Lesnar isn't going to be losing the title any time soon, so there's no point in wasting potential money matches in this situation as you already know Brock is going to come out with the belt and looking as dominant as ever.
That's certainly true, isn't it? Even if Brock is going to be around as little as he's been since signing his modern-day contract.....and WWE is going to have to make his title reign seem legitimate through smoke n' mirrors to make it appear real, Brock has to have challengers in order to keep the title reign going.
There aren't many, as this topic is pointing out. Randy Orton can be used as a legitimate contender although he'd have to free himself of the Authority, even if he doesn't actually turn face.
Outside of Randy, who do they use? Ryback?....please. Triple H?....been there.
Big Show? Well, there are a couple of problems, one of which is that he's on the downside of his career.....I mean,
really on the downside since he's fully re-morphed into the happy giant, forming a meaningless tag team with Mark Henry to give the old geezers something to do until they're ready to pack it in. This is who's rumored to be Brock's next opponent?
Well, if they do it, things might appear cosmetically feasible, due to the body sizes in the ring, but if anyone is expecting an upset, they're dreaming.
At the end of any equation is always John Cena, who has the persona, rep and drawing power to answer all questions. Given the supposition that there's
no one to provide a realistic challenge for Brock, I'm wondering at this point if it wouldn't be best to have Cena win the title back at the coming PPV and......meanwhile......try to build something for Brock a bit down the line.
It's the problems a company faces when the guy they want to feature is
too much of a monster to believably go up against anyone else.
As much as many of you detest him, I say......thank heavens for John Cena.