30 Men enter, only one man will survive. The Road to Wrestlemania begins with this match, as one half of the main event will be determined with the outcome of this matchup. This is perhaps the WWE's best gimmick match, and easily one of the few must watch events of the year. Simply put, if you miss the Royal Rumble match, you miss alot.
Now for me, we'll find out a lot of the landscape of this match in the next few weeks. Typically there are poor number one contenders facing the champions, to keep the Rumble match itself strong. This year I feel we're going to get some stacked title matches, and an equally stacked Royal Rumble.
I'm basing this off of my theory that Batista vs. Cena II should happen, and the Hardy vs. Triple H finally should happen. With Batista and Triple H out of the way, and me believing almost 100% that Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker is about as good of a lock as you can get, this takes out four big names that could win this match.
It's quite simple really, the winner of this match should be one of two people, either Randy Orton or Edge. Randy Orton probably gets the nod in my book. This would be a change for the WWE in recen tyears, to have two faces going into Mania as champions with heel chasers, but I think it could work. The worst case scenario is Triple H winning this, and we get Jeff Hardy vs. Triple H in oen of the worst Wrestlemania main events ever.
Randy Orton is my key candidate to win this. The Royal Rumble has become dreadfully stale over the years.
1988: Face Hacksaw Jim Duggan
1989: Heel Big John Studd
1990: Face Hulk Hogan
1991: Face Hulk Hogan
1992: Heel Ric Flair
1993: Heel Yokozuna
1994: Face Bret Hart and Face Lex Luger
1995: Heel HBK
1996: Face HBK
1997: Tweener Heel Leaning Steve Austin
1998: Face Steve Austin
1999: Heel Vince McMahon
2000: Face Rock
2001: Face Steve Austin
2002: Face Triple H
2003: Face Brock Lesnar
2004: Face Chris Benoit
2005: Tweener Dave Batista
2006: Pathetic Face Rey Mysterio
2007: Face Undertaker
2008: Face John Cena
We haven't had a striaght Heel win this thing since 1999, and even that was a joke, and HBK in 1995 could be argued that he was a tweener that leaned heel. The last true Heel to win the Royal Rumble was 16 years ago with Yokozuna. The WWE needs to throw us a fucking curve ball,a nd quit with the Face chasing the champion routine. It's time for the face champion to prove his mettle on the biggest stage of them all. A change in story telling needs to happen, and Randy Orton challenging John Cena is the way to go.