirement" will go. He'll be back in time for SummerSlam, that's a given. When he was feuding with Jericho, he also said he retired because of his "eye injury" but came back again. I'm going with Taker's undefeated streak being alive and HBK "retiring".
I read the same thing about him wanting to take extended time to do a reality show about his family and faith...Shawn is selling out!! LOL! That also could be a swerve or work of some sort cus I can't see them blatantly implying that Michaels will lose. Either way Shawn is going to disappear. From what I hear there won't be a huge send-off the next night which means he will wrestle again. Also, since he came back in 2002 he always takes a few months at a time off for personal time and injuries. I could see him returning at Survivor Series or Royal Rumble to set up his real last hurrah.

I have always checked in on this forum from time to time and never felt the need to post, but now I do. I have read the article on the main site stating how HBK looks set to retire, yet I cant find this same information on any other wrestling site. I know Wrestlezone is reliable so I am in no way questioning them. But I find it funny that to my knowledge, no one else has reported it. I am starting to believe that maybe this information was "leaked" purposely to a select few meaning it may neccessarily not be true. Correct me if I am wrong, it may be reported on other sites but I have checked out a couple and its not there. I am now starting to believe that HBK may pull out the win. Alot of people are reporting on Raw he mouthed "one more time". Come on guys, shawn isnt stupid, he wanted people to see that. Another swerve. Maybe its just wishful thinking (either that or I am in denial) but I really think HBK may win.
Undertaker will win simple as that. I hope this doesn't mean HBK will never be back and his retirement is only temporary but he is around that age where retirement looks like a good option to take. Either way he'll be taking some time off after Wrestlemania and the E will want to keep the streak alive more than HBK's career (because a retirement match is almost never an actual retirement match, Terry Funk has retired like 15 times and he still wrestles from time to time).
I think at this point in Takers career WWE they will just let him go undefeated at Wrestlemania, if they were gonna have taker lose it would of happened already.
I definitely think that HBK will get beat by the Undertaker, however I'd like to see the match somehow end with niether of them losing. Like they beat eachother so badly, none of them can stand up or they both get knocked out. I think HBK can still give to the WWE as well as the Taker and would hate to see either of them leave. But this would be the best way to send off one of the great wrestlers of this era.
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