Buckle in boys and girls. This is going to be a long one, and Echelon is probably going to think I hate him afterwards. I do not. But I also think he needs to stop posting about Dragon Ball Z, because this isn't the first (not even the second time) I've caught a lot of blatantly wrong statements being thrown around. Stick to what you know my friend; your influence in the tournament is too great to be bullshitting at such a late point in the game.
The only real advantage that Goku has over the Hulk is that he can fly, and Hulk can move nearly as fast on the ground as Goku can through the air.
No. No no no. No.
You cannot sit on here and talk about how fast he is, and how fast his transformations make him (in comparison to the strength he apparently doesn't gain; another point we'll get to in a minute), and then turn around and say that Hulk can move just as fast. The beast's strength gives him ridiculous speed, but most of his movement utility comes in his leaps. He doesn't really do a lot of running; mostly jumping from building to building. He actually has been known to jump up so high he can take out planes... So there's a point in your favor, and you didn't even have to work for it.
But comparing that to Goku, at max power, really pushing himself? Don't make me post that video again, Echelon.
Hulk has more physical strength than Goku, and his durability levels are so high that even SSJ2 likely wouldn't be enough to put him down due to his regeneration abilities.
That's debatable. Maybe true, because after all Hulk is one of the most powerful beings ever, but don't write off Goku quite yet. He's taken incredible beatings, and powered out of some of the strongest enemies that galaxy has to offer. Before going any further though, there are thigns we need to discuss...
SSJ4 is non canon. You know what canon is right? It's the authors original work. Stuff like GT and the movies may as well be million dollar fanfiction. Therefore not credible when arguing with canon feats.
There you go, making shit up again. This point is of vital importance, so I'm getting it out of the way now.
"Canon" is just another word for "official", not "original". Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan wrote the screenplay for Empire Strikes Back off George Lucas' story prompts, while he oversaw production. Does that mean the greatest Star Wars film in history isn't canon? By your standards, it apparently does... With things like Star Wars there are layers and layers of different types of canon. Timothy Zahn has written some incredible books that Lucas himself has canonized. So please...stop making things up.
Here's the bottom line; Toriyama himself oversaw all production of DBGT. Did he write it all? No. But you'd think...if he's sitting in a room making production calls and taking the time to piece it together - let alone fund it - he probably agreed with what is going on. It was televised through Funimation, using the official copyright and trademark logos of the Dragon Ball brand. It's about as canon as canon can get.
And yes, SS4 Goku counts. It's canon. Toriyama drew the first sketches of it. And that's what frustrates me. We're so far into the tournament, and you have effectively handicapped Goku by claiming his most powerful form isn't legitimate, and people trust you. Blind leading the blind...
Hulk isn't Majin Buu, but a Kamehameha through the chest would not be enough to kill him.
Any actual proof to back up this claim? I have none to deny you, but I wasn't making the point in the first place. Just questioning your rebuttal.
Factoring in the fact that Hulk gets stronger the angrier he gets will work in his favor.
Right you are. As shown every time he fights somebody new, Goku also finds new energy and levels of power to draw from. The angrier he gets, and the motivation he finds to keep fighting, the more he'll reach down and find new levels of strength and stamina that he's never used before. It's the nature of basic anime writing: characters keep getting more powerful, consistently, until the show ends.
Normally Goku would have the advantage in stamina, but not here. Why? If SSJ2 isn't likely to work, then he'd have to use SSJ3. The transformation takes time, and it puts a MASSIVE strain on his body to the point where he can only maintain use of the form in a living body for only a couple of minutes.
Yeah. Sure. The first few times he does it... In a few of the movies you don't claim are canon, sure. Buuuut about the time GT rolls around it's clear that Goku has the technique mastered. In Kid Goku form against Baby, Goku goes SS3 in about five seconds flat. And that was in a state quite a few power levels under what he was capable in his "adult" form. By the final fights in GT Goku could probably take naps in the SS3 form.
The only time he moves at lightspeed is when he's using instant transmission
I am not having this discussion again. Go back and look at the first round, where we established the difference between instant transmission and the more appropriate name, instant translocation. This is SO two weeks ago...
Hulk isn't sluggish, and is quick enough to hold his own if Goku tries hand to hand combat, which would be stupid considering Big Green's got the strength advantage. And remember that Goku can only fight going all out with SSJ3 for a couple of minutes; I seriously doubt he would waste it ducking and dodging.
Goku probably would try hand to hand combat. Because he always does. I'm not saying it's a smart idea, but he's Goku, and he really likes to push his limits and figure out his opponents before formulating some sort of plan. He'd probably walk right up and start punching and kicking away.
Hulk has allot more power than Goku. Goku's best feat of strength was pushing a mountain apart. Not only can the Hulk do this put he is capable of destroying moon sized asteroids and ripping planets apart with his raw strength.
In my opinion, the closest opponent Goku has to Hulk is Broly. The guy, in his super form, was unstoppable. Nothing anybody did breached him. He seemed the pure form of raw power and energy. When he and Goku collided in their fully charged states, the planet literally started ripping apart beneath them. That is power.
At SSJ3 he sacrifices stamina for strength and speed; and SSJ3 only increases his energy level 4 fold from SSJ2. Not really that impressive of an increase.
The Hulk isn't hindered by his muscle mass at all; he could jump far enough to make it into orbit, and it would only take him a few seconds.
At SSJ3 this is a moot point, why? Because his stamina only allows him to use the form for a few minutes before he becomes exhausted. It's likely that Hulk could simply outlast Goku, and finish him off when he wears himself out.
SSJ4 has shit feats, tis why no one's brought it up.
We've now moved past this, in my opinion. So...your points of SS3 (not to mention SS4) not having enough stamina to rock Hulk for quite awhile, are pretty much invalid at this point.
Hulk can regenerate; energy attacks won't work. And if the planet blows up Hulk can survive the vacuum of space; Goku can't.
Not totally true. Again, go back and read round one of the tournament. Also, as stated in Wolverine threads, you don't need to kill the guy to advance. You just need to knock him out, and I think Hulk can be knocked out. He'll regen, but you drastically over-estimate the rate at which he does so.
If Kid Buu could push the Spirit Bomb back, I'm sure a being that can rip planets apart with his raw strength could too.
Didn't we decide that planet-ripping-aparting would effectively end the battle? I also haven't seen a lot of things that suggest Hulk could handle or re-direct pure energy. So many characters even in the DBZ universe can't do it without years of training. It's like Sidius throwing lightning at Yoda; only people trained in the art of absorbing energy can actually do it. Where's Hulk getting the means to just take energy and re-direct it where he wants?
Super Dragon Fist only works when Goku absorbs the Spirit Bomb; and it probably wouldn't work due to Hulk's regeneration.
While it is unlikely that Hulk would allow Goku time to do everything necessary to use the Super Dragon Fist. However, again I feel you're over-estimating Hulk's regen rate.
His only main advantage is flight. Even his speed is nullified due to the fact his stamina is so much lower than the Hulks.
Are you kidding? Have you seen a DBZ fight? They last like 6 years... I don't whether it takes more stamina for Goku to fly around for all that time, or for me to sit through an entire battle...
The martial artist has a snowballs chance in Hell of winning if the bodybuilder is nearly is fast, has more stamina, is more durable, and can regenerate
Really? You're going to boil down Goku to a "martial artist"? The greatest of all Saiyan warriors, and he's now a "martial artist" for the sake of winning your argument.
He overestimated himself twice as a SSJ3. First against Fat Buu and again against Kid Buu; in reality he couldn't have defeated either because he did not know his limitations. Against Hulk it'll be the same thing, except that Hulk will eventually get stronger as the fight rolls on thanks to his anger, while Goku will tire quickly due to massive ki bleeding.
Hulk and I have something in common... The longer you make shit up, the more angry I become, and the more you suffer from massive anal -erm- ki bleeding... The problem with ALL of your points is they hinge on the fact that GT and the SS4 transformation is bullshit. Turns out you're wrong, and now pretty much everything you've said is void. Like this whole vendetta you have against SS3 and "ki bleeding".
Based on the research that I've done Hulk's regeneration is on the same level as Cells. Meaning that if Goku blows off a limb or shoots a ki blast through him, Hulk can heal himself...well... as fast as Cell could heal himself.
I would love to see the numbers on that one. Call me ignorant, but I don't think I've ever seen Hulk grow back an arm at rapid speed.
It's already been noted that Hulk has more raw strength than even SSJ3 Goku, so base Goku would have no chance overpowering Hulk with the Spirit Bomb
. Lots of things have been noted. Not many things have been supported.
Super Dragon Fist doesn't destroy someone outright; it just makes a big hole, a hole that Hulk could close within moments.
And what's Goku going to do in those moments? Stand there and let Hulk heal up? Even just reading his WIki shows that Hulk takes several minutes to heal from being sliced open in the middle; he had to stop his guts from spilling out in the process. Put a giant hole in the middle of his body, and it's going to take longer to heal. I'd love to watch Hulk running around, trying to keep his heart from falling out.
It's not against the rules, but you'd be foolish to include the fillers because they aren't part of the authors original work. Toriyama was an executive producer for GT; he may have designed some of the characters but he didn't write their back stories, their personalities, or any of the episodes that feature them.
You are still missing the point of canon, which by itself is extremely subjective. I enjoy that you're just trying to put a definitive label on it and pretend there's evidence to back up your claim. There's not. Canon isn't defined by the original author's penmanship.
What are you talking about? Frieza clearly played Goku and made him look like a fool by trying to destroy the planet knowing that the saiyan couldn't survive. Goku cannot breathe in space but Hulk can, so if the planet gets blown up on accident Goku's fucked.
Sure. And so is the tournament. Also, Hulk's ability to survive in space is definitely limited. Assuming this tournament is held on Earth, he's got a bit to travel to get to the closest sustainable environment.
There's no evidence in the canon to support Goku's physical strength increasing from SSJ2 to SSJ3; speed and energy levels? Yes.
Except that the opponents he fought continued to get stronger and stronger, and he continued to defeat them one after another. What do you want, for Toriyama to just write in a scene were Goku explains all the power levels of his incarnations? How utterly contrived and juvenile that product would be...
He stated it, but he didn't know his body's limitations. SSJ3 is not a transformation that can be withstood by a living body. Goku has to either be dead or in a fused body to get the most out of the transformation. That's why SSJ3 Gotenks > SSJ3 Goku.
I..don't even...wut? Oh that's right. Canon issues. You screwing Goku out of legitimate canon-based material to win your arguments. That's right...
Goku can only charge the Spirit Bomb in base form, so if Hulk knocks him out of the air, which he can and probably would if Goku were to try for the Spirit Bomb, he'd be helpless.
Funny that you mention it. Because that little fact happens to come directly from one of the movies you reject as being legitimate.
Hulk would not give him the opportunity to transform back if he chose to drop the transformation to charge the Spirit Bomb
Takes him about .5 seconds for SSJ, 1 second for SSJ2, and five seconds for SSJ3 a the final extent of his power seen in GT.
Wrong; the strength of the characters really hadn't increased that much on a grand scale. With Super Buu being a couple hundred fold stronger than Frieza; not millions or whatever. Still planet busters at best.
Are you actually suggesting that a hundred fold increase in power isn't significant?
You are trying to fill in blanks with evidence that was never even shown; stop assuming.
Wrath of the Dragon isn't canon; stop bullshitting me.
See above.
It was stated quite clearly in the manga that the SSJ3 form was never supposed to be used by a living body, only fused and dead beings could get the most out of the transformation.
So whatever, call it an inconsistency. You want me to research the hundreds of inconsistencies in the dozens of various Hulk forms? Marvel is littered with things that don't make sense in terms of continuity. So does anime and manga. It happens.
Wrath of the Dragon was written and produced by TOEI; Toriyama had fuck all to do with it. That's why we use the canon for continuation and feats because it's the closest thing to the author's original work. Do you know anything about DBZ? You are showing me that you don't.
If the creators of DBZ didn't wave Wrath of the Dragon into production, it wouldn't have happened. Plain and simple. It's not like you can just make money off a series without having it officialized by trademark and copyright laws. I'm suck of hearing you explain away canon issues you don't fully understand.
I don't care who wins this fight. I could not give fewer fucks. I think it'd be a war, and I don't count out Hulk in any way. But your inconsistent, false claims about DBZ make me want Goku to win. Or maybe he should lose again, as to not fall under fire from you again in the final round. It all comes down to this: canon is not what you think it is. Plenty of things in life have been done without the direct input of the original creator. Writers and producers and directors change all the time. A lot of the arguments you're making for Hulk do not, IN ANY WAY, come from the mind of the original Hulk writer.
EDIT: I see you creeping in here Echelon.