No WWE Championship Matches Until Next Year?

On the positive side of things, IC title is now the biggest prize avaible. WWE can use Lesnar's absence to make midcarders feel more important.
We're talking apples and oranges here. There is a huge difference between Brock Lesnar and Dave Batista. When Batista came back, we all knew he was coming back to win the Rumble, and the fans wanted Daniel Bryan in the main event instead of Batista. Because of it and the YES movement, we got all three of them, Bryan, Batista and Orton.

And what happens when Bryan comes back and people want him to be the WWE Champion, but this part timer is sitting at home with the title?

I'm not pissed that they gave Lesnar the title, and I didn't expect him to show up every week on RAW and SD. I did however expect him to defend the title at the PPV's. If he's not even going to do that, then what's the point of having a title to begin with. Just give it to someone, and let them sit at home for a few months, show up, have a fight, and then go home for another few months. This isn't MMA, or UFC, fans expect to see that title being defended. There is even a 30 day clause according to Stephanie McMahon, stating the title should be defended at least once a month. So okay now that clause is null and void, well then give the title back to Daniel Bryan, cause that's why it was taken away from him.

This whole paragraph just shows how much it is getting under your skin. And the 30 day clause has always been a matter of kayfabe convenience.
Let's imagine, there is no Lesnar until RR, what top matches you want to see at Survivor Series and TLC then?

Survivor Series
Main Event - classic SS match, Team Authority (HHH, Orton, Kane, Rollins) vs Team Universe (Cena, Reigns, Ambrose, Jericho)
Important matches - Rusev vs Sheamus for USA title, Rhodes bros in tag team turmoil, Ziggler vs Bray Wyatt for IC belt, Team WWE vs Team NXT

Main event - Ambrose vs Rollins vs Cena vs Orton in a ladder match for MitB briefcase
Important matches:
Rhodes bros vs Ascension vs Christian & Jericho - TLC for tag team belts
Wyatt vs Ziggler - tables for IC belt
Rusev vs Big Show - chairs for USA belt
Main event - Ambrose vs Rollins vs Cena vs Orton in a ladder match for MitB briefcase
Important matches:
Rhodes bros vs Ascension vs Christian & Jericho - TLC for tag team belts

Okay I was with you up till these two matches. In the main event, only one of them has anything to lose, Ambrose. Cena doesn't need the case he's always in the main event picture. Orton still has his rematch clause from Mania, as he wasn't pinned for the title. Rollins is already holding the case, so the only one who really needs to win it is Ambrose. Even then he doesn't really need it. With the way he's been going lately, if they don't put him into the main event picture then they are losing out on a great opportunity.

Out of the three tag teams you mentioned only one of them is in the WWE right now. The Ascension hasn't been brought up to the main roster yet, and while they are good, they aren't good enough to beat the Rhodes brothers right now. Christian is out on medical leave and I don't think they know when he's coming back. Jericho is off touring with his band, his return date is hazy as well. If you had put the Wyatt's Harper and Rowan and the Uso's in there, that would be a much better match. The Uso's like them or not are pretty exciting to watch and their match with the Wyatt's was outstanding at one of the last PPV's. Would much rather watch those three teams go for it.
You see, while i will enjoy 1 on 1 Ambrose vs Rollins main event, i just don't see it happening without Cena's involment, since most fans will still want to see him into main event somehow. You can replace Orton with Reigns, so it's 3 faces vs 1 sneaky heel for the only thing that proves he belongs in title picture. You don't have WWE title match, but at least you have a match for WWE's golden ticket for this very title instead.
What else Cena can do? Go after Orton or Kane or HHH for the 12445s time? He was in WWE so long, he is almost out of fresh matches and options, but he clearly needed for buys.

Usos and Wyatts is the way WWE will probably do it, if they decide to, but some veteran team (who can still put on good matches) like Christian & Jericho is needed in my opinion to add starpower and some new fresh team is needed to make it more interesting to watch. Usos/Wyatts/Rhodes representing WWE's thin tag team division getting really boring and old.
If WWE knew how to handle their talent, I would have no problems with having no bouts for the belt. But seeing as how Ambrose and Rollins and maybe Cena are the most relevant wrestlers they have atm, I would tend to be a bit worried for the lack of star power.

Given that Brock is not there every week, you would think they would put more emphasis on the guys that need it. But what do we see each and every week? 90%garbage with just enough decent stuff to keep you "hooked". If they had built their stars properly they would have bigger and much more high drawing matches for a PPV that didn't have a WWE championship match. But as it stands right now, they are really thin on main event guys, even tho they have main event guys that are floundering like hell and are irrelevant, guys like Ziggler/Cesaro/Damien Sandow.

I say main-event in the sense that they can have meaningful matches that can make a PPV great without the WWE champion. But they are put in matches that NO ONE cares about and even tho it might be a good match, that's just what it is, a good match that will be forgotten immediately. What you think WWE gives two shits that Cesaro had "MOTY" with Samy? Or that Ziggler constantly outperforms the whole card if he has somebody to work with?( like his first match with Daniel Bryan that made the universe implode ).

They can never experiment with stuff like Brock Lesnar and have the experiment be a REAL succes if they dont take care of the rest of the guys.

Here's an idea. If they really wanted to give the main event spot because of the fucking NFL to somebody other than rollins/ambrose/cena/Orton/Kane ( go away kane bitte schoen ) they should have given it to someone like Cesaro and have him have an amazing match in the main event of RAW. What did we get? A borefest and now we have no-balls apologies as we advance in that featured feud. Great ...

I really wish WWE had some competition. Cause it seems to be constantly brought up that the they have competitions and yet they dont act like it. "Oh the NFL is on, they are competing with us". So? Where's the product that makes people go "Hmm maybe I should watch this instead of the NFL, at least for the moment".
I have no problem with this. The WWE World Heavyweight Champion is an attraction. I don't need to see the WWE World Heavyweight Champion every week. I just need interesting characters.

This is why I love the move and it's actually genius. This forces creative and the talent to step up their game. It's had some degrees of success, but is still the transition. It forces guys to showcase their personality of being worthy as a champion instead of being placed with a championship because of a lack of personality. Just think of this as the In Your House phase in the technology age, but instead of paying $40 for a PPV, you are paying $9.99 per PPV.

And when Lesnar does come back to take on the new challenger, it will be a sight to behold. It will be a huge event because the champion of the promotion is coming back to slay another challenger. The next group of challengers just need to step it up. Be it Cena, Orton, Bray, Bryan, Cesaro, Rollins, Ambrose, Reigns, Batista, The Rock, etc. They need to play up to the level of and possibly surpass Lesnar to be bestowed as the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion. In the mean time, personal feuds and mid-card champions are now being elevated because they can't just focus on the WWE World Heavyweight Champion to make sure things go right.

Hell, I hope Lesnar keeps the title for two years with only ten to twelve title defenses in that time frame. Make that championship mean something.
I said this about The Rock, and even though I want Brock to be champion; I'm going to say it here too. If he's not going to be at the PPVs defending it, then he shouldn't be winning the title. I can understand WWE's thought behind everything, but it makes no sense as a fan. Fans pay to see the champions defend their titles. I'm not one that needs the title defended every show, nor does he have to be at every show. But since Lesnar doesn't do live events, this makes it damn near impossible for Lesnar to defend the title within the 30 Days. Just my opinion.
The only positive about this?

With the WWE title being out of the picture for months at a time, we've finally solved the problem of how to make the IC and US titles more important.

It's the dumbest possible answer to the problem, but it is an answer.
And so it looks like WWE paid all these money and gave the belt to Lesnar only to waste him. Why they always need to do all these rematches is beyond me, there are Orton, Ambrose, Bryan & Sheamus - all of them could be great opponents for Brock, instead all we get are endless rematches with Cena/HHH/Show and 3 fights before his contract ends. Wasn't the ultimate goal of Brock's latest run to make couple new stars with his help? WWE have alot of great talents in their roster, but their existance is pointless if WWE unable to make big names from them. Talking about missed opportunities.
Sorry for the rant, but i couldn't resist.
And so it looks like WWE paid all these money and gave the belt to Lesnar only to waste him. Why they always need to do all these rematches is beyond me, there are Orton, Ambrose, Bryan & Sheamus - all of them could be great opponents for Brock, instead all we get are endless rematches with Cena/HHH/Show and 3 fights before his contract ends. Wasn't the ultimate goal of Brock's latest run to make couple new stars with his help? WWE have alot of great talents in their roster, but their existance is pointless if WWE unable to make big names from them. Talking about missed opportunities.
Sorry for the rant, but i couldn't resist.

While I agree with almost everything you've said there, there is one item I have a problem with.

If the WWE was expecting to use Lesnar to make new stars, then the WWE is in more trouble than we've thought. There is more than enough wrestlers like the Rock, Stone Cold, Sting is on board now, Angle is available but a whole host of others that can put wrestlers on the roster over. They don't need Lesnar for that purpose.

They didn't need to spend the money on Lesnar for that to happen, and let's face it, he's put no one over since he arrived. Unless you count Cena and he's one of the most over guys around, so that was unneeded.

I thought Lesnar was brought in to get the buyrates for the PPV's up, as it has been proven in the past when he's on they do increase. But that's kind of a fail as well, since he won't be appearing on them. I have no idea what the WWE is thinking right now, and as I said before it remains to be seen if this will work or not.
Sure, there are plenty of guys who can put new ones over, but will WWE use them for it? I'm pretty sure Brock have no creative control in his contract and only here to make fat money, so why not to use him to make new stars.
If NoC main event was, let say, Orton vs Lesnar, will PPV have much less buyrates? I don't think so. But this could give us something new to watch, same goes for Lesnar vs Ambrose or Lesnar vs Sheamus.
Will it be believable if it was usual 1 on 1 Ambrose vs Lesnar? Course not, but there is TLC on the horizon and in TLC match Ambrose's character could look equal, again Lesnar in main event, better buyrates, but at the same time fresh match to watch.
I think that something should be on the line in the main event. If not the title, then the next best thing.

The "Money-In-The-Bank" briefcase!

If you are not going to get a title shot, at least have it that someone can once Brock returns.

I think that the Ambrose-Rollins HIAC match should be for the briefcase, and the winner has to defend it each month, until Brock comes back.

I would like to see Ambrose-Rollins in a TLC match for the briefcase at the "Tables, Ladders and Chairs" PPV.

This way we don't know if, by the time Brock comes back, it will be Rollins, Ambrose or whomever else the MITB holder defends it against.
Seeing how tonight's RAW has unfolded thus far...I am all for Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton at some point. Sealed by the RKO to Heyman(they can't just leave that to One segment, surely!)

I know Cena is on a losing streak at PPVs(though he did win by DQ at NoC anyways)...but Orton HAS to win next week Sunday,lMO.
Interesting stipulation. Especially when you have in mind that WWE wants to justify that match going on last. :) Am not complaining, probably they see it as wise bussiness decision and it would be good match(even if its done 1004 times before) but kinda wanted it to be Ambrose and Rollins killing eachother on the end.

So, Orton turns face or be tweener again and faces Lesnar? Sounds kinda interesting but wondering where that leaves Cena? Is he going to face Rollins or Ambrose if and after he loses? Rusev? Whyatt again?

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