Sam's Thread of Chattin' w/ Jake & Other Robust Subjects

I really enjoyed the first one, though your critiques are noted and certainly valid. It's a pretty low-brow action movie that seems a fancy to us 'Muricans because the spies where nice suits and talk in classy English accents.

I'll still probably see the second one and I anticipate enjoying it. I enjoyed the shit out of both Kick-Ass movies which aren't exactly shining examples of great filmmaking.
Pennywise was creepy as hell & it had alot to do with his eyes. That dead eyed, HBK like stare man. Shit wasnt CGI either, his eyes actually do that & it really helped sell the not quite human thing.
It never occurred to me that Shawn Michaels might be a manifestation of profound, ancient, Lovecraftian evil. I tell a lie, I've been watching WWE circa 1996 and it's occurred to me frequently.
It remains the only movie I've ever walked out on. Not because I particularly disliked it but because it was making my girlfriend cry on New Year's Eve. Nothing anybody's said about it since has motivated me to finish it.
I thought it was super fucking weird. I don't regret having seen it in theaters (I believe I also saw it on a date), but I don't think it's a must see by any means.

Logan Lucky, on the other hand...
Why the fuck was Micheal Shannon nominated for an Oscar for that ? He played his role well, but damn

Edit : same question to J glass

Michael Shannon was in that movie?

I don't know why he was nominated. Maybe because everyone knew Mahershala Ali was destined to win.
He was nominated because he's good in everything and, as far as I can remember, has no previous nominations to his name. That's how the Oscars work.
I got that movie confused with Road to Perdition in my head. I can't remember much about either. Maybe Jude Law has bad teeth or something in Road to Perdition?
Oh, also: I've been seeing reactions to the new Blade Runner that suggests it might well cure cancer and exfoliate your skin simultaneously. If that's true, it'll be the surprise of the year.
Now that I think about it, it is in keeping with the rapturous response I expect any Villeneuve movie to get, regardless of quality.
Revolutionary Road.

I was confused why he was nominated instead of Aaron Taylor Johnson who was genuinely a scary dude in that film.

Not sure about scary per se, but I do know that not sense the days of Joffery Baratheon have i been more physically ready to kill a fictional character on sight were that to somehow be possible
September :

☆☆☆☆☆ IT
☆☆☆☆ mother!
☆☆☆ A Ghost Story, Kingsman 2, American Made, Stratton and Patti Cake$
☆☆ The Limehouse Golem, An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power, American Assassin, The Jungle Bunch and Prick Up Your Ears

I understand your criticism of Kingsman but I saw it immediately after mother! so it was exactly what I needed.
I also enjoyed The Kingsmen quite a bit. It was absolutely ridiculous, at times offensive, and dumb all the way through, but some of the action scenes were extremely enjoyable. I also cracked up at the movie several times through.

I didn't realize how badly I wanted to see Elton John drop kick someone until it happened.
Just watch the Saine matches. Her second rounder is such a classic underdog Vs mega athlete match.

I think the Alpha Woman lost because-

Laith is a good worker, trained by Mae Young / Young constituents

It was a fine surprise

At the time Laith was signed and the German was not.

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