Alright, here's my debut to the battle zone tournament. Didn't really want to post in here, but it's time to let out my inner star wars nerd.
Also, I'm really bad at arguing, so something that makes sense in my mind while I'm typing it might not make sense when you read it.
Darth Vader wins. Vader took down entire army's of planets during his reign as Palpetine's right hand man (not shown in the movies.) He took down the entire planet of Kashyyk with a few of his solders and himself. It is said that Vader killed over 34,000 jedi in his reign, whether youngling, padawan, knight, or master. If you think about it, jedi are known to be smart, and known to be masters of deception. Vader killed over 34,000 of them. He outsmarted many of them, and although I don't know much about the hulk, I don't think he's smarter than 34,000 jedi.
People are saying that Vader throwing stuff at Hulk will just make him angry. Well, think of this, if Hulk were to do the same thing back, than that will also anger Vader. Just remember this, remember that number I mentoined about, 34,000. All of those 34,000 victims were because of Vader's anger. Palpetine used Vader's rage to create him in to the best sith lord in star wars so far. Vader used his rage from his wife's death to defeat everyone (except for Luke obviously) that stepped in his path. Pissing Hulk off is one thing, but pissing Vader off led to the death of 34,000 jedi.
Vader has a lightsaber. Think of it, a lightsaber cuts through body parts of a normal human being like butter. Even though Hulk is more than a normal person, I just don't see a lightsaber not being able to cut through him. I will admit, it is technically impossible for Vader to just jump up to his head, but Hulk, just like everyone else has legs, and vader will chop through Hulk's legs just like any other. Hulk does not have anything that can stop a lightsaber, and even if Hulk is able to get it out of vader's hand, Vader can still use the force. He'll have it back in his hand before Hulk can even take a swing.
Hulk's weakness is a bad mental state. Vader will expose that easily. From first look, it doesn't seem like Hulk is that smart (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong; I honestly have no idea), and Vader will expose that. Vader knows mind tricks, and Vader will use them. Vader used mind tricks to make Starkiller (a secret apprentice) obey him, and do his dirty work for a while. Starkiller was trained to be a jedi/sith since a very young age, and Vader played with his mind for years. Hulk's (assuming) lack of brain power will be no match for Hulk.
Also, for the arguement about Vader not being able to choke out Hulk because Hulk can survive in space, and underwater is just silly. Hulk is a HUMAN, it doesn't matter if he can jump hundreds of miles in one leap, if a force is yanking on your throat; causing air not being able to go down the throat (I'm kind of dumb too, so don't make fun of me if I sound stupid; I know I am), and prevents air from entering the lungs, he's going to fall unconscious, and die. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that. I'll repeat it once more, HULK IS HUMAN.
Vader had swagger. After killing the great Roan Shryne on Kashyyk, Vader did not settle for anything less than what he wanted. Vader wanted to kill everyone in his path, and did so with little setbacks. Once Vader catches a wiff of Hulk, vader's mind is set on killing Hulk. Vader was also MILDLY unstable, and couldn't rest until his mission was completed. This mission to kill Hulk would be no different.
Also, Vader was a master at strategy. In his invasion of Kashyyk, were he was on a hunt to find the few jedi that made it out of order 66, he had to "call an audible" when almost directly after he landed, he found out that the wookies were ready, and saved up major weapons used in the clone wars. He took his 501st troop, and landed them on higher ground than the Wookies were on, and had his stormtroopers start firing. He than finally reached his goal, when the jedi SURRENDERED WILLINGLY to prevent any more Wookie casualties. If Hulk is to throw Vader off of his game plan, than Vader would find a way to reverse it in mid battle, as he showed on his invasion of Kashyyk.
Judging by how hard Yoda (who is one of the most powerful force users in the Star Wars universe I believe) has to concentrate to stop a pillar from falling in Star Wars Episode 2, I doubt Vader has the force abilities to use any sort of effective offensive Force attack against the Incredible Hulk. Stopping a stone pillar from falling is hard... but stopping Hulk is nearly impossible. Additionally, using the Force against Hulk would be very physically and mentally draining on Vader, and none of his Force attacks would be able to finish, or even really weaken Hulk for an extended period of time.
Yoda was seven hundred- eight hundred something years old during that. Just like athletes, jedi age, and grow weaker as they grow older. He barely escaped Count Dooku, a man whop not only he trained, and fought beside, but was defeated by two men who were trained by guys who he (Yoda) trained. Yoda in his prime would lift a stone pillar without much problem.
Anyways, sorry if some of the stuff I'm typing doesn't make much sense. I think something, and then sometimes write down something completely different. Anyways, I am a huge star wars nerd, and feel like Vader should definitely advance here. Would like to hear some reply's though; never really argued about anything much like this before (besides Deadliest Warrior stuff, which is a great show, and this got me thinking about a tournament with REAL warriors in it would be pretty cool.)
Just a couple of questions though. I feel like Vader could definitely be in the humans bracket. He was born as a human, and even after the mask, he is still a human. Oh well though, a human winning a supers bracket would be pretty cool. Also, you guys don't think you could have put maybe another Star Wars guy in this. I mean, off the top of my head, I could think of a few guys from Star Wars that could easily defeat some of the characters put in here quite easily. Ehhh, doesn't really matter though, just something that I would like to see. I really like this tournament though; great job Doc and Jglass!
In summary,