Paul Heyman - Brock Lesnar or CM Punk


Getting Noticed By Management
Since Paul Heyman's return to WWE we have seen him managing both Brock Lesnar and CM Punk, but which one do you prefer him managing?

There is no denying that Paul Heyman is magnificent on the Microphone with both Superstars.

I prefer Heyman with Brock, i just think they gel really well together, and obviously Heyman does 95% of the talking for him.It's more 50/50 with Punk. Heyman seems a lot more natural when he is alongside Brock Lesnar in my opinion.

Although i really enjoy watching the Heyman/Punk segments, sometimes i think Paul Heyman is forcing it a bit. Obviously CM Punk has a totally different Heel Persona to Lesnar, Punk is probably classed as the cowardly heel while Brock is the Monster Heel. It must be difficult for Heyman to adjust to the different styles, but he does a great job.

Also what do you think will happen when Brock returns? Will it be the 3 of them with Brock breaking peoples arms for Punk?, or will we see Heyman turn on one of them?
He definitely fits better with Brock. It's the perfect pairing, the guy with one of the best in ring packages in the business with the size, skill, athleticism but can't talk to save himself paired with one of the best talkers in the business who can't do anything to back his words up. It works fantastically, as you would expect and Heyman is so good that he can carry Brock's part in angles while Brock just sits at home watching.

I think however that Heyman's work with Punk doesn't get the credit it deserves. A lot of people say Punk doesn't need Heyman, why are they together blah blah blah. Punk is fantastic on the stick no doubt, but Punk was so incredibly over before this turn that it was a really big ask to get him over as a heel again. There's no question that he can get a heel persona over, the Straight Edge Punk was killing it, but after the Best in the World run, people loved Punk they didn't want to hate him and it was evident when they turned him heel, people were still cheering him. Enter Paul Heyman. There's still a lot of people who love Punk (count me as one of them) but he has increasingly got more of a heel response and I put a lot of that down not to people hating Punk but people hating Heyman.
I think Heyman's a really nice complement to this version of heel Punk. The Horsemen never needed James J. Dillon -- if there was anything Ric, Arn, and Tully could do, it was cut great promos -- yet he was an integral part of that team; he reflected the atmosphere and the attitude of that stable, Similarly, he provides a confidante for Punk in backstage promos and a cohort in crime. And Heyman's lording the title belt around constantly is a great way to reinforce Punk's persona as the proud yet insecure heel champion. It's been a very good partnership.

I'd care about Heyman with Lesnar if I cared about Lesnar. Frankly, his appearances are so rare and his direction so muddled -- why, for instance, did he not want to rip Cena's head from his shoulders after his loss at Extreme Rules? Whjy did he leave WWE because he had nothing else to do when that loss was still fresh in his column? -- that I can't see the Lesnar-Heyman partnership as very fruitful. Though Heyman's promo with Stephenie and HHH ranks as my favorite promo of last year.
I think Heyman obviously does the best he can in both roles but, because he's more limited with Punk (although, Brock's kind of better at talking for himself now after 10 years of media inside and outside of WWE. Not a lot better but, I expect him to talk a little more than when he first entered the company.)

However, I see this trio as a sort of Paul Bearer/Undertaker & Kane thing. He'll just flip back and forth, he'll betray one depending on who they need as a heel at the time and then do whatever the geniuses at creative think needs to happen to balance everything out and finish off the stories.

I think if Punk becomes WWE champion after WrestleMania or wins against the Rock then Brock and Heyman will turn on him and get Brock the title. Punk as a face against Brock could draw pretty well to be fair. Hopefully, there will be a PPV in one of their hometowns or a big wrestling city next year to get the big fight feel.
I prefer Paul Heyman managing Brock over Punk. It seems like Heyman is too much in character with Punk whereas he has more freedom to be aggressive and what not when he is managing Lesnar. It's not difficult for Heyman to manage either Punk or Lesnar but there is more freedom when it comes to managing Lesnar partly because Lesnar can't talk for himself. I hope that when Brock returns that the 3 dont unite. It'd be more entertaining to see Heyman turn on Punk (making him a face) setting up a feud with Brock w/ Heyman. And who comes in Punk's corner? Triple H. So Punk w/ HHH vs Lesnar w/ Heyman.
I think Heyman & Punk compliment each other extremely well in terms of an overall give-take relationship between wrestler & manager. Heyman is a great mouthpiece even though CM Punk doesn't need a mouthpiece. They have a natural chemistry with each other that flows smoothly.

Brock Lesnar is the one that needs Heyman as far as having someone to talk for him goes. In the past, managers have been there to cut promos on behalf of guys that just aren't any good at it. Brock Lesnar fits that bill. He can cut brief promos just fine, like we saw in the sort of "sit down" interview/vignette of Lesnar after he first returned. Anything longer than that just doesn't work. Lesnar doesn't have the personality or skills.

I find Punk & Heyman together as more entertaining than Heyman & Lesnar mostly because Punk is an all around better wrestler. He's got the in-ring ability plus the charisma to truly be a main event heel with or without Heyman. Heyman being with Punk just makes Punk that much more fun.
I think Heyman's work with both guys has been of a very high standard. With Brock, he obviously has a more important role...both due to Lesnar's limited schedule and limitations on the mic.

The seeds are already planted for a Heyman swerve with Punk, showing Heyman to being the one behind the shield and Maddox helping Punk keep the title...pretty sure that'll come up whenever Lesnar does come the only way I really see these 3 guys being involved together is in a lesnar/punk feud. Perhaps even stemming from Maddox letting it slip that he was in cahoots with Heyman, Punk confronts Heyman, Brock makes the save. Wrestlemania booked.
I feel that Heyman is a better service to Lesnar, but a better compliment to Punk. Allow me to explain...

As some of you mentioned earlier, Lesnar is a guy who has the in ring ability, size, etc. However he is not all that great on the mic. Yes he is able to hold is own and cut some short promos, but as far as a long promo is concern, I just couldn't even see Lesnar pulling one off successfully. The service that Heyman gave to Lesnar in the form of essentially being his voice, gave Lesnar that last piece he really needed to be able to be what Brock Lesnar was/is in WWE. Brock, being the size he is and the dominance that he tries to display in the ring is similar to that of WWE's monster heels. Usually, those heels don't have any kind of voice (Most recent example: Tensai). They show up, beat the crap out of some folks then they wind up fading, I think largely due to the fact that they don't do anything but squish random jobbers. Once they lose, they fade into nothingness. This makes Heyman the perfect service for Brock as it gives him that missing component that the other monster heels just don't have.

Punk, I don't think really needs Heyman. The first time I saw the two of them I was skeptical. Now though, I think it has worked out really well. The interactions between Punk and Heyman are far better than they are between Heyman and Lesnar as the two seem to be more friends than the distinct manager/wrestler bond that Lesnar and Heyman had. Punk was more than able to cut his own promos, but with Heyman alongside him, they are that much better. Again, I don't think Punk needs Heyman to be successful, but it has worked brilliantly cause of how good a compliment that Heyman is to Punk.
He seems to fit better with punk than he did with Lesnar. Punk doesnt need Heyman to talk for him punk can do that just fine. There chemistry seems to flow a little bit better with each other than heyman did with Brock.

I guess its their give and take with each other that makes it more appealing. Brock needed heyman to talk for him poor brock lacked the skills and personality behind the stick. Few words here and there brock did fine anything longer than that,ehh not so much.

But Heyman is a better fit with Punk than Lesnar IMO
I preferred Heyman with Brock Lesnar, I'll probably get done for spamming for this comment, but as regards his relationship with CM Punk, it comes to something when the Manager has better mic skills than the guy he's managing IMO.
Lesnar needs Heyman; Punk does not. Its that simple. WWE made a wise move when they brought in Heyman to work with Lesnar. Brock isn't good on the mic, and Heyman is. They also made a wise move when they put Paul Heyman with CM Punk. It help put Punk over as a heel (not that he couldn't have on his own.) Heyman has an unbelievable amount of talent on the mic, and his ability to draw heat is above average. If and when Lesnar comes back, it would be a good idea to reunite him with Heyman. Punk will be just fine.
Do you think Heyman would just split from Punk? Or do you see him moonlighting then going back to Punk when Lesnar does his disappearing act again?
I'm a huge fan of Heyman, but I'm not sure if he has a long-term future if Lesnar doesn't re-sign after 'Mania, as Punk, as you say, doesn't need him as he is just an extra luxury.
Do you think Heyman would just split from Punk? Or do you see him moonlighting then going back to Punk when Lesnar does his disappearing act again?
I'm a huge fan of Heyman, but I'm not sure if he has a long-term future if Lesnar doesn't re-sign after 'Mania, as Punk, as you say, doesn't need him as he is just an extra luxury.

I was under the impression Lesnar signed a $5 million 24 match deal with the WWE.

I think Lesnar will actually turn on Punk and want the WWE title.
I'll happily bow to your info on this- it shows how sparingly Lesnar has been used as they obviously want another year out of him.
That scenario could work - I wonder if Heyman would side with the monster Lesnar in 'public' but also convince Punk he was actually rooting for him until they met? However they played it, Heyman would make it entertaining.
I agree with an earlier poster, Brock Lesnar need Paul Heyman and CM Punk doesn't, but that doesn't mean that CM Punk and Heyman are not good for eachother, since Heyman is with Punk, he has a lot more heel heat than on his own, and one thing i admit is that Brock, good or bad on the michrophone, he can create heel heat on his own, but when it's time to talk, that is where he needs Heyman, and i think that some way or some how Heyman will turn on one of them, but the question is who? I thought like a lot of people that he will more likely turn on CM Punk, but, if CM Punk wants to remain the top heel for a long time, then he and Brock can also work if Brock ends up being the face, it has worked before, when Heyman turned on him using the Big Show before, so it can happen again, but this time the fans will love Brock Lesnar even more, because at this moment, Punk and Heyman are very much hated by the fans, and this can also benefit other superstars that get involved in this storyline, oviously to help CM Punk not to get destroyed, like Jack Swagger or Ezekiel Jackson......
The first question here is which of the 2 NEEDS Heyman more. In my opinion that person is Brock. Not only because Brock's weakness has been lengthy promos (he is better suited for quick 30 second ones similar to how he debuted against Cena) but with current Brock only having a select amount of dates, using Heyman as his mouthpiece not only keeps storylines fresh but forces new ways of prolonging the storylines without much physical interaction (see: HHH/Lesnar).

The second one is Heyman has been 2 very different characters with both men so the question becomes which Heyman character is better. This one I'm a little more torn on, while I enjoyed his truer "management" style he used with Lesnar I also like his non-verbal style with Punk simply holding the title to emphasize Punk's reign. However even with this one I still give the nod to Heyman/Lesnar because I feel he comes across too much like Punk's lackey in the current relationship where as you truly felt he was Lesnar's manager in that relationship.

In short for the above reasons I give the nod to Lesnar.
I think Heyman could get a newborn baby heel heat. He is that good. I was skeptical of him being with Punk at first but it has worked so well. What I like most is that fact that he keeps a lot of focus on on the WWE title. Love seeing him walk behind Punk holding the title high over his head. It's little things like that that is so absent from wrestling today.

Brock on the other hand needed Heyman, but I think the relationship worked well. Brock was this athletic freak who was destroying the whole roster, and Heyman was the brains behind it all. I always loved hearing Heyman say BRRROOOCK Lesner. Just the way he said it made Lesner seem important. I always preferred Lesner when he was with Heyman as a heel as opposed to the face without him.

While I do love Heyman with Punk I just think he was a better fit with Lesner. He really helped him get over in his early days. He was the mouthpiece Lesner needed to let his in ring ability get him mega over.
You know ... at first this seems like Brock Lesnar has to be the answer because, honestly, Lesnar needs the mouthpiece.

But the more I think about it ... the more I realize I LOVE LOVE LOVE Heyman with CM Punk. Which is kind of shocking to me.

At first I wondered why the hell would they waste such a strong on-air talent like Heyman with someone like Punk — who clearly does not need help in the promo department. But somehow it has worked masterfully and has helped open up a plethora of doors and angles the WWE can go with the pair working together.

You can have Heyman turn on Punk, vice versa, have Punk and Lesnar form a super-team of some sort. There are so many things you can do ... and it is all because they put a great mouthpiece with another great mouthpiece when normally that is not a solid formula.

There is just something about Punk and Heyman whispering and laughing and standing there side by side that works perfectly. It seems like it is going to continue to work right on through at least Wrestlemania as well ... and I definitely do not have a problem with that.
People are still cheering for punk, and people still want his t-shirts regardless..... Heyman needs to Turn on Punk after Punk drops the title to Rock, and Align Himself with ............ RYBACK. Heyman does FANTASTIC as a mouthpiece for Monster Heels who can't talk! Then When Ryback can't beat the Face Punk, in comes...LESNAR!! Punk then gets saved from a double beatdown from Ryback and Lesnar by.... HHH. This would culminate with two matches for MANIA where the stipulation for both matches is when the loser must quit wrestling perminantely with PUNK VS LESNAR AND RYBACK VS HHH. This would be a retirement for HHH, and everybody knows Lesnar is done after mania. Meanwhile we have Randy Orton winning the rumble, and going back to his roots...turning heel and becoming the returning legend killer to take on The Rock at Mania! This would make Randy Fresh Again, and align himself as the leader of the Shield would be even better!!! "injustice is having these legends come in and steal the spotlight" and John Cena Challenging the Undertaker for the Streak!!! Sheamus vs Ziggler vs Big Show after Ziggler Cashes in at Rumble on the Big Show! Tag Team would be a re-match clause with Kane/Bryan vs Rhode Scholars(champions) and Mid Card would be Rey vs Sincara and Barrett(champion) vs Miz and Cesaro vs a precard rumble with the returning Jack Swagger winning it... Those 9 Matches!!! Best Mania Ever! Book IT!
Lesnar needs Heyman; Punk does not. Its that simple. WWE made a wise move when they brought in Heyman to work with Lesnar. Brock isn't good on the mic, and Heyman is. They also made a wise move when they put Paul Heyman with CM Punk. It help put Punk over as a heel (not that he couldn't have on his own.) Heyman has an unbelievable amount of talent on the mic, and his ability to draw heat is above average. If and when Lesnar comes back, it would be a good idea to reunite him with Heyman. Punk will be just fine.
No, Lesnar does not need Heyman. Lesnar is a draw regardless. Lesnar is a bigger draw than Punk regardless. I'm a huge Punk fan, but you're looking at this like a mark and not like a business.

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