Royal Rumble 2009 Match


Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz

30 Men enter, only one man will survive. The Road to Wrestlemania begins with this match, as one half of the main event will be determined with the outcome of this matchup. This is perhaps the WWE's best gimmick match, and easily one of the few must watch events of the year. Simply put, if you miss the Royal Rumble match, you miss alot.

Now for me, we'll find out a lot of the landscape of this match in the next few weeks. Typically there are poor number one contenders facing the champions, to keep the Rumble match itself strong. This year I feel we're going to get some stacked title matches, and an equally stacked Royal Rumble.

I'm basing this off of my theory that Batista vs. Cena II should happen, and the Hardy vs. Triple H finally should happen. With Batista and Triple H out of the way, and me believing almost 100% that Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker is about as good of a lock as you can get, this takes out four big names that could win this match.

It's quite simple really, the winner of this match should be one of two people, either Randy Orton or Edge. Randy Orton probably gets the nod in my book. This would be a change for the WWE in recen tyears, to have two faces going into Mania as champions with heel chasers, but I think it could work. The worst case scenario is Triple H winning this, and we get Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H in oen of the worst Wrestlemania main events ever.

Randy Orton is my key candidate to win this. The Royal Rumble has become dreadfully stale over the years.

1988: Face Hacksaw Jim Duggan
1989: Heel Big John Studd
1990: Face Hulk Hogan
1991: Face Hulk Hogan
1992: Heel Ric Flair
1993: Heel Yokozuna
1994: Face Bret Hart and Face Lex Luger
1995: Heel HBK
1996: Face HBK
1997: Tweener Heel Leaning Steve Austin
1998: Face Steve Austin
1999: Heel Vince McMahon
2000: Face Rock
2001: Face Steve Austin
2002: Face Triple H
2003: Face Brock Lesnar
2004: Face Chris Benoit
2005: Tweener Dave Batista
2006: Pathetic Face Rey Mysterio
2007: Face Undertaker
2008: Face John Cena

We haven't had a striaght Heel win this thing since 1999, and even that was a joke, and HBK in 1995 could be argued that he was a tweener that leaned heel. The last true Heel to win the Royal Rumble was 16 years ago with Yokozuna. The WWE needs to throw us a fucking curve ball,a nd quit with the Face chasing the champion routine. It's time for the face champion to prove his mettle on the biggest stage of them all. A change in story telling needs to happen, and Randy Orton challenging John Cena is the way to go.
It's quite simple really, the winner of this match should be one of two people, either Randy Orton or Edge. Randy Orton probably gets the nod in my book. This would be a change for the WWE in recen tyears, to have two faces going into Mania as champions with heel chasers, but I think it could work. The worst case scenario is Triple H winning this, and we get Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H in oen of the worst Wrestlemania main events ever.

Randy Orton is my key candidate to win this. The Royal Rumble has become dreadfully stale over the years.

A change in story telling needs to happen, and Randy Orton challenging John Cena is the way to go.

I think Orton winning is a definite possibility and I also hope it happens. The formation of Legacy makes this much more likely imo. He can hide out and have Manu and Cody (assuming they are in the match) do all of his dirty work. Plus, this would give us a nice 2 month build-up between Randy Orton, who I believe is moving ahead of Jericho as top heel on Raw, and John Cena, the top face. I don't think Edge will win it, just because him and Jeff Hardy are already feuding, so they don't need to waste the Rumble on a feud that has already begun.

We haven't had a striaght Heel win this thing since 1999, and even that was a joke, and HBK in 1995 could be argued that he was a tweener that leaned heel. The last true Heel to win the Royal Rumble was 16 years ago with Yokozuna. The WWE needs to throw us a fucking curve ball,a nd quit with the Face chasing the champion routine. It's time for the face champion to prove his mettle on the biggest stage of them all.

I think this is the year for a heel to win, if for no other reason than that all of the world champions as of right now are faces. So, unless a heel wins a championship at the Rumble or creative is looking for a face/face feud, a heel has to win the Rumble to challenge a face for the title.
Orton/Cena at wrestlemania is a must if WWE has any sense. They are the 2 most over stars on RAW and its a match everyone wants to see, given the right build up. An Orton win seems like the most realistic opition, the only alternative would be Edge which would make it a bit more intresting over which title he would choose to go for. I have to favour Orton though if Edge faced Cena it would be a great match but would give us a horrid smackdown main event match at mania so I reckon it will be Orton who wins it. About the match itself, I'm not worried about this match because the Rumble always delivers but I hope they give it a strong undercard too.
Shock brock Lesnar i could not agrree more. The WWE needs to go away from the blueprint of a heel defending the title at Mania and having a face win the rumble and challenfgge for the title. I thought last year was a change of pace obviously with Cena returning to win it but using his title shot a month before Mania. Not to stray from the topic but a heel winner of the rumble is needed much how you pointed out with the list of previous winners. I think a heel winning the rumble can be a way for them to draw even more heat to themselves saying that they were the last one standing in the rumble and it will be no different at Mania.

I also agree that the two real and only options to win the rumble should be Orton and Edge. Edge doesnt need to win the rumble, him Hardy and HHH already have a program going and you could even have Edge and Hardy face each other at Rumble ad still have them fight at Mania with Edge winning the Elimination Chamber match. That feud is up and going and i think you would be wasting a rumble winner on Edge.

Now Randy Orton that is a different story. He is white hot right now and he weekly is reminding us how good he is and if he wins the rumble that will only added to that ten fold. He then says he has been shown no respect and continues to prove all wrong and that he is going to beat the guy he could not to win the title. They could def bring into fold their last feud and how Orton couldnt beat Cena for the title and Cena can say the only reason you ever won the title is cause i got hurt. You give these two guys two months to build up a feud my god. Orton has that way of showing you he absolutley hates ppl and will try to take them out whenever possible. And Cena gets pissed off and snaps. You can have Orton and Legacy attacking Cena and destroying him on one Raw with Orton picking his spots to get involved and not just having Rhoads and Manu do all the dirty work and the next raw you have Cena destroying Manu and Rhoads with Orton escaping always. This would make Cena llook good and in my eyes cause he is destroying those two and Orton looks goood too cause he is doing that now as he is being calculating and picking his spots to attack.

This feud if built right for two months can go along way and be a candidate for Feud of the Year in my eyes.
Well the only way i would like Orton to win is that he faces Hardy at mania or Cena is champion. Why? because he have seen Orton vs Cena for the title 5 times if you include the triple threat at WM25 and the 5 way match at NOC 2007. And none of those matches have been a spectacular matches. If there were a heel to win it i would say Kane/Batista ( if he turns heel). Why? well because you cant have cena loose the title before mania. to many title changes for both smackdown and raw this year ( 2008) and it wouldn't look good if cena lost it.

Kane: now i no he shouldn't win the rumble he should have his shot at rumble/no way out but lets see. he comes in rumble every year dominates then gets eliminated near the end. HAve him win the rumble would provide him good build up for mania ( which he hasn't had since taker vs kane) and would provide a new feud with in the WWE that hasn't been used yet, And would also make a monster vs champion making cena the "under dog" and making people think kane will win. altho it wont happen. it is a idea for a heel to win it.

Batista: He and cena have been rumoured for wrestlemania 25 since the start of the year. He and Cena would be a monster match up . Well it would of been but he and cena have already had a match. lowering the hype. but it would still be a very good contest between the two. have batista turn heel and feud with cena making a some what new feud. the hype would still be amazing. infact it would be more than it was at summerslam because there is more time for it and it would be over the title. would be a amazing match IMO.

But a heel does need to win. heck maybe koslov or some of the midcarders like MVP or Kennedy could win ( if kennedy turns heel).

But it doesn't matter who cena vs's Cena will win because of the recent title reigns of the other raw/smackdown superstars.
Orton won't win since him and Cena will fight at the Royal Rumble Cena vs Batista is Raw's Main Event at Wrestlemania we all know that by know. I don't know what Smackdown will due for there title especially since Jeff won the belt but Triple H probaly will be in the match some how or maybe even Koslov cause I doubt Undertaker goes fpr the Three-Peat. Batista will win the Royal Rumble or Elimination Chamber at No Mercy.
or maybe even Koslov

If they give the title shot to Kozlov at Wrestlemania 25, I may not watch. I'm sure it would be a great match, but when you're putting on a milestone show, you don't think Kozlov over guys like Edge, HHH, Batista, Undertaker, HBK, and Y2J...

I've been saying that I think Kane will win, because I'd like to see him get a push, and have a good headlining match at Wrestlemania, because in his tenure with WWE, he hasn't headlined, and if my memory serves me right, he has never headlined a PPV. A match-up with Cena or Hardy would be good, and if they want to give the ECW title some cred, having the Rumble winner go after it would certainly help.

My dark horse is TBK, because his size could be his biggest asset, or his worst enemy...He could be the sneaky little guy that happens to be there when there's 4 left, and finds a way to pull it off. A match with him and Hardy would be great, but I think he'd be better suited against a more proven name like Cena. (Hardy is proven, but Cena has headlined way more PPVs).

I'm not saying TBK is a better title contender than Kozlov, but at least I could buy him winning. Kozlov bores me.
If they give the title shot to Kozlov at Wrestlemania 25, I may not watch. I'm sure it would be a great match, but when you're putting on a milestone show, you don't think Kozlov over guys like Edge, HHH, Batista, Undertaker, HBK, and Y2J...

I've been saying that I think Kane will win, because I'd like to see him get a push, and have a good headlining match at Wrestlemania, because in his tenure with WWE, he hasn't headlined, and if my memory serves me right, he has never headlined a PPV. A match-up with Cena or Hardy would be good, and if they want to give the ECW title some cred, having the Rumble winner go after it would certainly help.

My dark horse is TBK, because his size could be his biggest asset, or his worst enemy...He could be the sneaky little guy that happens to be there when there's 4 left, and finds a way to pull it off. A match with him and Hardy would be great, but I think he'd be better suited against a more proven name like Cena. (Hardy is proven, but Cena has headlined way more PPVs).

I'm not saying TBK is a better title contender than Kozlov, but at least I could buy him winning. Kozlov bores me.

I know for a fact I wouldn't watch it, Kozlov bores the hell out of me. Anyway, I'm thinking Triple H, Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Chris Jericho, Batista or Randy Orton.

Triple H

He is a main eventer, one of the best WWE have to offer and someone who is an obvious favourite assuming he is actually in the rumble.

Mr. Kennedy

He is currently injured and as far as I know not scheduled for an in ring return until after the rumble but WWE have lied about these kind of things before and it is possible they have again.


MVP is on a monsterous losing streak and a win here would get his career back on track. He has the talent to do well, he has the charisma to do well, so why not?

Chris Jericho

He has had a such a good year this year and what better way to kick off 2009 for Jericho than winning the rumble? He has held the title a lot this year so I'm beginning to think it is most likely not him but stranger things have happened.


Maybe he flipped at WWE for not having the belt and they're giving him a chance to earn it at WrestleMania, it certainly wouldn't surprise me. Nah seriously, he has the size for a rumble win to be realistic.

Randy Orton

In my opinion he is the best heel on Raw, and I'd like to see Orton win it just to see his promos the day after he wins it. He has been out of the title picture for a while now as far as I know and seeing him win would be epic.

And my personal favourite..

Shawn Michaels.

Rumours are flying about Shawn retiring this year and if this is to be the case then he deserves a title run asap. Winning the rumble again would set up perfectly for Mr. Wrestlemania to show us all why he has that nickname.
The match-ups will probably be Jericho v. JBL and Orton v. HBK because Jericho and JBL already feuded, and they like to add those things into little tourney's like this.

It also leaves it open for Batista to cost Orton his shot, and let HBK win...

Then, HBK would either face Y2J again, and have a look back at that feud, or have HBK lay down for JBL...

This sets up JBL v. Cena and Batista v. Orton for the Rumble, which takes Orton and Batista out of the Rumble...

That leaves a SD wrestler to win the Rumble, and Batista and Orton in the EC at NWO.

Who would that SD guy be? HHH! Probably...

^^^ I posted that in Harthan's Official JBL Fan Club thread...

I know I've been pushing for Kane to win the Rumble, but the above storyline makes sense in every way...

It finishes up the tourney, sets up matches for RR, and sets up the EC at NWO. If HHH does win, the EC at NWO will obviously be RAW wrestlers for the title shot. This story leaves it to be Batista, Orton, JBL, HBK, and Jericho.

Batist anad Orton would be in it, to follow up their match at RR, and also because they are both in the title chase obviously. JBL and HBK would get to finish their feud there, and Jericho would be in it because he's the top RAW heel, next to Orton.

If this all comes true, Batista would obviously be the winner, because they want to push that for Wrestlemania.

Or, I'm all wrong, and I'm thinking way too much...
IMO Edge should win the Rumble. He has won the KOTR, MITB, 6 World Titles, 12 Tag Titles, 5 IC Titles, 1 US Title, heck, a Royal Rumble win is the only thing missing in his amazing resume. Then he can feud with Hardy so it would culminate a TLC match at WM for the WWE Title.

But I wont mind if Orton would win :)
There have been a lot of good arguments placed forth in this thread. I just want to add a couple miscellaneous thoughts.

1. There is no way that HHH is not going to main event wrestlemania. That means he either must be a royal rumble winner or a subsequent elimination chamber winner. I suppose there are other ways he could get into the main event without winning either, such as somehow getting added to the main event at wrestlemania and it becoming a triple threat match. But that possibility aside, that means that either HHH will win the rumble, or someone from raw will.

2. People have made the point that HBK vs. undertaker is practically a given for wrestlemania, and their arguments make sense. However, with the current storyline michaels is in right now, with his employment by JBL...I'm not sure that will be ending soon enough to set up a feud between michaels and undertaker. I suppose they could incorporate his servitude to JBL into a match against the undertaker somehow, but I'm not sure yet that this is where they plan to go.

Just my two cents.
I really think the RR winner comes down to three people. Orton, Edge, and HHH. I see JBL winning the fatal 4 way on Raw, setting up him and Cena for RR. And I'm thinking HBK will cost JBL the match somehow. And thus JBL costs HBK the RR and sets up a match between them at NWO. And that leaves the door open for HBK/Taker at WM. And if Orton isn't wrestling Cena at RR, then I think he is the clear cut winner. If he is then it will be Edge or HHH. Just what I think.
I predict HBK letting JBL win the fatal four or HBK winning the title at RR then giving it to JBL or HBK hit SCM on Y2J then Orton RKO's JBL and pins either JBL or Y2J, either way I will be there and love every minute of it.
I predict for the RR itself coming down to the final forung Batista, Cena, Rey, Taker all fromer winners and also Kane who will finaly win at the RR seeing as he pretty owns that PPV in my opinion.
For the WHC I predict Show taking on Hardy for WHC title to give Jeff some cred seeing as he won because of Koslov.
I think Orton will win the Rumble, but I would like him to switch to Smackdown and face Jeff for the WWE title in the main event at Wrestlemania 25. This would leave Kane, JBL, Jericho, Mysterio, Michaels and CM Punk to go inside the eliminiation chamber with Kane winning and facing Cena for the WHC at Wrestlemania
I'd say HBK, Or Edge.

HBK - I could see JBL being elimminated early on, And HBK winning it by the skin of his teeth, Over either Undertaker, Or Big Show. After the Rumble I can see JBL saying he was screwed, And wants his match at the Wrestlemaina, Making HBK surrender his title shot, Which will make massive heat for him, And I can imagine seeing HBK getting in the match somehow, Making it Cena vs JBL vs HBK at Wrestlemaina 25.

Or I can see Edge getting a low entry number, Getting his ass kicked all the way through, But managing to get through to the last 4, Getting knocked through the middle rope as someone is knocked over the top one, Then elimminate the last person from behind after staying outside the ring.
Putting it simply, a Heel NEEDS to win. There are no major faces who should win the match so that puts with just one man to win the Rumble, Orton! With Edge looking likely to be going up against Jeff Hardy for the WWE Title, Orton is the perfect heel to win with the final four being HHH, MVP, Mysterio & Orton, MVP throws HHH over, Mysterio hurricanranas MVP out and Orton final manages to get revenge on Mysterio in the rumble Match for the 2006 Rumble.
Someone new needs to win the rumble, this is a shot wwe has to put a superstar over. I would love to see Jack Swagger win the rumble for one reason, hes young and athletic and the ECW title lost its prestige after morison/punk stopped fueding. Giving swagger this opprutunity will be major. Matt Hardy has the fan base to co-main event a ppv with a ledgends match or a cena match main eventing. If swagger wins, I can see him viewed as a Brock Lesner of sorts which wwe needs now, someone young and new to start the next generation beyond orton and second gen. HBK can't stay wrestling forever, a young dude needs to win
Whatever happens, we have to end up with Edge Hardy and Orton Cena at Mania. SO either have a heel winner of the rumble, Edge or Orton, with the other earning a title shot. OR, and this idea would annoy so many of the IWC it would be brilliant. Edge/Orton beats Cena/Hardy at the Rumble. Later on in the night, surprise number 29 entrant Cena/Hardy limps to the ring and wins the Rumble, setting up a rematch. Yes, you would get the whinging from millions, and millions, of fans but we have to understand WWE is a PG rating now. The kids would love it. And we would get the greatest two main event Mania matches possible.
I don't know about you guys, but I could see JBL winning the title against Cena at the rumble and then HBK winning the rumble match. This would then set up the employer vs employee or something like that. HBK turns on JBL and wins championship. This storyline could go on after Wrestlemania.
I think that JBL can force Shawn to battle against Undertaker at Wrestlemania by saying that if he is really "Mr. Wrestlemania" he has to prove it against the Streak of Taker, it makes perfect sense, HBK fights Undertaker as everyone wants and JBL can make his employee look bad.

In the other hand, we need someone to win the Rumble and my guess at this time is, unfortunately, Triple H, he has to be on one of the main-events of Wrestlemania so my prediction is to him winning this match, I hope that it could be one of this three men: Morrison, Orton or Kennedy but HHH's ego is bigger than that.
Well, there are many good points in here, and someone is bound to be right.

There are a certain number of possibilities that seem viable:

ORTON: He has come close a few times, been a champion, and is in the main event light. It would make sense if he were to win, and main event Wrestlemania again. It looks like the WWE has set up to this also, as many predict Orton/Cena at Wrestlemania. However, he could also win the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out, assuming that is going to happen again.

JERICHO: Another guy in the main event light that hasn't won a rumble before. Many favor Orton over him though. I'd expect him to come close, in both the rumble and the Chamber, to set him up for something at Wrestlemania.

HHH: He has won a rumble before, so if WWE want a repeat winner, he is possibly the best bet. It all depends on the plans for HHH at Wrestlemania, and if he is going to get another title shot by then. Many favor Edge/Hardy at Mania over this though. A triple threat is not out of the question, even if it has been done already.

BIG SHOW: Main event push? I don't know if this would happen, but worse things have happened. I credit him to be the monster heel in an elimination chamber, if that happens.

HBK: With JBL in the RAW title match, he could win the rumble, but I doubt it. Many believe in an Undertaker/HBK match at Mania, so he couldn't win the rumble if that is to happen. However, plans in the WWE often don't mean anything.

UNDERTAKER: Another one that has a chance, but I doubt would happen. Again, I believe that Taker/HBK is supposed to happen at Mania, so he couldn't win here either.

SOMEONE NEW: There are many guys in this category. Anyone from Morrison to MVP are candidates for a midcarder to be brought up. This has happened before, to catapult someone to the main event, and the WWE could potentially pick someone out and give them a push. This would also fit the suprise ending category, as I doubt many are picking someone from this group.

SOMEONE RETURNING: Talk of Christian returning is about. If anything, he'd be pushed into a program with Hardy. So, Christian/Hardy at Wrestlemania? If he wins the rumble, that could happen. Also, Kennedy and Umaga are set to come back soon. While I doubt Umaga would win, Kennedy has been trusted with a Wrestlemania main event before. Unfortunately, injury messed that up. Now, he could have another shot.

I like the mystery this year concerning who will win. Likely, it will be a heel, as there are many more heel options than face options. Both brands have face champions right now, which is different than last year. Thus, a heel winning would make sense. I'd like to think that the writers know what they are doing, so I'm looking foward to this PPV.
I think that Randy Orton wins the Royal Rumble and goes on to face John Cena. I believe that this is building up right now and the best way to do it is to have Orton win the Rumble. WWE has surprised us before though so this is by far a lock to happen. This year there seems to be many choices that would work in regards to the Rumble winner. Many have made a case for Jericho, HHH, HBK and others so this year looks to be wide open. It should be a great match as usual and one that hopefully will bring some excitement and elements of surprise.
Well most people assume it will be Randy Orton winning the Royal Rumble, so I highly doubt the WWE would do that. It is way to obvious, and its not like Randy Orton's best friend died, so he wont get the Rey Mysterio obvious win. This is why my pick for the 2009 Royal Rumble is... Mike Knox. Sure, no one would expect it. Let Knox go wild in the rumble, resulting in him being left in the ring with Mysterio, Edge, Orton, and Triple H. Have Edge take out Orton, while Triple H eliminated Edge. The final will be down to Knox and Mysterio, with Triple H. Triple H would then get eliminated by Mysterio, and he will look across the ring, and see Knox coming, trip him up, so Knox falls onto the ropes. Then have Rey go for the 619, only for Knox to catch him, and throw him out of the ring. Knox would then challenge Matt Hardy for the ECW title, cementing the ECW title as a world title (in WWE's eyes). Hardy can wrestle Edge, and Cena can still wrestle Orton.
There's always the possibility of MVP ending the streak with a RUmble victory, but it's unlikely. However, he could go on a rampage, eliminating Kozlov, HBK, HHH, Taker, Jericho, Umaga possibly, and be on the verge of winning it, when Orton eliminates him. This showing could get some positive fan reaction, whilst keeping the streak storyline going a bit longer. He ould then be on the verge of winning lots of matches, but heelish tactics AGAINST him could cost him. Fans could get on his side, and eventually a big win could get big cheers.
Well so much for that. I leave on my semi-holiday sabbatical, and come back to discover how the GrincHHH stole Wrestlemania from me. So much for the heel winning the Rumble. Triple H is getting his superman booking once again. It's terribly predictable at this point with the game. He's going to be in the main event, most likely against edge, and he's going to close the show out at Wrestlemania 25 holding the WWE championship over his head. So coming in second last year, and then winning the Eliminatino Chamber isn't enough, the man will win the Rumble this year, and at this point, the Triple H joke isn't funny anymore.

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