ROH 'Final Battle 2014' LD - LIVE on PPV & iPPV from Terminal 5 in New York City

Reading a lot of reviews, the crowd looked to have been real bad, like real bad. I've seen one dude on ROHWorld who has attended over 30 ROH shows in NYC say that he thinks they should stop running there and just let TNA have it as an area, the crowd has became too bad and all they get now are jaded wrestling fans who want to shout anti-WWE things for no real reason. IDK if anyone remembers but during Lethal/Sydal, a fan shouted, "AJ LEE!" or something similar to that, yeah, apparently that guy got knocked out by another fan outside after the show and had to be taken away in an ambulance.

I read a lot of similar things after War of the Worlds, Field of Honor was also heavily criticized for the way fans acted. They're not rowdy like they used to be, they're just real jaded. It's funny that whenever ROH runs Chicago, Milwaukee or so far Nashville the crowds are great and there are no issues.
It got incredibly stupid when they were chanting "everyone" when the Tag Team title match was about to start and it seemed they were throwing streamers more to bug the ringside crew than anything else.

The next PPV in Vegas will be a huge upgrade.
The Jay Driller on the title belt was a beautiful ending, absolute poetic brilliance, and a perfect cap to nearly a year and a half worth of storytelling.

For significance and storytelling impact I'd even be willing to compare it favorably with the main event from Final Battle 2010.
The Jay Driller on the title belt was a beautiful ending, absolute poetic brilliance, and a perfect cap to nearly a year and a half worth of storytelling.

For significance and storytelling impact I'd even be willing to compare it favorably with the main event from Final Battle 2010.

The look Cole gave before the Driller was just perfect. This match just reaffirmed my belief that it should be heavily considered the top feud of the year.
A dude on Reddit summed up the storytelling in that match perfectly...

At one point in the match Adam Cole whips Jay Briscoe against the ropes and then hits him with the Superkick to the back of the head, what I loved about that was Steve Corino immediately said, "just like he did in Philly when he won the ROH World title", which is how their feud began, Cole kicking Jay in the back of the head, but then to topple that, the final sequence.

Adam Cole sees the ROH World Championship on the mat and crawls toward it, if you look he's smiling because he probably thinks he can use it as a weapon and also because in his eye it's his most prized possession and he's moments from reclaiming, but because of the camera angle Jay Briscoe enters the picture, we can see this and Jay just stands above it waiting for Cole to realize. Adam gets to the title, notices Jay's foot and then slowly looks up and you kind of get a sense from Adam's facial expression that he's saying, "this is it, isn't it?", before Jay Briscoe hits Adam with the Jay Driller ONTO the ROH World title. I think that the magnitude of storytelling in that is amazing and is why I'm still kind of pumped after the main event (I've DVR'd Final Battle so I'm watching it over as I type this), that in the end, through all the personal issues and violence, it came down to Adam Cole, Jay Briscoe and their desire to be ROH World Champion. I feel like they made the ROH World Championship look so important in a way I don't think anyone else makes theirs, that they went to such a level of violence and in the end it all came back to the strap.

The final image too, of both men laying surrounded by the wreckage is a powerful image. I feel like the show tonight overall was good, but separate the FWH from the show and that match for me is a textbook example of powerful storytelling in wrestling and it reminds me why I love it so much. Kudos ROH, Adam Cole and Jay Briscoe.

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