ROH's 13th Anniversary LD - Live on PPV from Las Vegas, NV

Rocky Romero just announced that he and Trent Barretta are coming to ROH for the Baltimore TV taping, Milwaukee, Chicago and Supercard of Honor.
And now reDRagon vs. The Young Bucks have stolen the show. Good way to get Shayna Balszer involved too.

Up next, Lethal vs. Alberto Él Patron.
Main event was very messy, could have been a lot better, no need for the Kingdom dressed up as the KORD interference which I have a feeling isn't actually The Kingdom but are instead them trying to use it as a way of interfering. The whole thing just had too many turns, which I get for storylines, but just... let them wrestle, I guess.

Ending was the right thing to do. Samoa Joe up in Jay Briscoe's face.

Joe's return was an awesome moment. Overall a good to very good show.
Christ some of these matches were dire. Strong/Whitmer especially.

Moose is neat.
What in the blue fuck was with that main event? That was some TNA-level shit. Come on ROH, I expect better from you.

Probably the best overall ROH show ive watched. Moose-Briscoe was excellent, ACH Vs Styles was really good, as was the womens match.

Still a bit too much near-fall spamming for my tastes, and some of those matches (specifically the tag match) would have been truly epic had they stretched out the same content over another 5 minutes. Also, what the fuck was the ref even there for during that tag match? Jesus.

One of the most legit ref bumps ive ever seen in the ME. Good shit.
Christ some of these matches were dire. Strong/Whitmer especially.

I've seen two reactions to Strong/Whitmer. Yours, which is an opinion of many, and the other that it was a throwback to an old school NWA wrestling match, which it was. Jason Soloman the wrestling writer said it best on Twitter, it was an example of why NWA's style grew old and that the biggest pop in the match was Strong changing it up a gear and bringing out the knees and more ROH-style wrestling.

One of the most legit ref bumps ive ever seen in the ME. Good shit.

Todd Sinclair is, to quote Kevin Steen, "the best referee anywhere, nobody can touch him". His ref bumps are legendary.
I was worried he was going to drop dead from a heart attack. Also, general production yesterday was very good, very impressive barring a few spots and shots. Reminiscent of NJPW, actually.
I was worried he was going to drop dead from a heart attack. Also, general production yesterday was very good, very impressive barring a few spots and shots. Reminiscent of NJPW, actually.

It was the best camera work that I've ever seen on an ROH show.

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