Jerry Lynn vs RVD will NOT take place tomorrow

This show isn't sunk. You have to consider who the audience is here: the old school ECW fans. They would watch the ECW guys having breakfast and think it's cool. This show could be December to Dismember all over again and they would think it was decent. Having lost the one big match they had isn't going to ruin it for fans. ECW is one of the most polarizing things in wrestling history. Those that hated it are going to hate it no matter what and vice versa. This is far from the death nail that it's being made out to be.

OK, put it this way: It's sunk in the eyes of those who are watching not for nostalgia but for an entertaining PPV. RVD/Lynn was probably going to be the most entertaining match, in that both men could still work. The rest of the PPV is an unknown, except for Raven/Dreamer, which I for one really don't want to see.

In the eyes of the ECW faithful it's still going to rule and be the best thing ever, because they're viewing it through the nostalgia filter. For those who may have simply liked ECW (or as in my case weren't around for ECW but liked what they saw of it when they did their research), I fear that they're in for a very disappointing PPV, and that this match being cancelled was the confirmation.
I don't really remember much of the One Night Stand 05 card being announced in advance (mind you, I wasn't really paying attention at the time) and that PPV was alright. It had the chance to be a good match, based on their past matches but it also could've worked against it. Because their previous matches were so good it had a lot to live up to and, imo, had no chance of reaching those heights due to years added on, injuries and loss of passion for wrestling.

I'm actually a lot more interested in the event now just to see who TNA are going to pull out to be a suitable replacement in the main event....or just having Sandman make a main event entrance one more time to "Enter Sandman" would at least create the ECW atmosphere that could help save the event
First of all I didn't know that Jerry Lynn was going to be there and second I didn't even know if RVD had a match going into this PPV. I might barely watch TNA, but this would have been a great match. That's to bad.
I think this killed the PPV, the occasional fan may not have known, but the ECW fans aren't stupid, they read the internet and now they know that Lynn VS Van Dam won't happen. I don't really know if anyone can wrestle with RVD for 30+ mins. Sabu can't do it for sure. You can't have a tag team match to end the show, not to mention what other teams are there? No Impact Players since Lance wont be there, Pitbulls won't because Anthony Durante passed away. Dudleys are (rumored) to be facing Balls Mahoney and Axl Rotten. Tajiri or Super Crazy would be awesome, but they both have wrestling commitments that same day.
Just out of curiosity, are there any ECW/EV2.0 fans out there who were planning on purchasing this abysmal PPV, but are now having second thoughts because of the supposed cancellation of the RVD/Jerry Lynn match?

Personally, I couldn't imagine purchasing the PPV even with the Lynn/RVD main event match, but that's just me, to each his own. But with this match off the card, is anyone really and truly interested enough in, for example, a RVD/Sabu main event, or whatever else they dredge up to fill in the time for this PPV, to pay good money to see it (especially a week before Summerslam), when they can see what should be the actual PPV on TV for free next Thursday?
Just out of curiosity, are there any ECW/EV2.0 fans out there who were planning on purchasing this abysmal PPV, but are now having second thoughts because of the supposed cancellation of the RVD/Jerry Lynn match?

Personally, I couldn't imagine purchasing the PPV even with the Lynn/RVD main event match, but that's just me, to each his own. But with this match off the card, is anyone really and truly interested enough in, for example, a RVD/Sabu main event, or whatever else they dredge up to fill in the time for this PPV, to pay good money to see it (especially a week before Summerslam), when they can see what should be the actual PPV on TV for free next Thursday?

Honestly, no. RVD/Lynn could sell a PPV, considering they have Raven VS Dreamer and Dudleys VS Axl/Balls. But now you're selling a PPV on Tommy/Raven which would have worked 10 years ago, maybe. But not now.
This sucks

Not because I wasn't expecting much from this PPV to begin with, but more because if...ahem...when the PPV does low #'s they will just say it was because Lynn/RVD was canceled.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the OLDECW crew but I kinda watch TNA to see the newer stars not the old dogs
DOn't matter if it's a ECW regurgitation or not canceling the main event is gonn hurt the stellar buy rate that I'm SURE this concept is raking in. I mean they might do 10,000 buys and blow every TNA ppv out of the water.
SHit, maybe they can save it by having David Arquette come in for a triple threat match with RVD and good ol' Double J. Then have Tara toss a replica WWE Women's Title into a trash can, THEN wheel Lex out to reignigt the MONDAY NIGHT WAR!!!!!! oh wait, they went back to Thursdays.....damn it, all my great ideas ruined!!!!
This is a real shame, it would have probably beem the only good match on the show. I think that we will probably get RVD vs Sabu instead which could be an OK hardcore match but not a good wrestling match. If TNA wants to give us one good (or even watchable) actual wrestling match on this show then they should put RVD against one of the wrestlers from the TNA roster (AJ would be good) however that probably wont happen.
This just sucks. I was really looking forward to that match. I think that match might have been able to silence some critics but now the PPV is likely to turn out quality-wise like many have predicted and that is unfair because it was better than it will look before this unlucky break. Feel bad for the ex-ECW guys who really cared about this one, mainly RVD and Dreamer. There just is not much in the way of options to both provide a quality main event and keep the ECW theme. I do think the lack of promotion for Lynn in the main event might show us that TNA was prepared for this possibility, so it is possible they had an alternative plan in place. I could see it easily now being Lynn gets beat up in the back by someone who takes his place. Who that is I am not sure.

Franchise might be the only gettable ECW ties person at this point. Could work but would have been better with build. They could have Abyss do something to build into the next night but that kills the ECW theme. Daniels could be a nice surprise and at least he is indy-legend in his own right. That would save the wrestling quality. Only problem is I doubt they are wanting to bring Daniels back as main eventer right away so he could not be booked strong enough theoretically. Way outside the box (and likelihood), Hogan jobs to RVD.
Just get Kurt Angle to fill in, he was in ECW for what 2 months?? lol or bring back Bobby Lashley, a former ECW Champ lol.

But they should throw some money to either Lance Storm or Steve Corino. They are the only 2 could put a good match with RVD. I know they said no, but $$$ can change a person's mind.
Just get Kurt Angle to fill in, he was in ECW for what 2 months?? lol or bring back Bobby Lashley, a former ECW Champ lol.

But they should throw some money to either Lance Storm or Steve Corino. They are the only 2 could put a good match with RVD. I know they said no, but $$$ can change a person's mind.

I could actually see Angle being a decent choice unless it screws up future TNA plans. Everyone respects Angle, the match would be good and they could work Angle's one tie to the real ecw into it somehow. Have him start off on commentary or even more ballsy have his entrance him being lower on a cross.
This is bad news, but since TNA barely announced that Jerry Lynn was even going to be there I guess it doesn't matter. Hopefully TNA will find someone to challenge RVD. It will be disappointing to see Rhino or Sabu challenge RVD though since Sabu is pretty banged up at this stage in his career. Maybe Justin Credible or someone that can work against RVD can wrestle him. It sucks since RVD and Lynn would have been a great match to see. Unless they can come up with a big name to wrestle RVD Sunday, the main event will probably be uneventful.

Darn i was looking forward to that match to. but i think TNA will bring in someone to challenge him hope so.
This completely sucks for TNA that he had to pull out of the match, but if they cant think of anyone to fill in (who was a ECW person) just bring in AJ Styles. he is the best and im sure people would love to see THE GREATEST WRESLTER IN THE WORLD ATM than some washed up fat dude who can no longer walk. You feeling me?

Anyway ill be there in the crowd and as a TNA fan i would love to see Aj vs RVD for real this time. make AJ win the title and than make the stairway to Janice match of IMpact a triple threat! that would be awesome. It sucks that this has no possibility of happening but do you not agree it would be awesome?
TNA is a healthy company. It is perfectly normal for a current wrestling promotion to present as a main event two guys who had their last "epic" match more than a decade ago, which drew only 100,000 buys on PPV. (And people only remember because RVD KO'd Lynn seconds into the match.) It doesn't matter if one of the principal figures in that match last worked for a hard camera in the beginning part of this decade. (RoH doesn't count, no one watches it except internet nerds. Was he even there after they had gotten their HDNet deal?)

It's also perfectly normal for a healthy company to have that principal figure pull out less than 24 hours before the match. I don't see how anyone could possibly view this card as a sign that TNA's in serious trouble. Nuh-uh.
TNA is a healthy company. It is perfectly normal for a current wrestling promotion to present as a main event two guys who had their last "epic" match more than a decade ago, which drew only 100,000 buys on PPV. (And people only remember because RVD KO'd Lynn seconds into the match.) It doesn't matter if one of the principal figures in that match last worked for a hard camera in the beginning part of this decade. (RoH doesn't count, no one watches it except internet nerds. Was he even there after they had gotten their HDNet deal?)

It's also perfectly normal for a healthy company to have that principal figure pull out less than 24 hours before the match. I don't see how anyone could possibly view this card as a sign that TNA's in serious trouble. Nuh-uh.

You amaze me with your commitment to making yourself look stupid by trying so hard to make TNA and its fans look stupid. I hope the irony is not lost on you. Jerry Lynn has a long history with TNA. He worked for TNA up until mid 2007. Or does that not count because "only internet nerds" watched then? And yes Lynn has been with ROH since and still is. In fact, he won the world championship a few months after they started with HDnet I believe. We get it you only like the mainstream crap. If that is the case, and you clearly are not too familiar with the goings on of the other companys, then why do you incessantly comment about them?
I like ROH. I don't kid myself though that it's not a real promotion. No one watches it except the IWC, and it's easy to think something's popular in an echo chamber. They have a very impressive technical-strong style basis, and probably the best wrestling of any American promotion right now, but they're also estatic when they get more than a thousand at a house.

I wanted TNA to succeed, because the WWE had gotten boring without any competition, but in thirty years of watching wrestling, I have never seen a promotion tank so hard despite having all the necessary parts to make it.

I'm not about the "mainstream crap", I'm about business. I'm about what makes money, because that's what professional wrestling is about. What "sells"? (Just how do you think "sell" became a kayfaybe term, anyways? Wrestling fans are so familiar with the use of it in conjunction with "convince", and have forgotten it means "to take cash in exchange for goods and services") TNA is a lousy business, and instead of trying to turn around their product, they're pulling stunts that are progressively cheaper. So, yes, in the vein of "making money", whatever invisible run Jerry Lynn had in TNA's invisible days doesn't count when you're suddenly pushing him to the main event of a PPV.

BTW, TNA would be "mainstream crap" if they could. That insurgent image they try so hard for is a gimmick, like a Hot Topic. There's always money in selling to self-imagined rebels. I'm not out to make TNA fans look stupid. Anyone parroting how great TNA is doing right now is taking care of that for me.
this would be the perfect time to debut a fresh face on the ppv.
I find it odd that christopher daniels is still on the TNA roster.
Could he replace jerry lynn? That would be something.
I really think TNA have to use this oppertunity to expose their best talent to the ECW fans. If you want people to stick around beyond this show. Unleashing AJ Styles into the main event would be a great move.

I always wondered why they didn't through the odd TNA guy into this, isn't the whole point of this (beyond trying to get Heyman in) to try and expose TNA to a new audience. How will they stick around if you don't show them any of your product.
I wanted TNA to succeed, because the WWE had gotten boring without any competition, but in thirty years of watching wrestling, I have never seen a promotion tank so hard despite having all the necessary parts to make it.

I find that hard to believe considering WCW's last full year had reigns by Russo, Arquette, 4 by Nash and another 4 by Jarrett, not to mention all the stupid angles and bad feuds despite a decent mid-card still afforded to them, excellent cruiserweight action and a few big names still around. Not to mention their previous years...

TNA might have had a bad time of it with Bischoff/Hogan, but before that they were mediocre, if not decent.
Wow, what a disaster. So tell me if I'm wrong here, but the only match for Hardcore Justice that's been hyped or even announced for the card at all now is Dreamer vs. Raven? The main event has been cancelled and they haven't even said what the replacement main event is hours before the PPV is suppose to happen?! There is just so many things wrong with that, on so many levels..
I like ROH. I don't kid myself though that it's not a real promotion. No one watches it except the IWC, and it's easy to think something's popular in an echo chamber. They have a very impressive technical-strong style basis, and probably the best wrestling of any American promotion right now, but they're also estatic when they get more than a thousand at a house.

Who said anything about it being "popular?" You are the one that said these guys haven't work in front of a hard camera in 10 years. That is all I was commenting on.

I'm not about the "mainstream crap", I'm about business. I'm about what makes money, because that's what professional wrestling is about. What "sells"? (Just how do you think "sell" became a kayfaybe term, anyways? Wrestling fans are so familiar with the use of it in conjunction with "convince", and have forgotten it means "to take cash in exchange for goods and services") TNA is a lousy business, and instead of trying to turn around their product, they're pulling stunts that are progressively cheaper. So, yes, in the vein of "making money", whatever invisible run Jerry Lynn had in TNA's invisible days doesn't count when you're suddenly pushing him to the main event of a PPV.

You should do more of these posts where you try and look smart. At least they are amusing. Are you all about making money or not? If you are, how can you condemn this PPV without even seeing if it improves TNAs supposed low buy rates? If it does how is that not good for business? I guarantee you that most TNA fans who have been watching for even a few year know Jerry Lynn as the "X-division pioneer." Yep, he was definitely "invisible" in his integral role in developing something that put TNA on the map. What you fail to realize is that TNA is not trying to draw WWE sized PPV audiences. They are looking to corner a niche in the market. Just because you might not be in that niche does not mean they are a failure.
shattered dreams said:
If you are, how can you condemn this PPV without even seeing if it improves TNAs supposed low buy rates? If it does how is that not good for business? I guarantee you that most TNA fans who have been watching for even a few year know Jerry Lynn as the "X-division pioneer."
If it looks like crap, if it smells like crap, odds are, it's crap. I don't need to run my fingers through it to be sure, I'll take the slim chance on being wrong if it turns out to be a dried up smelly raisin instead. I don't feel I'm making that much of a gamble here though.

Here's why it's bad for business- it does nothing to further the product. Seriously- how many of these guys are going to be pillars in TNA for the next five years? (None of them, TNA in its current shape will not last five years, but let's talk hypothetically.) Is Tommy Dreamer a guy you can base a national promotion around? It's a cheap publicity stunt, and worst of all, it's an OBVIOUSLY cheap publicity stunt.

As far as "most TNA fans who've been watching for a few years" goes, is this TNA's business strategy? To lure back the internet fans they bored the hell out of? Have they given up on trying to grow their promotion, and are now just trying to stop losses? Jerry Lynn is not a guy who's going to bring new eyeballs to TNA; I seriously doubt there were many people who saw this lineup and said "holy shit, Jerry Lynn's still alive, I have to check this out!" I'm sure there were a few (hi!), and TNA might have been able to mitigate some of the costs of flying all these D-list wrestlers out. Probably not cover, but every penny helps.

Sorry the promotion you love so much sucks so hard, and so blatantly. If they manage to do something interesting, I'll be amongst the first to give them credit, but if you think hauling out a bunch of almost dead, overweight wrestlers (most of which were never good enough to get raided from ECW in the 90's) is going to be what turns a promotion around, I have a bridge I would like to sell you.

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