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Royal Rumble 2016 Match

Which Scenario Is Better?

  • Scenario One

  • Scenario Two

  • Neither Both Suck

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Having the title on the line pretty much means no daniel bryan return... So that sucks, But if i had to pick someone to win that has a chance BRAY WYATT ITS HIS TIME. FOLLOW.THE.BUZZARDS.
This is a very interesting scenario that I thought about happening for years, until now. It seems like a nice possibility and it makes sense, story wise. Also, I don't except Roman Reigns to win this one, because if he does, it will be lame as fuck and also will make him like a super superman, which fans do not want and WWE knows that very well.

I know see three possibly scenarios:
A) Triple H comes back and wins the Rumble to everyone's shock and becomes the new WWE Champion. Then Roman will have to face someone at Fast Lane, for the chance to get to Triple H at Wrestlemania and get back his Championship. Nice story, but, the most predictable one.

B) Kevin Owens wins. Now that's something I'd like to see. Owens wins after Triple H screws Roman out of the Rumble. Owens wins by last eliminating Lesnar, by some sort of cheat, which leads to Lesnar vs Owens of the Championship at Wrestlemania. Bray Wyatt is also a possibilty for this spot.

C) Cena wins his #16, Ric Flair style and goes on to defend at Wrestlemania against either Reigns or Undertaker.

Although it makes sense, scenario A is the most predictable one. I wouldn't mind this happening, but it's not something I really want to see happening. Roman vs HHH can still happen at Wrestlemania just not for the Championship with HHH as the champ. Let's face, the big bad boss The Game coming back to hold the title just for Wrestlemania season when he's not a full time competitor kinda sucks. The Rock did it back in 2013 and it wasn't pretty. Plus, HHH is no Rock.

Scenario B seems like the best option. We get a full time wrestler as the winner (Owens or Wyatt). Roman vs HHH still happens at Wrestlemania. The Owens-Wyatt vs Lesnar match becomes more important with the title. Lesnar still competes in a headline match at Wrestlemania, since he's #1 draw. Owens or Wyatt get a rub from the win of the Rumble. Lesnar finally puts someone over at Mania, by possibly losing to one of this guys. Finally, the show is not all about the Roman Reigns as scenario A would suggest, but it also has other big players like Owens or Wyatt.

Scenario C is so sinfull I regret even mentioning it. But it's a possibilty. Cena winning his #16 World Champ reign, the same way Flair won his first reign in the company and then facing either Reigns (who defeated HHH at Fast Lane) in order to put him over, or The Undertaker, in a big dream match.
Having the title on the line pretty much means no daniel bryan return... So that sucks, But if i had to pick someone to win that has a chance BRAY WYATT ITS HIS TIME. FOLLOW.THE.BUZZARDS.

Can't help but think of that WCW ppv, where it was the nwo protecting hogan the whole time.
In this case, it's the Wyatts, where eventually, Roman comes out, gets beat down, then Lesnar comes out and eliminates the Wyatts.
Wouldnt be surprised if Lesnar and Reigns eliminate each other.
I have no problem with this at all. If you look back over recent years WWE has really damaged the prestige of winning the Rumble with both booking so many winners to lose at Wrestlemania and the introduction of MITB which has sort of become a secondary device to the Rumble. Over the last 10 Rumble's (2006 to 2015) only 4 winners (Rey Mysterio, The Undertaker, Sheamus and John Cena in 2013) have gone on to win the title they were challenging for at WM compared to 7 winners from 1996 to 2005. Having the match for the title brings a prestige to it but Reigns can't be allowed to win, WWE have made good progress with his reactions but a win would not be well received. He has to lose and be put through the wringer before WM. I also have no problem with Triple H winning it and facing Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania. WWE desperately needs a top heel at present, Kevin Owens isn't ready yet, Brock Lesnar is too over to go back to being a heel and Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt is too recent. Triple H has the experience and I wouldn't mind seeing him in the main event of Wrestlemania once again.
@Swallop, I am of the same mind set as you. When nearly the rest of the IWC sees this as an elaborate set for H vs. Reigns for the WWE WHC I'm not buying in. I do agree we get H vs. Reigns at WM but not for the strap. H may or may not enter the actual match but he will be the reason Reigns gets eliminated. They will engage in a personal fued which hopefully brings the Authority era to a close.

On a side not I hope they load this Rumble Match w/"big" stars. Cena. Triple H. Taker. Jericho (already in). RVD. Orton. Batista. Daniel Bryan. Bring on the big names.
I don't really mind that the title is on the line at the Rumble, in my opinion it will make the match more intriguing. People have complained about the last few and this, in my opinion, is keeping the match fresh. If/when Reigns wins he'll look like a strong champion and he has to start the match at number 1.

However, WWE booking is so hard to predict at the moment. It wouldn't surprise me if they did something completely outlandish.

For example Reigns enters number 1, and beats his elimination record (let's say 15 people). He manages to win. Then Vince comes out and says that Reigns has a 1v1 match against HHH which is no DQ. Which, HHH would inevitably win due to massive outside assistance from the League of Nations.
Am I the only one who doesnt see Roman or HHH win?

Reigns is unlikely to win 2 years in a row and HHH doesnt need it to feud with Reigns because its personal feud. Now, Cena on the other hand is good choice with whole "16th time World Champion" hype heading on Mania. You can always add Rock to get HHH off Reigns and add Reigns to Cena match. Long stretch but can see it happening.
Well, if the only way for Roman to lose his title is by someone else winning the Rumble, then Roman has to win it by hook or by crook.

Remember, he won't be without allies in this battle, even if the big stipulation states that whomever is the last guy standing becomes the champion. Dean Ambrose isn't going to allow his buddy to be quadruple-teamed in the first minute of the match just to get Roman out of there; there are enough guys who dislike the heels in the Rumble to go after them before taking on Roman later.

It's important to keep in mind that it's not the guy who eliminates Roman that wins the title belt.....it's the last man left after everyone else is eliminated ...... so there's no reason for 29 people to go specifically after him from beginning to end.

If Triple H doesn't figure into this contest, Roman wins outright. If Trips has been training for a return on January 24.......and is planning a season of in-ring action culminating at WM32, any-damn-thing can happen at the Rumble.

Although many of you are sure to detest this storyline, since you already hate everything WWE Creative comes up with......it has some great possibilities, imho.
As I said in the RAW LD; Having the WWE Heavyweight title defended in the Rumble match itself is a new idea and after the last 2 Rumbles were absolutely atrocious in terms of their endings, hopefully WWE do this one correctly and absolutely go all out to make this year's Rumble for the Title as big as possible, even if it means the rest of the card lacks on paper.

Triple H, Brock Lesnar, John Cena are my picks for possible winners.
Given that Reigns has been 'winning' all his battles against the Authority since TLC, I can't see him 'overcoming the odds' at the Rumble, as I strongly feel that could work against the momentum he has built up.

All that said; This week's RAW ending was a nice shake-up to get the RtWM up and running. Hope the WWE Creative can follow through and keep me interested in all the build-up to WrestleMania 32!
I must say, I haven’t been this excited about the Royal Rumble since 1992. Regardless of the outcome of the 2016 Royal Rumble match, I’ll still view the 1992 Royal Rumble match to be my favorite of all time, only because the WWE Championship Title was vacant. Now we have 29 number 1 contenders for the richest prize in Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment. There should not be any jobbers in this year Royal Rumble match, and all 29 participants should all be number one contender type of SuperStars, but that won’t happen.

I hope Vince McMahon, Stephanie McMahon, and Triple H make Roman Reigns enter the Royal Rumble at number 1 and then allow all four members of the League of Nations to enter at the same time at number 2, to either take Roman Reigns out early or make him look really strong.
Since the days of Buddy Rogers, Frank Gotch, and Polydamus of Skotoussa, the Royal Rumble has been one of wrestling's grandest traditions. Most wrestling traditions involve violent hazing, narcotics, or really stupid ideas, so the Royal Rumble really distinguishes itself. A tradition within this tradition is the tradition of the world championship match that accompanies the Royal Rumble - in one match, the number one contender establishes his right to the main event of WrestleMania; in the other, the champion fights to retain his title to meet them there. The tradition, generally speaking, is that the championship match is really good. From Bret Hart versus The Undertaker to Mankind versus The Rock to John Cena versus Umaga, or even last year's fantastic triple threat, the championship match at the Royal Rumble has a tendency to be exceptionally good. It would be possible to list at least another half dozen title matches from Royal Rumbles past that were nothing less than brilliant.

This year marks the first Royal Rumble pay-per-view since 1992, the year of my birth, at which the WWE Championship will be contested in the Royal Rumble match itself.

Roman Reigns has faced a lot of adversity over the last twelve months, and it's largely thanks to the ineptitude of writers who don't know how to properly capitalise on an incredibly talented wrestler. When he needed to be sympathetic, he was unstoppable. When he needed to be unstoppable, he was pathetic. Now he's losing the opportunity to build his legacy and have what many great wrestlers (Bret Hart, Mick Foley, John Cena - do keep up) have had. Reigns is only thirty, he'll probably have another shot at this, but it doesn't stop it being a crying shame.

There's one other person who's missing out, perhaps even more badly than Roman Reigns: Reigns' hypothetical opponent. One could argue that the reason Reigns doesn't have a standalone title match is because he doesn't have an obvious opponent, or at least not one that shouldn't be held off on until WrestleMania. This is one of those golden opportunities that WWE likes to watch pass by while they stare blankly at the ceiling: it's time to elevate someone.

Rusev is still an absolute beast who needs only flatten a Neville here and Ziggler there to regain some of the mystique he had at this time last year (plus there's a delicious symmetry in Rusev being the last wrestler eliminated by Reigns at last year's Royal Rumble). Look back at last year and be appalled at how far he's fallen this one. There's obviously potential there - some of it realised but much of it untapped.

There are three members of The New Day and Xavier Woods must be capable of wrestling - all the wrestling matches that he's wrestled in as a wrestler would suggest that. Let Big E take a break from tag team competition - Big E being the star of the group, don't kid yourself - and take a break from the midcard to make Roman work for that belt. Rumour has it that "the big push" was going to go to either Big E or Roman - let's see exactly why Big E's on that level.

Kevin Owens is on fire. Get this: sometimes he beats midcarders. If he cheats. Oh, so on fire. Maybe people would take Owens more seriously - and they should because he's tremendously talented - if he stopped being Dean Ambrose's chew toy, took back his intercontinental title and established himself as a genuine rival to the biggest dog in the yard.

Considering how thrown together championship matches at Royal Rumbles have been in years past - not just the shit ones, like Brock Lesnar versus Bob Holly, but also the good ones, like The Undertaker versus Rey Mysterio - you could put anybody with any legitimacy in there with Roman. Kalisto, Neville, maybe just throw The Big Show at him again.

Yes, we're treading water before WrestleMania, we all know that, but we’ve been doing that at the Royal Rumble since time immemorial, and we've had some of the best title matches ever doing it.

Still, the rumble match itself has got to be better than last year's shitshow, right?
The clear favourites are Reigns, Cena and Brock. Thereafter, I reckon Triple H is an outside bet. Honestly, I don't think Taker and The Rock are impossible either.

Putting the belt on Triple H, Taker, Rock (or even Brock) isn't a big deal at this point. Fastlane wouldn't have a championship match but it would have us find out the number one contender for the title.

Reigns winning seems too predictable. I can imagine him having a dominant performance but just losing out. Indeed, I'm sure the WWE would rather have him have his big moment at Mania rather than than simply retaining. That, or they have alternative plans. I could easily imagine him vs Triple H where if Reigns wins then The Authority must disband.

Cena is always going to be an option. Him winning his 16th World Title would be a massive moment and there would be obvious parallels with Flair in the Rumble. I'm not going to suggest a heel turn (even if I do feel it is the most plausible it's ever been) but set up Reigns v Cena at Mania. Passing of the torch feel to it.

Brock losing the Rumble would be a bigger shock then him not winning. I just can't see anyone eliminating him. Moreover, there are few logical options for him at Mania. I could definitely see the WWE wanting to have Reigns v Brock two. Even Brock v Cena for the belt would be big.

The Rock is an interesting option. Of course, the probability is less than 1% but given he is set to appear at WM32, why not as champ? I'm not sure if he has confirmed he will wrestle but I hope he does. One appearance at the Rumble and then they set up Roman v Rock at Mania. That would be a massive main-event and there is a nice parallel from last year. The danger would be fans completely shitting on it which is a possibility. The Rock as a heel would easily work. The family feud would be a nice touch given how they have brought up Reigns' family in recent weeks.

HHH could screw Reigns over. Win the title and then drop it at Mania. Not really a fan of this option but it would serve a purpose. Taker could get one final run with the belt. He almost certainly wouldn't face Reigns but Wyatt, Brock and, most notably, Cena would all be fascinating main-events.

The WWE has done something different and there are many options. This move has definitely made me more interested in the Rumble which can only be a good thing. Since it's a Rumble, it is an easy way to take the belt of Reigns without having him get pinned - I presume that's the point. That suggests Reigns will be the challenger heading into Mania.

Due to the difference in options, I don't mind who wins as long as the build after is good - which, given the talent, it should be. I quite like the idea of Reigns/Rock or Reigns/Cena so they would be great winners but I wouldn't mind too much if Brock or Taker won. It might be indicative of some of their problems but I'm not even considering Ambrose or Wyatt as winners even if they would be great choices too.

At the moment, I can't decide if Brock or Cena wins. I reckon Brock is slightly more likely but Reigns/Cena would be a better option for Mania.
Two problems. Firstly it's too early for Reigns to lose the title. Secondly, how lame would it be if he retains? The first title Rumble match since 1992 and I feel something monumental should happen. You can stack the odds against Reigns as much as you like, but he doesn't have the reputation for him to win and it be monumental.


This right here is the exact problem with what the wwe is doing.

If Reigns loses only to recapture the title, hes already a 3x Champion, let that sink in. If he retains..how lame would that be with the likes of KO, HHH, Cena, Lesnar, Jericho etc. all in there for nothing.
Could the reason for this be that they are still in the process of trying to get The Rock cleared to wrestle at Mania?

So they need to know if HHH will be in the title picture at Mania or simply facing Rock in a much anticipated match.The reason this match would be huge is the fact that they are both in great shape still mentally and obviously physically.This is not two broken down has beens embarrassing themselves.

So they let Roman win the Rumble which keeps him the champ and does not force them to name his mania opponent too far ahead(although the last few years they have made a mockery of the Rumble by making the winner defend his "guaranteed" (cough*cough) Mania spot).
My belief is Vonce made his announcement because of the uncertainty of Rocks exact involvement in Mania and if he can wrestle or only appear.

So they are not handcuffed into naming the Mania challenger for the belt too early.

They could have let HHH be a surprise #20 entrant into the Rumble as The Game and destroy the field throwing out and giving pedigree's and spine busters to face and heels alike and winning the match with no help or special treatment.

Then after the match and demands a mic and says the following.

"I won the Rumble because I'm pissed off,I am the Game and I AM THAT DAMN GOOD!!!,now I am not going to the back and changing into a suit but this IS the CEO talking now.This year I am changing the rules,the winner of the Rumble(leans into the ropes and points at himself and shouts ME) gets to name his Mania opponent(which leaves it open for Rock or Roman depending on Rocks availability) and then leaves without naming an opponent yet.

But I guess now they can still do the above and let HHH win "clean" then figure out if he defends against a Rock or Roman at Mania,which also allows a Brock Lesner like move of not having to defend the belt at the PPV between Rumble and Mania.
Reigns ends up winning, and WM Main Event is Roman Reigns fighting himself.

Makes about as much sense as any of the other crap we've seen (The Special ref match was worse than the usual Special Ref crap we see.)

I don't want HHH to be champion in 2016, his wrestling career is behind him, doing a special match here or there is nice, but putting the "face" of the company on him this day and age, well it's better than Boooooo! Reigns having it, but all I see happening at Royal Rumble is Roman Reigns burying 29 people and making the entire roster look like poo.
I don't like the thought of Lesnar or Cena winning. I think this is a time to shake up things.

I would have HHH return at the rumble and attack Roman ala the way Jericho attacked Shawn Michaels at the 2005 rumble and throw him out immediately or have HHH attack Roman the ay he attacked Stone Cold before the 2001 rumble leaving him bloodied and left to be easily eliminated by Sheamus (who also goes on to be eliminated and does not win)

We can have Kevin Owens and enter at number 1 and Brock Lesnar enter around number 7 and have them have the longest time in the royal rumble lasting until all 30 particpants have entered and end up eliminated each other. Then a upset Brock Lesnar F5s kevin Owens on the floor the start a rivalry. The promos between Heyman and Owens going back and forth could be epic if done correct.

We have Cena enter the rumble from the number 25 position and Undertaker enter the Rumble from the number 28 position (or the 2 enter later in the rumble after number 20) and are the last 2 in the ring with Undertaker winning the rumble and the title setting up there wrestlemania match.

WrestleMania 32:

WWE World Heavyweight Championship Undertaker vs. John Cena

The Predicted Triple H vs. Roman Reigns

Something new with Kevin Owens vs. Brock Lesnar

anyone else have other opinions? agree or disagree?
Unless Reigns is able to win in a fashion and be over much like the end of TLC then him winning at RR is going to be met would a lot of disappointed fans booing him out of the arena. He would have to get over on the likes of a Triple H or RR in a big way.
Triple H is going to win the Royal Rumble. I am almost 100% certain of this, especially because he hasn't shown his face yet. In addition to that, them making the Royal Rumble match for the title makes it pretty obvious that they want Reigns to win the title at WrestleMania rather than defend it.

In this current situation, Triple H winning the title would go over way better than Roman Reigns winning the Rumble again and retaining the title.
Well this makes the Rumble a bit more interesting. To be honest it couldn't get much worse after the last 2 years. My belief is that it will set up Reigns Vs HHH, but that it won't be for the title. This years Rumble will be won by either Lesnar, Cena, Bryan or... Undertaker and whatever happens, it'll be Bryan Vs Lesnar and Taker Vs Cena. It's just a matter of which has the title on the line.
Had to comment because I absolutely love this post. Not for it's solution, that's just idiotic. How does Ambrose get eliminated and then come back to eliminate Reigns??

I love this post because it is a great example of some of the IWC. A very small amount, but people who just want certain stuff to happen that makes absolutely no sense what so ever.


I feel compelled to point out that lots of guys, especially heels, do this all the time since the heat is easy and the Rumble is technically no DQ. It isn't absurd to think this would happen

1997 - Austin is eliminated but no refs see it, goes on to win the whole match
1998 - Foley allowed to enter 3 times despite it being canon that all 3 personalities were aspects of the same guy, and therefore one wrestler
2001 - Big Show assaults Rock after Rock eliminates him
2002 - Undertaker is eliminated by Maven, then gets pissy and eliminates Maven himself

I could go on but I think that settles the idea of a screwjob being plausible. Don't think it'll come from Dean I agree, but no need to start chucking out the word 'idiot' just coz you don't like another poster's fantasy booking.
It's a ballsy move by Vince that's for sure and 1 made to go up against the NFL I'm sure.

I'm curious to see how the drawing numbers will change or even if it will. Doesn't need to if you ask me although I can see Reigns coming out very early if not screwed over to get #1 or#2.

I can see Roman winning this and Triple H saying since no one has been able to take the WWE world title from Reigns then he'll just have to do it himself on the grandest stage of them all.

I actually hope that's how it goes down because it will take care of my only issue with this whole thing and that's the Main Event build for WrestleMania. Normally we know what it will be as soon as the RR event is over and they have months of build to work with. So if we get a new champion at the rumble then we still need a #1 contender and unless we get the match the next night that cuts the build which in my opinion is not good for what they want out of the biggest WrestleMania if all time.
If HHH wins, I'd have him be the 31st entrant or the unannounced 40th. Imagine Roman wins and VKM come out and announces that this year is 40 man rumble and a few NXT heels (Corbin Joe maybe the mechanics) are in that 10
The Kevin Owens Show: In this scenario, Roman Reigns,The Wyatt Family,Kevin Owens and Brock Lesnar would dominate the Rumble Match. The Final 3 in the ring would be Lesnar,Owens,and Reigns. Somehow Owens would get knocked under the bottom rope and Reigns and Lesnar would go at it. Reigns would set up for the Spear when Triple H's (its time to play the game) music hits and he returns and immediately begins brawling with Reigns. While the brawl is going on Lesnar would sneak up and eliminate Reigns. Everyone would think he won and Owens would sneak back in and win the Rumble Match. In this scenario, it would lead to Owens becoming cocky about taking out The Beast in the Rumble and challenges him to a WrestleMania Match. We would get Owens vs. Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship,Triple H vs. Roman Reigns,Dean Ambrose vs. (heel) Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Championship and John Cena vs. The Undertaker as the main events of WrestleMania. Kevin Owens would retain against Lesnar at Mania clean and get even more cocky before losing the belt to him at Payback. This would set up Reigns vs. Lesnar II with Reigns going over and moving on to Reigns vs. Cena at WrestleMania 33.

Hustle,Loyalty, #ChangeTime: In this scenario, Reigns would dominate the Rumble and the final 2 in the ring would be Cena and Reigns. Reigns would Spear Cena and Triple H would make his way out to brawl with Reigns. Reigns would overcome the odds and throw Triple H out of the ring. Cena would out of nowhere hit Reigns in the back with a chair given to him by Vince McMahon who is sitting at ringside and beat him with the chair before AA'ing him out of the ring turning heel in the process. At Fastlane Reigns would defeat Triple H in a match where the stipulation is "if Reigns wins he gets his rematch at Mania." The next night, HHH would come out bitching about it and The Rock returns and give him a Rock Bottom and challenges him to a WrestleMania Match. This would give us Reigns vs. (heel) Cena for the WWE WHC,Triple H vs. The Rock,Brock Lesnar vs. Kevin Owens,and Ambrose vs. (heel) Jericho for the IC Title as the WrestleMania 33 Main Events. The Undertaker would simply sit one out and go in the HOF or get involved in Rock vs. Triple H making it a Triple Threat Match (or even add Kane for a Fatal 4 Way) with Austin as ref. It would be a legit end to the Attitude Era and it would protect Rock from injury.

Which Scenario Would You Like Better?
So one has Kevin Owens winning, basically out of nowhere since he's currently in a feud, because...he's Kevin Owens? I'm just wondering because the only reason I can think of is since he's an indy darling he's immune to the "pushed to the moon too fast" stupidity.

The second has a Cena heel turn involved. If that's not reason alone to call it absurd, here's another: In that short of an amount of time for a feud, Reigns would be better off beating face Cena. He'd still get cheered pretty ridiculously. I mean, can no one around here see that if, if Cena were to ever turn heel he'd need to dominate as a heel for awhile in order to truly put a big face over? If it's too short of a time you're still going to get the idiots in the crowd cheering Cena because he's a heel.

I still don't understand people's issue with HHH or Reigns winning the RR. Is it predictable? Yes. Is it logical? Yes. Would you rather have something absolutely stupid solely because it isn't either one of them? If so, you should stop watching all together. WM30 was one of the most predictable stories I've ever seen, but it made perfect sense. Many people give it a pass because it was DB. I give it a pass because it made sense.

Can WWE pull something off without either of those 2 winning? Sure. I'm not creative enough to try off the top of my head right now, but I know they don't need a title to finish their feud. And with what the writers get paid they should be able to pull it off (can they is another story). But does the title make a crap load of sense in their feud? Of course it does.

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