

Cody Rhodes is an excellant
You stupid fucking shithead, I make a post fucking supporting Cena, and you red rep for it, claiming you used to "own" me is some stupid SFAC fucking thread, you sir are a fucking assclown of epic proportions

A-You have never in your fucking life owned me, in fact all those times were me owning your ass, you delusional fucking twat nugget

B-Santino stills sucks massive cock, much you

C-How does it make any fucking sense for a Cena fan to fucking red rep a guy supporting Cena?!?

It's nice to see you are still the stupid worthless kangaroo shit snorting rectal wart you always were, welcome back now go fuck yourself asshole
It's nice to see that shit that happened to what 3 fucking years ago on a wrestling forums still has a fucking effect on you, in a thread that was an absolute fucking joke still bugs you, clearly you are among the most pathetic little shit stains on the planet
It's nice to see that shit that happened to wait 3 fucking years ago on a wrestling forums still has a fucking effect on you, in a thread that was an absolute fucking joke still bugs you, clearly you are among the most pathetic little shit stains on the planet

The F'n Bar Room was a sub-forum, not a thread... awkward.
This shows how incredibly fucking stupid you really are, SFAC was a fucking thread, and is clearly what I'm talking about:disappointed:

Oh you're still talking about that? And wait, after 3 years, I can still piss you off the exact same way? Your age says your 30, I hope that's not your real age. If so, you're acting rather immature.
I'm pretty sure Rusty is the guy who knows nothing about marijuana and made a fool of himself in a thread about it a long time ago.

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