ROH 'Final Battle 2014' LD - LIVE on PPV & iPPV from Terminal 5 in New York City

If this whole story isn't in place to eventually put RD Evans over Moose at one of the big 2015 shows, then FUCK Delirious right in fucking ear. Because that is the only thing that is logical based on how this story has been booked.
Someone convince me Jay Lethal isn't still impersonating Ric Flair. He's freaking terrible as a serious heel.
If this whole story isn't in place to eventually put RD Evans over Moose at one of the big 2015 shows, then FUCK Delirious right in fucking ear. Because that is the only thing that is logical based on how this story has been booked.
With all the botches RD had? Who would put stock in him having a higher billed match?
The crowd are such dicks chanting for heels and making the ring crew clean out all those streamers. Poor ring crew.
With all the botches RD had? Who would put stock in him having a higher billed match?

He can get away with a botched springboard considering his gimmick.

What can't be denied is that aside from the two men in tonight's main event, he is the best promo guy in the company right now by light years, and an extremely easy to root for underdog who's redemption story has been set up perfectly.
I've already watched half the show and I'll watch the other half (the good one I hope) tomorrow, but one thing is for sure, for a NYC crowd, this one sure sucks major ass. Ciampa/Elgin didn't really have any heat, sure, but damn it, the crowd just went shut with finishers being thrown into the mix... The Young Bucks are the only ones really to wake them up. Also the camera shots are different and it makes the ring area look a lot smaller (which it is, right?).

First half of the show has been kinda boring, okay matches, but nothing out of the ordinary. Adam Page's build is the most interesting thing for sure. Here's my hopes that Sydal/Lethal, RD/TS and Cole/Briscoe saves the show.

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