{Merged} Kobashi / Luther Aftermath Thread

Lol, morals.


WTF is it with you and Haiti pics?
This is The Bar Room; we can flame as much as we want with only a few restrictions. If you're here to be an annoying moralizer, take a ticket and wait in line; we already have a few whom we laugh at when they make their obligatory 10 "voice of reason" posts of day in The Bar Room.

Hey man no need to attack me. I'm just saying you guys shouldn't get so worked up over a fictional wrestling tournament. From the looks of things you got alot of people who didn't know anything about Kobashi to learn about him and take interest in him. You won the real battle. There isn't any need for anyone to take personal cheap shots at each other though. That goes way beyond a wrestling forum. Treat others the way you wanna be treated. This isn't directed at you but everyone who feels like personally attacking another person. It's wrong we're all here to have fun and talk about wrestling and other stuff. Chillax guys. Sorry if you felt I was directly going after you I wasn't.
I believe that's the text that he sent to Chavo over the weekend it happened.
I love you MRC. You share my disgusting sense of black humor. And we share the same desktop background. Karmic high-five.
:lmao: I have to admit, I really did.

I got nothing. I'm sure if I thought on it long enough I'd find something to wordfort about.. but, I got nothing right now.
:lmao: Wow, I just caught the rep X sent me. I seriously didn't know the cord struck that low man. :( I honestly figured for a man who brings up pot in a lot of posts around this forum - you wouldn't be ashamed of it. You know, being your life and all..
well yea. U have a BF, I have a GF, just simply co workers here. Tell Will to stop playing with my penis' emotions, and we may not have had all this

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