Shadowmancer's Wrestler of the Week

I felt Like Listing all of the Wrestlers of the Week that Have been done.

Week 01: Masato Tanaka

Week 02: Raven

Week 03: Alex Shelley

Week 04: Shawn Michaels

Week 05: The Bushwhackers

Week 06: Chris Jericho

Week 07: Tom Billington

Week 08: Bruno Sammartino

Week 09: Steve Corino

Week 10: Ricky Steamboat

Week 11: Triple H

Week 12: Jushin "Thunder" Liger

Week 13: Rob Van Dam

Week 14: Delirious

Week 15: Owen Hart

Week 16: Eddie Guerrero

Week 17: Booker T

Week 18: Lance Storm

Week 19: Claudio Castagnoli

Week 20: Mitsuharu Misawa

Week 21: Jeff Jarrett

Week 22: Bob Backlund

Week 23: CM Punk

Week 24: Masahiro Chono

Week 25: Abdullah the Butcher

Week 26: Christopher Daniels

Week 27: Kurt Angle

Week 28: Abyss

Week 29: Jimmy Jacobs

Week 30: Mick Foley

Week 31: Kid Kash

Week 32: "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig

Week 33: Little Guido/Nunzio

Interesting to see who has and who has still yet to be done by the Wrestler of the Week Thread.
This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Kurt Angle


Finishing and signature moves
-Ankle lock / Grapevined ankle lock
-Olympic Slam / Angle Slam
-Super Olympic Slam / Super Angle Slam
-Crossface chickenwing
-Overhead belly to belly suplex
-Rear naked choke
-German suplex
-Belly to back suplex
-Body scissors
-European uppercut
-Super belly to belly suplex
-Gutwrench suplex
-Double leg takedown

-Karen Angle
-Paul Heyman
-Shane McMahon
-Stephanie McMahon
-Trish Stratus
-Bob Backlund

-The Olympic Hero (WWE)
-The Wrestling Machine (WWE)
-The Olympic Gold Medalist (WWE/TNA)

Championships and accomplishments

Inoki Genome Federation
-IWGP World Heavyweight Championship (IGF version) (1 time, current)

Power Pro Wrestling
-PPW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
-PWI Feud of the Year award in 2000 - versus Triple H
-PWI Most Hated Wrestler of the Year award in 2000
-PWI Rookie of the Year award in 2000
-PWI Most Inspirational Wrestler of the Year award in 2001
-PWI ranked him # 1 in the PWI 500 in 2001
-PWI Comeback of the Year award in 2003
-PWI Feud of the Year award in 2003 - versus Brock Lesnar
-PWI Match of the Year award in 2003 - versus Brock Lesnar
-PWI Most Popular Wrestler of the Year award in 2003
-PWI Wrestler of the Year award in 2003
-PWI Match of the Year award in 2005 - versus Shawn Michaels
-PWI ranked him # 2 in the PWI 500 in 2006

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling
-TNA World Heavyweight Championship (2 time, current)
-TNA X Division Championship (1 time, current)
-TNA World Tag Team Championship (2 times, current) - by himself and with Sting
-TNA Triple Crown (Second)
-King of the Mountain winner in 2007

World Wrestling Federation | World Wrestling Entertainment
-WCW United States Championship (1 time)
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Chris Benoit (First)
-WWF/E Championship (4 times)
-WWF European Championship (1 time)
-WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time)
-WWF Intercontinental Championship (1 time)
-World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-WWF King of the Ring winner in 2000
-Grand Slam Championship (Fourth)
-Triple Crown Championship (Tenth)

Wrestling Observer Newsletter
-Best Gimmick award in 2000
-Most Improved Wrestler award in 2000
-Most Outstanding Wrestler award in 2001
-Best Interviews award in 2002
-Best Technical Wrestler award in 2002
-Match of the Year award in 2002 - with Chris Benoit, versus Edge and Rey Mysterio)
-Most Outstanding Wrestler award in 2002
-Performer of the Year award in 2002
-Feud of the Year award in 2003 - versus Brock Lesnar
-Most Outstanding Wrestler award in 2003


Kurt Angle Promo on John Cena

Kurt Angle with Milk Truck

Kurt Angle Battle Rap with John Cena

Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar Funny Moment

Kurt Angle as Shawn Michaels


Kurt Angle Vs. The Undertaker

Kurt Angle Vs. Rey Mysterio

Kurt Angle Vs. Chyna Vs. Eddie Guerrero

Kurt Angle Vs. Randy Orton pt.1
Kurt Angle Vs. Randy Orton pt.2

Kurt Angle Vs. Brock Lesnar pt.1
Kurt Angle Vs. Brock Lesnar pt.2

Kurt Angle Vs. Rey Mysterio Vs. Randy Orton

Kurt Angle & Triple H Vs. Batista & Shawn Michaels

Kurt Angle Vs. Rikishi

Kurt Angle & The Undertaker Vs. Triple H & Hulk Hogan pt.1
Kurt Angle & The Undertaker Vs. Triple H & Hulk Hogan pt.2

Kurt Angle & The Undertaker Vs. Triple H & Maven pt.1
Kurt Angle & The Undertaker Vs. Triple H & Maven pt.2

Kurt Angle Vs. The Rock Vs. The Undertaker pt.1
Kurt Angle Vs. The Rock Vs. The Undertaker pt.2
Kurt Angle Vs. the Rock Vs. The Undertaker pt.3

Kurt Angle & Kane & Rikishi Vs. The Undertaker & The Rock & "Stone Cold" Steve Austin pt.1
Kurt Angle & Kane & Rikishi Vs. The Undertaker & The Rock & "Stone Cold" Steve Austin pt.2

Kurt Angle & "Stone Cold" Steve Austin Vs. The Undertaker

Kurt Angle Vs. Taz

Kurt Angle Vs. Hulk Hogan pt.1
Kurt Angle Vs. Hulk Hogan pt.2

Kurt Angle Vs. Shawn Michaels pt.1
Kurt Angle Vs. Shawn Michaels pt.3
Kurt Angle Vs. Shawn Michaels pt.4
For some reason pt.2 is not there

Kurt Angle Vs. "Stone Cold" steve Austin pt.1
Kurt Angle Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin pt.2

Kurt Angle Vs. Chris Benoit pt.1
Kurt Angle Vs. Chris Benoit pt.2

Kurt Angle Vs. Samoa Joe

Kurt Angle Vs. Samoa Joe pt.1
Kurt Angle Vs. Samoa Joe pt.2

If there are any matches that I missed out on please put them up. These will have to be full matches not Music Videos or Highlight Videos.
Awesome choice there Shadow ad Kurt is my all time favorite wrestler ever! Here is a guy that can do it all I mean he is a joy to watch and one can only think if he would have signed with WWE right after the Olympics what he could have don in the attitude era...but even still what he did his rookie year was amazing. There is so much one can say about Kurt and i know some hate TNA making him the focal point but the man is gifted and he can do so let him. There not much to say he is one of the greatest of all time IMO.
hmmmm. Let me start by saying that I respect the hell out of Kurt's in ring skill. However, he has always just rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not a fan of Kurt's but the guy does have talent. I will say that Kurt is best suited for the role he is currently playing. Because he is naturally annoying, he flourishes in the role of annoying comedic heel.
hmmmm. Let me start by saying that I respect the hell out of Kurt's in ring skill. However, he has always just rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not a fan of Kurt's but the guy does have talent. I will say that Kurt is best suited for the role he is currently playing. Because he is naturally annoying, he flourishes in the role of annoying comedic heel.

You find Kurt Angle annoying? I don't. The man has some of the best promo skills in the business, although he is generally better as the cocky heel than the courageous face. That, and he has some of the best technical skills in the business currently. TNA should be proud of their champion, although he is taking up maybe a bit too much space. Kurt Angle vs. Jay Lethal is a dream match for me, it should be absolutely fucking incredible. Minus the Randy Savage gimmick of course.

Best choice ever? Perhaps.

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
this is one of the best choices so far, i love Kurt Angle a phenomenal wrestler, and above par on the mic. He could carry a match and make any one look good. He can be funny at times and he plays his gimmick well and to top it off he is the best technical wrestler in the business.Good choice
Wow, I don't know where to begin. How anyone can not respect Kurt Angle in the ring is beyond me. I daresay if you don't respect Kurt Angle, then you are not a wrestling fan, period end of discussion.

Kurt Angle has everything there is to be a professional wrestler. He understands the business and respects the business more then anyone on any of the current rosters. Here is a man that thrives on trying to make the sport accepted as a real sport, and with good reason.

His matches are legendary. I can't think of one bad Kurt Angle match that wasn't at least watchable. He can wrestle multiple styles, he can wrestle matches with guys of different styles and sizes and come out with the match of the night.

The best matches I have ever scene have been (insert any) his matches with Chris Benoit. This is professional wrestling. Benoit vs. Angle will go down as my favorite feud ever and will never be surpassed in my mind. When I think about what a wrestling match should be, and what a wrestler should be, those two come to the top of my head.
^^ I admit credit must be given to Kurt Angle for his performance and personally, I respect him for all he's done for the industry.

I can not speak for anyone other than myself, however I feel that Kurt Angle really had his own stardom sink very deep into his head. Just after listening to his interviews late last year/early this year really made me lose massive respect for Kurt Angle, at the same time, no words or negativity can change the fact that he gave everyone including myself good times to remember and great memories to miss, however because I lost a lot of respect for Angle doesn't indicate me or anyone doesn't like professional wrestling at all. I don't know where that came from.

Above all, I respect all that he did in the past because nothing he can say or do now can change what he's done or do, but at the same time lack of some respect for how he showed his true colors back nearly a year ago when he use to appear weekly on Bubba The Love Spounge Show.
hmmmm. Let me start by saying that I respect the hell out of Kurt's in ring skill. However, he has always just rubbed me the wrong way. I'm not a fan of Kurt's but the guy does have talent. I will say that Kurt is best suited for the role he is currently playing. Because he is naturally annoying, he flourishes in the role of annoying comedic heel.

You just hit the nail. Angle IMO is the best comedic heel EVER! and beyond his wrestling skills, well, just a few names, maybe Tom Billington, BenWa, El Dandy and Atlantis (Last two Mexican Wrestlers).
Angle gave TNA a HUGE boost, his name is synonym of a good PPV, and his promos are just legendary!
I really wanted to see more Angle in WWE, but I guess he took the right decision cause now he is a mega star in TNA.
Great choice Shadow, again.
I think Angle can accommodate to anyone's abilities. Though how he made Cena look half-decent is beyond me, it's like trying to paint the Mona Lisa with a tube of shit a rock to smash it on with. Still, he did it. For that alone, he should be the first entrant into TNA's Hall Of Fame. Hey, that would make a good thread...

Low Ki for WOTW!

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
One of the best wrestlers of all time, no doubt. I remember when he first appeared in the WWE, I thought he was just a joke and wouldn't amount to much in the WWE. He proved me wrong within the first month he was in the business and put on great matches and captured the European and IC titles quickly during his rookie year. I think everybody was surprised to see that Angle had so much potential even though we all knew he was an Olympic Gold Medalist, we thought he was just going to be a boring amateur wrestler with no extra skills(*cough* Lashley *cough*), but Angle proved he can wrestle practically most styles of wrestling we see from many different wrestlers from around the world.

Lately, I am sick of seeing Angle's face on TNA, he thinks he runs the whole show and is the only star thats worth watching, which is not true(Hopefully it changes when they goes to 2 hours). IMO, I think he should have stayed with WWE, they made him what he is today and I strongly believe he should have been one of the "loyal" ones like HBK, HHH, Taker, and Kane that would do anything for the business. Going to TNA was not a bad move though, for him and TNA, he is the top dog on that show unlike WWE where he was not considered as big of star as Taker or HBK and TNA is definitely benefitting from him being on their show. There is no denying that Kurt Angle will go down as one of the wrestling greats for years to come.
This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Abyss


Finishing and signature moves

As Abyss
-Black Hole Slam (270° spinning side slam)
-Shock Treatment / Torture Shot (Sitdown torture rack backbreaker drop)
-Black Hole Bomb / Torture Bomb (Superbomb) - Independent circuit
-Neck Torque (Twisting chinlock sleeper hold)
-Sidewalk Slam
-Running corner body avalanche
-Gorilla press dropped into a flapjack
-Overhead belly to belly suplex
-Big boot

Signature foreign objects: -steel chain
-broken glass
As Prince Justice
-Death Penalty (Chokebomb pin)
-Royal Decree (Sidewalk slam)


-Jeff G. Bailey
-Wes Bitterman
-Don Callis
-Sin D
-Brandon Prophet
-Johnny Diamond
-Sterling James Keenan
-Goldy Locks
-The Informer
-James Mitchell
-Prince Nana
-Mike Rosario
-Scotty C
-"Lone Wolf" Bobby Blade

Championships and accomplishments

1 Pro Wrestling
-1PW World Heavyweight Championship (2 times)

Border City Wrestling
-BCW Can-Am Heavyweight Championship (1 time, current)

Buckeye Pro Wrestling
-BPW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

International Wrestling Association
-IWA Hardcore Championship (3 times)
-IWA Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-IWA Tag Team Championship (3 times) – with Miguel Pérez, Jr. (2) and Shane the Glamour Boy (1)

Mountain Wrestling Association
-MWA Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

NWA Cyberspace
-NWA Cyberspace Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

NWA Midwest
-NWA Iowa Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-NWA Missouri Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

NWA Wildside
-NWA Wildside Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Northern Wrestling Federation
-NWF Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Ring of Honor
-Trios Tournament winner in 2006 – with Alex Shelley and Jimmy Rave

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling
-NWA World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-NWA World Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with A.J. Styles


Abyss Vs. AJ Styles

Abyss & Lance Hoyt Vs. AJ Styles & D'Lo Brown

Abyss Vs. Matt Sydal & Delirious

Abyss Vs. Shark Boy

Abyss & Alex Shelley Vs. Team Mexico

Abyss Vs. Ron Killings

Abyss Vs. Kid Kash

Abyss Vs. Tomko pt.1
Abyss Vs. Tomko pt.2

Abyss Vs. Chris Sabin

Abyss Vs. Sabu pt.1
Abyss Vs. Sabu pt.2

Abyss Vs. AJ Styles pt.1
Abyss Vs. AJ Styles pt.2

Abyss Vs. Lance Hoyt

Abyss Vs. Sting Vs. Christian Cage

Abyss Vs. Christian Cage Vs. Sting pt.1
Abyss Vs. Christian Cage Vs. Sting pt.2
Abyss Vs. Christian Cage Vs. Sting pt.3

Abyss Vs. Sonny Siaki

Abyss Vs. Jeff Hardy pt.1
Abyss Vs. Jeff Hardy pt.2

Abyss Vs. AJ Styles Vs. Raven Vs. Monty Brown Vs. Sean Waltman

Abyss Vs. Raven Vs. Brother Runt pt.1
Abyss Vs. Raven Vs. Brother Runt pt.2

Abyss Vs. Sabu Vs. Jeff Hardy Vs. Rhino pt.1
Abyss Vs. Sabu Vs. Jeff Hardy Vs. Rhino pt.2

Abyss Vs. Scotty Matthews

Abyss Vs. Sting pt.1

Abyss Vs. Christian Cage
Nice pick, Abyss is probably one of the most underrated big men in the buisness, I never knew Don Callis was his manager what ever happened to that guy?, any back to Abyss, I noticed you're missing his matches with Rhino, those were some of his best, especially the falls count anywhere match they had(I think that's what it was) where Rhino gored Abyss off the bleachers through the tables, I loved that match
Abyss is basically Mankind and Kane rolled into one, except far more agile and consistent, as well as being willing to take more punishment than both combined. This guy is so underrated, it's unbelievable. He's the most hardcore guy in mainstream wrestling for... well, quite a while and an impressive wrestler and fantastic "big guy" at that. Still, he's sometimes too consistent, and can become repetitive if obsessed over too much. A pretty good choice, but there are better ones to come yet. I'm sure of it.

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
Nice choice there shadow as everyone else has said one of the best big men in the bussiness today. Here you have a guy who can put on good matches with small guys and take pain like no else can. I think Mrs. Sam said it best his kane and mankind rolled into one but better in all aspect. He can work a good match with out weapons like his match with Angle at No Surrender was good and had no weapons. Now that he speaks will add more to him. TNA has a good one just hop WWE never gets him
this is a good choice, he is a very good big man. Like stated before he is mankind and Kane rolled into one but is better, he can take a beating like no other and he can also but on a good match without no weapons. his match with Angle at no surrender was good. Abyss can wrestle with the smaller guys and can compete with the big guys obviously but is entertaining. he is also working with the mic which can make him even more entertaining but this is a good choice, like always.
this is a good choice, he is a very good big man. Like stated before he is mankind and Kane rolled into one but is better, he can take a beating like no other and he can also but on a good match without no weapons.

I agree great choice he can take a beating but in non gimmick matches hes equally good moves around well and is ery underrated great choice this week
He is a much better version of Kane, he has the monster gimmick but can actualy wrestle a good match and stuuf. I am not really a big fan of monster gimmicks as I am not somebody who marks out for matches but I kind of like Abyss although he does occasionaly strugle in no gimmick single matches. Really enjoyed the tag match with Machismo the other week.
Abyss is the hardcore god of TNA. When I see a wrestler like this, I pose the question in my mind "would this guy have made it in ECW". If the answer is yes, I'm a fan for life and I think Abyss would have been completely over in ECW. He is the best big man in the business right now. He sells moves better than most men his size, he takes bumps like a champ and can wrestle various styles.

Good choice, Shock.
Excellent choice. I thought Abyss was amazing the first time I saw him put the Black Hole Slam on someone. I was a fan from there on.

Abyss can do just about anything, and not afraid to take anything. Bumps, tacks, falls, broken glass, whatever. I know people have said it 10,000 times, but I'm gonna say it again; The best big man in the business. WWE should really look at this guy about how a big guy is supposed to be.

When he starts talking and gets better to the point he can cut good promos, he's really going to be something to behold. I can't wait to see it.
I love me some Abyss. IN a day and age on the IWC where it is almost taboo to be a fan of anyone over 6'2, Abyss is the exception to that rule. This guy is mega over with tons of people.

I was one of the many that were hesitant at first about the guy. Blatant Mick Foley and Kane rip off, you bet. But Abyss does so much more. I just bought doomsday, and I for one can't wait to watch that bad boy. He is capable of hanging in there with the light heavyweights, but also able to stand toe to toe with the big men of TNA.

Unfortunately, the Undertaker and Kane will be retiring soon, and the WWE is going to be in desperate need of a big guy/monster that can work good long matches. They already tried before. The next time, especially if TNA is successful with two hours and Abyss becomes a household name, it will be near impossible for TNA to match whatever the WWE is going to throw at him next.
You jumped the gun a bit there Justinsayne with the Jimmy Jacobs thread.

This weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Jimmy Jacobs


Finishing and signature moves

-Contra Code (Sitout springboard backflip three-quarter facelock diving reverse DDT)
-Berzerker Boot (Big boot)
-Berzerker Drop (Inverted double underhook facebuster)
-Sidewalk slam
-Camel clutch
-Spinning sitout powerbomb
-Yakuza Kick
-Snap suplex
-Springboard dropkick

With BJ Whitmer
-Doomsday Rana
-Powerbomb / Contra Code combination


-Becky Bayless

Championships and accomplishments

Championship Wrestling of Michigan
-CWM Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Jimmy Shalwin

Great Lakes All-Pro Wrestling
-GLAPW Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)

Great Lakes Wrestling
-GLW Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)

Independent Wrestling Association Mid-South
-IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-IWA Mid-South Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Independent Wrestling Federation of Michigan
-IWF Michigan Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)

Independent Wrestling Revolution
-IWR King of Indies Championship (1 time)
-IWR Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Amazing N8

Lakeshore Wrestling Organization
-LSWO Tag Team Championship (2 time) – with Jimmy Shalwin, and Gavin Starr

Midwest Pro Wrestling
-MPW Universal Championship (1 time)

National Wrestling Alliance
-NWA Indiana Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-NWA Iowa Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Powerhouse Championship Wrestling
-PCW Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)

Price of Glory Wrestling
-POG Grand Championship (1 time)
-Ultimate Ultimate Championship (1 time)

Pro Wrestling Federation
-PWF Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with The Blitzkrieg Kid

Ring of Honor
-ROH Tag Team Championship (2 time) – with BJ Whitmer

Thunder Zone Wrestling
-TZW Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)

Westside Xtreme wrestling
-wXw World Heavyweight Championshipship (2 time)

Xtreme Intense Championship Wrestling
-XICW Cruiserweight Championship (3 time)
-XICW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Gavin Starr


New Jimmy Jacobs Song

JImmy Jacobs and Lacey, Day 1

Jimmy Jacobs and Lacey, Day 2

Jimmy Jacobs and Lacey, Day 3

Jimmy Jacobs and Lacey, Day 4

Jimmy Jacobs throws IWA:Midsouth title in the Garbage


Jimmy Jacobs Vs. Ryan Bozz

Jimmy Jacobs Vs. Roderick Strong Vs. Alex Shelley

Jimmy Jacobs & El Diablo Vs. Sonjay Dutt & Cassidy Rielly

D.I.F.H. Vs. That 70's team

D.I.F.H. Vs. The Trailer Park Boyz

Jimmy Jacobs & BJ Whitmer Vs. Spanky & James Gibson

Jimmy Jacobs & Tyler Black Vs. Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley
Haha, Shadow if I knew you were going to have Jimmy Jacobs as your WOTW this week, then I probably never would have made my thread on him, but eh, you posted all the crucial bits of info, good choice btw:thumbsup:
I just watched that heal turn on the other Jimmy Jacobs thread, that was the most insane thing I have ever seen in the wrestling world. I never really was that interested in ROH untill I watched a 4 way match this morning, and then seeing that heal turn, I'd think i'd be best to start watching some of that shiyt!

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