SickJames Retires!

What Do YOU the Posters want from me?

  • Stay retired and never ever come back

  • Come back in 2013 with a new name and a WZ defined "improved poster"

  • Come back After 7... Long... Years, the exact same

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Championship Contender
You know, I've been here a little over 3 years now. A lot has been funny to me in those three years. I wont be here much longer because it's just not worth it anymore. I will never understand why forums are the way they are. I'm not just talking about this one.

It seems funny to me that I have not gone out of my way to break the rules of this forum and havent even had much trouble with Moderators in this forum over the three years I've been here. Yet there seems to be this group of you against any poster that's not in your little circle. It's like you dont even punish me because I'm not even punishable. It's like I'm so beyond that as if you werent even putting me in prison, I'm in the Mental Institute because I cant "help" it.

I dont get you people's need to be so repetative. After a lot of investigation I've started to realize what's happening with me and it may be a private forum, but it's really not fair, what's going on. I'm not talking about to me. Oh, I'll get over being trashed and spammed with perfectly good threads, but to take away the posts of posters simply because of personal dislike. To take away differing opinions because they dont fit a mold of repetition you need in these forums to get by.

As long as everyone jerks off the next man he's okay to stay. It's like a bullshit brotherhood and I dont want any part of it, so what's the point in me even being around.

I wanted to take time out to have my last thread be a discussion on me. I want to know what people think of me, not the mods before quickly closing it. I just want to see if it's really a WZ wide thing. I want to know how many people want me gone. Even then it doesnt matter. I just want to know.

I have no interest in wasting my time. I swear that no one is doing anything about it, or noticing it, but the non-mod members should be complaining about the lack of new topics as much as there seems to be hatred toward me. How can you all sit there year after year and talk up the SAME topics with a different title. Is there really that much of a lack of imagination and creativity? And you call me spammy.

Spammed Ideas and Topics arent gone after enough. This isnt really a mod hate thing either. Mods arent to blame here, it's the whole thing entirely.

And even though I understand why mods group several threads into a single discussion on [insert topic here] that's really bad too because this thread promotes intelligent discussion with detail and backing up your statements yet what kind of a discussion is a thread that's just 30 thrown together with over thousands of comments on hundreds of pages that no one's gonna really bother to read through. The most fun conversations are the more intimate ones where posters actually look at posts before commenting and have an understanding of everyone's view for the most part.

I've been in threads less heavily modded with better conversations.

I am not posting just to be posting. I try and post things in spam then they seem to go to the trash. It's all a bad joke around here. It seems like the Elite around here want to mold everyone into their image of a good poster, but wont even give them a chance. I mean what makes their opinion of a good poster, legit, anyway? You cant define a good poster. A good forum, however, is made up of all different types of posters with differing opinions.

Again, all for posting in your little sections within your rules, but to just be basically told "GTFO" by having anythin trashed.

It makes no sense at all.

No matter what your opinion is of me even with this forum being private and this and that, I know I'm a great poster. There's no bad poster. A poster is just a poster and you either like the post or you dont. Some ppl sabotage a thread with good discussion points just so a mod can close it because they dont like it. I get negative rep all the time and it's over some of the stupidest things I could get rep for, the reasons are totally crap reasons. I dont care about rep, but it's the community that's being ridiculous

Forums are a place for differing ppl with differing opinions and differing conversations. If you dont like my threads then I'm doing my job, if yo do, then I'm doing my job, but you feel something about it and that's how it is.

The other funny thing is you guys dont even delete my threads completely and I know any forum has the power to do it. And I know that you all enjoy them on some level even if it's making fun of them, so why act as if you dont like my posts? It's not the same old atleast. You'd also think that ppl who use to shout same old crap about John Cena winning every PPV and every match would be wanting different in a forum.

Again though you keep me around, you keep my stuff around because you like it on some level of guilty pleasure even. You like it.

You also cant say I havent had threads some of you in that little circle have liked in all my time here. I havent had that much modding since being here I think that says something. You can call it luck if you want.

So there ya go, should I retire and stay gone? Do you want me to change within the system and come back under a new name even and start fresh?

Post things you like about me, post things you hate about me. I dont care, at the end of the day you feel something about my threads so here's the SickJames Appreciation Thread.

So, I retire from WrestleZone forums because you just cant post anything new anymore.
You wanted Mae Young's baby hand to be a regular character and get pushed towards a title.

If you can't figure out the Tim Rule from that, you're beyond help.
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