Report/Rumor Of Lesnar's Next Opponent

I can see big show vs lesnar happening because everybody forgets that big show gave lesnar his first loss in wwe and lesnar attacked show before at RR 2014 but it wouldn't be the best match to book.

The best option would be to book lesnar vs someone they can feed him like orton or maybe a hyped ryback.
This is exactly why I was telling people it was a BAD idea making Lesnar champion.

The concept was great, but you knew, well at least someone with a half a brain would know, that the execution was going to be piss poor. What is interesting about watching a pay per view where the heel champion absolutely destroys the babyface? I get building Lesnar to be this monster so that the superstar who does beat him can get over a great deal. But the ride is going to be... boring. Anyone who says otherwise has their head stuck up their ass that they fail to see why this could quite potentially be, the worst WWE Title reign in quite some time.

You know why CM Punk's year long title reign worked, because he looked VULNERABLE. People had a feeling that at any time, he would lose the belt. People paid in the hope to see him lose the title, because they had HOPE it was going to happen. Why would anyone pay to see Big Show beat Lesnar? For starters it's not going to happen, and even if it did, nobody wants Show to be champion anyway.

Say what you want about Cena and his 15 title reigns, but I'd rather a Cena v Rusev title match over this garbage. The WWE better hopes this Roman Reigns experiment works in the long term, otherwise this title reign is going to be an absolute failure, and Rusty will be here telling you all, I told you so.
as long as Lesnar is booked to destroy him agaibn like he did at the Royal Rumble, then Im all for it. Have a returning Kurt Angle make a challenge, have Lesnar dominate and destroy him. Have Lesnar smash through Ryback and be all set, obviously Reigns wins the Rumble and challenges him the night after Mania. Lesnar vs Reigns. WWE have some work to do if Reigns is the next big guy, but building Lesnar up to destory all and subdry is the smart thing to do. If he can kill Cena, he has to destroy everybody else.
Lesnar isn't going to be losing the title any time soon, so there's no point in wasting potential money matches in this situation as you already know Brock is going to come out with the belt and looking as dominant as ever.

Big Show is someone who no matter how many times he gets beaten, how many terrible performances he puts in, will always be believable as a threat because of his immense size. I think he absolutely sucks, but if wwe are going for realism, then Show is someone who'd have a better chance of beating Lesnar than most other members of the roster.

Brock will win, probably quite quickly and if he can hit another F5 on Show, then that's another way of showing his unbelievable strength and continues the build of his as an unstoppable monster by once again demolishing a giant. It's just a throwaway match to continue Brock's momentum. I don't think many people will pay for the show, but it passes time as Brock moves on to better challengers.
Lesnar isn't going to be losing the title any time soon, so there's no point in wasting potential money matches in this situation as you already know Brock is going to come out with the belt and looking as dominant as ever.

That's certainly true, isn't it? Even if Brock is going to be around as little as he's been since signing his modern-day contract.....and WWE is going to have to make his title reign seem legitimate through smoke n' mirrors to make it appear real, Brock has to have challengers in order to keep the title reign going.

There aren't many, as this topic is pointing out. Randy Orton can be used as a legitimate contender although he'd have to free himself of the Authority, even if he doesn't actually turn face.

Outside of Randy, who do they use? Ryback?....please. Triple H?....been there.

Big Show? Well, there are a couple of problems, one of which is that he's on the downside of his career.....I mean, really on the downside since he's fully re-morphed into the happy giant, forming a meaningless tag team with Mark Henry to give the old geezers something to do until they're ready to pack it in. This is who's rumored to be Brock's next opponent?

Well, if they do it, things might appear cosmetically feasible, due to the body sizes in the ring, but if anyone is expecting an upset, they're dreaming.

At the end of any equation is always John Cena, who has the persona, rep and drawing power to answer all questions. Given the supposition that there's no one to provide a realistic challenge for Brock, I'm wondering at this point if it wouldn't be best to have Cena win the title back at the coming PPV and......meanwhile......try to build something for Brock a bit down the line.

It's the problems a company faces when the guy they want to feature is too much of a monster to believably go up against anyone else.

As much as many of you detest him, I say......thank heavens for John Cena.
Choosing Big Show as Lesnar's next opponent for potentially the next two PPVs means that the WWE, once again, is giving up on the fall for any meaningful programs. It seems like the WWE revolves exclusively around The Road to Wrestlemania, and a one time build up to Summer Slam. What's in-between is an afterthought. Big Show may be a nice guy, but he puts people to sleep. Chalk it up to mismanagement throughout his career -- he can only lose so many PPV matches before people dismiss him entirely.

My three alternatives to the Big Dud:

1) A much better alternative would be Cesaro and/or Swagger vs. Lesnar. Neither man would win, but they have the capability of putting on a strong match in which either or both men are actually elevated in the course of losing to Lesnar. An example of a scenario like this would be the Goldberg/DDP Halloween Havoc match. Goldberg was still being booked as an undefeated monster, but DDP managed to both look strong in the loss while helping get Goldberg over in what was then the first real competitive match Goldberg had on PPV. The key would be that Lesnar couldn't just BURY these guys, he'd have to give them their time to shine.

2) Turn Bray Wyatt face, and feud him against Lesnar over the fall. Wyatt as face creates an interesting scenario, not unlike Mankind turning face after The Rock's title win at Survivor Series in 98. First, there's the interest level amongst fans with having Wyatt as a face. Wyatt's strong promos can be used alongside Heyman to create a fantastic buildup to their match. Wyatt, of course, loses, but perhaps with his own Wyatt Family turning on him, and giving Wyatt the credible feud to move into immediately after.

3) Go after Kurt Angle and bring him in for a big time rematch with Lesnar. As long as Angle's available and willing, this is very feasible, and it would give the WWE a big top of the card match that would at least introduce a shred of doubt. If there's one guy who could bump Lesnar off before WrestleMania, I can see Angle doing it. There'd have to be a rematch, and Lesnar could regain the title in plenty of time to get back to WrestleMania as the strong champ (again, not unlike Rock in the lead-up to WrestleMania 15).
Swagger vs Lesnar I would actually get behind that feud if it were to ever happen, and then you could have Zeb Colter and Paul Heyman cross paths again but also Lesnar and Swagger this would be a pure wrestling match but also both men were amateur wrestlers but also if anyone could go toe to toe with Lesnar in a straight wrestling match it is probably Swagger but Lesnar is a fighter a legit fighter coming from UFC so it would be an interesting match to say the least
Show is a good choice to make Lesnar look dominant. He is a giant and that fact never goes away. He is also established so a loss won't hurt. In reality, it would be a dull feud. Show has been around a long time and there isn't much they can do with him.

There are other choices. Sheamus or Swagger vs Lesnar would give us a far better match even if it might not be a squash. Although, it doesn't NEED to be Brock beating the shit out of someone. Indeed, someone like Swagger would look stronger after a match with Lesnar.

Now that Cena and Taker have lost it is difficult to book someone to look a threat. It's not impossible but it is definitely more difficult. I suppose they could go the complete opposite way. Let Lesnar face a plucky underdog who would rely on heart and fight. I'd have enjoyed 10 minutes of Brock throwing Rey around.

Show isn't the worst opponent in the world but there are options I'd rather see. Heyman can only do so much talking and it would be easy to lose interest in a Brock/Show feud. The match, however, would suffice.
Sheamus vs Lesnar actually does have some appeal think about it, when Sheamus first burst on to the scene right away he was pushed into superstardom much like how Brock was, Sheamus became the first-ever Irish-born WWE Champion just months after his debut shocking the world at TLC way back in 2009 but then afterwards had probably the best rookie year in WWE besides Brock when Brock first burst on to the scene as a rookie, and if you can build Sheamus back up again to look like a credible threat to Lesnar then the story could write itself
Sheamus vs Lesnar actually does have some appeal think about it, when Sheamus first burst on to the scene right away he was pushed into superstardom much like how Brock was, Sheamus became the first-ever Irish-born WWE Champion just months after his debut shocking the world at TLC way back in 2009 but then afterwards had probably the best rookie year in WWE besides Brock when Brock first burst on to the scene as a rookie, and if you can build Sheamus back up again to look like a credible threat to Lesnar then the story could write itself

Problem is you should have him losing the us title, which is good and fine, but it's difficult have him be a threat to Lesnar right after he loses to Cesaro (which I love as much as anyone else here, but keyfabe-wise is a joke currently).
Lesnar destroyed Big Show. It'd be a nothing feud. Admittedly, most options available to Lesnar are. That's because WWE haven't tried to elevate anybody above Cena. Shame. If Wyatt hadn't encountered Cena then I think he'd be a credible challenger.

Orton is the only real option I can think of. Sheamus over Big Show as they're basically on the same level at the moment. Even Cesaro. Love the Ryback suggestion but it ain't happening.

As an out there suggestion I opt for Rusev. Lesnar can easily remain heelish whilst getting a face reaction against him and it'd do wonders for Rusev.

Agree on Rusev as an interesting suggestion Jake. Problem, this does make Rusev fall into the traditional monster cycle of "wins loads until he loses and then becomes Worf for next monster". But it's more interesting this way, because Show has already gone through that cycle several times. Also this is likely to happen to Rusev at some point anyway - why not have it involve the most dominant champion of the moment?

Sheamus - yeah okay, I can buy this. I mean he's dropped down the card somewhat since unification so this would actually kind of be a boost for him to go back in main event for a bit.

Cesaro - as above with Sheamus, but even more of a boost. Would be fine with it as long as he is not squashed.

I would note to everyone that Brock's opponent does not have to win to look strong. All they have to do is look better than Cena. Ideally I would see it built that each challenger edges closer to beating Brock until he finally loses at Mania or something to some fan favourite like Bryan, Reigns or Ambrose.

As for face/heel, it's a new time in WWE where the distinction is blurrier. Brock can easily go "face by proxy" against a more hated heel, and then be heel again versus another face. Lesnar is over enough to manage either way.

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