The whole mic work argument doesn't really hold water with me anyway. Daniel Bryan stinks on the mic and they were perfectly willing to make him champion. Reigns shouldn't be one of those guys who goes out there and cuts a 20 minute promo anyway. He's an ass kicker. He should say a couple lines and look cool doing it. So no problem there. What this injury is really costing him is crucial ring time he'll need to hone is skills and become main event ready. They're going to need 20 minutes out of the guy against Brock Lesnar. I argued in another thread that it should be the Rock to put Reigns over as I believe the Rock will be able to play to Reigns' strengths.
As for Roman's biggest test, that's a test he was already failing before he got hurt. He needs to stay over at a high level with the fans. While he's clearly still over he's not as over as he was when the Shield first broke up. As is always the case once you step into that main event zone people start to really put you under the microscope hoping to find flaws in your game. Well Roman has obvious flaws. Not crippling flaws, but it's enough for people to cling on to. Add in the fact that the WWE's booking has been god awful and you are left with a lame main event that people see coming from a mile away.
Agreed with almost everything you said there. His mic skills while not the best, aren't the most important thing that a wrestler has to have. Yea they should have some but if he keeps it short and sweet he should be okay. Plus there is no reason for Renee Young to be interviewing him on each and every show. Get other people Renee. We know his best friend is your boyfriend but shit, girlfriend, there are others that need the time more.
Oh God I'm not looking forward to a Reigns/Lesnar match at Mania, I think it would be horrible. Reigns might be able to match Lesnar in strength, okay, maybe not, but no this match wouldn't work at all. They have to bring someone back that can get him over, and I think the person to do it isn't the Rock, I think it's HHH. HHH is an in ring general, and if anyone can put Reigns over it will be him.
With all the shenanigans that have taken place over the last year, Bryan, the Rollins heel turn, reforming Evolution, it was all done at the hands of one person, HHH. He is one of the most hated men right now by the fans, and they would immediately embrace Reigns with open arms, if he kicked the crap out of Hunter.
Like I said on anther thread, this is probably the worse time for Reigns or any wrestler in the middle of a huge push to get injured. He wasn't really in any program so to speak, I don't count that dismal run with Orton and Kane. So now was the time to get him involved with someone, have him win the Rumble and then go on to main event Mania. Being sidelined almost until the Rumble has pretty well destroyed those plans.
And he has been the loser in the Shield breakup. I'm stunned that the Shield were booked so well, and they continue to book Rollins/Ambrose to the best of their ability, but it seems like either they forgot about Reigns. Or it could be with Lesnar holding the belt there is just nothing for him to do. I hope it all turns around for him, and us.