The rep system on this message board stinks

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I joined this message board because I had heard that there was a lot of really interesting, in-depth discussion about wrestling (rather than just a bunch of trolling like other boards). For the most part, it really has lived up to my expectations. The one area that really bothers me is the rep system.

The issue I take with it is that people leave negative rep for me not because my post wasn't well thought-out or rude, but because they simply didn't agree with what I wrote. What the fuck? I thought the whole point of message boards was to debate things. Disagreeing is supposed to be fun.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of people on this board who drag it down by using the repping system against people who have differing opinions. I think that's a damn shame. :disappointed:

Thing is though. I've just been trying to think about this and I really don't know how you could make a better system. Anyone and everyone has the opportunity to leave you feedback and I don't really see a way of verifying just what they decide to feedback you for before they've done it. What do you propose?

I mean just looking at the second part of what you wrote it seems you have a problem more with the people than the system. All I can propose is you rise above it. Very rarely are the good non-spam posters not recognized so if your good in the long run there won't be an issue.
If you bitch about getting bad rep, you're just going to get more bad rep. When will people learn?
Can I point out the major flaw in this guys entire logic here?

OK I will do it anyway

The Rep you have on this forum means diddly-fucking-squat in real terms or even forum reality

That covers it I think
Then leave. No one is keeping you here and you're wasting both yours' and our time by complaining about something that the vast majority of the people here don't complain about. No one is making you stay here and frankly I don't care to hear you complain because things aren't the way you want it to be.

Why the venom? What on earth did I do to piss so many people on this board off? I don't get how people can't understand that it's frustrating to receive negative rep and "." is entered as the reason.

If I was some troll, I would understand, but whether you like what I have to say or not, what I write on this board is far from trolling.
Shadow, rep means EVERYTHING in real life. I use it as a pick-up line all the time!

"Hey babe, I have a rep power of 5 on WrestleZone Forums... Wanna come home with me?"
Why the venom? What on earth did I do to piss so many people on this board off? I don't get how people can't understand that it's frustrating to receive negative rep and "." is entered as the reason.

If I was some troll, I would understand, but whether you like what I have to say or not, what I write on this board is far from trolling.

Your name is stupid. You have no sig or avatar, which is fine, but your name is just so unremarkable. You don't stand out at all, so if you're consistently good, no one's going to know and give you rep accordingly.
Speaking of red rep: If rep is meaningless, doesn't that mean revenge red repping is pointless?
Why the venom? What on earth did I do to piss so many people on this board off? I don't get how people can't understand that it's frustrating to receive negative rep and "." is entered as the reason.

If I was some troll, I would understand, but whether you like what I have to say or not, what I write on this board is far from trolling.

Let me tell you from experience that the community of regulars on WrestleZone acts like a pack of hungry wolves. Posting something like this, and then continuing to fight about it when it's obvious no one agrees, will ruin your reputation here. Seriously, other posters will take shots at you to impress each other for as long as you keep this up. Getting red rep is sometimes disappointing, but it's never the end of the world. My green rep to you probably far outweighed the original red you received, so my suggestion would be to drop the subject and stay out of the spam zone for a couple of days. Make quality posts, let this one blow over, and then come back and just bullshit with us about whatever next time.
Let me tell you from experience that the community of regulars on WrestleZone acts like a pack of hungry wolves. Posting something like this, and then continuing to fight about it when it's obvious no one agrees, will ruin your reputation here. Seriously, other posters will take shots at you to impress each other for as long as you keep this up. Getting red rep is sometimes disappointing, but it's never the end of the world. My green rep to you probably far outweighed the original red you received, so my suggestion would be to drop the subject and stay out of the spam zone for a couple of days. Make quality posts, let this one blow over, and then come back and just bullshit with us about whatever next time.

You took him out of the red and gave him a rep point, so I'd say it does.
I should red rep him and see if I can get him back into the red.
My rebellious phase is over. I'm not interested in clashing with the authorities here anymore. However, what I still do not, and won't understand is why prominent forum members and moderators don't offer advice to new posters in cases like this. Rather than "stfu or gtfo", why don't they offer a useful nugget of insight into the world of WrestleZone? Bold names lead by example, good or bad, and whether they intend to or not.
Why offer insight when we cannot change anything? He'll get red rep later in life and green too. What is the point in coddling every single person because they hate a system that is going nowhere?
I offer insight all the time, it does make a difference Dave. As you can clearly see, and I'm sure you already know, rep is a very powerful drug around here. My green rep essentially created the Cigar Lounge Society, to say our insight doesn't change anything is not the truth, at least not in my case; and your rep is almost 5 times as powerful as mine. Insight and rep can make a difference in the life of a younger poster.
Why offer insight when we cannot change anything? He'll get red rep later in life and green too. What is the point in coddling every single person because they hate a system that is going nowhere?

But he's obviously new. He seems to be somewhat intelligent, also. I'd rather keep him around than a lot of the hot garbage hanging out in the wrestling sections these days. Really, all that I was saying is that I think the situation could be handled better with perhaps a green rep with a comment like "Red rep happens, man, even for good posts. Don't let it get you down." than what we've seen in this thread.
The rep system is what it is. Being a new poster and whining about it isnt going to make the slightest bit of difference

Live with it, or go somewhere else.

No written word bothers me more than irregardless, probably because the ir isn't needed. Sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Well, debating can be fun, but irregardless of its incumbent hilarity this is a forum full of people that love wrestling. This pretty much throws the classical notion of a debate right out the window if you don't know who you're addressing. And the line between debating, arguing, or just frothing at the mouth for some can be hard to discern.

It really does boil down to what you say in what thread with which person looking to respond a lot of the time. I also came in looking for a chat intelligently on the subject and most of the time that's what I get. And sometimes you get that mark who won't see things anyway but their own or people so tired of hearing stupid people that they're itching to slam someone.

Carry yourself with some dignity, make your points, and roll with the punches. That's how to do it.

I won't pile on, you seem like a fairly decent poster. Stop worrying about rep, it means nothing.
If you look at the options for rep, there is I approve and I disapprove. If you disapprove/disagree of what they are saying you give them red rep, is it not that hard to comprehend? Just like if you approve/agree, you give green.

Pretty simple if you ask me.

He's right.. There's the approve/disapprove option. And well, the Rep system makes me sad at some point too. Oh but what the hell. :)
I'm closing this thread.

Dude just post, if people disagree with you so what? If they red rep you because they disagree with what you're saying then it's up to them. Don't let people ruin your enjoyment of the forum, find something you like to discuss and discuss it.
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