Saunter with Coco and GD w/ special guest MRC

JMT: All I need you to do is switch the placement of my and GD's names in the title.

Also, brace yourself for the greatness of Celebrate Ricky Sargulesh.

Joe: I do watch Survivor, but I haven't found the time for this week's episode yet. That said, the One World idea is working brilliantly. A shame I like none of the contestants this season.
Joe: I do watch Survivor, but I haven't found the time for this week's episode yet. That said, the One World idea is working brilliantly. A shame I like none of the contestants this season.

You'll enjoy this week's episode, Coco, make sure you check it out. In my opinion, one of the biggest bonehead moves in Survivor history.
Anus preparation: That's what the money's for.

Habs, I finally watched last week's episode. A disgrace to my gender. Hilarious, but sad. I'm going to go ahead and play the Gay Friend Card now so it's less shocking when I start attributing Colton's Coltoniness to a chip he has on his shoulder because God hates ****.
So looking back on last night's Community, I find that the show, especially the end of it, felt a little rushed and contrived... but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy every fucking second of it.

Have you watched yet?
It was good, but any segments that aren't Troy, Abed, Britta or Jeff are becoming consistently fucking grating.

And by that I mean Pierce, Shirley or Chang arent funny.

Also, the transition from making Troy and Abed guys that are best friends to complete sociopaths is troubling. Compare them to last season, at least the shit they did made sense.
That's a good point. Troy and Abed are still hilarious, especially Abed when he's doing his asperger's thing, but their antics continue to make less and less sense. The way they snapped back to weird this week was particularly insulting, as usually Abed is the one that realizes what they need to do, and usually has a pretty good reason for doing it.

Troy's reason was because, "They need to be weird." Why? Why do you need to be weird? Because you saw Annie's Boobs?
Fine episode, but I found it to be one of the weakest of the season so far. I also agree with what you guys are saying about Troy and Abed. Should be interesting to see if the show makes something of this slowly growing sentiment. The best bits were easily Jeff and Britta's contributions to the episode and Pierce's request for all the ambulances.

So, Jericho's officially back. You can't tell if someone is still good when they're wrestling Kofi Kingston, but the verdict is in. He's still got it. Phew. I was getting worried there.

All this talk (just so we're clear, I'm not saying there's been a lot of talk) of A-Train has me missing A-Train. Was I the only person who liked him before he went to Japan and watching his matches became cool to hipsters?
And since this has apparently become THE thread for Habs and I to discuss Survivor, are you as pissed as I am about them ending the One World concept?
Not really, Coco. Whenever they try new ideas like this, they usually only last for a few weeks before returning to the classic tribe make up. One season they divided by race. Another season they did gender and age. But they always go back to the regular tribes in the end. I would have preferred it to stay as one tribe, but I figured it wouldn't last.

Here's a question for you. How the hell did Colton reach such a position of power? I thought he was gone after a week or two, but he's running the show every week. He's calling all the shots, and I can't understand it.
Simple: Everyone around him is a pussy and for some reason the hidden idol makes you the de facto shot-caller.
All this talk (just so we're clear, I'm not saying there's been a lot of talk) of A-Train has me missing A-Train. Was I the only person who liked him before he went to Japan and watching his matches became cool to hipsters?

He was a great big guy, I should clarify that I am not one of those people that automatically think someone is crap because they are big, so I am actually complimenting him. Also, I think the ability to play "the muscle" of a group well is kind of underrated, you'd think all you had to do was turn up and look hard but. . .
Simple: Everyone around him is a pussy and for some reason the hidden idol makes you the de facto shot-caller.

Hard to imagine everyone else around him being a pussy, compared to Colton. Plus, early in the game, if I were playing, the idol would make him a target. Vote for him early to flush out the idol, nullify that advantage, and then vote him off when he gets annoying. Which was in week one for me.
He was a great big guy, I should clarify that I am not one of those people that automatically think someone is crap because they are big, so I am actually complimenting him. Also, I think the ability to play "the muscle" of a group well is kind of underrated, you'd think all you had to do was turn up and look hard but. . .
...but Mason Ryan and Rob Terry show you just how untrue that is?

Hard to imagine everyone else around him being a pussy, compared to Colton. Plus, early in the game, if I were playing, the idol would make him a target. Vote for him early to flush out the idol, nullify that advantage, and then vote him off when he gets annoying. Which was in week one for me.
Sounds like what I'd do. Of course I'm notorious for not being a pussy.

Colton's gone beyond well annoying at this point. He's well on his way to being a comic book villain.
I'm still trying to understand how Colton can be in a tribe with seven other grown men, and he can singlehandedy convince them to abandon tribal immunity which they won, and give it up to the women, with the sole purpose of voting off Leif for his stupidity with regards to betrayal of a hidden alliance. All seven other guys blindly say, duh, OK. Then after doing so, they don't vote for Leif after all. Colton unilaterally decides he doesn't like Bill and that he should go, and once again, all seven guys blindly do what he says and unanimously vote Bill off. I really don't get it.
Perhaps they're all closet racists. Very eager closet racist. Either that or they're afraid coming after Colton will make them look like homophobes. I mean there's no sensible explanation for what's happening, so I have to reach.

Thanks JMT. Just noticed the thread title.
...but Mason Ryan and Rob Terry show you just how untrue that is?

Yeah, I mean, Rob Terry's huge, but his intimidatingness doesnt come across well on camera, in fact he looks like a tit, a giant, muscular, devillishly handsome tit. I just liked A-Train, he was a great stooge.
Hey Coco, did you see Survivor last night? I don't want to spoil anything in case you didn't see it yet. Wanted to get your thoughts.
Happy the little prick is gone, but I'm sad I didn't get to see him voted off. Him and his girl deserve some proper comeuppance for their overt disrespect of perfectly reasonable people. I'm also thrilled that they've merged already. One World was so much more fun than the couple episodes where the tribes had separate beaches.

Still nobody I really like though.
Happy the little prick is gone, but I'm sad I didn't get to see him voted off. Him and his girl deserve some proper comeuppance for their overt disrespect of perfectly reasonable people. I'm also thrilled that they've merged already. One World was so much more fun than the couple episodes where the tribes had separate beaches.

Still nobody I really like though.

I agree with you 100% (weird I know!). I'm glad the ignorant SOB is gone too, but I wanted to see him get voted off rather than eliminated in this manner. Actually, not only voted off, but blindsided. There was no reason for the crap he was spewing (you can fall in the fire for all I care, for example). I hope Alicia goes next week for the same reason.

I kind of like Chelsea, but I have no clear favorite yet either.
I sometimes go through phases with what I'm interested in watching and what I'm not interested in watching. This also applies to pro wrestling. As big a Rob Van Dam fan as I am at the moment, I'm burned out on him and the original ECW. On the other hand, I'm quite high on Sting, Eddie Guerrero, and CM Punk, with a particular enthusiasm for all things TNA.

Sorry if that wounds you, JMT. Regardless of how much it does wound you, what thoughts do you have on Sting's TNA run overall? Habs, feel free to chip in on that one as you normally have TNA thoughts for us. As a matter of fact, everyone can feel free to chip in! Yay. You're welcome.
Promo wise I think Sting is by far the best he's ever been.

In the ring, people can bitch all they want, but he's still pretty damn great for a 50+ year old. He's been able to keep himself in very good shape over the years, and he's still willing to take some big bumps out there.

Anyways, to describe his run in TNA: Loyal. He's been so loyal to that company, and people misplace that loyalty with selfishness. Sting hasn't been able to bring these huge drawing numbers and pay-per-view buys to the company, but he's still helped, as much as anyone, develop TNA's current fanbase. The guy has definitely been that company's biggest blessing if you ask me.

As far as quality... I remember loving a match his feud with Abyss from 2006-2007. Those two beat the hell out of each. I also loved his work with Samoa Joe. The Main Event Mafia crap was probably the low point, but since then Sting has been very entertaining with his batshit crazy and GM roles.
I just rewatched his work with Samoa Joe the other day. That was a fantastic feud. A shame I let myself get sucked into an anti-TNA kick at the time. I really think a rematch would be great if Joe ever got back back up to that level.

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