Summerslam 2013- CM Punk VS Brock Lesnar

but if Punk should win. It definitely should be a roll-up or something. WWE's fake but it would be too ridiculous to see Punk beat Brock with a submission or by knocking him out.

Again why though? WWE wants to present itself as a real "fake" sport. It wants the fans to believe in the drama. We all sit here and argue about how it needs to be more "realistic" but at the same time it's "entertainment."

Everyone is happy to accept disbelief when Rey Mysterio beats people that tower over him. But Punk can't beat Brock convincingly because what? It's not realistic? It's not realistic in a "fake" sport. I've stated plenty of ways it can look "realistic" without harming either one of them.

Case Point if we're all going to complain about actual fights and their outcomes - Royce Gracie beat Dan Severn in a real fight. Dan Severn, a 260lbs amateur wrestler and all round moustachiod good guy trounced poor little Royce for about 14 minutes, then Royce went serious business and got his Popeye strength up and choked out our beloved 70's porn star looking veteran out with a triangle hold.

Was that realistic? You're damn right it was. It was also entertaining, shocking to the fans, and an all around good fight.

Punk/Lesnar can't do that? Why? Because it's not "realistic" in a "fake" sport?

You want entertainment, you all know wrestling is a pre-planned environment, you all know it's smoke and mirrors. Yet you want realism with it?

Nobody is saying Punk has to beat Brock punch for punch, hell he can't do that, and it would look daft. But Punk wearing down Brock over the course of the match and using stamina to overcome brute strength? How is that not "realistic?"
I'm sure this will be a very intense and high quality match. Both are talented and I love the Heyman factor.

As for the winner: I'm picking Lesnar. I can't see him winning clean but I can definitely see either Axel or Heyman getting involved. That will allow the feud to continue to HIAC or Survivor Series where they can be rematch.
What people have to realize to is what Lesnar's contract schedule looks like. Does he still have only a certain amount of dates? If he does, I can see him losing to Punk and then skipping town again for awhile before going after someone else. Didn't anyone else notice Heyman acknowledge Brock, but never showing him "via satellite?" That might be a clue.

I see Punk winning since, well, Brock doesn't care as long as he has a paycheck. Plus he doesn't need the win since he doesn't wrestle full time. Punk getting the win is almost a must, unless, like some say, they will drag this out for awhile if the contract stipulates it.
Again why though? WWE wants to present itself as a real "fake" sport. It wants the fans to believe in the drama. We all sit here and argue about how it needs to be more "realistic" but at the same time it's "entertainment."

Everyone is happy to accept disbelief when Rey Mysterio beats people that tower over him. But Punk can't beat Brock convincingly because what? It's not realistic? It's not realistic in a "fake" sport. I've stated plenty of ways it can look "realistic" without harming either one of them.

Case Point if we're all going to complain about actual fights and their outcomes - Royce Gracie beat Dan Severn in a real fight. Dan Severn, a 260lbs amateur wrestler and all round moustachiod good guy trounced poor little Royce for about 14 minutes, then Royce went serious business and got his Popeye strength up and choked out our beloved 70's porn star looking veteran out with a triangle hold.

Was that realistic? You're damn right it was. It was also entertaining, shocking to the fans, and an all around good fight.

Punk/Lesnar can't do that? Why? Because it's not "realistic" in a "fake" sport?

You want entertainment, you all know wrestling is a pre-planned environment, you all know it's smoke and mirrors. Yet you want realism with it?

Nobody is saying Punk has to beat Brock punch for punch, hell he can't do that, and it would look daft. But Punk wearing down Brock over the course of the match and using stamina to overcome brute strength? How is that not "realistic?"

I get what you're saying. But it's just hard to imagine Punk beating Brock. Especially after Brock's UFC career. If you look at Brock now, you could tell he could murder 3 CM Punks in under 5 mins in an actual fight.

And nothing's wrong with a little realism. Of course it's entertainment But I'd rather not see another pathetic moment like when Hornswoggle defeated Chavo Guerrero in a match.

But hey it's just a suggestion if they're going with the CM Punk winning route. I just don't see Punk winning other than that... unless we have another "super" face in the making.
I'm re-stating my post though when I say it was probably hard to imagine Gracie beating Severn, but it happened.

Sure he could murder Punk in an actual fight, but he could murder Cena and Trips and half the roster in an actual fight, he's Brock fucking Lesnar. It's a ******ed argument, just because it's Punk and he's smaller it's more relevant? No. Is it fuck.

If it was a legit 1 on 1 fight with Cena, Brock would have beat the cunt down. But no, because Cena is a physically imposing 250lbs former bodybuilder we believe he could beat Brock in a fight? Could he balls. Brock is a physical anomaly. He could destroy most men his own size and bigger with his traps alone.

For gods sake they had to custom make his UFC gloves. If we want to be pedantic it's unrealistic for Brock to lose to anyone.

This is my problem with this match. They want to promote it as "entertainment" but it has to be "realistic" at the same time in the eyes of the IWC. That's like watching Die Hard for the first 20 minutes and going "naaaaaah Bruce Willis would have bled to death standing on all that glass."

Punk should win, because there's nothing to lose in Brock losing at all, and he should do it convincingly, but not in a way that damages Brock. And it can be done. There's no sense having Punk lose to another part-timer.

EDIT - I forgot to mention this, but has CM Punk ever done the "super face" route? I wouldn't expect him to take a 20 minute beating then no sell like our favorite former Vanilla Ice. But there are ways to finish the match and make him look strong.
Lesnar wins and it absolutely won't be clean.

If we're looking at the match logically (and we shouldn't) Lesnar wins probably blindfolded. Luckily the WWE isn't about logic and in the up coming weeks we are going to be forced to believe that CM Punk has a chance to win. Actually in WWW universe terms he should win he's the good guy going up against the big bad beast. Good guys always wins right? Well in this case it makes no sense for that to happen.

It's not Punk vs Lesnar. That's not the match we're going to get.

It's more like Punk vs Lesnar, Heyman, and Axel.

You can have a competitive match between the two, you can have Punk appear like he'll win but him winning just won't happen. It benefits more parties if he loses and gets the shit kicked out of him then it does having Lesnar win. If we're looking Lesnar has lost to Cena, and Triple H, guys who might appear to have a marginal chance against beating him.

Then there's Punk who just doesn't look the part to go over Lesnar. I'm sorry but if Lesnar is meant for bigger and badder things then you can't have him to lose to Punk who is so much smaller then him. Looks count in this situation because quite frankly although we know what we're watching is scripted the audience still uses their heads and logically it doesn't make sense.

Punk losing in a screwy finish gives him more crowd sympathy, gives Lesnar a win, and more importantly elevated Axel who I fully believe will be the one to ultimately screw Punk.

Punk winning, hurts Lesnar, and helps Punk a bit. Not much turn around with that is there?
Yeah but following Lesnar losing to Punk he can fuck off for a few months and come back to feud with someone else ('Taker we're led to believe) and act like nothing happened. It won't be brought up that he lost to Punk. And business can continue as usual.

You could argue that someone who lost to both Cena and Triple H couldn't beat Taker either, size aside. But that's being pedantic about the situation at hand. This is the whacky world of Pro Wrestling where wins and loses hardly matter after a month.

If Brock wins, it really needs to be via interference, even if he doesn't need it (note - he doesn't, he's Brock Lesnar, he had his insides torn out Alien style then went on to compete in a sport where you get beaten up by large men. People have left wrasslin' for less than that.)

But it does hurt Punk and whatever feud he goes into next if he loses clean.
Punk winning, hurts Lesnar, and helps Punk a bit. Not much turn around with that is there?

Punk winning would be massive for him. From all accounts, this is going to be Lesnar's first match that doesn't involve a gimmick. He fought Cena in an Extreme Rules match, had two No Holds Barred Matches and a Steel Cage Match against HHH. From what we now, he's going to be facing CM Punk in a wrestling match, Lesnar's first in 9 years. This could all change, and they could wind up facing off inside Hell In A Cell, but more then likely, they'll save that match for the actual Hell In A Cell PPV, with Punk winning that one.

I think they stretch this feud out to more then one match, because the mic work for it has been so outstanding. It feels like too large of an issue to be simply settled with one match. With Lesnar's appearances limited, it's one they can get away with, too.

I think Lesnar wins round 1. Punk has an out in that he'll be coming in injured, which both he and the announcers have done an incredible job of playing up. Like he's said, I think he'll battle and keep coming back, and even kick out of one F5, but he'll succumb to a second, setting up a second match inside Hell In A Cell for Punk to ultimately come out victorious.

Lesnar wins this one when Punk is caught attempting to go after Heyman, and is put down with the second F5 of the match.
Lesnar wins and it absolutely won't be clean.

If we're looking at the match logically (and we shouldn't) Lesnar wins probably blindfolded. Luckily the WWE isn't about logic and in the up coming weeks we are going to be forced to believe that CM Punk has a chance to win. Actually in WWW universe terms he should win he's the good guy going up against the big bad beast. Good guys always wins right? Well in this case it makes no sense for that to happen.

Shawn Michaels beat Vader so this isn't a first time a smaller wrestler is going up against a much larger opponent and win.

Like others I can see Lesnar winning this clean but a competitive 20 to 30 min match. And two scenarios could happen:

(1) since apparently Punk is banged up I can see him take a month break then Heyman can go around on RAW and Smackdown! until Punk returns and demands a rematch at HIAC.

(2) Team Heyman vs. Team Punk at Survivor Series. Team Heyman wins it with Lesnar as the survivor. This leads to a singles match at TLC in one of the stipulated matches (I guess a TLC Match where pinfall/submission garners the win). Punk takes the win ends the feud on top but with Lesnar winning their first two encounters (one of them being a singles match). This gives Lesnar 2 wins and Punk a big 1 win.

(3) if the dates of Lesnar allows it. A combination of the first two. Lesnar wins Summer Slam but controversially (ref stops the match, DQ, etc) and Hell in a Cell with Lesnar barley winning. But Punk demands another match with Lesnar but Heyman only agrees if he can win at a traditional Survivor Series match with Lesnar on the team. Punk survives then has a match with Lesnar at TLC.

Oh geez I'm putting much thought into this :p
Going to be interesting how they make this even semi realistic. Though a reversal of the F5 into the anaconda vise is certainly plausible.

Should be pretty brutal and entertaining either way.
Brock needs the win more than Punk. It'd be great if Punk could feud with Axel in the mean time over the IC title to build towards a rematch against Brock at Wrestlemania
I can see Lesner Picking up the win, but only just. Lesner will more then likely dominate the early stages of the match with Punk bearly getting a shot in. As time goes on see Lesner starting to tire allowing Punk to get some shots in and eventully we will see the match go back and forth before Punk gets the upper hand, But just as Punk is about to finish Lesner off, I see Hayman or maybe even Axle course a distraction, allowing Lesner to hit the F5 and picking up the win. This will allow the feud to continue until Surviver Series, where we will see Team Lesner vs Team Punk in a traditional Survivor Series match which will end with Lesner and Punk being the last to guys and it is at this Point Punk will Pick up the win over Lesner.
I really don't think Lesner should have lost at all going into this match. He doesn't look weak by any means, but he doesn't look as strong as he once did. This match has me stumped as to who will win. I like the momentum Punk has and a win over Lesner would increase that a lot. Lesner on the other hand, I think needs to win to keep interest in his character. I think Lesner will get the win here with Heyman interference, and Punk will get the win back later down the road.
i think Punk needs this win because he only has one PPV win in the last 10 months of WWE television (which came 2 months ago)

if they do have a return match at Night of Champions, it could be a submission match or something which you let Brock win
Lesnar wins when Punk could have him beat (anaconda vice ready to tap or something), but Punk notices Heyman on the ring apron, attacks him and maybe even GTS's him, gets a big pop from the crowd only to turn into an F5 and lose.
How many times have we seen the guy who gets in last licks during the RAW before a PPV lose at the big event?

After being brutalized by Brock twice in past weeks, we saw Punk incapacitate Brock, albeit needng a foreign object to do it. I thought Brock did a great job of selling the beating, lying glassy-eyed outside the ring. In fact, it looked so authentic that I wondered if he had been Brock-clocked for real. (Hell, Brock has been talking during recent promos and selling beatings? Maybe the guy is finally getting into the swing of things instead of acting as a gun-for-hire mercenary).

But if the time-honored method of building to a PPV applies, Punk loses at Summerslam........unless he's permitted to bring mobile cameras into the ring with him.

Of course, I kind of doubt this is a one-match-and-done affair. Brock and Punk will meet again, as long as Punk's body can take it.
If true, this kind of gives it away as to whom is going to win. I can't see Punk losing only for Brock to miss another fall/winter/spring. Punk wins and somehow destroys Lesnar beyond belief to keep him out of the WWE until early 2014.

Lesnar's latest contract is said to include three matches a year, and since the new deal began after this year's 'Mania event, Sunday's match would be his second and the one he is expected to have in New Orleans next year would be his third. Of course, his first match was defeating Triple H earlier this year at Extreme Rules.

If the three-match-per-year agreement is in fact true, then Lesnar will most likely be taking an extended time off television following this this Sunday's pay per view.

If that's the case I could actually see it going the other way with Brock winning. If his next match after this is at Mania, then it makes no sense to have him lose here, be off for 6 months and then come back for another big match. He's going to need a win here so that when he comes back he can say he's ran through Trips and Punk to set up his big Mania match.

Punk losing this match will not hurt him in the slightest bit. He would probably instantly shift to a short fued with Axel so he can get his proper revenge on Heyman and then set his sights back on the main card in time for Rumble where we can see him possibly win his first ever Rumble match.
I don't think a loss would hurt either of these guys here. I mean, they're hardly going to drop into the midcard by losing, I mean its Lesnar and Punk for christ's sake. It would benefit Punk after his losing record in recent PPV's barring the one at Payback Vs Jericho. Lesnar could easily lose and leave for 6-8 months and return in which it would all be forgotten unless they have a rematch. But all that would be mean is that Lesnar would get the return win.

Either way, its going to be a fantastic and intriguing match with two completely different wrestlers with different styles. Be very interesting on how this plays out.

If that's the case I could actually see it going the other way with Brock winning. If his next match after this is at Mania, then it makes no sense to have him lose here, be off for 6 months and then come back for another big match. He's going to need a win here so that when he comes back he can say he's ran through Trips and Punk to set up his big Mania match.

Punk losing this match will not hurt him in the slightest bit. He would probably instantly shift to a short fued with Axel so he can get his proper revenge on Heyman and then set his sights back on the main card in time for Rumble where we can see him possibly win his first ever Rumble match.

True I could see that. It would be nice to see Punk win the IC title to force WWE to add properly book an IC Champion, it'd be a great way to put over Axel once he wins the title back from Punk

I'm very impressed by the build that WWE has given this match. At first I was skeptical and unsure if I would even want to see CM Punk face Brock Lesnar. Now I anticipate the match more than most of the others on the card. They have done a very good job of building up both competitors. It is surely going to be one of the better matches of the night. The bigger question is who will win? Both guys need the win. CM Punk hasn't quite regained the momentum he had before his losses to Rock and Undertaker at the beginning of the year. Lesnar has taken some damage too after the Triple H feud. Since both wrestlers need the win what should the WWE do? The Best and The Beast cannot both win the same match.

I find it very difficult in predicting a winner here. In all honesty, I think that CM Punk needs the win a little more than Lesnar does. Lesnar will have an easier time recovering from a loss in this match than Punk would. If Punk wins but Lesnar is booked to be a huge threat through the entirety of the match being very dominant but ultimately losing while still looking strong, that may be a decent route for them to take. It gives Punk a huge win that he needs while Lesnar continues to be a monster believable in defeating virtually anyone on the roster. I'd rather it not see any rematches. The Triple H feud didn't need a rematch and neither will this one. It goes on probably next to last, with only the WWE Championship match remaining afterward.

CM Punk will defeat Brock Lesnar.
If Brock is going to be MIA after tomorrow night until WM rolls around, give the win to CM Punk. Have Heyman stick around and release Axel on CM Punk to give Axel a good rub.
I'm going with the Beast wining this one as I don't think Punk's going to get his revenge or his hands on Heyman just yet and I go into detail as to why I think so in my prediction vid.
If Brock is going to be MIA after tomorrow night until WM rolls around, give the win to CM Punk. Have Heyman stick around and release Axel on CM Punk to give Axel a good rub.

Too early for Axel and Punk to feud I think even if it does make logical sense. I'd rather Punk started going for the title again.

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