News Regarding CM Punk's "POSSIBLE" Role

Punk is allegedly has background in Muay Thai and Jujitsu along with the fact that, if portrayed well with Punk as a badass that's willing to stand up to anybody would make it engaging for sure. I wouldn't be interesting if Punk was booked as a chicken shit heel like against Ryback.
To be honest, I don't like it. CM Punk is way better off as a heel IMO. Brock Lesnar is a beast and I just think this would be mismatch of the year. Literally, you have such a HUGE guy vs a small guy and it means CM Punk going back to that corny, annoying face character before his turn at Raw 1000.

I'd rather CM Punk came back and had a feud with John Cena again. They seem to match each other well and have undeniable chemistry when it comes to the ring. Whilst we have seen these two feud over and over, it never truly came to a conclusion. It would be cool to see them have an Iron man type of match.

Sorry to hear that you want to see a feud between Cena and Punk for the 54th time. (LOL!)

I may not be the biggest Punk fan in the world but even I can't deny how interesting Punk vs Brock would be.

It's also so much better than the Punk/Brock/Shield cliche wannabe NWO alliance idea most of the idiots are suggesting.

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