Royal Rumble 2009 Match

Pretty much what Shockymaster said. You dont have someone punt Mr.mcmahon in the head without having them set up for the major WM storyline. and so, in the infamous words of the Joker...


especially when no one else has really been set up properly to win it. No one else is even really talking about it. Maybe Jeicho a little, but he is seemingly being prepped for other things. Maybe Triple H, but is quite clear he will be eliminated by a bunch of goons. I would say Triple H if Edge was ALREADY the champion, but thats not the case just yet. So, my predicition remains Orton, just on account of the fact he seems to stand out like a sore thumb in terms of people being set up for a road to WM storyline.
I'm going with three answers here; one which is the logical choice, the second is the illogical choice and the third would be my ultimate mark out choice.

Logical; Randy Orton

Since he lost the belt and subsequently injured, they've built him back up by building legacy. This came head on when he punted Vinnie Mac this past week on Raw. As Shock and NorCal have both pointed don't have someone punt Vince in the head for no reason now do you?

Illogical; MVP

This would be the on that you'd throw out of no where, the losing streak's over and what better way to take him back to the level he was last year at Mania than to have him win the rumble; this would be ahead of smackdown guys such as Trips, Taker, Big Show and Edge.

Ultimate Mark out; Hogan/Austin

One of these two showing up at the rumble and winning it would be nothing short of epic. After all it's leading to Mania 25 and these are the two of the biggest stars in wrestling history!

Randy Orton's the logical choice, the other two won't happen, but I just threw them out for good measure.
Heres a list of people in the RR. I'll underline them if they have ANY chance of actually winning IMO, and thinking how the WWE does

ECW: Finlay, Mark Henry, The Miz, John Morrison (Not a huge shot for WWE, but the best shot on the ECW brand)

Raw: CM Punk, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase (in a couple of years he will), Santino Marella, Kane (Sorry guys hes not going to win as he had a throw away match with Cena a month ago on Raw and it was pretty bad and nothing is going on with him), Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio (Just won it 3 years ago, and nothing going on with him really)

Smackdown: R-Truth, Carlito, The Brian Kendrix (I'd say back in Sept yes, but him being in tag team action and the fact hes not built up enough yet, not yet but I hope next year or 2), Triple H (although he won it in 02), Big Show, Vladimir Kozlov (I hope not, but there is a little chance), Shelton Benjamin, Undertaker (However he just won it 2 years ago).

So out of all three brands only I'd say 7 have ANY chance of winning. 2 of them have already won it (HHH and Undertaker), and I don't think they will do a repeat winner, so that leaves it down to John Morrison, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, and Vladimir Kozlov.

My order of these 5 (not personal, but what WWE may or think to do would be) Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, Vladimir Kozlov, CM Punk, John Morrison. I think its safe to say the last 3 I DOUBT they would do this year esp being WM 25 (PERSONALLY I'd pick John Morrison, CM PUNK, Randy Orton, Chris Jeicho, and I wouldnt even have Kozlov on my personal list, I'd put Brian Kendrix instead).

My gut is telling me with how obvious "its going to be Randy Orton winning" that it actually wont be Randy Orton, but I also think it wont be Chris Jericho which makes me think its going to be one of the 9 people we DON'T know, as the best shot on SD is Vladimir Kozlov and that just wouldnt be right.

five out of the nine we don't know could be Christian, Batista (although he won 4 years ago), Rock, Hogan and Austin, and that still leaves 4 more, and if only Christian makes a return that leaves 8 people we don't know........
I'm with weird86, Orton has been built up to the moon so it would be too obvious were he to win. Which is an atrocity as the only other winner people can see is HHH and if he were to win then wwe can forget about me as a follower.

The easy way to have Orton lose but keep his job is for someone to tell him backstage before the Rumble he better hope he wins, or he will be fired for his attack on Mcmahon. He then gets eliminated (there's your shock) but the next night on RAW Stephanie is revealed as the mastermind behind Vince's punt and forms a partnership with Orton and Legacy. In otherwords, a crap storyline. But it's the best we will probably get cos it doesn't look good for Orton winning the Rumble atm.
I'm with weird86, Orton has been built up to the moon so it would be too obvious were he to win. Which is an atrocity as the only other winner people can see is HHH and if he were to win then wwe can forget about me as a follower.

The easy way to have Orton lose but keep his job is for someone to tell him backstage before the Rumble he better hope he wins, or he will be fired for his attack on Mcmahon. He then gets eliminated (there's your shock) but the next night on RAW Stephanie is revealed as the mastermind behind Vince's punt and forms a partnership with Orton and Legacy. In otherwords, a crap storyline. But it's the best we will probably get cos it doesn't look good for Orton winning the Rumble atm.

I agree with the second part of Stephanie being behind it. I have a feeling a raw star or one of the 9 people we don't know will win the RR, however I am almost positive it wont be a raw star as you can read my post above.

The EC match at NWO has been announced, and all 6 people in there probably wont win the RR (If they keep the card, obviously it can change but it prob wont). The current card on there is Jeff Hardy, Edge, HHH, Undertaker, Vladimir Kozlov, and Big Show, however it does say for the title, but that could change as well. Notice besides the Big Show and obviously Jeff and Edge these were the 3 SD stars that had any chance, and 2/3 already won it, so it wont be a SD wrestler winning the RR either, that we know is in the RR at least, as Vladimir Kozlav really has the best chance out of any SD star and there's almost no way they'd do that.

Holly crap!! The only person not on there that's not in the SD chamber, and this person could be one of the 9 people we dont know!! MVP!!!!!!!!! I'm now saying MVP is going to win it
weird86 - If that happens, I will NEVER doubt the wwe again and I will be hooked for the run up to Mania no matter what else happens. I hope they have the balls to give it to MVP, it would be great if they did, but this is WrestleMania 25 after all, I can't see them giving someone untested at main event the spotlight, even though most fans would rather see MVP edge than hhh edge (or *shudder* jbl hbk)
Edge-Head - It wont be any of the SD stars in the chamber winning RR, as they are in the chamber trying for the title, or a spot at WM (So yay prob not HHH winning!!)

I don't think it will be Randy Orton either as we have both agreed would be to obvious.

I do agree they may not give it to MVP as it is WM25, but that would build him up SO much and Edge vs MVP (Heel vs face that people feel bad for) would sell more then Edge vs HHH. I think Edge vs Christian vs Hardy vs Hardy would sell more then anything else right now, but IDK if there going that route.

My final 2 picks: MVP or Christian.

If Christian wins, then Edge keeps the belt, Hardy wins the EC, and MH is number one contender to any belt and he picks the WWE championship. Ok maybe not MH being in the match, but still Edge vs Christian vs Jeff, or even just Edge vs Christian......

If MVP wins, it will be him, the current champ, and the person who wins the EC (could be HHH), this way its not Edge vs HHH, but Edge vs HHH vs MVP.

Oh yah I forgot Shawn Michaels. He has a chance of appearing even though JBL says he isnt, but anyone think hes going to win it? I doubt it, but its a possibility, then Undertaker winning the title at the EC, and Shawn picking to face Undertaker.
Oh yah I forgot Shawn Michaels. He has a chance of appearing even though JBL says he isnt, but anyone think hes going to win it? I doubt it, but its a possibility, then Undertaker winning the title at the EC, and Shawn picking to face Undertaker.
I do agree they may not give it to MVP as it is WM25, but that would build him up SO much and Edge vs MVP (Heel vs face that people feel bad for) would sell more then Edge vs HHH. I think Edge vs Christian vs Hardy vs Hardy would sell more then anything else right now, but IDK if there going that route.

How delightfully marky. This post is devoid of wrestling promotion logic.

Since when is MVP a draw again? Since when does anyone truly give a damn about him? And why exactly would he outdraw Triple H, who has been a proven commodity for a decade now?

Your marky hatred of Triple H is clouding your head. Get to a doctor immediately.

Triple H should be in the WrestleMania Main Event, because he is healthy, a proven performer on the big stage, and a name people who are on the fence about the event will recognize. MVP is none of those things, except maybe healthy.

As for the Rumble itself, I predict an Orton victory in a major McMahon-laden screwjob. Don't be shocked to see Rhodes, DiBiase, and Orton come out 28, 29, and 30 respectively. I could totally see a deal having been cut with Legacy and Steph - kick my dad in the head and put him out, and I'll give your group the 3 best spots in the Rumble.
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How delightfully marky. This post is devoid of wrestling promotion logic.

Since when is MVP a draw again? Since when does anyone truly give a damn about him? And why exactly would he outdraw Triple H, who has been a proven commodity for a decade now?

Your marky hatred of Triple H is clouding your head. Get to a doctor immediately.

Triple H should be in the WrestleMania Main Event, because he is healthy, a proven performer on the big stage, and a name people who are on the fence about the event will recognize. MVP is none of those things, except maybe healthy.

As for the Rumble itself, I predict an Orton victory in a major McMahon-laden screwjob. Don't be shocked to see Rhodes, DiBiase, and Orton come out 28, 29, and 30 respectively. I could totally see a deal having been cut with Legacy and Steph - kick my dad in the head and put him out, and I'll give your group the 3 best spots in the Rumble.

The cloud over my head? Have you watched SD? What awesome feud could HHH possibly have? Only one I see is with Vickie Guerrero and that wont be a WM match.

I never said I didnt like his ring work, but simply this year besides facing Edge and possibly Hardy there is NOTHING for HHH, and even facing these two is just a whatever seen it before nothing special match (Sorry Edge vs HHH was 6.5/10 at best). I hope you wouldnt think this should ME WM over a possibile Taker vs Michaels match, or take place instead of an Edge vs Christian, or Edge vs Christian vs Hardy vs Hardy match.

You would not rather see Edge vs Christian vs Hardy vs Hardy or even an Edge vs Christian match, but would rather watch HHH in the ME against Edge or Jeff Hardy, or anyone just to be in the ME? Your the one with a cloud over your head.

As for MVP did you not hear everyone chanting for him the past two smackdowns? This loosing streak story line is PERFECT, and this win on SD and possible RR win will bump him up so much.

As far as Orton winning that could happen, but the cloud over my head seeing all the curve balls/surprises they threw last year, I think its more of a percentage that Randy Orton will NOT win, and maybe have DiBiase eliminate him, and on Raw say it was his way of getting Randy Orton back for punting him in the head, and Randy actually respects he had the balls to do it.

For HHH I feel sorry for him. I know hes a good performer (Not great IMO, but good), but what does he really have going on? Nothing from what I can see besides telling Vickie Guerrero that theres a Baskin Robins down the road. Hunter, have you seen your wife lately? You may want to give her directions too.
The cloud over my head? Have you watched SD? What awesome feud could HHH possibly have? Only one I see is with Vickie Guerrero and that wont be a WM match.

I never said I didnt like his ring work, but simply this year besides facing Edge and possibly Hardy there is NOTHING for HHH, and even facing these two is just a whatever seen it before nothing special match (Sorry Edge vs HHH was 6.5/10 at best). I hope you wouldnt think this should ME WM over a possibile Taker vs Michaels match, or take place instead of an Edge vs Christian, or Edge vs Christian vs Hardy vs Hardy match.

You would not rather see Edge vs Christian vs Hardy vs Hardy or even an Edge vs Christian match, but would rather watch HHH in the ME against Edge or Jeff Hardy, or anyone just to be in the ME? Your the one with a cloud over your head.

As for MVP did you not hear everyone chanting for him the past two smackdowns? This loosing streak story line is PERFECT, and this win on SD and possible RR win will bump him up so much.

As far as Orton winning that could happen, but the cloud over my head seeing all the curve balls/surprises they threw last year, I think its more of a percentage that Randy Orton will NOT win, and maybe have DiBiase eliminate him, and on Raw say it was his way of getting Randy Orton back for punting him in the head, and Randy actually respects he had the balls to do it.

For HHH I feel sorry for him. I know hes a good performer (Not great IMO, but good), but what does he really have going on? Nothing from what I can see besides telling Vickie Guerrero that theres a Baskin Robins down the road. Hunter, have you seen your wife lately? You may want to give her directions too.

What someone would rather see - especially someone on an Internet wrestling site - and what would draw and make sense at the biggest event of the year - are two totally different animals.

Hardy vs Christian vs Hardy vs Edge, or Edge & Christian vs The Hardyz, or whatever, is going to be just another spot fest. Entertaining, sure, but it's a match that would happen just so people can jump off high things. NOT what makes up a Main Event at Wrestlemania. A well-built Triple H vs Hardy or Triple H vs Edge match, with Hardy left to face Christian in an undercard match, makes sense.

Undertaker vs Michaels won't main event Wrestlemania, just as Michaels vs Flair last year didn't. It'd be a MAJOR attraction, but the Main Event has to involve the championship at Wrestlemania. If I remember correctly, only TWO Wrestlemanias have been headlined by NON Title Matches - Wrestlemania 1, and Bam Bam Bigelow vs Lawrence Taylor. Hell, even Hogan vs The Rock took a backseat to Triple H vs Jericho, because the championship is and SHOULD be the most important thing.

But in keeping with the point of this thread, and not getting even further off topic, the Rumble Winner will come from Raw this year, because Smackdown NEEDS the elimination chamber match to build up interest in a potential Wrestlemania feud.
I agree HHH shouldn't be in ME, but MVP and Christian is way over the line.

For having the 5-month losing streak and winning the rumble storyline will be good for MVP himself, but there's a basic level of being a market-able main eventer. One, he should have had some moment of being beyond mid-carder before any of these, and two, people who DO NOT watch wrestling as often we do should recognize him as a ME level guy. This isn't just any ppv, this is WrestleMania. Only the guys who are at the top or who had proven themselves that they can be at the top should be in the ME spots. MVP hasn't done anything to compete againt what Edge, HHH, or Jeff Hardy did in this industry yet. So it's too dangerous for him to win the rumble and goto ME.

Christian has been NWA Heavyweight Champion, but that's when he was in TNA. TNA is not a world-wide famous entertainment business yet, so he still needs to do something big when he comes back to WWE. It's not that he can't do it, it's just that he hasn't done it.

HHH on the other hand, has proven himself as a main eventer for about a decade now. He probably is the most safe guy to win the rumble and be the ME guy at WrestleMania 25.

And the point is, that's the SADDEST thing right now.

Edge and Jeff could get themselves into ME at WrestleMania. Edge has been the main guy of WWE for over 2 years. Jeff Hardy has proved he deserves to be in ME at WrestleMania. He sells merchandises almost as many as John Cena, and from what I remember, he sold more items than Cena in late 2008. He's the most popular guy in WWE right now. Jeff Hardy being ME can't sell tickets? that's a complete non sense.

But Edge vs. Jeff Hardy is already booked for Royal Rumble. And WWE wants Jeff to be in the feud with Chrstian, who's just coming back to WWE after over 3 years. Who's left? Triple H.

And since Randy Orton who I thought was going to win the rumble for sure and face Cena at WM, just kicked Vince on the head. Randy Orton is going into complete different direction now. Who's left? HBK and JBL, because their feud leads Raw right now and HBK is getting a tremendous ovation. There's a big chance Raw's Championship is going to be Cena vs. JBL vs. HBK. But HBK is not announced to be at the rumble match. Even though he might get into the rumble match at the night, he has a little chance of winning because if he was going to win, WWE would've built the hype of HBK has a big chance winning the rumble. He's not doing that at all right now.

Triple H, is completely into Royal Rumble storyline. he feuds with Vicky Guerrero, Edge's wife, and he's the #1 pick at the rumble match. Royal Rumble is completely focused on Triple H right now.

So the rumble match it would very well be Triple H winning for the 2nd time in his career. I still wish Randy Orton wins the Royal Rumble. But whatever happens, Triple H is still going to have WWE Championship againt Edge at WM. And that's the biggest part I don't like.
Man, I've tried to predict who is going to win the Royal Rumble match this year, but I just have no idea to be honest. The last time when I was truly happy about the winner of the Royal Rumble match was in 2005 and even 2006 to an extent. Why you may ask? Well, because new main eventers were created in those years. The Rumble launched their careers and that is how I personally think the Royal Rumble should always be used. Sure, I wasn't too angry that the Undertaker and John Cena won the Rumble too, but did they really need the win?

Yeah sure, possible candidates for this year's win are Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels (I have a feeling he's going to enter the match), Triple H, the Undertaker and a few more. But none of them need to win the match to become main eventers, because they are already there at the top. I really want someone like John Morrison, MVP or even CM Punk to win the Rumble this year, but I can almost guarantee that it's not going to happen. If one of the main eventers wins again this year, then it's 3 years in a row that the WWE has wasted a good opportunity to launch a mid-carder into the big spotlight.

I think almost everyone knows that John Cena vs Randy Orton for the World Title at Wrestlemania 25 would be perfect, and I do agree with them. Sure, I think most will agree that Orton has a great chance of winning the Rumble since he was involved in a big angle on Raw this past week and isn't doing much else apart from teaming with Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. But for some unknown reason, I think somebody else is going to win the Rumble this year. This somebody is none other than..... Mr Kennedy.

I just have this itchy feeling that he's returning to the ring at the Rumble and will manage to win the 30 man match to go on to challenge Edge for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania (provided Edge wins the title off Jeff Hardy). Let's face it, while some people might not believe Kennedy is ready yet, I beg to differ. Kennedy has it all. Mic skills, in ring ability and charisma. Plus, he has a movie out at the moment. If they are going to push a mid-carder at the Rumble, Kennedy is definately the one to push. Plus, I personally think a Mr Kennedy vs Edge match at Wrestlemania would be fresh and would sell.

If not Kennedy, my second choice is obviously Randy Orton. But also, I think people have forgotten about Christian. Christian could shock us all by appearing in the Royal Rumble match and winning the whole damn thing. Smarks from all over the globe would receive huge erections, and I'm sure the regular fans would love to see him win the match as well. Sure, people may argue that a Christian vs Hardy match at Wrestlemania isn't worthy of the big stage, but it's fresh, it's new and it creates two brand new main eventers in the WWE (though one could argue that Hardy is already a true main eventer now).

So my 3 choices are: Mr Kennedy, Randy Orton or Christian. But when it comes down to it, I'm excited for this match mainly because it's extremely unpredictable, just like last's years.
I think that it will be Triple H winning the Royal Rumble and getting the shot at the WWE Title because I think Jeff Hardy will lose to Edge in one form or another at the Rumble. If Hardy retains, I would lean towards Kozlov or even Shelton Benjamin for the title shot. Now if it is a Raw superstar, I would give the edge to either Orton or C.M. Punk in challenging John Cena at Wrestlemania.
Rusty- Great points. I love the Kennedy idea, and him and Edge could be a great feud. I'd rather MVP, but Kennedy I could live with as well. As long as it's not HHH (which I doubt) then I'm happy. The question is and I'll go with IrishCanadian on this. Would WWE trust Kennedy for WM25? As much as I dont want a veteran to win, I gotta kinda agree with IrishCanadian and think the WWE may want someone they can trust, but I dont agree it has to be HHH.

Christian would just be awesome. This is how that fatal 4 way I talk about at WM would happen. Christian wins the RR. Jeff or Edge keep/win the title at the RR. The loser of Edge and Jeff wins the EC at NWO, and ECW has an EC match (we all assume/think its gonna be Raw having the other EC match, but its ECW that does which could be a huge twist to a lot of people) and Matt wins that and challanges Edge or Jeff (whoevers champion) at WM. If you are going to tell me that this match wouldnt draw more then HHH and Edge then you are out of your mind. Just the people that stopped watching wrestling if they found out this match would happen they would deff be interested again.

Michaels I think he will be in it, but I doubt he will win. He will face undertaker or JBL at WM (hopefully UT) and if JBL and UT arent champions theres no need for Shawn to win the RR or even be in it, although I think he will be in it.

MVP I'd mark SO hard if he won. I think fans are really starting to get into him. It be better if he won if Edge was champ as Edge can make anyone he faces be a fan favorite (since Edge is such a good heal).

Randy Orton obviously is a favorite to win, and he probably has the "best shot on raw" I use quotations because thats what they want you to think. That punt is to start a feud with McMahon, and winning the RR will completly kill that storyline as Cena will not side with McMahon to face Orton at WM. This could have McMahon bring back Austin for the rumored Austin and Orton match.

Punk I have said has IMO the best shot on Raw. Him and Cena could be good and its fresh. Make Punk a monster heel like he was in ROH and thats really all you need. IDK if wwe can do a monster heel like this, but if they could it would be awesome. obviously the attitude not the language
The question is and I'll go with IrishCanadian on this. Would WWE trust Kennedy for WM25? As much as I dont want a veteran to win, I gotta kinda agree with IrishCanadian and think the WWE may want someone they can trust, but I dont agree it has to be HHH.

Yeah, the biggest reason I stand against a "new guy" main eventing and going with a proven draw is because of the importance of the Main Event of WrestleMania. It has a certain sanctity that has to be guarded - and it should be a title fight between two of the top guys.

That is what is so cool about Money In The Bank at WrestleMania - it creates a new potential main eventer on the biggest stage of the year, without using the main event of the evening to do so. The Royal Rumble is not where you create a surprise new star - it's where you elevate an existing one.

In that vein, Kennedy or MVP winning the Rumble would be a HUGE let down. People want to see an up-and-comer do well in the rumble, but the winner needs to be a proven guy, a main event calibur proven talent. Kennedy or MVP winning M.I.T.B. is cool with me - but not the Rumble Match itself.
I see the point there and even understand it, BUT IMO what sucks about the MITB its usually a big let down for that star. The only person it really helped and stepped up was Edge (1 out of 4 superstars isnt good only 25%), and the icing on top when Kennedy won it Edge beat him for it again. RVD it only made ONS 06 a great storyline, but to help RVD any further IMO it only helped with that match. Kennedy I just said, and CM Punk was good how it started but really went down hill. I mean look at Chris Benoit in 04. I wouldnt say he was a huge draw really. He only won because like 3 weeks or so before they pushed him to be the underdog. 3 weeks isnt a log time to build someone, and he had a pretty damn good year, and it wasnt from that 3 week push it was from winning the Rumble, and winning the ME at WM.

IMO by winning the rumble and yes the star has to be somewhat known to people, but I disagree with the fact it has to be someone like HHH, Taker, HBK etc and I think a good person would be MVP, Kennedy, and CM Punk if he never won MITB. Now I know not to have someone like The Brian Kendrix who isnt elevated yet (he will be next year or two), but I dont think its really "fun" per say to have someone who is expected and a veteran esp someone who has already won it.

I want to actually call next years RR right now. I think Kurt Angle will return next year, win the rumble next year and face Undertaker (who by then will be champ) at WM in a rematch to top there NWO 06 match. Sorry I am watching that match now, and I would LOVE to see them top that, and what better way to do it?
So there's 9 spots left. I'm assuming a couple more will be revealed tonight on either Smackdown or

Names not on the list: William Regal, Dolph Ziggler, Goldust, Jamie Noble, Mike Knox, Manu, Sim Snuka, JTG, Shad, Great Khali, Festus, Jesse, Kung Funaki, Hurricane Helms, MVP, and Chavo Guerrero.

Really, half of those pretty much stand no chance of being in the Rumble. And surprise entrants are a MUST at every Rumble so I'd say out of that list the ones that make the cut are: Great Khali, William Regal, Mike Knox, Hurricane Helms, and MVP. That leaves us 4 surprise entrants with Umaga (very likely), Mr. Kennedy (possibly), and Christian (maybe). I also think Shawn Michaels will end up in the match one way or another. I can see a past superstar on a Legends contract entering or maybe Haas can do a big impersonation of some big name.

What do you guys think? Who will the remaining spots go to?
Well now theres 7 as the 2 newest ones are GK and Chavo Guerrero.

By adding them and not adding MVP makes me think he may win the whole damn thing even more so then ever. You add Chavo, but not MVP? That doesnt add up to me. MVP will be one of the seven we dont know about at least. If he isnt even in the rumble I have given a lot of hope up in the WWE.
Looking at the list, I think that there are a few certainties for the Royal Rumble. Firstly, the 7 missing people will include someone returning full time, which I imagine will either be Christian, or if he is involved in the title match, then Tomko.

You've got to think that MVP will be in there, and there will be some old school classic entering, as is often the case recently, someone from the attitude era this time around, I expect. There's still a part of me that thinks Austin, and I think the fact that JR has said that he won't fight again about 7 thousand times could be a swerve, but it will probably be a midcarder from that era.

The other slots will be filled by a returning Umaga, and then outside shots Kennedy and a bigger outside shot, Batista. It would be a bit of a cop out if Batista wasn't really injured, because it would just match last year's situation with Cena. There is also a chance that HBK will end up being involved in it but I can't see it at this point, and I think Haas will come out to the music of someone that will cause a stadiumwide mark out. After that, the rest will just be filler. I am expecting Dolph Ziggler to be in the ring for about 6 seconds if he is in the match, but I don't think he will be.

Other predictions include that The Big Show will be there near the end, and Khali will eliminate a few people quickly and then get eliminated himself. I don't think he's got the legs to last very long. He hasn't had a lengthy fight for about 6 months, as far as I can recall. The Miz and Morrison will definitely be in the ring at the same time, and will probably eliminate a big name between them.

Orton is the obvious choice to win the Rumble, but I don't think he will actually do so. In previous years, the obvious choice hasn't always won it. An Austin victory seemed set in stone at the 1999 Rumble, and I don't think anyone would have envisaged McMahon winning it all. For what it's worth, I am going to pick Triple H, mostly because he's probably the only other potential winner.
The rumble is going to go to either one of two people, Jericho or Orton, but also in a way im leaning toward the number 30 spot bein christian, to be facing Jeff at Mania. Either way, does anyone feel the same way i do, that this years Mania seems like it may just be a bust? IM callin Manias headlining matches to be Jericho/Orton vs Cena, JBL vs HBK, Jeff/Jeff&Matt vs Christain/E&C, and then Matt vs Jack Swagger. This mania may be the worst yet.
I don't know about Mania yet but I think that the rumble is going to be very good. I think that Orton's actions might give him the slight edge for the win at the Rumble but I also like Jericho's chances at as well. I think Christian will play a part in the Edge Hardy match instead of the Rumble match. I am hoping for a surprise #30 but I don't know who it could be. I'm looking for Legacy to eliminate eachother, and Shawn to eliminate JBL here or at the Elimination Chamber. This Rumble is pretty intriguing in my opinion. There are still some spots available which I hope don't get filled by WWE mid-carders.
This Rumble has had that best build up I've seen in a good many years. While Orton looks to be the odds on favorite, with what went down on Monday it might not be such a lock anymore, which opens the door very wide for a few people. The only thing that could have made this match better was to not announce taht many entrants into the match. By having so many mystery in the match it allows there to be a much higher amount of suprises, which almost always makes the match better. Either way, this should be great and if it is, it could allow Mania to kick off the next boom in wrestling.
I highly doubt Orton will win, I think it would just seem a little bit too obvious for Orton to win and since he's involved with the McMahons at the current point in time I don't think he'll win and if he was to somehow make it into the WM Main Event for RAW, he'll do it through the Elimination Chamber.

If it was a RAW 'Entertainer' to win the Royal Rumble, I wouldn't put it past Chris Jericho, highly unlikely for Shawn Michaels, he could take the Elimination Chamber though.

For SmackDown!, maybe Triple H, maybe. I don't see how MVP would win it, since his losing streak is over they can't really do the story of MVP losing all the time and then picking up the Royal Rumble. Mr. Kennedy is an outside shot, but I don't know if they'd trust him to not get injured leading into WrestleMania.

I think as far as the safest option for the WWE for a Royal Rumble winner would be Triple H, but I'm not completely sure on this as the Royal Rumble this year will be hard to predict, although I did put my prediction as Chris Jericho, not sure if he'll win though.
I think we can rule out Orton since the McMahons may put a price on his head on the rumble. However, this is WWE, and that plot worked for Austin before (of course, Austin was a face)

My guess is that the rumble will go to one of the 8 superstars that remains to be named, most likely a returning superstar (Batista, Kennedy, Cristian), or maybe to somebody involved in one of the Championship Matches (maybe Hardy after losing the title to Edge or the long shot, HBK)

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