Shadowmancer's Wrestler of the Week

This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Eddie Guerrero


Finishing and signature moves

As Eddie Guerrero
-Frog splash
-Lasso From El Paso (Elevated Texas cloverleaf or modified side figure four leglock)
-Three Amigos (Rolling vertical suplexes)
-Hilo (Slingshot senton)
-Splash Mountain (Sitout crucifix powerbomb)
-European uppercut
-Gory special
-Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker
-Tornado DDT
-Sunset flip powerbomb
-Spinning headscissors
-Camel clutch
-Spinning crucifix into a neckbreaker slam - mid-1990's

As Black Tiger
-Black Tiger Bomb (Sitout crucifix powerbomb)
-Super Black Tiger Bomb (Second rope crucifix bomb)
-Tornado DDT
-Slingshot senton
-Black Tiger driver (Tombstone Piledriver)

-Latino Heat

Championships and accomplishments

Asistencia Asesoria y Administracion
AAA/IWC World Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with "Love Machine" Art Barr

Extreme Championship Wrestling
ECW World Television Championship (2 times)

Independent Wrestling Association: Mid-South
IWA Mid-South Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Latin American Wrestling Association
LAWA Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

New Japan Pro Wrestling
NJPW Junior Heavyweight Super Grade Tag League Championship (1 time) - with The Great Sasuke
Super J Cup Winner in 1996

Pro Wrestling Federation
PWF World Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Hector Guerrero

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI Comeback of the Year award in 1999
PWI Most Inspirational Wrestler of the Year award in 2002
PWI Most Inspirational Wrestler of the Year award in 2004
PWI ranked him # 81 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the PWI Years in 2003.
PWI ranked him # 18 of the 100 best tag teams of the PWI Years with Art Barr as Los Gringos Locos in 2003.
PWI ranked him # 2 in the PWI 500 list in 2004
PWI Editor's Award in 2005

World Championship Wrestling
WCW Cruiserweight Championship (2 times)
WCW United States Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling All-Stars
WWA International Cruiserweight Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling Association
WWA World Welterweight Championship (1 time)
WWA World Trios Championship (1 time) - with Chavo Guerrero & Mando Guerrero

World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment
WWE Championship (1 time)
WWE Hall of Fame (Class of 2006)
WWE Tag Team Championship (4 times) - with Chavo Guerrero (2), Tajiri (1) and Rey Mysterio (1)
WWE United States Championship (1 time)
WWF European Championship (2 times)
WWF Intercontinental Championship (2 times)
Eleventh Triple Crown Champion
Fifth Grand Slam Champion

Wrestling Observer
5 Star Match: with Art Barr vs. El Hijo del Santo and Octagón (AAA When Worlds Collide – November 6, 1994 – Hair v. Masks Match)
Feud of the Year award in 1994 – with Art Barr vs. El Hijo del Santo and Octagón
Tag Team of the Year award in 1994 – with Art Barr as La Pareja del Terror
Feud of the Year award in 1995 – vs. Dean Malenko
Tag Team of the Year award in 2002 – with Chavo Guerrero as Los Guerreros
Most Charismatic award in 2004
Best on Interviews award in 2005
Most Charismatic award in 2005
Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame Class of 2006


Brock Lesnar and Eddie Guerrero promo

Brock Lesnar and Eddie Guerrero promo

Eddie Guerrero outside the ropes

Eddie Guerrero RoH promo


Eddie Guerrero Vs. Terry Funk

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Chyna Vs. Kurt Angle

Eddie Guerrero & China Vs. Essa Rios & Lita

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Matt Hardy

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Misterio Jnr. Vs. CM Punk

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Juventud Guerrera

Eddie Guerrero Vs. John Cena

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Mr. Kennedy, Eddies last match

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Chris Benoit pt.1
Eddie Guerrero Vs. Chris Benoit pt.2

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Doug Williams

Eddie Guerrero & Rey Mysterio Vs. Kurt Angle & Luther Reigns

Eddie Guerrero & Brock Lesnar Vs. Rob Van Dam and Bubba Ray Dudley

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Misterio Jnr. pt.1
Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Misterio Jnr. pt.2

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Mysterio pt.1
Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Mysterio pt.2

Eddie Guerrero Vs. The Rock

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Brian Pillman

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Jeff Hardy

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Chavo Guerrero

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Booker T pt.1
Eddie Guerrero Vs. Booker T pt.2

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Brock Lesnar pt.1
Eddie Guerrero Vs. Brock Lesnar pt.2
Eddie Guerrero Vs. Brock Lesnar pt.3
Eddie Guerrero Vs. Brock Lesnar pt.4

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Chavo Guerrero pt.1
Eddie Guerrero Vs. Chavo Guerrero pt.2
Eddie Guerrero Vs. Chavo Guerrero pt.3

Eddie Guerrero Vs. JBL

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Mysterio

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Kurt Angle

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Mysterio

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Low Ki

Black Tiger (Eddie Guerrero) Vs. Wild Pegasus(Chris Benoit)

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rob Van Dam

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Lex Luger

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Ultimo Dragon

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rick Martel

Eddie Guerrero Vs. 2 Col Scorpio

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Super Crazy

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Rey Misterio Jnr.

Eddie Guerrero Vs. Ric Flair
Well, Eddie simply put was just amazing.

He was a wrestling machine and just put on great matches constantly.He impressed me on the mic.I loved the whole I lie, I cheat, I steal thing.He was an amazing athlete all around.Watching those matches makes me realize how much he will be missed.
You gotta love Eddie Guerrero. Personally, I wasn't a big fan of his early this decade, because of the rumors of all the drug use and all of that. I was happy to see that he cleaned up, and was rewarded with the title.

His in ring ability is top notch. What a class of guys that were brought into the States at the same time, Benoit, Guerrero, Jericho, Malenko, the talent at the midcard level in the mid 90's was so damn deep, and it's what made wrestling so damn enjoyable from 02-04, plus they started to drop the kayfabe bullshit too.

Of course it is tragic that someone died so young. Guerrero was just hitting his peak as an overall main eventer, and probably would have had another title run.
alot of people over look the eddie vs angle match at wrestlemania 20 and it was a very solid all around match
Nice pick this week Shadow. Eddie was one of those wrestlers that fans would fall in love with because of his comedic ways, his good heart, and his great technical in-ring skills. The fans loved his "Lie, Cheat, and Steal" gimmick and that is what I believe put him into the Main Event level that he definitely deserved. He had all kinds of different moves(Technical, Luchadore, and Power) and he would pull all of them off perfectly during his matches, and it was entertaining watching him in the ring knowing that he could do all these maneuvers when most wrestlers could barely do moves in one of those categories. Eddie is greatly missed by millions of fans and you could only wonder where he would be at in his WWE career right now. I find this a bit coincidental because Shadowmancer picked Eddie on the same week that Benoit died, it is weird how things add up in the world.
Here is the Next Wrestler of the Week this one is up slightly late but anyway this was going to be Benoit until I figured that it would turn into a stupid argument over Benoits memory.

This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Booker T


Finishing and signature moves
-Scissors kick
-Book End (Kneeling side slam)
-Harlem Sidekick / Houston Sidekick (Jumping superkick)
-Harlem Hangover / Houston Hangover (Top rope somersault legdrop)
-Missile dropkick / Heat Seeker - WWE / WCW
-110th Street Slam (Kneeling flapjack spinebuster or high-impact delayed spinebuster)
-Spin-A-Roonie (Breakdance windmill)
-Booker T Knee Drop (Running knee drop with theatrics) - 2003
-Arm twist followed by a hook kick
-Sidewalk slam

-Queen Sharmell
-Shane McMahon
-Sister Sherri
-Col. Robert Parker

-The Iron Man of WCW
-The 5-Time, 5-Time, 5-Time, 5-Time, 5-Time WCW Champion
-The Master of the Spin-A-Roonie
-King of the World - As King Booker
-The Champion of Champions - As King Booker
-King and Ruler of the RAW Kingdom - As King Booker
-The Booker Man

Signature Phrases
As Booker T
-Can you dig it, Sucka?
-Don't hate the player, hate the game!
-Save the drama for your mama!
-You didn't say that... Tell me you didn't just say that!
-You damn skippy, hippy!
-Come on homie, don't ya know me

As King Booker
-Your King and Ruler
-The King and Ruler of the RAW Kingdom
-Bow down to your King and Queen
-(Speaking formally in English accent to Theodore Long) Thaddeus... (Long would reply, usually followed by,) Ah, hell no, Teddy!
-Kiss my ring/ royal feet

Championships and accomplishments

Global Wrestling Federation
GWF Tag Team Championship (3 times) - with Stevie Ray

Las Vegas Pro Wrestling
LVPW UWF Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
Tag Team of the Year award in 1995 - with Stevie Ray
Tag Team of the Year award in 1996 - with Stevie Ray
PWI Most Improved Wrestler of the Year award in 1998
PWI ranked him # 7 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in the 1998.
PWI Most Inspirational Wrestler of the Year award in 2000
PWI ranked him # 5 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2001.
PWI ranked him # 14 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2002.
PWI ranked him # 7 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2003.
PWI ranked him # 133 of the 500 best singles wrestlers of the "PWI Years" in 2003
PWI ranked him # 62 of the 100 best tag teams of the "PWI Years" with Stevie Ray in 2003.
PWI ranked him # 24 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2004.
PWI ranked him # 20 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2005.
PWI ranked him # 19 of the 500 best singles wrestlers in the PWI 500 in 2006

World Championship Wrestling
WCW World Heavyweight Championship (4 times)
WCW United States Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
WCW World Television Championship (6 times)
WCW World Tag Team Championship (11 times) - with Stevie Ray (10) Test (1; won during The Invasion under the WWF umbrella)

World Wrestling Federation / Entertainment
WCW World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
WWE Intercontinental Championship (1 time)
WWE United States Championship (3 times)
WWF Hardcore Championship (2 times)
WWF/E World Tag Team Championship (3 times) - with Test (1), Goldust (1), and Rob Van Dam (1)
World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
King of the Ring winner in 2006
Champion of Champions winner in 2006
Sixteenth WWE Triple Crown Champion

Wrestling Observer Newsletter
Most Underrated Wrestler award in 2002


Booker T Vs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

Booker T Vs. Goldberg

King Booker Vs. Matt Hardy

Booker T Vs. Scott Steiner pt.1
Booker T Vs. Scott Steiner pt.2

Booker T Vs. The Rock pt.1
Booker T Vs. The Rock pt.2
Booker T Vs. The Rock pt.3

Booker T Vs. Kane

Booker T Vs. Sting

Booker T Vs. Bret Hart pt.1
Booker T Vs. Bret Hart pt.2

Booker T Vs. Rick Martel

Booker T Vs. Rick Martel

Booker T Vs. Eddie Guerrero pt.1
Booker T Vs. Eddie Guerrero pt.2

Booker T Vs. Perry Saturn pt.1
Booker T Vs. Perry Saturn pt.2

Booker T Vs. Jeff Hardy

Booker T Vs. Brock Lesnar

Booker T Vs. Lex Luger

Booker T Vs. Jeff Jarrett

Booker T Vs. Disco Inferno

Booker T Vs. Curt Hennig

Booker T Vs. Perry Saturn

Booker T Vs. Meng

Booker T Vs. Raven

Booker T Vs. Mortis

Booker T Vs. Steven Regal

Booker T Vs. Scotty Riggs

Booker T Vs. Mick Foley Vs. Randy Orton Vs. John Cena Vs. Bobby Lashley

Booker T Vs. Big Show

Booker T Vs. Scott Steiner

Booker T Vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage

Booker T Vs. Fit Finley pt.1
Booker T Vs. Fit Finley pt.2

Booker T Vs. Scott Hall

Booker T Vs. Buff Bagwell

Booker T Vs. Kurt Angle
Great choice. It's a shame there's no Harlem heat matches. That is personally when I felt he was in his prime. There's some great matches on You Tube.
Again Shadow, another Great Choice here. Booker T is one of those guys you have to respect the hell out of. I think he is very similar to Edge with being one of those guys that just came out of nowhere to take over the main event scene.

He used to be really bad ass with Harlem Heat. He slowed his game down a little bit in his singles career, but still a solid performer. I think the thing I'm going to remember the most from WCW Booker is his best of seven series with Chris Benoit. What an amazing series of matches for the WCW TV Title. They even try to rekindle that in WWE on Smackdown a few years back for the U.S. Title. Benoit Booker will go down as one of my favorite feuds ever.

I'm glad to see that Booker actually made the transition, and has done very well for himself in the WWE. He's one of those rare guys that wins a world title with another company, and the WWE puts a world title on him. I think maybe the list is only Flair, Benoit, Booker, the Giant, and Goldberg, (Guys that one titles first in another company, then the WWE.)

And of course, King Booker maybe one of the funniest gimmicks ever.

*on a side not Shadow, if you want to do Benoit, do him. I am going to put a zero tolerance on the Benoit bashing in this thread if you do it. Your wrestler of the week stuff is about the wrestler, not the person. If people aren't old enough or mature enough not to bash, then they won't be tolerated by me. Do what you will good sir.
Booker T.......I mean King Booker is a great all around wrestler that deserves more time in the spotlight in the WWE(Those couple of months that he held the World title doesn't cut it for me). He is the reason why I started watching WCW in 2000, he won the WCW world title 5 times! 5 times! 5 times! 5 times! 5 times! Lol, sorry i had to do it. I found him so entertaining and thought he was very unique compared to all of the other WCW stars(There were great WCW stars but they didn't bring the spunk and attitude that Booker T had when he was pushed to the main event level). I always found WCW to be more boring than WWE, but when I saw Booker T as the WCW Champion, he brought a whole new light into the company before it was bought out by Vince McMahon. Of course, McMahon made him a mid- carder for the most of his WWE career and is recently finally being brought back into the main event level that he rightfully deserves. His King Booker gimmick is pretty funny, but is getting old, he needs to go back to being Booker T soon. Great pick Shadowmancer.
Booker T is great and can really work a crowd. Outside the ring, he's down to earth and gives back to the fans. His head has always been in the right place. When Booker drops this ******ed "King BoooKaaa" schtick, expect a face turn. He'll probably change his image a little bit. Hell, maybe he'll style his hair back to when he was in Harlem Heat. You know what I'm talkin' about...the Eddie Murphy fade... ahhh yes...those were the days. And of course the spin-a-rooni has to come back. That was once WCW's answer to the People's Eyebrow. All in all, Booker T is our generation's Bobo Brazil. He's a pioneer, a great athlete, and a dedicated pro-wrestler. I would love to see him bring back the Missile tow drop kick off the top ropes. He used to do that all the time in WCW.
This Weeks Wrestler of the Week: Lance Storm


Finishing and signature moves
-Boston Crab
-Half Boston Crab
-Canadian Maple Leaf / front flip neckbreaker On ECW
-Deep Impact (Spike piledriver)
-Power-Plex (Suplex powerslam)
-Superkick (using his left leg)
-Star Kick (Dropsault) - early 1990s
-Cradle piledriver
-Springboard flying clothesline
-Leg lariat
-Flying spinning heel kick
-Springboard dropkick

-Major Gunns
-Jason Knight
-Dawn Marie

"...because I'm from Calgary,... (dramatic pause)...Alberta, Canada."
"If I can be a serious for a minute..."
"Don't blame Canada - blame yourself!"
"It is not my fault that..."
"If I can be a serious for a minute...without being interrupted!"

Championships and accomplishments

Canadian Rocky Mountain Wrestling
CRMW International/North American Championship (1 time)
CRMW Commonwealth Mid-Heavyweight Championship (5 times) (first)
CRMW North American Tag Team Championship (2 times) - with Chris Jericho (first)

Catch Wrestling Association
CWA Catch Junior Championship (2 times) [3]

Extreme Championship Wrestling
ECW World Tag Team Championship (3 times) - with Chris Candido (1) and Justin Credible (2) [4]

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI ranked him # 322 of the 500 best singles wrestlers during the PWI Years (2003)

Smoky Mountain Wrestling
SMW Beat the Champ Television Championship (1 time) [5]

Wrestle Association R
WAR International Junior Heavyweight Tag Championship (2 times) - with Yuji Yasuraoka
WAR 6-Man Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Kitahara & Nobutaka Araya

West Coast Wrestling Association
WCWA Tag Team Championship (2 times) - with Chris Jericho [6]

World Championship Wrestling
WCW Cruiserweight Championship (1 time) [7]
WCW Hardcore Championship (1 time)[8]
WCW United States Heavyweight Championship (3 times)[9]

World Wrestling Entertainment
WWE Intercontinental Championship (1 time)[10]
World Tag Team Championship (4 times) - with Christian (1), William Regal (2), and Chief Morley (1) [11]

Wrestling Observer Newsletter
2001 Most Underrated Wrestler

Random Other Stuff

Storm Wrestling Academy


Lance Storm Vs. Chris Jericho pt.1
Lance Storm Vs. Chris Jericho pt.2

Lance Storm & Sunny Vs. Shane Douglas & Chris Candido

Lance Storm & Yasuraoka Vs. Mochizuki & Tiger Mask pt.1
Lance Storm & Yasuraoka Vs. Mocjizuki & Tiger Mask pt.2

Lance Storm Vs. Chris Jericho

Lance Storm & Ivory & Chris Kanyon Vs. Team Extreme

Thrillseekers Vs. Heavenly Bodies

Lance Storm & The Hurricane Vs. The Hardyz

Lance Storm & William Regal Vs. Jerry Lawler & J.R.

Lance Storm & William Regal Vs. Jeff Hardy & Tommy Dreamer

Lance Storm & Christian Vs. The Hardyz

Impact Players Vs. Rhino & Chris Candido

Lance Storm Vs. Brian Danielson

Lance Storm Vs. Justin Credible

Lance Storm Vs. The Rock

Lance Storm Vs. Rob Van Dam

Lance Storm & Al Snow Vs. Chris Candido & Shane Douglas

Lance Storm & Christian Vs. The Rock & Hulk Hogan

Lance Storm Vs. Rob Van Dam Vs. The Big Show

Lance Storm & Mike Awesome Vs. Kane & Chris Jericho
The usual fantastic taste in wrestling from the Shadowmancer. Storm is severely underrated in my opinion, no one seems to give the guy any respect. He is easily one of the most technically sound and exciting wrestlers to watch in a ring, his moves are always smooth and spot on, and he has put on a damn good share of classic matches in his time as well. Now that Benoit is gone, I doubt there is a better all-around technical wrestler in the world (though Jericho comes in close and not including Bret Hart considering he's definately permanently retired).

Lets show some love for this man people! Somehow his WWF gimmick of being "boring" translated into no one enjoying him, which I thought was ridiculious because Storm has always been a damn blast to watch. Not too many people give you more effot in that ring, and to boot he's a great guy outta the ring.
I would rank Storm higher than any other Canadian wrestler. Awesome worker. And not in the slightest bit boring. I really dont know why WWE never gave him a proper push. The dream matches that he could have had. He's better than all of WWE's current topliners.
Great pick Shadow. Lance Storm is arguably one of the best all around ring technicians in the wrestling business. I remember him having 3 of WCW's titles at the same time and leading the original Team Canada, that was the last time he was actually pushed. Ever since his debut in the WWE he was just used poorly IMO, he won a few tag team titles and the I.C. title, but that was it. WWE gave him multiple tag team partners and they would not stick him with one(Him and Regal was a great team), so that lead to him being misused when he could have been a top midcarder or maybe even a main eventer while helping to teach the younger talent how to really wrestle.
Another damn good selection, even though he is in no league with John Cena...

Now if I could be serious for a minute.

Lance Storm, another one of those damn talented wrestlers that the WWE simply did not know what to do with. Hell, WCW even knew what to do with him, which was shocking, considering how bad WCW was at the end. I'm glad to see that he is training wrestlers now, and still throws in verbal barbs at the business today.

Even with his burial in WWE, his career, in my opinion, was a success. It's a shame he only hit it big Stateside towards the end of his career, because I would have loved to have watched him and Jericho in their earlier years as a tag team.
This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Claudio Castagnoli


Finishing and signature moves
-Ricola Bomb / Pyramid Bomb (Cross-arm sitout powerbomb)
-Roaring Swiss Uppercut (Discus European uppercut)
-Swiss Death (Flapjack European uppercut)
-Swi$$ Sleeperholding (Modified cobra clutch)
-Neutralizer (Grounded Argentine leglock with headscissors)
-UBS Neckbreaker (Inverted fireman's carry into cutter)
-Swiss Uppercut (Various European uppercut variations)
-Cough Drop (European uppercut to the back of a falling or seated opponent)
-Alpamare Waterslide (Side Death Valley driver)
-Elbow from the Alps (Diving elbow drop)
-Jim Breaks Special (Lifting wrist lock submission)
-Match Killer (Horizontal back to belly suplex hold spun out into a sitout facebuster)
-Money Dive Headbutt (Diving headbutt)
-Delayed vertical suplex
-Suicide dive into European uppercut

Signature weapon

-"Double C"
-"The Most Money Making Man"

Championships and accomplishments

Cleveland All-Pro Wrestling
CAPW Unified Heavyweight Champion (1 time)

Combat Zone Wrestling
CZW World Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Chris Hero

Chikara Pro Wrestling
Chikara Campeonado de Parejas (1 time) – with Chris Hero
Tag World Grand Prix 2005 winner – with Arik Cannon
Tag World Grand Prix 2006 – with Chris Hero

German Stampede Wrestling
GSW Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Ares

International Pro Wrestling: United Kingdom
IPW:UK Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Ares (held as part of Swiss Money Holding)

Independent Wrestling Association: Switzerland
IWA Switzerland World Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Ring of Honor
ROH World Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Chris Hero

Swiss Wrestling Federation
SWF Powerhouse Championship (2 times)
SWF Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Ares

westside Xtreme wrestling
wXw World Heavyweight Championship (2 times)
wXw Tag Team Championship (3 times) – with Ares


Claudio Castagnoli challenges Raymond Rowe

Claudio Castagnoli answers Chris Hero


Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Mike Quackenbush pt.1
Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Mike Quackenbush pt.2

Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Mike Quackenbush

Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Ricochet pt.1
Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Ricochet pt.2

Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Mike Quackenbush pt.1
Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Mike Quackenbush pt.2
Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Mike Quackenbush pt.3

Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Rocky Romero pt.1
Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Rocky Romero pt.2

Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Mike Quackenbush

Claudio Castagnoli Vs. YAMATO

Claudio Castagnoli Vs. Austin Aries

The Kings of Wrestling Vs. Skayde & Milano Collection AT
So Far noone has much to say on this guy. WWE signed him and then released him for some unknown reason. He is one of my favourite Indy Wrestlers, He gets a Huge pop for the room just for gesturing (Heeeeeeeey). He is worthy of attention, He may be in TNA later on in the Year if they have the World X Cup with a Team Europe.
I had never heard of the guy.well I checked out some of his stuff that you posted up and he has a lot of talent.Good Choice.
Claudio is a great choice. He is a damn good wrestler, I would like to know the real reason his deal with the WWE fell througth.. They say it was visa issues but I seriously doubt that. Plus, Claudio and Hero as THE KINGS OF WRESTLING was one of the best tag teams ever on the indy circuit they have some awesome matches. Plus I get to see Caludio first hand in about a month and I'm excited he is one of my favorite indy wrestlers.
Im disappointed by the lack of response for Claudio Castagnoli as Wrestler of the Week. Hopefully there are more responses to this weeks one.

This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Mitsuharu Misawa


Finishing and signature moves
-Emerald Frosion (Sitout side powerslam)
-Super Emerald Frosion / Emerald Frosion Custom (Sitout vertical suplex side powerslam)
-Avalanche Emerald Frosion (Second rope sitout side powerslam)
-Tiger Driver (Sitout double underhook powerbomb)
-Tiger Driver '91 (Kneeling head spike double underhook powerbomb)
-Tiger Driver '01 (Top rope double underhook powerbomb)
-Rolling Elbow (Discus elbow smash)
-Running elbow smash
-Tiger Suplex '85 (Bridging half nelson suplex)
-Tiger Body Press (Frog splash)
-Elbow smash
-Tiger suplex
-Monkey flip
-Forward roll into camel clutch
-Seated crossface

Championships and accomplishments

All Japan Pro Wrestling
-AJPW All Asia Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Kenta Kobashi (1) and Yoshinari Ogawa (1)
-AJPW Triple Crown Championship (5 times)
-AJPW Unified World Tag Team Championship (6 times) – with Toshiaki Kawada (2), Kenta Kobashi (2), Jun Akiyama (1) and Yoshinari Ogawa (1)
-PWF Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Jumbo Tsuruta
-Champion's Carnival (1995)
-Champion's Carnival (1998)
-World's Strongest Tag Team League (1992) – with Toshiaki Kawada
-World's Strongest Tag Team League (1993) – with Kenta Kobashi
-World's Strongest Tag Team League (1994) – with Kenta Kobashi
-World's Strongest Tag Team League (1995) – with Kenta Kobashi

National Wrestling Alliance

-NWA International Junior Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Pro Wrestling NOAH
-GHC Heavyweight Championship (3 times, current)
-GHC Tag Team Championship (2 times) – with Yoshinari Ogawa

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
-PWI ranked him # 2 in the PWI 500 in 1997
-PWI ranked him # 6 of the 500 best singles wrestlers during the "PWI Years" in 2003.
-PWI ranked him # 6 of the top 100 tag teams of the "PWI Years" with Kenta Kobashi. in 2003
-PWI ranked him # 11 of the top 100 tag teams of the "PWI Years" with Toshiaki Kawada in 2003

Wrestling Observer Newsletter
-Best Flying Wrestler award in 1985
-Match of the Year award in 1985 - vs Kuniaki Kobayashi
-Best Flying Wrestler award in 1986
-Most Underrated Wrestler award in 1988
-Feud of the Year award in 1990 - vs Jumbo Tsuruta
-Feud of the Year award in 1991 - vs Jumbo Tsuruta
-Tag Team of the Year award in 1991 - with Toshiaki Kawada
-Match Of The Decade (against Kawada)1994
-Wrestler of the Year award in 1995
-Tag Team of the Year award in 1995 - with Kenta Kobashi
-Tag Team of the Year award in 1996 - with Jun Akiyama
-Match of the Year award in 1996 - with Jun Akiyama vs Steve Williams and Johnny Ace
-Wrestling Observer Newsletter Hall of Fame (Class of 1996)
-Wrestler of the Year award in 1997
-Most Outstanding Wrestler award in 1997
-Tag Team of the Year award in 1997 - with Jun Akiyama
-Match of the Year award in 1998 - vs Kenta Kobashi
-Wrestler of the Year award in 1999
-Most Outstanding Wrestler award in 1999
-Match of the Year award in 1999 - vs Kenta Kobashi
-Match of the Year award in 2003 - vs Kenta Kobashi


Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Takeshi Morishima

Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Big Van Vader pt.1
Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Big Van Vader pt.2

Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Jumbo Tsuruta

Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Toshiaki Kawada pt.1
Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Toshiaki Kawada pt.2
Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Toshiaki Kawada pt.3

Mitsuharu Misawa & Yoshinari Ogawa Vs. Jun Akiyama & Genichiro Tenryu

Mitsuharu Misawa & Yoshinari Ogawa Vs. KENTA & Marufugi

Mitsuharu Misawa & Rikio Vs. Yoshinari Ogawa & Murakami

Mitsuharu Misawa & Yoshinari Ogawa Vs. Keiji Mutoh & Taiyo Kea pt.1
Mitsuharu Misawa & Yoshinari Ogawa Vs. Keiji Mutoh & Taiyo Kea pt.2
Mitsuharu Misawa & Yoshinari Ogawa Vs. Keiji Mutoh & Taiyo Kea pt.3

Tiger Mask II(Mitsuharu Misawa) Vs. Ricky Steamboat

Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawaka & Kenta Kobashi Vs. Jumbo Tsuruta & Akira Taue & Masanobu Fuchi pt.1
Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawaka & Kenta Kobashi Vs. Jumbo Tsuruta & Akira Taue & Masanobu Fuchi pt.2
Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawaka & Kenta Kobashi Vs. Jumbo Tsuruta & Akira Taue & Masanobu Fuchi pt.3
Mitsuharu Misawa & Toshiaki Kawaka & Kenta Kobashi Vs. Jumbo Tsuruta & Akira Taue & Masanobu Fuchi pt.4

Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Johnny Ace

Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Akira Taue

Tiger Mask II(Mitsuharu Misawa) Vs. Mil Mascaras pt.1
Tiger Mask II(Mitsuharu Misawa) Vs. Mil Mascaras pt.2

Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Jun Akiyama pt.1
Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Jun Akiyama pt.2
Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Jun Akiyama pt.3

Tiger Mask II (Mitsuharu Misawa) & Jumbo Tsuruta Vs. Tad Dibiase & Pete Roberts

Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Kenta Kobashi

Mitsuharu Misawa Vs. Vader

I do expect replys his week as this guy is one of the Best in the world.
Great choice. I'm a huge fan of Japanese wrestling and Misawa is one of my personal faves. I doubt many people who visit this site will have even heard of him though. And a lot of people will be put of because it's not WWE. But a good choice anyway.
Again I am surprised at the Lack of Responses for a Good Wrestler. So I may as well do a Wrestler that I know that some of you will actually know and not try to help people have a better understanding of the History of Wrestling.

This Weeks Wrestler of the Week is: Jeff Jarrett


Finishing and signature moves
-Acoustic Equalizer / El Kabong (Guitar broken over the opponent's head)
-Stroke (Forward Russian legsweep)
-Super Stroke (Second rope forward Russian legsweep)
-Figure four leglock
-Alabama slam
-Snap suplex
-Sleeper hold

-Baby Doll
-Don Callis
-Jim Cornette
-Miss Kitty
-Ric Flair
-Mr. Fuji
-Jackie Gayda
-Ronald Gossett
-April Hunter
-Gail Kim
-Tennessee Lee
-The Roadie

-The Chosen One
-Double J
-The King of the Mountain
-Simply Irresistible

Championships and accomplishments

American Wrestling Association
-AWA Rookie of the Year award in 1986

Continental Wrestling Association
-AWA Southern Tag Team Championship (4 times) – with Billy Travis (3) and Pat Tanaka (1)
-CWA Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-CWA International Tag Team Championship (2 time) - with Pat Tanaka (1) and Paul Diamond (1)

Music City Wrestling
-NWA North American Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

NWA Cyberspace
-NWA Cyberspace Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling
-NWA World Heavyweight Championship (6 times)
-King of the Mountain (2 times--2004, 2006)

United States Wrestling Association
-USWA Heavyweight Championship (1 time)
-USWA Southern Heavyweight Championship (9 times)
-USWA Tag Team Championship (15 times) - with Matt Borne (2), Jeff Gaylord (2), Cody Michaels (1), Jerry Lawler (4), Robert Fuller (4), and Brian Christopher (2)

World Championship Wrestling
-WCW United States Heavyweight Championship (3 times)
-WCW World Heavyweight Championship (4 times)

World Class Wrestling Association
-WCWA Tag Team Championship (3 times) - with Kerry Von Erich (1), Mil Mascaras (1), and Matt Borne (1)

World Series Wrestling
-WSW Heavyweight Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling All-Stars
-WWA World Heavyweight Championship (2 times) – Second reign unifying title with NWA World Heavyweight Championship

World Wrestling Federation
-WWF European Championship (1 time)
-WWF Intercontinental Championship (6 times)
-WWF World Tag Team Championship (1 time) – with Owen Hart

Wrestling Observer Newsletter
-Feud of the Year award in 1992 – with Jerry Lawler vs. The Moondogs
-Most Overrated Wrestler award in 2005


Promos and Interviews

The Full Jeff Jarrett Interview

Jeff Jarrett Promo

Jeff Jarrett and Raven Promo for match in 2003


Jeff Jarrett Vs. Rhino

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Scott Hall

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Dutch Mantell pt.1 (This is a Weird thing that you have to see to believe)
Jeff Jarrett Vs. Dutch Mantell pt.2

Jeff Jarrett & Debra Vs. Test & Stephanie McMahon

Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner Vs. Sting & Samoa Joe pt.1
Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner Vs. Sting & Samoa Joe pt.2
Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner Vs. Sting & Samoa Joe pt.3

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Kevin Nash pt.1
Jeff Jarrett Vs. Kevin Nash pt.2
Jeff Jarrett Vs. Kevin Nash pt.3

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Sting pt.1
Jeff Jarrett Vs. Sting pt.2

Jeff Jarrett Vs. The Undertaker pt.1
Jeff Jarrett Vs. The Undertaker pt.2

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Shawn Michaels pt.1
Jeff Jarrett Vs. Shawn Michaels pt.2
Jeff Jarrett Vs. Shawn Michaels pt.3

Jeff Jarrett & Rhino Vs. Raven & Sabu pt.1
Jeff Jarrett & Rhino Vs. Raven & Sabu pt.2

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Diesel

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Shark Boy

Jeff Jarrett & Chris Adams Vs. Cactus Jack & Gary Young

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Chyna

Jeff Jarrett Vs. AJ Styles

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Razor Ramon pt.1
Jeff Jarrett Vs. Razor Ramon pt.2
Jeff Jarrett Vs. Razor Ramon pt.3

Jeff Jarrett Vs. D'Lo Brown

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Steve McMichael

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Booker T

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Curt Hennig pt.1
Jeff Jarrett Vs. Curt Hennig pt.2

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Chris Benoit

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Sting

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Diamond Dallas Page pt.1
Jeff Jarrett Vs. Diamond Dallas Page pt.2

Jeff Jarrett & Hakushi Vs. Bret Hart & Razor Ramon pt.1
Jeff Jarrett & Hakushi Vs. Bret Hart & Razor Ramon pt.2

Jeff Jarrett Vs. Chris Jericho
Good choice shadowmancer, with a lot of selection of match's

Jarrett has always been a constant performer where ever he goes in my opnion.

I will look forward to watching some of the match's asap
Honestly I just don't understand the hate that Jarrett gets. He's always been a great technician in the ring, no one who isn't named Ric Flair does a better figure four in my book. Plus, he's easily one of the greatest heels this business has ever seen IMO. Whether you go back to old Jerry Jarrett territory days or when he was in the WWE pissing off every 15 year old across the country who was watching RAW and wanted to see Debra take her shirt off, or just acting with such arrogance in TNA that you had to hate him all over again, he has always been a great. His mic skills are excellent, and he is easily someone you can throw in a main event as the main heel in a feud and know that you will get great results from it. Not to mention Jarrett has had some damn good matches himself. That TNA match where he first wins the NWA title and is on everyone's shoulders....that's great stuff. Obviously he was never as good of a face as he was a heel, but I think people need to stop acting as though Jarrett hasn't contributed a ton to the sport of professional wrestling. For christ's sake people, the only quality wrestling you can see on TV these days is with TNA.

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