Screw the Hardly Boyz

I can't believe the fucking Freebirds got kicked out so early. Mic Tyme against BOD I can understand. I can even kinda swallow The Chosen ONes getting knocked. But the FREEBIRDS?!
To be fair, it was two out of the three freebirds. That's what might have swayed some voters. But come on... Kong/A-Train losing to Legacy? They beat DX and Centista once... thats it.
It was only a matter of time before the Anti-Hardy Brigade came out. Seriously do you not get tired of hating on them at every oppertunity you can? It's getting a little tiring now.

The Hardyz are one of the greatest tag teams of all time, against a team who has never wrestled together at all. A team who has only been thrown together to satisfy an Admin of the site because of his love for Vader. In a tag team enviroment the Hardyz have better chemistry, better understanding and a damn site better team. Twist of Fate/Swanton combination on Swagger FTW
It was only a matter of time before the Anti-Hardy Brigade came out. Seriously do you not get tired of hating on them at every oppertunity you can? It's getting a little tiring now.

The Hardyz are one of the greatest tag teams of all time, against a team who has never wrestled together at all. A team who has only been thrown together to satisfy an Admin of the site because of his love for Vader. In a tag team enviroment the Hardyz have better chemistry, better understanding and a damn site better team. Twist of Fate/Swanton combination on Swagger FTW

You might want to rethink that statement about Vader and Swagger being thrown together to satisfy IC25. The Deuces Wild teams were picked at random and I assure you not to satisfy anybody.

I'm not calling you out, perse. Just don't be throwing accusations out there.
Swagger is getting too much love in this tournament. He still hasn't really accomplished anything. If Hogan gets kicked out of this tournament because him and his partner don't have chemistry as good as Money Inc. then consistency should show and Hardys, who had superb chemistry, should beat two people who wouldn't get on.

Yes Vader could probably beat the Hardys by himself, but Swagger lets the team down. It is a tag tournament after all. The best tag team should go through.
How is Swagger letting the team down? He has beaten one of the Hardys which is better than none. And why do we automatically assume that Vader and Swagger won't get along. I would think Swagger respects Vader enough to not get in his way.
How is Swagger letting the team down? He has beaten one of the Hardys which is better than none. And why do we automatically assume that Vader and Swagger won't get along. I would think Swagger respects Vader enough to not get in his way.

Because Swagger is famed for his respect, right? Swagger hasn't achieved anything so far in his career. His ECW title run wasn't spectacular. In two or three years I expect him to be a huge star, then he can get all this praise.
Because Swagger is famed for his respect, right? Swagger hasn't achieved anything so far in his career. His ECW title run wasn't spectacular. In two or three years I expect him to be a huge star, then he can get all this praise.

So Swagger's nonachievement of anything in his singles career dictates he won't do anything in a tag team environment. It doesn't matter to me how many tag team championships are won or who has accomplished what in their singles career. I look at each match objectively and in this particular match I believe Vader and Swagger beat the Hardys.
The Hardyz are one of the greatest tag teams of all time, against a team who has never wrestled together at all. A team who has only been thrown together to satisfy an Admin of the site because of his love for Vader.

I didn't realize you were a mod and had access to the tournament planning. :rolleyes:

The Deuce's Wild was Sam's idea, IC had nothing to do with it. Nothing is more annoying then people making assumptions about our staff's activities when they don't have access to the behind-the-scenes and don't see our discussions.
As for how the selection process of the Deuces Wild thing went, I wrote all the names on cards and shuffled them, pulling out a pair at a time.
Oh, I was wondering how you did that. I thought you did it with some fancy computer program.

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