Shadowmancer's Wrestler of the Week

This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Mick Foley


Finishing and signature moves
-Mandible Claw / Love Handle / Mr. Socko
-Double arm DDT
-Cactus Elbow (Diving elbow drop to the outside from the ring apron or from an elevated surface)
-Sweet Shin Music (Kick to the shin, parodying Shawn Michaels' Sweet Chin Music) - as Dude Love
-Cactus Jack Crack Smash (Diving senton splash to the outside from the ring apron)
-Stump-Puller Piledriver (Pulling texas piledriver)
-Cactus Knee Lift (Running knee to a seated opponent in the corner)
-Low angle double axe handle to the opponent's face while they are hung in the Tree of Woe
-Cactus clothesline
-Swinging neckbreaker, sometimes on the outside of the ring
-Two-handed bulldog
-Sunset flip
-Bite to the forehead

Signature foreign objects
-Mr. Socko (a sock puppet worn by Foley while performing the Mandible Claw) - not considered an illegal object, though it has been known to be wrapped in barbed wire
-Barbie (a wooden baseball bat or two by four wrapped in barbed wire)
-Fire chair (a steel chair wrapped with a towel covered in lighter fluid and then set ablaze)
-Two by four
-Barbed wire
-Board covered with barbed wire

Grand Lizard
Brian Hildebrand
Paul Bearer
Kevin Sullivan

Championships and accomplishments

Championship Wrestling Association
-CWA Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Gary Young

Eastern Championship Wrestling | Extreme Championship Wrestling
-ECW World Tag Team Championship (2 times) - with Mikey Whipwreck

Great Lakes Championship Wrestling
-GLCW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

International Wrestling Association of Japan
-IWA King of the Death Match in 1995
-IWA World Tag Team Championship (IWA Japan version) (1 time) - with Tracy Smothers

National Wrestling League
-NWL Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Ozark Mountain Wrestling
-OMW North American Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Steel City Wrestling
-SCW Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with The Blue Meanie

World Championship Wrestling
-WCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Kevin Sullivan

World Class Wrestling Association
-WCWA Light Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-WCWA Tag Team Championship (2 times) - with Scott Braddock (1) and Gary Young (1)

World Wrestling Federation
-WWF Championship (3 times, all as Mankind)
-WWF Hardcore Championship (1 time) (First, as Mankind)
-WWF World Tag Team Championship (8 times) - with Stone Cold Steve Austin (1) as Dude Love; Chainsaw Charlie (1) as Cactus Jack; Kane (2), Al Snow (1), and The Rock (3), as Mankind

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
-PWI Most Inspirational Wrestler of the Year award in 1993
-PWI Match of the Year award in 1998 - versus The Undertaker (Hell in a Cell) in 1998
-PWI Match of the Year award in 1999 - versus The Rock ("I Quit" match) in 1999
-PWI ranked him # 46 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the PWI Years in 2003.

Wrestling Observer Newsletter
-Best Brawler award in 1991
-Best Brawler award in 1992
-Best Brawler award in 1993
-Best Brawler award in 1994
-Best Brawler award in 1995
-Best on Interviews award in 1995
-Best Brawler award in 1996
-Best Brawler award in 1997
-Best Brawler award in 1998
-Best Brawler award in 1999
-Best Brawler award in 2000
-Feud of the Year award in 2000 – versus Triple H
-Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame (Class of 2000)
-Best on Interviews award in 2004
-Best on Interviews award in 2006

Other Titles
-OPWO (UK) World Championship (1 time)
-NAW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)


Mick Foley Tricks the Rock

The Rock, Mick Foley and Pie

The Rock returns to fight Evolution

Mick Foley Vs. Edge promo

Cactus Jack King of the Deathmatch Promos

Cactus Jack Anti-Hardcore promo montage

Cactus Jack promo on Tommy Dreamer

Mick Foley Anti-Hardcore promo on Tommy Dreamer

Cactus Jack and Raven promo on Tommy Dreamer

Mankind and Cactus Jack

Cactus Jack Matches:

Cactus Jack Vs. Wing Kanemura

Cactus Jack Vs. Vader

Cactus Jack Vs. Chris Adams

Cactus Jack Vs. Triple H pt.1
Cactus Jack Vs. Triple H pt.2
Cactus Jack Vs. Triple H pt.3

Cactus Jack & Abdullah the Butcher Vs. The Steiner Brothers

Cactus Jack Vs. Randy Orton pt.1
Cactus Jack Vs. Randy Orton pt.2
Cactus Jack Vs. Randy Orton pt.3
Cactus Jack Vs. Randy Orton pt.4

Cactus Jack Vs. Sting pt.1
Cactus Jack Vs. Sting pt.2

Cactus Jack Vs. The Sandman

Cactus Jack Vs. Terry Gordy

Cactus Jack Vs. Ricky Steamboat

Cactus Jack & Mr. Hughes Vs. Junkyard Dog & Ron Simmons pt.1
Jack & Mr. Hughes Vs. Junkyard Dog & Ron Simmons pt.2

Cactus Jack Vs. Kenta Kobashi

Cactus Jack Vs. Doug Gilbert pt.1
Cactus Jack Vs. Doug Gilbert pt.2

Cactus Jack Vs. Ron Simmons pt.1
Cactus Jack Vs. Ron Simmons pt.2

Cactus Jack Vs. Kevin Sullivan

Mankind Matches:

Mankind Vs. The Rock

Mankind Vs. Undertaker Vs. The Big Show Vs. The Rock Vs. Kane

Mankind Vs. Ken Shamrock Vs. The Rock

Mankind Vs. The Undertaker pt.1
Mankind Vs. The Undertaker pt.2
Mankind Vs. The Undertaker pt.3

Mankind Vs. Ken Shamrock

Mankind Vs. The Undertaker

Mankind & Kane Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin & The Undertaker

Mankind Vs. Shawn Michaels pt.1
Mankind Vs. Shawn Michaels pt.2
Mankind Vs. Shawn Michaels pt.3
Mankind Vs. Shawn Michaels pt.4

Mankind & The Undertaker Vs. Shawn Michaels & Triple H

Mankind Vs. The Rock pt.1
Mankind Vs. The Rock pt.2

Mankind Vs. The Undertaker pt.1
MAnkind Vs. The Undertaker pt.2

Mankind Vs. Triple H pt.1
Mankind Vs. Triple H pt.2

Mankind Vs. Triple H Vs. The Big Show Vs. Kane Vs. The Rock Vs. Davey Boy Smith pt.1
Mankind Vs. Triple H Vs. The Big Show Vs. Kane Vs. The Rock Vs. Davey Boy Smith pt.2
Mankind Vs. Triple H Vs. The Big Show Vs. Kane Vs. The Rock Vs. Davey Boy Smith pt.3

Mankind Vs. Kane

Mankind Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin Vs. Triple H pt.1
Mankind Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin Vs. Triple H pt.2
Mankind Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin Vs. Triple H pt.3

Dude Love Matches:

Dude Love Vs. The Rock

Dude Love Vs. Rock-a-Billy

Dude Love Vs. Davey Boy Smith

Dude Love Vs. Brian Pillman

Mick Foley Matches:

Mick Foley Vs. Edge pt.1
Mick Foley Vs. Edge pt.2

Mick Foley & The Rock Vs. Ric Flair & Randy Orton & Batista pt.1
Mick Foley & The Rock Vs. Ric Flair & Randy Orton & Batista pt.2

There are too many Mick Foley Matches out there and I know that I left off numerous ones from his feuds with Terry Funk, add them if you wish. I think I also have a good cross-Section of the Faces of Foley.
Ah, another hardcore legend! Good choice. Mankind and Dude Love were ok, but I'm in love with old school Cactus Jack. He had some great matches in ECW and on the Indy scene. My favorite match being Cactus v. Sabu. What a great old fashion hardcore match. Cactus came in from WCW to put over Sabu as the new generation of hardcore. Great moment and I have all the respect in the world for Foley for putting over Sabu at a time where he was still considered the king of hardcore.
I could only find one of Micks King of the Deathmatch tournament win. That is the Terry Gordy match. I would love to put in the other ones but I can't find them. I apologise for the crap version of the Mind Games match in there, it was the only one I could find. But I feel you can all understand why I only put up this reduced number of matches as there are 36 matches there and then you have the promos as well. that is a lot to watch.

P.S. 1500th post.
Glad the KOTDM matces are missing. There fucking awful. Garbage wrestling at it's worst. It's a shame that Mick Foley is known for them.

Great choice. I always thought Dude Love was the best of his gimmicks. It's harder to make a truly creepy gimmick that it is a deranged one. Foley pulled it off well.
Honestly this is a very good choice because i loved all of his gimmicks and he pulled them all off very well. Like Jake i also do believe i loved his Dude Love gimmick the best because all his other gimmicks were like Hardcore and his dude love one was just awkward, and wasnt a so called freak like Mankind and Cactus Jack. He was a hardcore legend and possibly the best in that regards, he IMO had those great Mic skills and was able to cut a promo like no other, well better than most. Anyways another good choice here because its great watching him get destroyed and brutally beaten.
This weeks Wrestler of the week is: Kid Kash


Finishing and signature moves
-Dead Level (Brainbuster)
-Money Maker (Double underhook piledriver)
-Double jump moonsault
-Springboard front flip dropkick
-Money Roll (Modified suplex slam)
-Bankruptcy (Elevated cradle neckbreaker)
-K.O.D. – Kash On Delivery (Elevated boston crab)
-Money Drop (Scoop slam onto the knee)
-Bank Roll (Turnbuckle climb into a rebounded corkscrew senton onto a standing opponent)
-Smash Mouth (Steel chair thrown into the opponent's face)
-Frog splash
-Diving hurricanrana
-Inverted facelock backbreaker

Championships and accomplishments

Extreme Championship Wrestling
-ECW World Television Championship (1 time)

Juggalo Championshit Wrestling
-JCW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Memphis Wrestling
-MW Southern Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Ricky Morton

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling
-NWA World Tag Team Championship (2 times) - with Dallas
-TNA X Division Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling Council
-WWC Junior Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling Entertainment
-WWE Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)

X Wrestling Federation
-XWF World Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)

XtraWrestle Federation
-XWF World Cruiserweight Championship On Xtrawrestle Roleplay (1 time)


Kid Kash on being Awesome on the Mic


Kid Kash Vs. Jamie Noble Vs. Paul London Vs. Brian Kendrick

Kid Kash Vs. EZ Money

Kid Kash Vs. Abyss

Kid Kash & Trinity Vs. Amazing Red & Alexis Laree

Kid Kash Vs. Juventud

Kid Kash Vs. Jonny Storm

Kid Kash Vs. Mike Awesome

Kid Kash Vs. Low Ki

Kid Kash & Jamie Noble Vs. The Mexicools

Kid Kash Vs. Vic Grimes

Kid Kash Vs. Raven

Kid Kash Vs. Funaki Vs. Nunzio Vs. Jamie Noble Vs. Paul London Vs. Gregory Helms

Kid Kash Vs. Paul London

Kid Kash & Lance Hoyt & Monty Brown Vs. Jeff Hardy & AJ Styles & Ron Killings pt.1
Kid Kash & Lance Hoyt & Monty Brown Vs. Jeff Hardy & AJ Styles & Ron Killings pt.2

Kid Kash & Lance Hoyt Vs. Cassidy Riley & Jerrelle Clark

Kid Kash Vs. Alex Shelley Vs. AJ Styles Vs. Chris Sabin Vs. Kazarian Vs. Amazing Red

Kid Kash Vs. Christopher Daniels Vs. Low Ki

Kid Kash Vs. Tajiri

Kid Kash Vs. Brian Kendrick Vs. Idol Stevens

Kid Kash & Jamie Noble Vs. Paul London & Brian Kendrick

Kid Kash Vs. Jason Jett

Kid Kash Vs. Gregory Helms Vs. Paul London Vs. Nunzio Vs. Funaki Vs. Brian Kendrick Vs. Scotty 2 Hotty Vs. Super Crazy Vs. Psicosis
I really wish Kash wasn't such a dick. He has the talent and charisma to go far. Unfortunatley he never will because he doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut and just get on with his job. He would have had multiple tag and cruiser title reigns by now if he knew how to behave.
Ya, the attitude of this guys sucks, but there is no denying the talent that he possesses. I haven't seen too much of Kash on the indy's to make a fair evaluation of him, but I liked his early TNA stuff. the WWE never used him right, so I fail to make an opinion on any cruiserweight during their WWE tenures.

Where is Kash wrestling now anyways?
He's wrestling wherever he wants. He's walking the earth entertaining simple minded wrestling fans. And he's doing it lazily. No wonder WWE aren't intrested in signing him. The last few matches I've looked up of him have been really sloppy.
This weeks Wrestler of the Week is: "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig


Finishing and signature moves

-Perfect-Plex / Hennig-Plex (Fisherman suplex pin with knuckle lock)
-Perfect-Plex II / Hennig-Plex II (Belly to back suplex pin)
-Perfect DDT / Hennig DDT (Leg cradle DDT)
-Rolling neck snap
-Swinging knee lift
-Backhand chop
-Standing dropkick / Running dropkick
-Atomic drop
-Indian deathlock variation
-Figure four leglock

-Bobby Heenan
-Rick Rude
-The Genius

Championships and accomplishments

American Wrestling Association

-AWA World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-AWA World Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Scott Hall

Future of Wrestling

-FOW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

i-Generation Superstars of Wrestling

-i-Generation Heavyweight Championship (2 times)

Main Event Championship Wrestling

-MECW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Pacific Northwest Wrestling

-NWA Pacific Northwest Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Championship (2 times) - with Larry Hennig (1) and Buddy Rose (1)

World Championship Wrestling

-WCW United States Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-WCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Barry Windham

World Wrestling Council

-WWC Universal Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling Federation | World Wrestling Entertainment
-WWE Hall of Fame (Class of 2007)
-WWF Intercontinental Championship (2 times)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated

-PWI Most Improved Wrestler of the Year award in 1987
-PWI ranked him # 13 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the year in the PWI 500 in 1991
-PWI ranked him # 55 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the PWI Years in 2003.
-PWI ranked him # 98 of the 100 best tag teams of the PWI Years with Scott Hall in 2003.

Wrestling Observer Newsletter

-Most Improved Wrestler award in 1983



Curt Hennig Interview

Curt Hennig & The Genius on Regis

Curt Hennig Speaks, nWo Talk

Curt Hennig Tears apart WMC studio

Curt Hennig and Rick rude on the Mic


Curt Hennig Vs. Dean Malenko

Curt Hennig Vs. Chris Benoit

Curt Hennig Vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler pt.1
Curt Hennig Vs. Jerry "The King" Lawler pt.2

Curt Hennig Vs. Tiger Mask II pt.1
Curt Hennig Vs. Tiger Mask II pt.2

"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig Vs. Tito Santana pt.1
Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig Vs. Tito Santana pt.1

Curt Hennig Vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Curt Hennig Vs. Bill Goldberg

Curt Hennig Vs. The Giant

"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig Vs. "Jumping" Jim Brunzell pt.1
"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig Vs. "Jumping" Jim Brunzell pt.2

Curt Hennig Vs. Ric Flair pt.1
Curt Hennig Vs. Ric Flair pt.2

"Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig Vs. Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake pt.1
"Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig Vs. Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake pt.2

Curt Hennig Vs. Bret Hart pt.1
Curt Hennig Vs. Bret Hart pt.2

Curt Hennig Vs. British Bulldog

Curt Hennig Vs. Diamond Dallas Page pt.1
Curt Hennig Vs. Diamond Dallas Page pt.2

Curt Hennig Vs. Sam Houston

Curt Hennig Vs. M. Wallstreet

Curt Hennig Vs. Steve "Mongo" McMichael

Curt Hennig Vs. SD "Special Delivery" Jones pt.1
Curt Hennig Vs. SD "Special Delivery" Jones pt.2

Curt Hennig Vs. Ric Flair

Curt Hennig Vs. Disco Inferno

Curt Hennig Vs. Bobby Eaton

Curt Hennig Vs. Macho Man Randy Savage

Curt Hennig Vs. Lex Luger

Curt Hennig Vs. Mortis

Curt Hennig Vs. Greg Gagne

Curt Hennig Vs. Booker T

Curt Hennig Vs. Jim Neidhart

Curt Hennig Vs. Ray Traylor

Curt Hennig Vs. Jeff Jarrett pt.1
Curt Hennig Vs. Jeff Jarrett pt.2

"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig Vs. Rob Van Dam

Curt Hennig Vs. Ric Flair pt.1
Curt Hennig Vs. Ric Flair pt.2
Curt Hennig Vs. Ric Flar pt.3

Curt Hennig Vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Curt Hennig Vs. Yuji Nagata

Curt Hennig Vs. Super Calo

Curt Hennig Vs. Rick Steiner

"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

Curt Hennig Vs. Rick Gatner

Curt Hennig Vs. Chris Jericho

"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig Vs. "Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich pt.1
"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig Vs. "Texas Tornado" Kerry Von Erich pt.2

"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig Vs. Bret Hart pt.1
"Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig Vs. Bret Hart pt.2

Too many matches to put in properly
Great pick.

Curt is the greatest Intercontinetal Champion of all time. His charisma and technical ability was unmatched. I love his matches from Summerslam and KOTR with Bret Hart, they are two of my all time favorite matches.

I am from Minnesota so my opinion might be biased but I think Henning is a top 15 all time performer. He literally owned the IC belt for some time.
This is a great pick. Curt Hennig is one of my all time favorite wrestlers, his in ring ability and charisma was matched by no one. Like what the person above me said he could possibly the greatest IC champion ever. He could be possibly one of the most charismatic and technically sound wrestlers to ever lace up a pair of boots. I have enjoyed most of his matches i loved his matches with Flair and Dean Malenko, Hennig could get a good match out of most people quite frankly Hennig was "Perfect"
How can you not love Mr. Perfect. It's just a shame that so many of these guys I grew up watching and idolizing are no longer here. You get the feeling after watching Bret's DVD that this death really really shook him to the core.

The guy was so cocky and arrogant, even as a heel, you liked him. The vignettes with him are still some of the best ever to hype up a wrestler. Hennig was also damn good on a microphone and as an announcer.

One of the things I remember most, was just how good he was pissing off Hulk Hogan. That was amazing to watch him destroy the WWF championship when he stole it.

I could go on and on about Curt. The guy was just great all around, and it really really sucks that he isn't here anymore. I think the guy probably could still perform today, and who knows, he may have eventually gotten a world title run in the WWE that he so richly deserved.
Perfect choice Shadowmancer lol. Curt Hennig is one of the top candidates that deserved a WWE/F World title run, but didn't get one(at least he was AWA World Champion). He was one of the few guys in the wrestling business that had great in-ring ability and great charisma and mic skills. The wrestler that is the closest to being a modern day Mr. Perfect has to be Kurt Angle(Kurt and Curt lol), he also has the ring skills and charisma, but unlike Hennig, Angle is recognized has a main eventer and has obviously won numerous World Championships in his Career thus far. That makes me think about if Hennig was alive today and was a bit younger, would he have similar accomplishments as Angle? It is a shame that he passed away, he could have been still wrestling today or even helping the younger guys in the business by giving advice and help training them.
Mr. Perfect. Now there was a great wrestler. I firmly believe that no one else would have been able to play the Mr. Perfect character as well as Curt Hennig did. He was nearly flawless in the ring and he was gold on the mic. He had some of the best facial expressions in the ring. And I must say, the he had hands down the best little vignettes that have ever been made- Who else can throw a touchdown pass to himself? Now that's perfect.
This Weeks Wrestler of the Week: Little Guido/ Nunzio


Finishing and signature moves
-Sicilian Slice (Diving leg drop bulldog) - ECW / WWE
-Arrivederci (Springboard armbar takedown) - WWE
-Sicilian Drop (Inverted double underhook facebuster)
-Sicilian Crab (Seated elevated stretch muffler)
-Second-rope front missile dropkick
-Cross armbreaker
-Fujiwara armbar

Signature taunts
-The fangul
-Points finger at his head, indicating he is smarter than his opponent.

-The Sicilian Shooter
-The Extreme Stud
-The Pugnacious Pisant

-Tommy Rich

Championships and accomplishments

Chaotic Wrestling
-CW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Luis Ortiz

Extreme Championship Wrestling
-ECW World Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Tony Mamaluke (1), and Tracy Smothers (1)

USA Pro Wrestling
-USA Pro United States Championship (1 time)
-USA Pro Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Kid Kruel

World Wrestling Entertainment
-WWE Cruiserweight Championship (2 times)


JT Smith & Little Guido buy a Cheesesteak


Little Guido Vs. Taz

Little Guido Vs. Tajiri Vs. Super Crazy

Little Guido Vs. Tajiri Vs. Mickey Whipwreck Vs. Psicosis

Little Guido & Tracy Smothers Vs. Blue Meanie & Nova

Little Guido Vs. Tajiri Vs. Super Crazy

Nunzio Vs. Rey Mysterio

Nunzio & JT Smith Vs. D-Von & Buh-Buh Ray Dudley pt.1
Nunzio & JT Smith Vs. D-Von & Buh-Buh Ray Dudley pt.2

Little Guido & Tony Mamaluke Vs. Jeff & Matt Hardy

Nunzio Vs. Johnny Nitro

Nunzio Vs. Paul London

Nunzio Vs. Kevin Thorne

Nunzio Vs. Paul Burchill

Nunzio Vs. Super Crazy

Nunzio & Johnny Stamboli Vs. John Cena

Nunzio & Elijah Burke Vs. Jesse & Festus

Nunzio Vs. Juventud

Nunzio Vs. Mike Knox

Nunzio Vs. Kid Kash Vs. Funaki Vs. Jamie Noble Vs. Paul London Vs. Gregory Helms

Nunzio Vs. The Miz

Little Guido Vs. Stevie Richards

Nunzio Vs. Funaki

F.B.I Vs. Rikishi & Scotty 2 Hotty & Orlando Jordan
Another ECW boy, good pick Shadow. I always loved the FBI- all of the combinations were good. I personally loved the combination of Guido and Smothers. Absolute comedy. Guido had a very good presence in the ring, interacted well with the crowd and played his character well.
I sure wish I could speak more on him. I wasn't a big ECW guy when he was a mainstay there, and when I've known him he's annoyed me. I thought Big Vito did the Italian stereotype in WCW far better than this guy did. Overall, I think he belongs on the best jobber poll.
This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: The Honky Tonk Man


Finishing and signature moves
-Shake, Rattle and Roll (Swinging Neckbreaker with a hip-swiveling dance in the middle)
-Guitar shot

-Danny Davis
-Jimmy Hart
-Judd the Studd
-Peggy Sue
-Judge Lawless
-Gentleman Jim Holiday

Wrestlers managed

Championships and accomplishments

All Pro Wrestling
-APW Universal Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Continental Wrestling Association
-AWA Southern Tag Team Championship (4 times) - with Larry Latham (3) and Tojo Yamamoto (1)

Mid-Eastern Wrestling Federation
-MEWF Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

NWA Mid-America
-NWA Mid-America Tag Team Championship (3 times) - with Larry Latham

Northern States Wrestling Alliance
-NSWA Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Greg Valentine

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
-PWI ranked him # 263 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the "PWI Years" in 2003.

Southeastern Championship Wrestling
-NWA Alabama Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-NWA Southeast Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-NWA Southeast Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Ron Starr
-NWA Southeast United States Junior Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Stampede Wrestling
-Stampede International Tag Team Championship (3 times) - with Ron Starr (2) and The Cuban Assassain (1)
-Stampede North American Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling Council
-WWC Caribbean Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling Federation
-WWF Intercontinental Championship (1 time)(Longest reigning Interconinental Champion in history)

XJAM Pro Wrestling
-XJAM Champion (Sep 2007-Current)



Honky Tonk Man and Fabulous Rougeau Brothers Promo

Honky Tonk Man on The Snake Pit

Honky Tonk Man Interview


The Honky Tonk Man Vs. Ricky Steamboat

The Honky Tonk Man Vs. The Ultimate Warrior

The Honky Tonk Man Vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

The Honky Tonk Man Vs. Verne Siebert

The Honky Tonk Man Vs. "Dr. D" David Schultz

The Honky Tonk Man Vs. The Ultimate Warrior

The Honky Tonk Man & Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart Vs. The Junkyard Dog & Davey Boy Smith & Tito Santana pt.1
The Honky Tonk Man & Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart Vs. The Junkyard Dog & Davey Boy Smith & Tito Santana pt.2

The Honky Tonk Man Vs. Bulldog Bob Brown

The Honky Tonk Man & "Diamond" Timothy Flowers Vs. Sgt. Tomko & Dean Ho

The Honky Tonk Man & Marko Estrada Vs. Mr. Suave & Raven

The Honky Tonk Man Vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts pt.1
The Honky Tonk Man Vs. Jake "The Snake" Roberts pt.2

The Honky Tonk Man & Ron Bass & King Harley Race & Dangerous Danny Davis & Hercules Vs. The Macho Man Randy Savage & Ricky Steamboat & Jake "The Snake" Roberts & Brutus "The Barber" Beefcakee & Hacksaw Jim Duggan pt.1
The Honky Tonk Man & Ron Bass & King Harley Race & Dangerous Danny Davis & Hercules Vs. The Macho Man Randy Savage & Ricky Steamboat & Jake "The Snake" Roberts & Brutus "The Barber" Beefcakee & Hacksaw Jim Duggan pt.2
The Honky Tonk Man & Ron Bass & King Harley Race & Dangerous Danny Davis & Hercules Vs. The Macho Man Randy Savage & Ricky Steamboat & Jake "The Snake" Roberts & Brutus "The Barber" Beefcakee & Hacksaw Jim Duggan pt.3

The Honky Tonk Man Vs. The Macho Man Randy Savage

The Honky Tonk Man & The Macho Man Randy Savage Vs. Hulk Hogan & Ricky Steamboat

The Honky Tonk Man Vs. Hulk Hogan

And here is a funny that I found while searching through for matches.
Honky Tonk Man Sign Gets taken

The thread is now all ready for your thoughts on this great Wrestler.
Great pick. No one expected him to take the IC title yet alone have the longest reign ever. That reign was historic despite the way he lost it.

Whats with that sign getting snagged? I don't understand why they had to take it.
I think Honky is one of the most entertaining wrestlers of all time. When he's doing media interviews.

As a wrestler though he sucked. Fuckin' terrible. I loved him with Jimmy Hart though. There selling of Beefcake cutting Harts hair is brilliant.

I've always been on the fence as to weather The Warrior defeating himeasily was a good thing or bad thing.
Cheesy Elvis character, but this man translated it into one of the best heels ever. He wasn't evil, just obnoxious. And Jimmy Hart was the perfect manager for him.

Jake's right about the reign, I am also on the fence about a two-minute match after the (still) longest IC Title reign of all time. I have to check, but I wonder if you take the Texas Tornado hiccup out of Mr. Perfect's reign and The Marty Jannetty incident out of Shawn Michaels', is HTM still the longest ever?

I loved him wth Greg Valentine and thought Rhythm and Blues was a fun tag team.
\ I loved him wth Greg Valentine and thought Rhythm and Blues was a fun tag team.

Oh shit! I almost forgot about Rhythym & Blues! Now that was a comedy tag team. They were entertaining as hell, which proves the value of HTM since Greg Valentine was a little on the boring side.

HTM was one of my favorite wrestlers as a child. He was so over the top and so obnoxious that people had to pay attention. He demanded heat regardless of his skills in the ring.
Another Old School Wrestler this week.

This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Sgt. Slaughter


Finishing and signature moves

-Cobra Clutch
-Slaughter Cannon (Lariat)
-Super Slaughter Cannon (Top rope lariat)
-Camel clutch
-Bear hug
-Atomic Noogie (Grinding knuckles to the temple)


-Lord Alfred Hayes
-Bobby "The Brain" Heenan
-The Grand Wizard
-General Adnan
-Oliver Humperdink

Championships and accomplishments

American Wrestling Association

-AWA America's Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-AWA British Empire Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Central States Wrestling

-NWA Central States Heavyweight Championship (3 times)

Maple Leaf Wrestling

-NWA Canadian Heavyweight Championship (Toronto version) (1 time)

Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling

-NWA United States Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
-NWA World Tag Team Championship (Mid-Atlantic version) (1 time) - with Don Kernodle

NWA Tri-State

-NWA United States Tag Team Championship (Tri-State Version) (1 time) - with Buck Robley

World Wrestling Federation | World Wrestling Entertainment

-WWE Hall of Fame (Class of 2004)
-WWF Championship (1 time)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated

-PWI Most Inspirational Wrestler of the Year award in 1984
-PWI Most Hated Wrestler of the Year award in 1991
-PWI ranked him # 34 of the 500 best singles wrestlers during the "PWI Years" in 2003.
-PWI ranked him # 29 of the 100 best tag teams of the "PWI Years" with Don Kernodle in 2003.

Wrestling Observer Newsletter

-Match of the Year award in 1981 - vs. Pat Patterson

Other Titles

-NWF American Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-USA Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Championship (1 time)


All Steamed Up

Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Big foot

Sgt. Slaughter GI Joe Commercial


Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Pat Patterson pt.1
Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Pat Patterson pt.2

Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Antonio Inoki

Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Randy Orton

Sgt. Slaughter Vs. The Ultimate Warrior

Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Rick McGraw

Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Hulk Hogan pt.1
Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Hulk Hogan pt.2
Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Hulk Hogan pt.3

Sgt. Slaughter & Superfly Jimmy Snuka Vs. Deuce & Domino pt.1
Sgt. Slaughter & Superfly Jimmy Snuka Vs. Deuce & Domino pt.2

Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Mike Moore

Sgt. Slaughter Vs. The Iron Sheik

Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Ric Flair

Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Bob Backlund

Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Hacksaw Jim Duggan

Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Hulk Hogan pt.1
Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Hulk Hogan pt.2
Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Hulk Hogan pt.3
Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Hulk Hogan pt.4

Sgt. Slaughter Vs. Nikolai Volkoff

Sgt. Slaughter & General Adnan & The Undetaker Vs. Hulk Hogan & The Ultimate Warrior

Im surprised by the lack of matches on YouTube for Sgt. Slaughter as He is one of the Greats of Wrestling History.
Alright Shadow, great choice, Slaughter was great especially in his heel run in the early 90's, he was one of the most over heels in the history of WWE if I remember right, and he's the only wrestler that I have ever met, though briefly, I can say that I did indeed meet the guy, and he seemed like pretty good guy, I'm looking forward to watching the matches, again great choice, can't wait to see who you pick next week

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