RVD vs Jerry Lynn at Hard Justice?


Hogan Matters!
According to F4WOnline.com, TNA is currently trying to secure a match between Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn as the main event for the August 8 pay-per view, which is the show with the ECW-reunion theme.

RVD-Lynn is considered one of the best rivalries, in terms of quality matches, in ECW history. It is also one of the last great main event feuds in the original ECW, as the company focus had shifted to RVD after losing the majority of their top stars to either WWE or WCW. This was during the period where they finally got a national television deal on TNN (which later became the Spike TV network). In fact, the first episode of ECW on TNN was a replay of a classic RVD vs. Jerry Lynn match.

This is news to me. I thought the main event at Hard Justice was going to be RVD/Abyss? Maybe they will do that on iMPACT instead?

So what are your thoughts on a possible return to TNA for Jerry Lynn? Or do you think this will be a one night only appearance for Lynn in TNA?

Also, do you think this would be the right main event for the show?
i dont post here allot cuz i am a avid fan now not as hardcore as i once was of wrestling but let me say that i never saw ECW on tv or anything like that. but my best friend and i started to get into it during the wwe invasion so him and i went out and at the time i bought the guilty as charged VHS. and omg i was mind blown at the event and wrestling, and Jerry Lynn quickly became my favorite wrestler of all time and still is. if this happens it will be the 1st time i order a ppv in 6 years.
I thought Jerry Lynn was working over in ROH?

But I really don't think this would be right for the PPV. Abyss was ranked number 1. So he should get the title shot. I guess if they do Abyss/RVD on Impact wouldn't number 2 move up to number 1? Who knows. Maybe RVD will pull double duty that night. But I think bring Lynn in and only having 2 weeks(since they taped Impact for this coming Thursday already) to build the match would be a bad idea. If anything it RVD should pull double duty. Open the PPV with Lynn/RVD then close it with Abyss/RVD.
I would love to see it, but not as a main event...maybe if this was 2003, then yehh..but i'd rather see some young guys..or maybe someone like sabu, sandman...or even if Taz can wrestle..
YES YES YES! I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of RVD, but I respect his place in ECW history, so I get why they would use him for the main event of their PPV. But Jerry Lynn....in the words of Joey Styles...OH MY GOD!!! Jerry Lynn is one of my favorites of all time, and he's definitely still got it. THis would definitely be a one or two time appearance type thing, because Lynn is working in ROH currently and doing a pretty good job. I don't care if there's no build to it, or if it doesn't make sense with the Abyss angle...screw Abyss. Jerry Lynn is 20 times the monster Abyss will ever see.

TNECW PPV: "The Whole F'in Show" RVD vs. "The New F'in Show" Jerry Lynn

Honestly I loved the original ECW and the matches between RVD vs. Jerry Lynn, but ECW is dead. TNA's next attempt is ******ed. Hey let's do the same thing the WWE how many years ago when the wrestler then were already past there prime and see if people will watch?

Nostalgia in wrestling is nice but TNA is becoming wrestlings Senior Tour.

Can RVD and Jerry Lynn still pull out a good match probaly, as both have always been talented performers, but I will not pay to see it.
Mike "The Kid" Killam;2227656 said:
YES YES YES! I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of RVD, but I respect his place in ECW history, so I get why they would use him for the main event of their PPV. But Jerry Lynn....in the words of Joey Styles...OH MY GOD!!! Jerry Lynn is one of my favorites of all time, and he's definitely still got it. THis would definitely be a one or two time appearance type thing, because Lynn is working in ROH currently and doing a pretty good job. I don't care if there's no build to it, or if it doesn't make sense with the Abyss angle...screw Abyss. Jerry Lynn is 20 times the monster Abyss will ever see.

TNECW PPV: "The Whole F'in Show" RVD vs. "The New F'in Show" Jerry Lynn


lol oh man, I have a tape with the match where "the new f'n show" chants started. Would so pay for hard justice
This disgusts me no end.

Yes, even to a point where I would rather see Abyss in the main event, and to be honest that's exactly where I'm going with this.

What is the purpose in this? Lynn and RVD had several matches together in ECW... its not as if it can be billed as a first time ever between two ECW greats. I like the idea of the ECW-themed Pay Per View as it adds an interesting dynamic to this one PPV on the TNA calendar... but shouldn't the ECW stars be used to also make TNA's own stars look good?

Rob Van Dam helped out the ECW stars on Thursday, so why should he face one of his own? Surely they can get away with putting the top-rated contender in the match against the Champion who is a former ECW star himself right?

But then again, TNA lacks logic. Apparently the ranking system (which is flawed anyway) just goes out of the window here. Jerry Lynn can just come back into TNA and get a title shot simply because of the ECW theme.

Many talk of Abyss (who is a shell of what he used to be) as being a hardcore wrestler... so isn't that enough along with the #1 Contender status to be in the Main Event?

Yes Lynn vs RVD would be entertaining. But surely it wouldn't meet the quality of their former matches as both men have aged considerably. Yes they can still go but neither of them are what you call young.

Honestly, I just don't see a point in this. TNA is relying on the old ECW name too much. And its not as if it's going to help them. The IMPACT! crowd just cheer for anybody anyway, so its not as if they're bringing in Lynn for a certain reaction.

This is just downright terrible. I'm not a TNA hater whatsoever, that's why I'm arguing in Abyss's case as he's one of TNA's own stars and because storyline-wise and logically (regardless of my opinion of him), he fits a hell of a lot more!

Words cannot express how much this really disgusts me.
If anyone has seen him wrestle in ROH. You know that he can go. His matches with Aries and Nigel were amazing. I can only imagine what his matches with RVD nowadays will be. Can't help but be excited for this news.
But then again, TNA lacks logic. Apparently the ranking system (which is flawed anyway) just goes out of the window here. Jerry Lynn can just come back into TNA and get a title shot simply because of the ECW theme.

No one said Jerry Lynn would get a title shot, just be in the main event which would also not interfere with the ranking system.

And if it is an ECW reunion then they have to have matches that pertain to the old ECW. Weather its Raven vs Tommy Dreamer or RVD vs JL.

But I do not think the reunion thing is a good idea. I mean I can handle a reunion but just not another ONS. Then after that what happens... everybody gets lost in the roster?
No one said Jerry Lynn would get a title shot, just be in the main event which would also not interfere with the ranking system.

And if it is an ECW reunion then they have to have matches that pertain to the old ECW. Weather its Raven vs Tommy Dreamer or RVD vs JL.

But I do not think the reunion thing is a good idea. I mean I can handle a reunion but just not another ONS. Then after that what happens... everybody gets lost in the roster?

Good point but if that is the case then this frustrates me even more. The TNA Championship needs prestige. Having somebody win the belt on an episode of IMPACT purely to try and boost ratings and maybe tempt Heyman to come to TNA even more so (This is referring to RVD beating Styles) doesn't help so much. The least they could do is have the World Title defended on this PPV.

Unless they have RVD plan on wrestling two matches, that might not happen. And if it is defended against Abyss before a singles match with Lynn, it just gives the impression that Jerry Lynn is a more important factor than the World Championship.

If its defended against Lynn some might say it gives prestige, but honestly Lynn is past his prime and it really makes the belt look like it has to have fairly decent names from the past more than anything else fight for it to look relevant.

I don't see how RVD vs Abyss wouldn't relate to the old ECW either in some ways. It has a star who used to be in the old ECW and another who is often said to fight with a similar hardcore style.

Good points though by the way, just the whole idea of RVD/Lynn is infuriating me right now haha.
Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I can't stay quiet any more.

This is a pathetic idea for a pay-per-view main event, and honestly I doubt that it's true at all. However, it is a great example of why an ECW-themed Hard Justice is a huge, huge mistake.

I consider myself a wrestling fan in general, and I watch WWE and TNA every week. I don't consider myself biased, so I don't want my opinions to be discounted as those of a WWE mark. However, what's going on with the ECW angle and Hard Justice shows exactly what's wrong with TNA and why it's not going to get anywhere unless it starts implementing some real change.

I was watching the end of TNA, shaking my head and thinking, "Gee, what a clusterfuck." Look at it this way; remember when the whole Nexus angle first started? The NXT guys were portrayed as fresh blood, hungry sharks in a feeding frenzy. It looked impressive. Additionally, WWE built these guys up over the course of weeks of wrestling shows.

I am almost thirty, I was around and watching the original ECW, and I admit having that little nostalgic tingle when I see the originals. But I don't see them as a threat to any of the TNA regulars. I'm sorry, but Tommy Dreamer looks like the guy that works at the Shell station down the street from me. And instead of building the ECW guys up with wrestling segments, they've been . . . showing up at Impact . . . uh, watching the show? How exciting is that supposed to be? What part of this storyline was meant to make me give a shit? Woah, Rhino's leaning over the rail.

And then, the payoff was a ridiculous clusterfuck. Wow, Al Snow. Terry Taylor. Twenty guys that look like they're looking for RVD's missing contacts as much as they are fighting. Screw the agents and security, leave out the clutter so we can actually see current TNA guys vs. ECW originals. That may have been a decent image.

Who are they trying to sell this to? Original ECW fans? If they're like me, they're already watching Impact every week and uh, streaming the PPVs.

To bring this back on topic, I want TNA to give me something new for the main event of Hard Justice to make me want to buy it. I can find old footage of RVD vs. Jerry Lynn on my own, thanks.
I'd love to see it. I think they have good ring ring chemistry and it could turn out to be a good match (main event?) for a PPV for once.

And to the people refering to Jerry Lynn working in ROH currently, unlike WWE, TNA stars ARE able to be in TNA, unless something has changed somewhat recently. (See Samoa Joe, Homocide, AJ Styles)
It would most likely be a decent match. Don't really understand how it's a main event for a PPV when Jerry Lynn's not even in TNA. I mean, come on, sure they had a great rivalry but a lot of seeing a match is the build up and story behind it. The build up will be what, we used to fight years ago so let's fight now when I make one or two appearances before the PPV.

Hopefully this rumor is false. I am like others on here though. ECW was great in its day. However, watching Dreamer, Rhyno, and Raven work was pretty embarrassing. Raven, especially. Sure I want to get behind an ECW invasion, but how can you when all those guys are so horrendously out of shape? And has there ever been an 'invasion' that worked? Invasion storylines are mainly stupid because everyones employed by the same company so it's not a very compelling story. That and you can only do so much with the rundowns and people turning.

Anyways this is getting off-topic, but my opinion is Jerry Lynn / RVD Main Event would be a good match, but doesnt make sense here.
This is an awful idea. I hope they didn't really consider this.

TNA was just starting to get rolling again. There was a lot less focus on old guys last week and it made for a good show. Until the end when a bunch of old guys that few people care about stormed the ring.

I still love and watch the original ECW. A final Raven/Dreamer fued could have done something in TNA but that chance is gone now.
As a fan of the original ECW, and the feud these two had in it... I could not be in more support of this.

The fact of the matter is, both these wrestlers can still go. RVD has shown us these past few months in TNA that he's as good as he ever was, and Jerry Lynn has shown us in ROH the past year or so that he is also as good as he's ever been, so there's not a single doubt in my mind that these two can still go out there and put on a main event caliber match against one another.
I have no problem with these two having a match, Main Event or not, however, having that match at Hard Justice just seems to soon, I'd rather they have time to build it, and remind the fans at how great these two were in the ring in the past, also I think they need to finish what they started with Abyss and RVD, they need to have that match at Hard Justice, TNA gets a lot of shit for not finishing storylines or doing shit without an explanation, needless to say doing that again would just be downright fucking stupid, let Abyss and RVD have their match at Hard Justice, then after that you begin to set up Lynn/RVD
Well, now that it's been put out there, they better be ready to shill out the pay day of a lifetime to get Lynn, because he is working with ROH. That said, this would be absolutely wonderful for me. I've said it before, that TNA is really going to need great workers to keep this thing from collapsing. Lynn is one of the best workers in America right now, bar none, and he totally makes sense. This will be the one time I allow TNA to stray from storylines, and just let this go instead of RVD-Abyss. I'm not sure of the probablity of this happening, but it could also give Ring of Honor some publicity, as well, which can't be anything but good. But now that it's been floated, this better happen. I've already give the names of some of the workers that need to appear, and this is one of them. Now, if they can get Tajiri, Super Crazy, maybe Psicosis, I can see this event coming together.

Though now that they put it out there, this better fucking happen
I would love to see Rvd and Lynn go at it 1 time this guys of had classic matches in the past and I think they could do it again. Lynn is still one of the best workers in America, and I still believe that Rvd could still go. I think that alot of people would still love to see these two wrestle each other again. I wouldn't even care if this match had no storyline or build because I believe people would be interested enough in the match. I think that If Tna does go through with a so called ONS PPV that must be on the card to make it work because these are two of the older Ecw wrestlers that can still work a good match. If this rumor is true and they could get other former Ecw guys like Tajiri and Super Crazy I think that this PPV could be good. Hopefully this match happens and we can see one more good match between RVD and Lynn
Some people forget that Jerry Lynn was in TNA for a year or so in 07 or 06, and if I remember correctly he got along well with stars such as Christopher Daniels and others.

So I really wouldn't be surprised if this is the main event of Hard Justice due to RVD and Lynns past classics. Anyway I am still looking forward to Hard Justice.
from what i saw the ecw guys were attacking abyss and rvd was helping them so it doesnt make sense and it woudl screw up the ranking system which needs to go
Good point but if that is the case then this frustrates me even more. The TNA Championship needs prestige. Having somebody win the belt on an episode of IMPACT purely to try and boost ratings and maybe tempt Heyman to come to TNA even more so (This is referring to RVD beating Styles) doesn't help so much. The least they could do is have the World Title defended on this PPV.

Unless they have RVD plan on wrestling two matches, that might not happen. And if it is defended against Abyss before a singles match with Lynn, it just gives the impression that Jerry Lynn is a more important factor than the World Championship.

If its defended against Lynn some might say it gives prestige, but honestly Lynn is past his prime and it really makes the belt look like it has to have fairly decent names from the past more than anything else fight for it to look relevant.

I don't see how RVD vs Abyss wouldn't relate to the old ECW either in some ways. It has a star who used to be in the old ECW and another who is often said to fight with a similar hardcore style.

Good points though by the way, just the whole idea of RVD/Lynn is infuriating me right now haha.

I don't see a problem with it at all. This is the last big bang for the ECW guys. Plus, there are ways they could do it without making Abyss look like shit.

You could have Abyss/RVD go at it in what everyone thinks is the main event. Grueling hardcore match, but RVD survives. As RVD is celebrating, have Jerry Lynn come out and challenge him to one last match. Long staredown, and RVD accepts. Epic match, but RVD survives. Plus you solve the long running issue of RVD not looking like a credible champion. If that doesn't make RVD look like a credible champion, I don't know what will.

And I don't see how it shows Lynn is more important than Abyss or the TNA world title. This is an ECW show, like WWE One Night Stand. This is about one last show for the ECW guys. And the way im proposing they do it, it doesn't make Abyss look bad and it makes the TNA world championship look even more credible.
One thing I just thought of, if they were to have this match be a title match then what does that say about the whole ranking system, if Lynn can come in and just be handed a title match without having to get there through climbing the rankings than the whole ranking system just becomes pointless, I have no problem what so ever with Lynn/RVD one more time, however I think they'd be best off having RVD drop the title and then setting up Lynn/RVD without the title, this match would be perfect for BFG
RVD vs. Jerry Lynn sounds amazing to me since these two have such great history in the ring and both are still more then able to go at their age. The only question is where does Abyss factor in all of this? Lynn doesn't deserve a title shot, but I'm pretty sure more people would rather see RVD vs. Lynn then RVD vs. Abyss. Maybe RVD and Lynn can have a match in the beginning of the show and then RVD can defend the title against Abyss in the main event. That would be rough on RVD, but he has gone through worst.

It could also be a three way dance for title, but Abyss would be lost in the shuffle. I think they shouldn't of announced the rankings if they were going to go through with an all ECW PPV. Abyss would be better off facing someone like Sabu or Foley. I don't think anyone would be sad to see RVD vs. Jerry Lynn at the PPV, but it screws Abyss out of his title shot. Then again, Lynn might not even be at the PPV so this discussion could be all for nothing.
Even though it would probably be a really good match, I have no desire to see it for the TNA Heavyweight Championship. What has Lynn done to deserve a title shot? Nothing that I can think of. He hasn't even been in TNA in years and when he was he was a X-Division guy. So he has no merit as of right now to be fighting for the title. Also, how could TNA bring him in? Isn't under contract with Ring of Honor or does he just get paid per appearance?

What does this say about the rankings system? Abyss is ranked #1 but Jerry Lynn gets the title shot? That just seems messed up. So unless something drastic happens, like Lynn attacking Abyss and taking his spot or something, then the matchup would make no sense, no matter how good it could possibly be.

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