Lets go over RR.
Matt and Jeff Hardy feud. Unless they get Edge and Christian involved who gives a s*!t.
Orton won, which was given away in the opening promo unless they decided to throw the biggest curve ball which I had a deep feeling from that opening promo they probably weren't. Not because of the winner, and lack of suprise (besides RVD) the match IMO was pretty boring. I would of rather it be Legacy as the final 3, but "WWE knows what we want". Yah WWE I want probably another Cena and Orton match!! (sarcasm).
ONLY good thing about the whole PPV it allows JBL and HBK to finish at NWO and opens up the start of Taker and HBK (which we saw in the locker room tonight)
Matt and Jeff Hardy feud. Unless they get Edge and Christian involved who gives a s*!t.
Orton won, which was given away in the opening promo unless they decided to throw the biggest curve ball which I had a deep feeling from that opening promo they probably weren't. Not because of the winner, and lack of suprise (besides RVD) the match IMO was pretty boring. I would of rather it be Legacy as the final 3, but "WWE knows what we want". Yah WWE I want probably another Cena and Orton match!! (sarcasm).
ONLY good thing about the whole PPV it allows JBL and HBK to finish at NWO and opens up the start of Taker and HBK (which we saw in the locker room tonight)