Royal Rumble 2009 Match

Lets go over RR.

Matt and Jeff Hardy feud. Unless they get Edge and Christian involved who gives a s*!t.

Orton won, which was given away in the opening promo unless they decided to throw the biggest curve ball which I had a deep feeling from that opening promo they probably weren't. Not because of the winner, and lack of suprise (besides RVD) the match IMO was pretty boring. I would of rather it be Legacy as the final 3, but "WWE knows what we want". Yah WWE I want probably another Cena and Orton match!! (sarcasm).

ONLY good thing about the whole PPV it allows JBL and HBK to finish at NWO and opens up the start of Taker and HBK (which we saw in the locker room tonight)
Na disagree mate. Orton Cena is the perfect match for WM25 (if that's the way they go) You have the top two superstars squaring off. Get Legacy and Cryme Tymeninvolved and it's a lovely faction war, ending in a tag team and a singles match at Mania. Add to that the McMahon's and it's unbelievable. Add Hardy vs Hardy and Edge HHH probably and the makings are there for a great Mania.

The Rumble didn't elevate enough superstars, MVP and Morrison should have lasted longer, Show a lot shorter. Great piece of comedy from Santino again. All in all, great Rumble. And, the best man won.
Fun, entertaining show! I enjoyed it. But, alas, the critic in me comes out. How much more obvious was that Randy Orton win? I still expect a swerve coming on Raw, but come on, they practically said, "Hey, why watch the show at all, we'll show you the winner in the opening video package!" It was obvious from the outset that it would be Orton, and I think what you might see at Wrestlemania, I guess to spice it up a bit considering Cena/Orton has been done a handful of times is that, you might have Vince in Cena's corner and Stephanie out there with Legacy. Other than that, fun Rumble, but very predictable.

Also, they didn't do enough to push anyone that needed to be pushed. Kofi Kingston could've used a good showing and didn't get it. The Miz was in and out. John Morrison should've been in there at the end. CM Punk lasted a while but was unceremoniously thrown out. Vladimir Kozlov's elimination was anti-climatic. Shelton Benjamin has looked good on Smackdown! and would've got a huge boost eliminating Taker, but it was the other way around, and etc.

The guys who looked the best were the likes of HHH, Orton, Undertaker, Rey, Kane, Big Show, Jericho, and RVD. WWE had a lot of younger talent in there, but the veteran stars who are already established main event stars all looked the best.
Lets go over RR.

Matt and Jeff Hardy feud. Unless they get Edge and Christian involved who gives a s*!t. )

Who gives a shit? Alot of people give a shit. Most of the people on this forum have been wanting this feud to actually get started. The one in 2002/03 was really bad. It hardly got lifted of the ground and it just went nowhere. Now they have a chance to have a great feud that could possible be/have match of the year and feud of the year. Both Hardy's have improved and Jeff is finally not being a little dick and knows that this is the right time to start the feud.

Not because of the winner, and lack of suprise (besides RVD) the match IMO was pretty boring.

I didn't find it boring. RVD was a huge surprise and the winner was probably the best person who should of won it but there were alot more surprises in there. Duggan for one, Santino with the quickest time ever and Cryme Tyme flipping a coin to see who gets in were all good surprises. This was one of the good Rumble matches. Better than last years anyway.

I would of rather it be Legacy as the final 3,
So your saying that you would rather 2 people that have been here for 1 and a bit years ( 8 months for Dibiase)
to be in the final three than some one like HHH who has been in the business for 10+ years? It's like saying that Boogyman should be the one to end Takers WrestleMania streak. It should just not happen. Another reason why this should happen is because then this could break up Legacy. Because Rhodes and Dibiase will get pissed turn on Orton and Orton will then turn face, blah blah. WWE did the right thing here by HHH eliminating Rhodes and Disbase.

Anyways this year Rumble was a good on I reckon. One of the better ones this year. It wasn't that predictble even tho people would say that Orton was winning. Raw may have given it away but it was still good.
Who gives a shit? Alot of people give a shit. Most of the people on this forum have been wanting this feud to actually get started. The one in 2002/03 was really bad. It hardly got lifted of the ground and it just went nowhere. Now they have a chance to have a great feud that could possible be/have match of the year and feud of the year. Both Hardy's have improved and Jeff is finally not being a little dick and knows that this is the right time to start the feud.

I didn't find it boring. RVD was a huge surprise and the winner was probably the best person who should of won it but there were alot more surprises in there. Duggan for one, Santino with the quickest time ever and Cryme Tyme flipping a coin to see who gets in were all good surprises. This was one of the good Rumble matches. Better than last years anyway.

So your saying that you would rather 2 people that have been here for 1 and a bit years ( 8 months for Dibiase)
to be in the final three than some one like HHH who has been in the business for 10+ years? It's like saying that Boogyman should be the one to end Takers WrestleMania streak. It should just not happen. Another reason why this should happen is because then this could break up Legacy. Because Rhodes and Dibiase will get pissed turn on Orton and Orton will then turn face, blah blah. WWE did the right thing here by HHH eliminating Rhodes and Disbase.

Anyways this year Rumble was a good on I reckon. One of the better ones this year. It wasn't that predictble even tho people would say that Orton was winning. Raw may have given it away but it was still good.

I see you didn't play Smackdown vs Raw 2009 Road to Wrestlemania mode, did you? THAT was ridiculous!

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