What's the craic?
I'm not convinced one bit. Those guys weren't Goku and none of those attacks were the Kamehameha wave. The Kamehameha Wave is capable of destroying Earth, and you're comparing it to eye beams? Really? Don't be so silly.
You want to talk about not being convinced? From the video provided, this "Earth Shattering" Kamehameha Wave knocked his opponent back a couple of yards, didn't even blow his clothes off and did no damage to the earth.

Vector's blast have repelled realities structure and are alleged to be able to repel planets. As for those "silly" eye beams, they are from Gladiator and are hotter than a star. Gladiator's other powers include being strong enough to destroy a planet and being able to hit warp speed (light speed * 100); guess who defeated him!
Just on the Vector blast, here is an example of Hulk's regeneration from such an attack -

You're struggling and it's obvious. I haven't even questioned Hulk's intellect. The afterimage technique confuses just about anyone who has eyes, their intelligence doesn't come into play, if there is six or something Gokus, they're going to attack them. Especially if it's the fucking Hulk. The only people who have no trouble with the afterimage technique are those who already know (and Hulk obviously doesn't) about it, and even then they need to strike at least one of the afterimages. Goku's Instant Transmission Kamehameha would be ready by the time Hulk's done fighting shadows.
And where did I say that Hulk's intellect had anything to do with afterimage? But on the subject of afterimage, if he was faced with this dilemma I'd imagine this would sort out the real from the fake...

Also, questioning Goku's nobility is another example of you grasping at straws. Everytime somebody brings up Goku's need to make things harder for himself, I laugh. They must have confused him with Vegeta. As I've said previously in this tournament, Goku's knows a threat when he sees one, and doesn't always mess about.
How's it grasping at straws? All sites describing Goku, speak of his love of fighting and his tendency towards looking to beat his opponents at their most powerful. The fact that your defense includes "doesn't always" indicates that this does tend to be a character trait and here's a little secret... Hulk doesn't have a 'most powerful'.
You want to talk about struggling? Your throwing out stuff Goku can do that has never been substantiated - that little video REALLY underwhelms as an example of the massive power of the Kamehameha and you get offended that I should dare suggest that Goku would man up and (to paraphrase Mr Johnson) "go one on one with the great one" because you know that nose to nose; Goku's toast!