Reasons why I'm the biggest tool on WZ

Damn, if I had known you were begging for votes like this, I wouldn't have voted for you. I'll know better next time.
i thought this would but fun/funny.

Don't fuck up my groove bitches!!!!!!!!!!
jesus, mate. this is just amazing to watch!

not in a good way. I mean, you're actually wanting to be the biggest tool somewhere.
I got to rep you for that, at least, because that takes some balls. Sad part is my rep is grey so it counts for shit. but it's the thought that counts.

your twitter is still shit, though.
Not only is his twitter shit, but so is he.

There's another reason why you should vote Ellis for Biggest Tool.
can't i ever have any fucking fun?!?!?!?!

Stop taking everything so fucking serious
Ellis, Here's a posting tip for you. Tell everyone your going to leave the forums, then actually stay gone for like 5 years so people will believe it. Your posting will improve drastically.
Ellis, Here's a posting tip for you. Tell everyone your going to leave the forums, then actually stay gone for like 5 years so people will believe it. Your posting will improve drastically.

Actually, my posting is pretty good. When i post in WWE section, people seem to agree with me. Luther gave me green rep for my mark henry post.
Stupid 14 year old

See the thing here is, I may be stupid, but if I am a stupid 14 year-old, then you're a a godforsaken mentally challenged 19 year-old. You see, the thing here is, you suck. Nothing else to be said. At least I don't completely suck, I don't go around cussing out admins, posting threads saying "I'm the biggest tool on WZ", and don't go around replying to threads saying you can't get sex by posting "No, the reason i don't get girls is....". It's really pathetic to see some of the gibberish you post, and if you can't contribute to the Bar Room any better than these threads and posts, than please just leave the Bar Room, because appearently we all suck anyway, according to your previous posts at least.
You forgot reason 6: You're an attention ****e who would rather get nagative attention than make a good post.

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