ROH & NJPW 'Global Wars' LD - LIVE on iPPV from Toronto, Ontario, Canada

The main event was comfortably the best match of the night, which is as it should be.

Can't say I'll be bothering with War of the Worlds. At the same time, anybody who was already looking forward to it won't have been put off by tonight.

War of the Worlds looks to be the better of the two shows I think, with talk of both Tanahashi and Bennett having talked with interpreters and both wanting their match to be a show stealer because of people being disappointed in that match being booked and doubting Bennett and you got Elgin vs. Styles as well as reDragon vs. Young Bucks. I'll definitely be checking it out.
So far I agree with what everyone is saying on Twitter and Reddit, this was basically a, "Road to..." show, with War of the Worlds being the big one. Nobody seems to be angry at that as you won't get a chance to see guys like Liger many more times, but yeah, guess because some expectations extremely high it didn't deliver, but on the face of it, it did great business. Sold-out crowd and from a tweet I saw from someone at the show, apparently there is absolutely no merchandise left at all, which is incredible.

War of the Worlds will definitely be interesting.
ME finish was... odd, but other than that great show, virtually flawless stream, lokking forward to War of the Worlds next week, already ordered it.
Stream was flawless, but fuck, the production. Not the lighting or anything, but the transitions from the live crowd to video packages and shit. I know this will all be straightened out before BITW, but fuck.
I'm looking forward to The Young Bucks versus The Timesplitters. Featuring those other guys.

For those who follow NJPW that match up is over used at this point in time. Always good matches yes, but still, it's not the same excitement, and even less when it's a predicatble bout.

I think the idea is that this is likely gonna be alot of people first time seeing most of the New Japan guys so they're using this event to showcase & introduce them to the ROH audience.

I understand that, good business move ofc, but for a follower of both promotions, there would be a lot of exciting and fantastic matches that I would like to see instead of the fillers. Usuallly this type of matches happen at TV for Japan.
I understand that, good business move ofc, but for a follower of both promotions, there would be a lot of exciting and fantastic matches that I would like to see instead of the fillers. Usuallly this type of matches happen at TV for Japan.

Court Bauer said on The Fight Network, ROH gave NJPW free range to do whatever they wanted for these two shows, so they chose who faces who or recommended that "x" face someone such as "enter criteria", with ROH responding on if they felt their person should take a loss or not. This isn't the only business they'll be doing together though, the fact NJPW put out pictures and shit of Elgin and from something that happened on the show (won't spoil it for you) it seems like Elgin will definitely have some dates in NJPW soon, probably G1.
Thanks for walking me through it last night, guys.

On reflection, I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I'd like to think it's not because I had unrealistic expectations of what I was going to see, I prefer to think I had unrealistic expectations about the quality of what I was going to see.

Thinking about it, Steen smiling and playing to the crowd didn't make sense as someone who'd promised to bring back "KILL STEEN KILL" for the match. Unless he's normally a lot less ruthless than dumping people balls first into the ring post - and I've seen him nearly kill El Generico, so I know he's not. Still match of the night though.

I also realised where I recognised the streak guy from:

Just finished the first match and I'm already digging ROH.

Productions is a bit meh though (but that's comparing to WWE and TNA)
Production values are low, I don't think there's two ways about it. There's supposedly a big change happening after War of the Worlds though, so we'll say what it's like then.
Michael Elgin's got the Hogan haircut I see. Pretty good athleticism for a big guy. Samoa Joe-esque
No, their gimmick is that they're members of the French aristocracy, they're just really bad at it.

Well they should take some acting lessons. But regardless they're pretty cool. Would be cool to see the Briscoes vs The Shield
I love Alex Shelley's hair for some reason.

TNA really fucked up with him and the Bucks
I won't even deny it, kind of shocked to see the praise the show is getting. Whether it was from people there who said they had a blast or people who watched it online, all I see is good reviews. Lots of, "man how do I get into ROH" and "next week is going to be awesome" comments everywhere. Even Bryan Alvarez's F4WOnline show when they were trying to talk about UFC got hijacked by callers talking about Global Wars. I thought it was a good show but it wasn't the best ROH show of the year or anything. If people enjoyed it so much the reaction to War of the Worlds will be Godly.

I'll be interested to see what JR says about it in his blog. He said on Twitter he had a great time so I imagine he'll have good things to say.
I'll be interested to see what JR says about it in his blog. He said on Twitter he had a great time so I imagine he'll have good things to say.

Supposedly he left at intermission, not sure if this is true at all though, that information came from some random fan commenting on a story about JR's tweets about the show, so yeah, not a very reliable source.
From JR's blog. I swear to God if they don't improve that lighting or buy a grid to go over the ring for Best In The World I'll go insane.

Really enjoyed what I saw of the ROH-New Japan event Saturday night in Toronto. I had another meeting to attend so I only got to see a little over half the event but it was fun to see so many wrestlers who truly love the business and who bust their ass for their fans. No group from top to bottom that I've seen in a good while works harder than the talents that I saw work Saturday night. I love the Briscoe Brothers and know they would have kicked ass in the Attitude Era. Two, naturally colorful characters and a helluva tag team. Got to meet Kevin Steen, who I like a great deal, and AJ Styles who will be my guest on an up coming Ross Report Podcast this summer. All are outstanding talents and, without question, and how a major promotion couldn't utilize these men's skills, among others, is a mystery to me.

My thanks to Joe Koff and to Gary Juster of ROH for their hospitality and to all the "boys" that I got to meet and visit with throughout the night. Good catching up with my former broadcast partner and Florida State alum Kevin Kelly, who along with Steve Corino, are a fun combo to have broadcasting a wrestling show. TV director Dan Bynum is an old pal from our early as in from the beginning of the WCW days and he's still doing his thing. It was also good seeing the lovely Maria Kanellis, another former WWE diva, who was as nice and personable as ever plus she took a helluva bump in the match in which she was involved.

The IPPV this Saturday featuring War of the Worlds should be a fantastic show especially if one likes fast paced, in ring wrestling action and not too much talk or lame skits. I'd still like to see the pace of the ROH matches slow down a bit and the talent sell more but no one and I mean no one can fault the effort of the talents. One more thing ROH should invest in is better ring lighting.
Finally got a chance to finish watching this tonight, pretty good show. It perked my interest to keep watching ROH. The three way tag title match was INSANE! It was my first chance to see The Time Splitters in a full match and I love them already.

Looking forward to the upcoming show in New York.

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