Semifinals: Goku vs. The Incredible Hulk

Who wins?

  • Goku

  • The Incredible Hulk

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I'm not convinced one bit. Those guys weren't Goku and none of those attacks were the Kamehameha wave. The Kamehameha Wave is capable of destroying Earth, and you're comparing it to eye beams? Really? Don't be so silly.

You want to talk about not being convinced? From the video provided, this "Earth Shattering" Kamehameha Wave knocked his opponent back a couple of yards, didn't even blow his clothes off and did no damage to the earth.:rolleyes:

Vector's blast have repelled realities structure and are alleged to be able to repel planets. As for those "silly" eye beams, they are from Gladiator and are hotter than a star. Gladiator's other powers include being strong enough to destroy a planet and being able to hit warp speed (light speed * 100); guess who defeated him!

Just on the Vector blast, here is an example of Hulk's regeneration from such an attack -


You're struggling and it's obvious. I haven't even questioned Hulk's intellect. The afterimage technique confuses just about anyone who has eyes, their intelligence doesn't come into play, if there is six or something Gokus, they're going to attack them. Especially if it's the fucking Hulk. The only people who have no trouble with the afterimage technique are those who already know (and Hulk obviously doesn't) about it, and even then they need to strike at least one of the afterimages. Goku's Instant Transmission Kamehameha would be ready by the time Hulk's done fighting shadows.

And where did I say that Hulk's intellect had anything to do with afterimage? But on the subject of afterimage, if he was faced with this dilemma I'd imagine this would sort out the real from the fake...


Also, questioning Goku's nobility is another example of you grasping at straws. Everytime somebody brings up Goku's need to make things harder for himself, I laugh. They must have confused him with Vegeta. As I've said previously in this tournament, Goku's knows a threat when he sees one, and doesn't always mess about.

How's it grasping at straws? All sites describing Goku, speak of his love of fighting and his tendency towards looking to beat his opponents at their most powerful. The fact that your defense includes "doesn't always" indicates that this does tend to be a character trait and here's a little secret... Hulk doesn't have a 'most powerful'.

You want to talk about struggling? Your throwing out stuff Goku can do that has never been substantiated - that little video REALLY underwhelms as an example of the massive power of the Kamehameha and you get offended that I should dare suggest that Goku would man up and (to paraphrase Mr Johnson) "go one on one with the great one" because you know that nose to nose; Goku's toast!
You want to talk about not being convinced? From the video provided, this "Earth Shattering" Kamehameha Wave knocked his opponent back a couple of yards, didn't even blow his clothes off and did no damage to the earth.:rolleyes:

I am assuming this is in response to the Instant Transmission Kamehameha and if it is, I hope the eye-rolling at the end is a way of highlighting you being utterly sarcastic. But on the off chance that it is not, I will explain.

If anything, "that little video" proves how powerful, fast, clever and adaptable a fighter Goku is. His Kamehameha would have destroyed the earth, as evidenced by the panicking of not just his opponent, Cell, but also his family and friends, had he fired it from the angle he was originally hovering at.

The fact that it did not is because Goku then moved at the speed of light through Instant Transmission to below Cell and unleashed the Kamehameha upwards, away from the earth, straight into his opponent's face, blowing off the upper part of his body.

The combination of after-image, Instant Transmission and a literally earth-shattering Kamehameha could do the same to the Hulk and I have my doubts as to whether the Incredible One could survive without a head.
Барбоса;4141613 said:
I am ssuming this is in response to the Instant Transmission Kamehameha and if it is, I hope the eye-rolling at the end is a way of highlighting you being utterly sarcastic.

Goku's Kamehameha would have destroyed the earth, as evidenced by the panicking of not just his opponent, Cell, but also his family and friends, had he fired it from the angle he was originally hovering at.

The fact that it did not is because Goku then moved at the speed of light through Instant Transmission to below Cell and unleashed the Kamehameha upwards, away from the earth, straight into his opponent's face, blowing off the upper part of his body.

The combination of after-image, Instant Transmission and a literally earth-shattering Kamehameha could do the same to the Hulk and I have my doubts as to whether the Incredible One could survive without a head.

So his family and friends are also conned by the myth? Fact is this momentous upward blast was strong enough to remove his opponent's arms and head but not strong enough to blast him into space or blow his upper torso off (or even the clothing on his upper torso). Cell isn't the Hulk, just because the Kamehameha blew his head off ≠ blowing the Hulk's off.
So his family and friends are also conned by the myth? Fact is this momentous upward blast was strong enough to remove his opponent's arms and head but not strong enough to blast him into space or blow his upper torso off (or even the clothing on his upper torso). Cell isn't the Hulk, just because the Kamehameha blew his head off ≠ blowing the Hulk's off.

What myth? Had Goku fired from where he was, he would have destroyed the earth. No ifs, ands or buts. All of his friends and his opponent could sense the power he had collected for the blast and they knew it would destroy the planet.

And you keep bringing up Cell's clothing... he does not wear any. All of that is part of his body.

As for it not blowing Cell into space, doing so would infer that Cell's body could resist the blast. It couldn't. And as I said, it was a focused blast straight into his face.

Cell isn't the Hulk, just because the Kamehameha blew his head off ≠ blowing the Hulk's off.

I'll give you that but as the Hulk has been proven to be far from impregnable when it comes to injury, I do not think that it is going too far to say that a planet-busting, point blank Kamehameha, which Goku is more than capable of delivering with his superiority in fighting skill and speed, could incapacitate, if not kill, the Hulk.
People are highly over-estimating the regeneration ability. Piccolo also had regeneration ability and Goku beat him in Dragonball (Canon!!) using a Oozaru Smash (I think that is what this is called):


Also, the Kamehameha wave that he fired at Cell could destroy the Earth. At that time, Goku was a SSJ1. Considering that the higher forms of a SSJ have much more power, his Kamehameha wave would obviously be much more powerful and destructive.

This will be one hell of a battle, but Goku will just about beat Hulk.
Vector's blast have repelled realities structure and are alleged to be able to repel planets. As for those "silly" eye beams, they are from Gladiator and are hotter than a star. Gladiator's other powers include being strong enough to destroy a planet and being able to hit warp speed (light speed * 100); guess who defeated him!

The evidence given of Gladiator and Sentry don't really have a whole lot of weight to them because while they have shown incredible feats (and boasted they could do much more), their actual level of strength varies tremendously. Gladiator's strength reflects how confident he is, and Sentry's how mentally stable he is at the time. So to give examples of these two characters the entire issue, fight, or even some moments before their fights are necessary.

As for Vector....that moment was just fucking awesome.

How's it grasping at straws? All sites describing Goku, speak of his love of fighting and his tendency towards looking to beat his opponents at their most powerful. The fact that your defense includes "doesn't always" indicates that this does tend to be a character trait and here's a little secret... Hulk doesn't have a 'most powerful'.

Goku has shown in tournament settings to win the fight quickly for the sake of moving on in the tournament.

Goku wins this fight. People keep claiming how Hulk will be far stronger and durable than Goku but this is after he is enraged and continues fighting. Quick fights are not Hulk's strong suit and bringing up things from World War Hulk just don't hold that much weight in a tournament like this because he isn't enraged for weeks at a time, further enraged by the death of his wife, or had his power boosted by a gamma explosion.
You want to talk about not being convinced? From the video provided, this "Earth Shattering" Kamehameha Wave knocked his opponent back a couple of yards, didn't even blow his clothes off and did no damage to the earth.:rolleyes:


Should I even respond to this? Seriously? First off; If you watch more closely, you'll see that he doesn't even hit the Earth. He aimed away from the planet and upwards at Cell's face after Instant Transmission.

Next, you start talking about Cell's clothing? This instantly tells me that you've never even watched Dragonball Z and don't know Goku well enough to be questioning his attitude towards opponents or even his abilities. Cell doesn't wear clothing, that's his body.

Vector's blast have repelled realities structure and are alleged to be able to repel planets. As for those "silly" eye beams, they are from Gladiator and are hotter than a star. Gladiator's other powers include being strong enough to destroy a planet and being able to hit warp speed (light speed * 100); guess who defeated him!

Just on the Vector blast, here is an example of Hulk's regeneration from such an attack -


Well what you just said proves Vector's blasts aren't anywhere near the power of the Kamehameha. Repelling planets isn't the same as destroying them. And Gladiator's other abilities aren't very useful if he isn't using them now are they? Guess who Hulk won't be defeating here!

And where did I say that Hulk's intellect had anything to do with afterimage? But on the subject of afterimage, if he was faced with this dilemma I'd imagine this would sort out the real from the fake...


Yes, him standing there and clapping like a big green monkey is going to really slow Goku down.


Goku would still have the Kamehameha ready in time.

How's it grasping at straws? All sites describing Goku, speak of his love of fighting and his tendency towards looking to beat his opponents at their most powerful. The fact that your defense includes "doesn't always" indicates that this does tend to be a character trait and here's a little secret... Hulk doesn't have a 'most powerful'.

Goku doesn't tend to play around in a serious fight, which this is. Admittedly, he doesn't take opponents seriously that he knows for certain he can afford to do that to. He admires his opponents power if they're powerful enough and that's about it. And he loves a good test, that alone shows just how strong Goku is.

You want to talk about struggling? Your throwing out stuff Goku can do that has never been substantiated - that little video REALLY underwhelms as an example of the massive power of the Kamehameha and you get offended that I should dare suggest that Goku would man up and (to paraphrase Mr Johnson) "go one on one with the great one" because you know that nose to nose; Goku's toast!


"Little video". "Underwhelms". Did you pay any attention to what was going on? His family and friends were scared shitless that he might actually destroy the Earth to kill Cell using the Kamehameha. Cell himself said Goku wouldn't dare use the Kamehameha on the Earth. When have I gotten offended by any of this? Don't be so silly, this is all in good jest. I'm merely pointing out just how wrong you (and all Hulk supporters in this fight at the moment) are. Even if Goku fought Hulk face to face he'd use the Instant Transmission Kamehameha sooner or later.

No need for nursery rhymes here, Hulk's fucked.

Goku wins. Vote Goku.
My reasoning for voting for Hulk isn't complicated or complex. The more he gets hit, the angrier he becomes. In turn he becomes more powerful from that. Goku is a tough sum bitch, but Hulk is a whole different monster.
Барбоса;4141639 said:
What myth? Had Goku fired from where he was, he would have destroyed the earth. No ifs, ands or buts. All of his friends and his opponent could sense the power he had collected for the blast and they knew it would destroy the planet.

And you keep bringing up Cell's clothing... he does not wear any. All of that is part of his body.

As for it not blowing Cell into space, doing so would infer that Cell's body could resist the blast. It couldn't. And as I said, it was a focused blast straight into his face.

If it was straight into his face, what happened to his arms? The fact that his chest is still there means it DID resist the blast and as it did resist the blast, how come he was only knocked back a couple of yards? As for his clothes :shrug:, so he's a naturally ugly git then - still doesn't put him in Hulk's class.

Барбоса;4141639 said:
I'll give you that but as the Hulk has been proven to be far from impregnable when it comes to injury, I do not think that it is going too far to say that a planet-busting, point blank Kamehameha, which Goku is more than capable of delivering with his superiority in fighting skill and speed, could incapacitate, if not kill, the Hulk.

Again, outside of hearsay - were is the proof of the Kamehameha's power? I have proved Hulk's resistance to tremendous energy based attacks and shown him pull a planet back together while getting fried in magma. All I'm getting from you guys is that Goku can destroy a planet because people say he can. All I have seen it do is it remove the arms and head of an adversary WITHOUT taking out his upper torso meaning that either Cell's chest is harder to destroy than the planet or this attack is being vastly overrated. I know which is the more likely.
I know which is the more likely.

All that proves is that you know nothing about the Dragonball Universe, not that what we are saying is wrong or overrated. Dealing that kind of damage to Cell was far more difficult than destroying a planet.

You want proof of the Kamehameha's power? In Dragonball, a 300 year old man used a Kamehameha to destroy the Moon. Goku is easily hundreds if not thousands of times more powerful than him by the time he was throwing his full power Kamehameha into Cell's face, and has gotten even more powerful since.

And as I have already said to Ech, just because Goku and his allies do not destroy planets does not mean that they cannot do it. They are the heroes. The villains - Vegeta, Freiza, Majin Buu (all of whom Goku is more powerful than) - destroy planets for fun and with only a minute fraction of their power.
Yes, him standing there and clapping like a big green monkey is going to really slow Goku down.


Goku would still have the Kamehameha ready in time.

Hulk claps with the power of hurricane gale force winds. An attack of that strength would certainly fuck Goku's shit up. And it takes some time for him to charge an attack powerful enough to do serious damage.

"Little video". "Underwhelms". Did you pay any attention to what was going on? His family and friends were scared shitless that he might actually destroy the Earth to kill Cell using the Kamehameha. Cell himself said Goku wouldn't dare use the Kamehameha on the Earth. When have I gotten offended by any of this? Don't be so silly, this is all in good jest. I'm merely pointing out just how wrong you (and all Hulk supporters in this fight at the moment) are. Even if Goku fought Hulk face to face he'd use the Instant Transmission Kamehameha sooner or later.

The Kamehameha wave is just pure energy; there's no heat behind it, its just a giant concussive force. That Kamehameha wave would have likely drilled through the planet and ruptured the core, the same way Freiza destroyed Namek. The only DBZ villain shown to be a casual planet buster is Kid Buu. Even SSJ3 Goku's Kamehameha did not destroy the Earth despite making direct contact with it after Fat Buu deflected it.

That being said, it's logical to claim that Hulk could survive a Kamehameha point blank since he's survived much more potent attacks before.
Even SSJ3 Goku's Kamehameha did not destroy the Earth despite making direct contact with it after Fat Buu deflected it.

The Kamehameha that SSJ3 Goku fires at Fat Buu goes straight through him and it would was nowhere near the concentration of power that Goku had gathered for the Instant Transmission Kamehameha.

It is Buu's own Kamehameha, again not a highly charged one, that Goku rebounds back at him and that Buu then tries to pass it on to Babidi that makes contact with the planet.
i'm a childhood fan of dragon ball z and recently i've watched a little of hulk as well. i'm not that much in comics but from movies and cartoons that i watched for all these years. Hulk is a great force, almost impossible to beat but that's where goku is good, he don't know what is impossible. he can sense hulk's energy level. he can sense the increment so he will finish it off asap. a mega energy blast that can go through the heart of hulk. he won't die but he will be out cold for long to declare goku a winner by forfeit.


Now will somebody please tell me how to cast my vote. I was not willing to vote but seeing equal votes i couldn't resist.
Hulk claps with the power of hurricane gale force winds. An attack of that strength would certainly fuck Goku's shit up. And it takes some time for him to charge an attack powerful enough to do serious damage.

Eh, with the speeds Goku flies at he's used to that kind of thing. He'd tank it and fire a Kamehameha wave at his face.

The Kamehameha wave is just pure energy; there's no heat behind it, its just a giant concussive force. That Kamehameha wave would have likely drilled through the planet and ruptured the core, the same way Freiza destroyed Namek. The only DBZ villain shown to be a casual planet buster is Kid Buu. Even SSJ3 Goku's Kamehameha did not destroy the Earth despite making direct contact with it after Fat Buu deflected it.

That being said, it's logical to claim that Hulk could survive a Kamehameha point blank since he's survived much more potent attacks before.

Well let's just assume that Hulk's not harmed at all by a wave of pure concussive energy. You know what would happen then? Let's ask Vegeta:


The force of the Kamehameha collides with Hulk and blasts him off into space. Fairly sure that counts as incapacitation because he has no ability to get down from there.

Also: Kienzan. Base Goku was able to cut Gotenks Buu in half with a Kienzan. It's not going to have trouble with Hulk.
i'm a childhood fan of dragon ball z and recently i've watched a little of hulk as well. i'm not that much in comics but from movies and cartoons that i watched for all these years. Hulk is a great force, almost impossible to beat but that's where goku is good, he don't know what is impossible. he can sense hulk's energy level. he can sense the increment so he will finish it off asap. a mega energy blast that can go through the heart of hulk. he won't die but he will be out cold for long to declare goku a winner by forfeit.


Now will somebody please tell me how to cast my vote. I was not willing to vote but seeing equal votes i couldn't resist.

If you haven't already figured out how to vote, you should be able to go to the top of this page and left click your mouse in the circle beside one of the contestants names. Then you click Vote Now and that should do it.
i'm a childhood fan of dragon ball z and recently i've watched a little of hulk as well. i'm not that much in comics but from movies and cartoons that i watched for all these years. Hulk is a great force, almost impossible to beat but that's where goku is good, he don't know what is impossible. he can sense hulk's energy level. he can sense the increment so he will finish it off asap. a mega energy blast that can go through the heart of hulk. he won't die but he will be out cold for long to declare goku a winner by forfeit.


Now will somebody please tell me how to cast my vote. I was not willing to vote but seeing equal votes i couldn't resist.

You need a post count of 10 before you can vote I believe.
Hulk claps with the power of hurricane gale force winds. An attack of that strength would certainly fuck Goku's shit up. And it takes some time for him to charge an attack powerful enough to do serious damage.

No, no it wouldn't fuck Goku's shit up. Goku flies at extremely high speeds all the time and he'd endure it. No trouble, whatsoever. As I said earlier, Goku's grown a LOT stronger since that battle with Cell. That means a much quicker Kamehameha and one that does even more damage. If it could destroy Earth there and then, just imagine how powerful it'd be if Goku used it at his strongest. The Hulk's more than finished, it's overkill.

The Kamehameha wave is just pure energy; there's no heat behind it, its just a giant concussive force. That Kamehameha wave would have likely drilled through the planet and ruptured the core, the same way Freiza destroyed Namek. The only DBZ villain shown to be a casual planet buster is Kid Buu. Even SSJ3 Goku's Kamehameha did not destroy the Earth despite making direct contact with it after Fat Buu deflected it.

That being said, it's logical to claim that Hulk could survive a Kamehameha point blank since he's survived much more potent attacks before.

Two other guys have proven you wrong already but I've responded anyway just to point out how stupid this is. I know, I'm very considerate. I take it that you didn't watch Dragonball Z as well as FitFinley? It's no coincidence that the only people arguing against Goku here are those that haven't ever watched Dragonball Z. Goku's a good guy! He doesn't go around destroying planets because he doesn't want to! If he's defeated both Frieza AND Kid Buu, both capable of destroying planets with minimal effort, then of course he's strong enough to do so! The Kamehameha fired at Fat Buu wasn't even his! 'Twas a rebound from Buu, and Buu didn't even charge it.

Goku wins this. Read the posts and you'll concur. Vote Goku!
No, no it wouldn't fuck Goku's shit up. Goku flies at extremely high speeds all the time and he'd endure it. No trouble, whatsoever. As I said earlier, Goku's grown a LOT stronger since that battle with Cell. That means a much quicker Kamehameha and one that does even more damage. If it could destroy Earth there and then, just imagine how powerful it'd be if Goku used it at his strongest. The Hulk's more than finished, it's overkill.

Now you're being a hypocrite; the pro Goku argument rests that he can fire off potent Kamehameha's that can hurt Hulk, but only if they are charged. It takes time for him to charge an attack that can do that much damage, and I doubt Hulk would just sit by and watch. As demonstrated by those that corrected me, even a close range Kamehameha by an opponent of SSJ3 strength did not destroy the Earth because it wasn't charged. Now you are claiming that any random Kamehameha Goku fires off would be able to obliterate the Hulk :shrug:

Goku isn't anything stronger than a planet buster; doesn't matter if he's SSJ or SSJ3. And I laid out my arguments as to why Goku's loses, and not one person defending the guy has been able to counter them. Its always been "Goku wins because he's Goku." And this is despite the fact that its been shown that Hulk can take planet destroying attacks, he's been shown to be physically stronger and more durable than Goku. SSJ3 cripples Goku's stamina, while Hulk continues to grow more powerful as the battle rages on.

Fanboyism at its finest right here.
Well let's just assume that Hulk's not harmed at all by a wave of pure concussive energy. You know what would happen then? Let's ask Vegeta:


The force of the Kamehameha collides with Hulk and blasts him off into space. Fairly sure that counts as incapacitation because he has no ability to get down from there.

Also: Kienzan. Base Goku was able to cut Gotenks Buu in half with a Kienzan. It's not going to have trouble with Hulk.

On that assumption, it didn't blast Cell into space why would it blast the Hulk there? He has stood firm against unstoppable forces before (and advanced).





Does "the power of one million exploding suns" exceed the dreaded Kamehameha?

Not blasted into space, not blasted to pieces and certainly not defeated - he wins every battle here!
On that assumption, it didn't blast Cell into space why would it blast the Hulk there? He has stood firm against unstoppable forces before (and advanced).

Because Cell was blasted in half. Hard to get blasted off when what was in front of the beam is now no longer a thing.

Also, all of those attacks seem to be horizontal, where Hulk's strength matters. If Goku fires vertically, he only needs to push Hulk harder than gravity to send him flying off into space for the win.

Also: Kienzan slices him into kibble. Still yet to see an answer for that. And don't say "Hulk heals from getting chopped in two in the time it takes for Goku to finish him off."
Because Cell was blasted in half. Hard to get blasted off when what was in front of the beam is now no longer a thing.

No, he wasn't, his head and arms were blasted off but his upper torso was remarkable unscathed for a full on, point blank Kamehameha and he was knocked all of a couple yards.

Also, all of those attacks seem to be horizontal, where Hulk's strength matters. If Goku fires vertically, he only needs to push Hulk harder than gravity to send him flying off into space for the win.

Check again, Sentry's blast is directly upwards.

Also: Kienzan slices him into kibble. Still yet to see an answer for that. And don't say "Hulk heals from getting chopped in two in the time it takes for Goku to finish him off."

Hmmm, would that be the same Kienzan that shattered on Cell's neck doing no damage... the same character who had his head blasted off by the Kamehameha?
No, he wasn't, his head and arms were blasted off but his upper torso was remarkable unscathed for a full on, point blank Kamehameha and he was knocked all of a couple yards.

There were parts of buildings left standing when nukes were dropped on Nagasaki. Also, cylinders (a rough approximation of Cells body post loss of arms) react differently to air pressure than a flat wall shape (a rough approximation of Hulk's torso).

Check again, Sentry's blast is directly upwards.

Looked more like he was slamming his fists into Hulk to me. :shrug:

Hmmm, would that be the same Kienzan that shattered on Cell's neck doing no damage... the same character who had his head blasted off by the Kamehameha?

No, I'm talking about the same Kienzan that base Goku used to cut Gotenks Buu in half. Stop using filler from the anime, dumbass.


Note the black hair and sliced to shit Buu.
There were parts of buildings left standing when nukes were dropped on Nagasaki. Also, cylinders (a rough approximation of Cells body post loss of arms) react differently to air pressure than a flat wall shape (a rough approximation of Hulk's torso).

Cell is far from barrel chested - and the indent between pectoral muscles would be a natural catchment area.

Looked more like he was slamming his fists into Hulk to me. :shrug:

Looks must be deceiving, next panels...

No, I'm talking about the same Kienzan that base Goku used to cut Gotenks Buu in half. Stop using filler from the anime, dumbass.


Note the black hair and sliced to shit Buu.

Actually, Goku supporters brought in the anime and you were arguing in it's favor at the start of you reply and as 'proof' that the Kamehameha would down Hulk. You can't have it both ways!

Note the attack from behind; possibly because of it's infamous flaws - being slow to create and hard to aim or control.

Also note that Krillin has cut Buu in half with the same attack, maybe it's just a weakness of the Buu character:shrug:. Hulk is a whole different proposition, his torso dwarfs that of Cell and Buu and is yet to be either cut in half or disintegrated in the 50 years of the Marvel Universe.
Because Cell was blasted in half. Hard to get blasted off when what was in front of the beam is now no longer a thing.

Also, all of those attacks seem to be horizontal, where Hulk's strength matters. If Goku fires vertically, he only needs to push Hulk harder than gravity to send him flying off into space for the win.

Also: Kienzan slices him into kibble. Still yet to see an answer for that. And don't say "Hulk heals from getting chopped in two in the time it takes for Goku to finish him off."

Actually Buu's body is far less durable than the Hulk's, Super Buu was ripped up by gunfire. The Destructo Disc has only been shown cutting through rocks and boulders; and never an enemy with more durability than the Z fighters like the Hulk.


Hulk not only caught Thor's hammer in his hand, but he immediately crushed it. Mjolnir has shown far more destructive capacity than the Destructo Disc... at least in the canon. And before its brought up Frieza's version was a different attack entirely; Goku can't use that.
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