ROH & NJPW 'War of the Worlds' LD - LIVE on iPPV from the HammerSTEEN Ballroom, NYC

My stream cut out (not UStream) so I guess I'm going to bed. Last week was a little more exciting, likely because of the LD liveliness. But there are matches on this card I will definitely be checking out in the morning.

Cheers for the assistance and reminders Saga.
So I wound up missing the first hour of the show or so. What did I miss up until the IWGP tag title match?

Also FUCK YEAH Nakamura/Steen, this is gonna be great.
Yeah that was a killer match. Only thing I wish is it got more time, but what we got was fucking awesome. Steen kicking out of two Boma Ye's at 1 was crazy. Not sure how I feel about that. Good ***3/4 atleast there.
I think that post-match thing was to set-up for Steen's farewell but later on. He needed something for Best in the World, and now a match with Silas Young is pretty obvious.
Not surprised to hear Steen is taking a break. He works his ass off and takes crazy bumps.
So they shut the stream down during intermission this week?

EDIT: Nevermind, hit refresh now they're showing AJ/Elgin II which is awesome.
Seemed like a good match but my stream is having problems. Or maybe my computer is. Either way I only caught bits and pieces unfortunately. Damn. Definitely going to have to download this whole show later on tonight and rewatch it.
reDRagon vs. Young Bucks is easily my MOTN so far, felt Bennett/Tanahashi coulda been a little better, & could've benefited from a little less Maria interference, but a good match nonetheless.
Solid show top to bottom, though I think I'm gonna have to rewatch it again later this week when my sinus's aren't so fucked up & leaving me feeling miserable.

By far the best part.

Man I wonder who Daniels' "partner" is going to be?
Really enjoyed that, though my stream (post-show too) was awful; laggy, kept stopping, frame rate chopping up, ugh. Was ready to call it a day/night but the quality shone through. Enjoyed the main event, KUSHIDA/Lethal and Nakamura/Steen but the MOTN was definitely that tag match between Youngaaaa Bucksuuu and reDRagon. MOTY contender for me alongside Ishii-Naito.

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