Report/Rumor Regarding Brock Lesnar's Return


Yesterday, I read a story from Dave Meltzer concerning Brock Lesnar's next ppv appearance. I hadn't really noticed, or rather I'd forgotten, but the report mentions that Lesnar wasn't booked for Extreme Rules even though he's competed at the event for the past couple of years. According to the report, since Lesnar wasn't at Extreme Rules, it may indicate that he'll be working at Night of Champions as a continuation of whatever program he works for SummerSlam. What that program might be wasn't mentioned in Meltzer's report.

Given that Lesnar has ended Taker's streak, it's logical to assume he'd go after the WWE World Heavyweight Championship next. After all, earlier this year, Heyman announced that it was Lesnar's intention to become champion. If WWE does plan to have Lesnar wrestle at Night of Champions, it leads me to wonder if it'll be the champ he goes up against. My gut tells me, and it's only a complete guess, but I don't see Lesnar losing two matches at back to back ppvs. If he does go after the title at SummerSlam, it's logical to suggest he wins it only to drop it a month later. To me, it just sort of seems like a bit of a waste to end Bryan's reign just so Lesnar can have a 4 week run as champ. After NOC, Lesnar will almost certainly be taking another hiatus so he can't really have a long run.

One scenario I could see going down would be for Lesnar to finish up some "old business" before going after the title. The story would be Lesnar's total dominance after conquering the streak with one exception: John Cena. Cena's the only one that Lesnar hasn't beaten since his return, they only had one match after all at ER 2 years ago. Heyman could imply that it's the one blemish on Lesnar's total dominance and that before taking what's rightfully his, namely the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, he wants to repair said blemish so that there can be no doubt as to who the most dominant force in WWE history. As a result, Cena faces Lesnar at SummerSlam, Lesnar picks up the win and they have a rubber match at NOC.

Personally, I think there's more money in Lesnar either as champion or pursuing the title during WrestleMania season next year. Lesnar's deal, unless it's extended or a new one is negotiated, ends at WrestleMania XXXI, so I could see him possibly winning the title at the Royal Rumble or competing in the Royal Rumble match itself to earn a title shot. Given that there's now only one World Championship, it's unlikely that the title will be defended in a standard match at the EC show. As a result, it'd be more likely that Lesnar wins the Royal Rumble match and pursue the champ through the peak of WrestleMania season. Whether Lesnar's deal expires at or extends past WM next year, Lesnar in a title match has the possibility of leading to a lackluster bout given that fans know he'll almost certainly leave once again. Whether or not that happens might largely depend on who Lesnar's in the program for the title with.
Hell yeah, You just made me spend my money on booze and hooker, since I won't be buying wrestlemania.

I am really looking forward to Wrestlemania 31. Because you killed the Undertaker's win streak, so that is off the table.

Cena, D Bryan are you top talents ( don't enjoy either, I miss Hitman, SCSA, HBK, DX where are all the cool personas) Now your suggesting No time wrestling Lesnar and even less timer the Rock for the gold....Then they can leave for 6 months and defend the title at summerslam, this way the WWE can have a B*T*H champ like in the UFC. ( ufc 1-5, 5-7 matches in 1 night, New UFC 1 fight ever 4-9 months....weak)

The build up is going to have to be huge to wrestlemania to make it worth watching adding the rock and lesnar is a copout.

There is so much time between here and there, that your idea makes sense. Rock does nothing, Lesnar does nothing.....So in theory they should both be healthy.
Agree with JH. ON a side note,Lesnar is not the ahole we all think he is. I read an interview with him yesterday,he called Dana white urging him to make Pat Berry retire. Brock himself admitted he doesn't have a lot of friends,but considers Berry to be one of his few friends he has..

Anyway,i think taking care of old business will make Lesnar more money in the end.. Cena is the only one to beat Lesnar in 2012,when brock came back.. Brock conquered the streak,we all think he should go after the WWE WHC next,but avenging a loss to Cena makes sense..

IMO it will make brock more legit,more of a force to be reckoned with.. He whooped Cenas ass at ER only to just run out of gas in the end.. Lesnar wins at Summerslam making it a rubber match at NOC. Lesnar again pick up the win.

Survivor Series IMO is the earliest that lesnar should pick up the title.. Bryan deserves a lengthy run with the belt,dropping it at Summerslam only to regain it at NOC,is a waste.. There is money in Lesnar,whether as champion or not.. There has always been money in him!
Hell yeah, You just made me spend my money on booze and hooker, since I won't be buying wrestlemania.

I am really looking forward to Wrestlemania 31. Because you killed the Undertaker's win streak, so that is off the table.

Cena, D Bryan are you top talents ( don't enjoy either, I miss Hitman, SCSA, HBK, DX where are all the cool personas) Now your suggesting No time wrestling Lesnar and even less timer the Rock for the gold....Then they can leave for 6 months and defend the title at summerslam, this way the WWE can have a B*T*H champ like in the UFC. ( ufc 1-5, 5-7 matches in 1 night, New UFC 1 fight ever 4-9 months....weak)

The build up is going to have to be huge to wrestlemania to make it worth watching adding the rock and lesnar is a copout.

There is so much time between here and there, that your idea makes sense. Rock does nothing, Lesnar does nothing.....So in theory they should both be healthy.

Honey if you don't enjoy the part timers or the full time top stars, then simply don't watch.

No reason to moan and b**** about it.
Honey if you don't enjoy the part timers or the full time top stars, then simply don't watch.

No reason to moan and b**** about it.

Oh thank god for the world class morons. So because I don't like part timers taking all the glory and I am not a fan of 2 of the 10 top superstars.....means I don't like the top stars......

here is a list of people I like and is why I still watch.
Evolution (less batista, plus Sheamus), Wyatts, Bad New Barrett, old Kane, Cesaro, Ziggler, and the Shield . Most of these guys are top tier talents.

I don't think Rock, Lesnar and Undertaker should be in the world title picture.....Sure they should have a gimmick match at wrestlemania ( like the streak) but to take away from the talent who works year around for the 1 goal of being the champion, just to have the spotlight out on guys who have abandoned the fans for other things. ( yes, they are doing what they need to to make that money, but that doesn't change the fact other guys are busting their ass.)

Imagine is the Seattle Seahawks didn't have to play in a single football game all year until the Super Bowl. how stupid would that be. ( But judging by your inability to read, you would like this)
It appears logical that Lesnar would challenge for the title at SummerSlam. It also appears impossible that Lesnar could possibly hold the title throughout any other time than the Road to WrestleMania. The WWE has done slow burns on huge feuds with part timers before, and I have a gut feeling they'll wait for Lesnar to chase down the title until the Royal Rumble. The discussed program with Cesaro would be a pretty dynamite feud in my opinion - a bit of a rehash of Punk vs. Lesnar, but still, good enough. You could argue that if Cesaro goes over it would dull the shine on Lesnar a little bit, but you could also argue that if Cesaro loses that feud then it leaves him dead in the water.

Altogether it's a bit hard to predict just now what they'll do. The "best" thing might be to just wait out Lesnar's return until the Royal Rumble, where he could win and go to Mania to challenge. Or something like that. But realistically, the WWE is paying Lesnar a good deal of money and they need him at SummerSlam at the least, which will make things a little complicated. If they want Lesnar to be the monster, he needs to keep winning. If they want him to be champion, he needs to stick around on a regular basis. If they want him to feud with Cesaro, he needs to lose. There's a lot of conflicting interests there and managing them won't be an easy task for the WWE, but such is life when you put your eggs in the basket of a part timer.
I made a couple of comments regarding this in a spam zone thread, and I'll go ahead and put them out here for general consumption:

He could just throw it down after the match and be all, "Like I need this shit. 21-1, bitches!!! HAHAHAHA! See you in March."

Clearly I was joking somewhat, but it's an easy out. Bork wins the title and discards it. This would get him another major win and the title while simultaneously freeing him from the responsibilities that come with a title reign. Heyman is more than wordsmith enough to justify his client's actions. It'd probably piss off more than a few people, and in that respect it would throw a log on the smoldering heat of his win over The Undertaker. When the road to WrestleMania begins and Lesnar returns, he can make the legitimate claim to never having lost the title and thus easily be reinserted into the title picture.

Perhaps he faces Bryan at SummerSlam and loses by disqualification, brutalizing Daniel so bad that he gets "indefinitely suspended." Upon his return, the feud is picked back up, and he faces Bryan in a Hell in a Cell match or something, resulting in him winning the title and setting them up for an eventual rubber match.

He doesn't get the win here, but he looks like a monster and hurts the beloved Daniel Bryan. Again, it reignites his heat, gives a reason for him to disappear, and gives him something to return to. The Hell in a Cell match idea was an offhand remark. It doesn't matter what kind of match they have ("or something"). This rematch would presumably take place at the Royal Rumble (NoC could throw a monkey wrench in this one), give Lesnar the win and the belt, and set up a rubber match between him and Bryan or whatever else WWE might want to do with Bork at 'Mania.
Summerslam: Cesaro vs. Lesnar with Cesaro putting up a good fight but passing out in a submission, bleeding from the head a la Austin/Bret.

Night of Champions: Lesnar runs in after Bryan defends his title and beats him up.

Survivor Series: Lesnar beats up Bryan again.

Royal Rumble: Lesnar beats Daniel Bryan for the WWE WHC.

Wrestlemania: Royal Rumble winner Cesaro beats Lesnar for the Title in a classic.
Personally, I think there's more money in Lesnar either as champion or pursuing the title during WrestleMania season next year.

this. this is why I Don't think Brock will be at NOC.

while your scenario is logical and is as likely to play out as my scenario, I think his extra PPV match will take place on the road to WM at Elimination Chamber. I think he pulls a move like the Rock. I think he wins the championship at Royal Rumble, defends in the chamber (probably eliminating everybody in the match to show his dominance) and then losing it at WrestleMania to the Royal Rumble Winner, who will likely be Daniel Bryan.
I think Lesnar will be the next WWE champion. And he will be the dragon that has to be slayed at WM. Anything otherwise would be a waste of him ending the Undertakers' streak. Bryan will get a nice little run but he's just not a compelling champ. He's Foley 2.0, the underdog who you root for to win the title because it's so unlikely. Now that he's actually won it I think he's peaked. WWE can't keep Lesnar away from the title picture any longer, it just doesn't make sense.
What's not to like with Brock Lesnar?

Every match he's in has intrigue. Is it because he is built that way? Maybe. But, it's partly to the rep he has built on his own, and what he and Paul Heyman have had going for the last two years is gold.

Heyman sells the matches as attractions, as fights. Declaring his client is in the best "fighting shape" of his life for the CM Punk match pops out in my mind. Not only that, but he performs in the ring. Say what you want about Brock vs. Undertaker, but Taker hadn't a clue where he was, without Brock, and somebody less experienced (who I don't think they'd put in the match anyways, but that is besides the point) then that match would have been a disaster.

Brock is a great performer. Whether or not he's into it 100% that is your call to make. From what I see, he does a good job selling for his opponents during the build up (Big Show) and performs during his matches.

He will only make Bryan look better, not only because that's what he'll be told to do, but I'm sure that when given the goal, he will accomplish that. If it means a short title reign, so be it, I think he can handle it, and I KNOW Paul Heyman will make it work to the best of his ability also.
After Lesnar beat the streak, I said he had to be the man to beat Bryan for the title. Whether it's at SummerSlam, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble, it doesn't matter. But Lesnar should be the World Heavyweight Champion at WM31. You don't let him end the streak if it's not going to result in making him the top guy once again. I understand he's a part-timer, so I say let him go over at the Rumble and drop it at Mania to Cesaro. Cesaro wins the Rumble, turns face once again when Heyman orders him to relinquish his shot at the title, and Cesaro becomes new champion at WM31. The only downside to that is Cesaro wouldn't have Heyman to do his talking for him anymore, and Cesaro can't really cut a promo.
Brock needs to be at SummerSlam. he should also be at Survivor Series and Royal Rumble. Mania is a given. so there's 4 big matches he should be in, with a maximum of 2 feuds he should be in for storyline purposes. any other ppv events he does can simply be run-ins, promos with Heyman or rematches of one of the other 4 big money events with an added stipulation.

Jim Ross has said he'd like Daniel Bryan/Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam. if that does in fact happen and Brock does in fact win the title, that still give Daniel Bryan a 5-month reign. that's not too bad. Brock could defend at Night of Champions against Bryan in a rematch or face someone completely different. or be written off tv entirely until he returns for one of the big 4 events.

Cesaro seems likely as one of two opponents between now and Mania. my only problem with that is it does seem like a complete Brock/Punk rehash. Brock/Cena in a rematch seems possible, but not as likely. Cena/Wyatt could last to SummerSlam. and Cena has been staying away from the title for some time now. i doubt we'll see Brock/Rock, Brock/Taker or Brock/Trips again.

if i absolutely had to guess, i'd put money on Brock facing Daniel Bryan and Cesaro between SummerSlam and Mania. in what order or how that plays out exactly is anyone's guess, but overall i like the direction and possibilities. rehash or not with Cesaro, the simple fact of the matter is Brock with these 2 guys is different... in a good way. new, fresh feuds with hard-hitting action and some technical clinics. sign me up for anything Brock Lesnar this year!
Who cares?

I find the whole obsession with Brock Lesnar thing rather mind boggling.

This is a guy who, by-and-large, has treated his WWE tenures as 'a past time'. He's on a part time contract (presumably because of his dubious track record of honouring contractual clauses). Not only is he notoriously unreliable but despite being given repeated chances, he's never quite lived upto the hype. He bombed in Japan, his last world title reign was nothing short of forgetful and his love / hate relationship with pro-wrestling undermines the whole justification for having him end the streak at WM.
I think Lesnar will be the next WWE champion. And he will be the dragon that has to be slayed at WM. Anything otherwise would be a waste of him ending the Undertakers' streak. Bryan will get a nice little run but he's just not a compelling champ. He's Foley 2.0, the underdog who you root for to win the title because it's so unlikely. Now that he's actually won it I think he's peaked. WWE can't keep Lesnar away from the title picture any longer, it just doesn't make sense.

There is one other possible opponent for Brock at WM31


Maybe this whole thing is like Taker-HBK, or Taker-Triple H, where they fight over more than one WM, and it continues the storyline.

Heyman bragging goes until WM, when Undertaker returns. Taker expresses he has doubts, and hadn't coped well with losing his Streak, but now he is back for one reason- to destroy the man who took his most precious achievement- the WM winning Streak.

Then have Undertaker -Brock II at WM 31 , maybe make it No-Holds-Barred. The Undertaker can get his win back, or have Brock finally show he is dominant.
Summerslam and Night Of Champions is too early for Brock as Champion. Brock cannot win the belt because that means he needs to lose it before Wrestlemania.

Brock conquered the streak and he needs to be booked STRONG going into Mania 31. Brock can win the belt at Royal Rumble and carry it through to Wrestlemania 31. I think this will be Brocks last 'hooray' for a while as he has gone on record saying he wanted to do 3 years before venturing off again!

Here is how I would book Brock Lesnar.

Money In The Bank
Antonio Cesaro wins the MITB contract.

Brock Lesnar vs Antonio Cesaro with the MITB contract on the line. Brock wins.

Royal Rumble
Brock cashes in on the current Champion Batista and heads into Mania as the WWE Champion.

Elimination Chamber
Brock is placed inside the Chamber against - Big Show, Mark Henry, Kane, Rusev and finally Batista. These two finish off the match with Brock going over.

Wrestlemania 31
Brock Lesnar vs The Royal Rumble winner - Roman Reigns (with The Rock in his corner). Assocation with The Rock and beating Brock Lesnar puts Reigns over HUGE.

I really want to see Brock vs Rock, that match sells but it cannot be for the WWE Championship.
Summerslam and Night Of Champions is too early for Brock as Champion. Brock cannot win the belt because that means he needs to lose it before Wrestlemania.

Brock conquered the streak and he needs to be booked STRONG going into Mania 31. Brock can win the belt at Royal Rumble and carry it through to Wrestlemania 31. I think this will be Brocks last 'hooray' for a while as he has gone on record saying he wanted to do 3 years before venturing off again!

Here is how I would book Brock Lesnar.

Money In The Bank
Antonio Cesaro wins the MITB contract.

Brock Lesnar vs Antonio Cesaro with the MITB contract on the line. Brock wins.

Royal Rumble
Brock cashes in on the current Champion Batista and heads into Mania as the WWE Champion.

Elimination Chamber
Brock is placed inside the Chamber against - Big Show, Mark Henry, Kane, Rusev and finally Batista. These two finish off the match with Brock going over.

Wrestlemania 31
Brock Lesnar vs The Royal Rumble winner - Roman Reigns (with The Rock in his corner). Assocation with The Rock and beating Brock Lesnar puts Reigns over HUGE.

I really want to see Brock vs Rock, that match sells but it cannot be for the WWE Championship.

Sure. Except two thirds of the guys you've just name checked are atrocious.

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