What would you rather see?

What would you rather see?

  • Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton (Kane/Triple H take the night off)

  • Roman Reigns vs Triple H, Kane vs Randy Orton

  • Triple H vs Kane,Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton

  • none Triple H,Kane,and Orton should just retire

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That N Word

Actively evolving
Based off of Monday's actions it appears WWE are going in either 1 of 2 directions for Summerslam.

Direction 1: Roman Reigns vs Triple H and Kane vs Randy Orton.


Direction 2: Roman Reigns vs Randy Orton and Kane and Triple H taking the night off.

Now I personally think it would be smart to book Direction 1. My reasoning is Randy Orton and Roman could easily just feud after Summerslam and Triple H vs Roman Reigns makes more sense for Summerslam not a B+ ppv. No disrespect to Randy but it makes more sense for him to feud with Kane right now. After Randy betrayed Kane not once but twice. Last Monday Kane RKO'ed Randy and on Monday he all out walked out on him. Also with Triple H full-time and can go 100% he should compete a little bit more. He had his two month break from the ring. It is time to get back in the ring and end his beef with Reigns once and for all.

Now I would book all 4 guy's like this leading into WrestleMania. Roman Reigns faces off against Triple H at Summerslam and NOC. Roman would then move on to Randy Orton at Survivor Series and TLC. He would then move into a mini-feud with Seth Rollins to get payback at Royal Rumble and close that chapter. I then think Triple H and Stephanie should come to Roman for help to bring the title back to the WWE and from Lesnar. Roman is hesitant at first and he say's he won't do it for them he is doing it for them (WWE Universe.) Roman Reigns wins the RR match and calls out Brock after winning it who comes out and brawls with Roman and F-5's a exahausted Roman Reigns. At Elimination Chamber Brock competes only because to send a message in the Chamber and wins. Roman will face off against someone like Mark Henry to send a message. After the bout the chamber bout Roman walks down and brawls with Brock. I would book Triple H's matches with Roman. Triple H takes a break from the ring and basically is trying to get his Authority to bring the belt back to the WWE. Randy,Cesaro and Rollins (he doesn't make him cash in.) After they fail he goes to Daniel Bryan at RR for a shocker. Bryan questions them but agrees and loses. They then go to Reigns as a last resort. Randy Orton get's jealoused and pissed that H didn't go to him the next night on Raw. Triple H snaps and say's he is sick of Randy and he is done with him he goes to leave but Randy snatches him and RKO's him and punts him. Randy rants about how he was the best member of Evolution. Ric comes out and steps in the ring and get's RKO'ed. Cue Batista's music. Batista beats down Orton. Leading to Batista vs Orton at EC (or both of them being in the chamber and Triple H returns and enters the EC as well.) Orton hits Batista with a bell and goes to punt him Triple H returns and beats Orton down and pedigree's him. Batista bombs Triple H. Batista explains he didn't forget what Hunter said. Batista would be tweener,Orton would be heel and Triple H would be babyface. This leads to an Evolution triple threat with Flair as ref at WrestleMania.I basically explained Orton so don't need to go any further.How I would book Kane Kane loses to Orton and leaves to find his self. Kane returns to have one last Mania match and retires.
I wouldn't mind if they went reigns vs Orton at summerslam and maybe saved reigns vs hhh at hell in a cell just because reigns beating hhh in a hell in a cell match just looks way more impressive plus there shouldn't be any interference in there
Triple-H is the evil authority figure, shrewd and cunning. [The black king]
Randy Orton is a good wrestler but a whiny bitch. The new Batista. [The black queen]
Roman Reigns is the anti-authority guy. The face of this feud. [The white queen]
John Cena is the face champion, but more people want to see Reigns hold the title than him. [The white king]
Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose are two surviving [rooks] in this chessboard.

Kane is a washed-up, out-of-touch, former-monster, and a stooge of the authority. The character in the storyline that the least number of people care about. An annoying character that causes DQ's in good main-events and protects Randy Orton from the other side. [The black knight] This is the most replaceable character in the storyline and the one I want to see go away, so that we can finally have the epic showdown that we want to see, without someone hopping around the board.
Personally I'd like to see a match with all 4. The Authority has gotten stale for me, so I wouldn't mind see them write Triple H off TV for awhile. I don't see why he has to be on TV every week if he's only going to wrestle 3-4 times a year.

But I get the feeling that we're just going to see Reigns vs Orton at Summerslam, so maybe at Night Of Champions.
Given those choices, I'd say none of them. I'd rather see Reigns against Triple H, but I have a feeling they're gonna save that match for a little bit later. So, I'd rather see him go up against Randy Orton, which I'd say will probably be what happens for SummerSlam. Reigns has beaten Kane, he may have another match with him on Raw sometime between now and SummerSlam, so he'll be moving onto Orton and when he gets finished there, he'll move onto Triple H.

Reigns is doing a good job right now and he's over with fans but, personally, I don't find him nearly as impressive or interesting as Rollins or Ambrose.
I would much rather see HHH vs Roman Reigns at Summerslam than have this feud continue into next year. Honestly I feel that this match at Summerslam would be the perfect payoff to the 6+ month feud that has been going on between The Shield and the Authority and more specifically between Reigns and HHH. How much more can be squeezed out of this feud? I think the second biggest pay per view of the year (arguably) would be the best time to have Reigns go over HHH and really cement himself as the real deal... Afterwards he can feud with John Cena for a few months before moving on to Lesnar.

As for Orton and Kane, I would be fine with this match happening at Summerslam as well. Two veterans who know how to put on a stellar match... Can't really go wrong there.
I'd rather see Reigns vs. Orton.

If they really want to get people to subscribe/renew their subscriptions for the Network, they got to make every special events have a big fight feel like boxing pay per views, instead of just Wrestlemania, Royal Rumble, Summerslam, Extreme Rules.

Reigns is still establishing himself as a solo wrestler and future main eventer, him facing Orton, a former world champion will establish credibility.

They need to restablish Orton as a threat instead of making him look so weak. They actually could let this feud run through October/November if they book Reigns and Orton as equals.

It could a long way for both of their careers vs. letting Reigns run through Orton and get to HHH.
The only thing that would interest me in seeing another Kane match is if he turns face and then has a mini-feud with Orton, and even then it wouldn't be a focal point of the PPV or even a Raw show. Other than that, I'd rather just see either Reigns V Orton, or Reigns V HHH. Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns and other talent interest me much more than seeing Kane struggling to lift his opponents. It's not easy to consider him a legit threat to anyone when he's been jobbing lately.

It's great that he's always been a company guy and has put over a ridiculous amount of talent in his time, but it doesn't make him a credible threat on the main event stage. For something like Summerslam, I'd rather see Kane take a seat backstage for the night. It actually saddens me to say it too, I've always been a huge fan of Kane, but I've not been interested in him one iota during his involvement in the Authority angle.

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