
Rep - Worthwhile or Worthless?

  • Worthwhile, it has an important place

  • Worthless, it's stupid and nobody cares

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Half my green rep comes with :lmao: as the comment. Makes me feel good to know I entertain people. It's one of the main reasons I want to be an actor.

I'm just about to hit 3000 rep points.
Half my green rep comes with :lmao: as the comment. Makes me feel good to know I entertain people. It's one of the main reasons I want to be an actor.

I'm just about to hit 3000 rep points.

Ive got a few of those as well.

I don't feel the rep system is an important feature on the forum's, but it's a good one, It's show's people's stance towards you, And is a fair judge of the quality of your post's.
Ive got a few of those as well.

I don't feel the rep system is an important feature on the forum's, but it's a good one, It's show's people's stance towards you, And is a fair judge of the quality of your post's.

I like the system, because I think it shows which users are good users for the new people.
Haha, I thought you'd changed the boundaries for the next rep comment. I used to be nearly as good as Jericho. Now I'm something useless! But yeah, I prefer comments saying if they agree etc. I have all the bars now so there's no point in caring about the number of points.
I think it's a good thing, it's good to know if people agree with you or not, and you get the feeling that people read and like your posts as well.
The only good rep, is red rep. There's nothing I enjoy more on this forum than getting legit rep saying how somebody doesn't agree with me and how I'm an idiot. They usually post something long enough that they could have posted it in the actual thread.

I green rep people, but most of it is just rep count boosting. It's rare that somebody amuses me. Most of it is for a timy comment that I can't be bothered to agree with in the form of a post.
Yeah I like rep. It gives me some certain goals as well. For example: I am still trying or wanting to get rep from the likes of Slyfox, Shango and a few others.
Kind of like has been said, I just like seeing what people think of my posts. As far as the little bars and stuff go, I could not care less.

However, there's always some changes that could be made. For example, instead of making people check their User CP every 10 minutes like KB apparently does, I know there's a way on Vbulletin to display if you got a new rep right under your PMs. That's a cool feature, and one that should be added here.

Additionally, I know that vbulletin can also allow stars as well. So, you go dark green, light green, real light green, then stars. So, rep could go on for a while, if people care about bars.
Kind of like has been said, I just like seeing what people think of my posts. As far as the little bars and stuff go, I could not care less.

However, there's always some changes that could be made. For example, instead of making people check their User CP every 10 minutes like KB apparently does, I know there's a way on Vbulletin to display if you got a new rep right under your PMs. That's a cool feature, and one that should be added here.

Additionally, I know that vbulletin can also allow stars as well. So, you go dark green, light green, real light green, then stars. So, rep could go on for a while, if people care about bars.

I've got a different way in which I see my rep points. Try repping yourself. It shows you your exact reputation points but it doesn't display rep comments.
The only good rep, is red rep. There's nothing I enjoy more on this forum than getting legit rep saying how somebody doesn't agree with me and how I'm an idiot. They usually post something long enough that they could have posted it in the actual thread.

I green rep people, but most of it is just rep count boosting. It's rare that somebody amuses me. Most of it is for a timy comment that I can't be bothered to agree with in the form of a post.

Jake has green repped me around 10 times. When Polley and I did Master Debator, he gave me a rep-gasm. He also repped me on a comment I made about the classic Bret Hart vs Hakushi match-up, which we both feel strongly about

Jake has also red repped me just to play with me. Bastard.
Jake has green repped me around 10 times. When Polley and I did Master Debator, he gave me a rep-gasm. He also repped me on a comment I made about the classic Bret Hart vs Hakushi match-up, which we both feel strongly about

Jake has also red repped me just to play with me. Bastard.

Use your admin powers to read other peoples rep comments. I used to love doing that.

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The rep system is good as long as people remember to leave a damn comment, I hate when people rep me and don't leave some sort of comment letting me know what about my post they liked, I could care less if it's gray, green, or red, just as long as it's got a comment, the only real problem I have with it is the fact that you have spread it around so much before you can rep someone again
Yeah I like rep. It gives me some certain goals as well. For example: I am still trying or wanting to get rep from the likes of Slyfox, Shango and a few others.

I'm pretty sure I've repped you before. I've repped most of the regulars, and they've repped me. I think the only regular to never have repped me is Sly. No red. No green. Nothin. Either that or he DID rep me, and it just didn't mean nearly as much to me as I thought it would.
I'm pretty sure I've repped you before. I've repped most of the regulars, and they've repped me. I think the only regular to never have repped me is Sly. No red. No green. Nothin. Either that or he DID rep me, and it just didn't mean nearly as much to me as I thought it would.

I've gotten loads of rep from Sly, I beleive the secret is to either make him laugh, or make a really good point
I've received Sly rep. I rep a lot. if the post cracks me up I'll rep, if it's well thought out I'll rep.

I think i've been repped by all regular members, good or bad.
I've gotten loads of rep from Sly, I beleive the secret is to either make him laugh, or make a really good point

I don't think so, cause HBK-aholic checked mine one time and apparently he repped be on one of the first days I started to post here.
Oh yeah, and this is what I was talking about with the rep alert thing.

And I still have to spread rep around before I can rep you again IC. Obviously, other people around here aren't very good posters.

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