{Merged} Kobashi / Luther Aftermath Thread

HBK-aholic was in the hospital for two days during the WZ Tournament; you can't PM and MSN for votes without a computer. Discrepancy explained away.

Pretty sure I already proved this wrong today. Just because a travesty occured at 1 wrestling tournament, doesn't mean the same should happen again because of it.

Also, again, I love that 48 people voted but I'm the bad guy :rolleyes:
Aren't you a Cowboys fan Lariat? Maybe one day Romo will win a Superbowl, well probably not. He'll actually need to win more than one playoff game to accomplish that feat. Or your Wildcats, they're almost relevant.

We were most livable City twice, thank you very much.

Seven national titles, most all-time wins, and more All-Americans than any other school? Yea. We're almost there.

I'll take EVERY school in Pennsylvania and put their pedigree against Kentucky.

And Lexington > Pittsburgh.
I asked who he voted for actually, which reminded him to vote. Sparky asked for the link as well after saying on the forum he was voting for Shawn, I guess that was me begging him to vote as well.

But again, I'm not 48 people, stop taking your bitch fits out on me.
All right, then, fuck you.

No, fuck you, you little self-righteous piece of shit. You come in here preaching how Becca did this, how Becca did that in one big GIANT thread where you're doing the exact same fucking thing, you over-rated fucking hypocrite.

I even point blank said You're practically the main Mod I respect and I will always have that for you - but you're 100% in the wrong on this one. You've lowered yourself to nothing more than all the other fuck-nuggets who wanted to throw a huge tantrum when their favorite was kicked out of the *insert Tournament here*.

Are you really this fucking delusional? Will POSTED in this thread saying that you PMed him.

Uhm, where did I ever say she PMed me? Ever. I'm pretty sure short of editing my post, you're randomly making shit up at this point to try and lose what little shred of dignity you had left.

I mentioned Becca's name and talking to her. Never, ever, did I say I PMed (or received a PM) from anyone. And you of all people should have more common sense than to think WZ members only talk to one another ON WZ.

Some of us actually have conversations off the forum. Again, considering you've been IN some with me, OFF the forum, I'd have assumed you'd gathered that.

I guess Will is saying he didn't vote Michaels 100% because of Becca but still though, it's wrong.

If I had to put a % next to exactly how much of Becca's opinion or conversation had to do with me voting for Shawn Michaels. I'd say 10%, out of 100. And thats ONLY because she reminded me that the Tournament was even GOING ON.

I think with how much I favor Edge, a lot of people have lost sight in just how big a Shawn Michaels fan I've always been in my life. Before Edge ever came along, Shawn Michaels was my #1 Favorite. I knew damn near everything about him that Becca knows. I just didn't show it as much.

Well this is just bullshit. Yet again HBK wins because most of our posters are fucking pathetic virgins who would kick their own mother's in the crotch to be a white knight to Becca.

:lmao: Apparently Kobashi fans are hypocrites. Yet another statement that can easily backfire on you - considering I've SEEN you come to Becca's aid in blasting other forum members, in her defense.

So which exactly of the above statement are you? Pathetic? A virgin? Or someone willing to violently hurt their own Mother for a female on the internet?

I'm sure it can be all of the above, as well.

But hey, you guys sure put up a good argument for HBK. It's not like TDigs and myself painstakingly outlined in dettail every fucking minor reason for why Kobashi would win. Nope, Becca said vote for HBK, so we lose. Can't argue with that argument.

ZOMG! Its like I jumped out of my own body, into X's, smelt like pot, and posted a rant from a year ago.

Sucks, doesn't it?

I put every amount of effort, time and quality into my posts to point out facts.. but because someone can sit the fuck up, or drink a lot of beer.. holy shit, they're better. :rolleyes:

Don't worry, you'll get over it.
What's wrong with voting for who you prefer again? Brutus Beefcake wuz robbed against Randy Orton last year, but I didn't kick up a stink.

From now on people should vote tactically. Will voting for this wrestler annoy tdigle? Will xfear give me some verbal abuse if I pick this guy? If I vote for this guy, will I have to scroll through one of Will's fuckin' huge posts?
What the fuck are we whining about? We gave this up, except people like you and FTS decided to come in here and justify the win.

Yeah, we're te ones whining. We fucking admit we lost, we disagree with it, but we can deal with it. We're not the ones coming into thread to fucking rub the defeat in like some people.

To be fair guys, you raised quite a bit of commotion with your whole "Kobashi lost, but no one supported HBK" posts. Now that someone comes to give you the supporting posts you all were wanting, you can't come in and try to paint those people as the bad guys.

You can't have your cake and eat too. Either you want people to support HBK, or you don't. But you can't get mad that no one does, and then get mad that someone did. That's just silly.

I think the BIGGEST thing that people are missing, and which has already been alluded to in this thread, is that A) HBK is probably the more visible, and thus, more well known wrestler, and that B) Professional wrestling is scripted to decide who wins big matches based upon the money the winner can draw.

Both those facts have been agreed upon by tDigle and, I believe, xfear. With that in mind, I think the argument that HBK would be scripted to win the match would be very likely.

^That's the basic premise of the argument I WAS going to make. I won't make a huge post about it now, since KB gave you guys what you were begging for, but that's the basic argument in a nutshell. And I told you a person didn't have to see a Kobashi match to make a sound argument.

EDIT: And it always explains why Jushin Liger could beat HBK, but Kobashi didn't. You know, that way you don't have to be sexist.
Wow, there are toys ALL OVER this floor, having been thrown out of XFear and Tdigs' cribs. All over the damn floor. You pick them up THIS INSTANT
No, fuck you, you little self-righteous piece of shit. You come in here preaching how Becca did this, how Becca did that in one big GIANT thread where you're doing the exact same fucking thing, you over-rated fucking hypocrite.

I even point blank said You're practically the main Mod I respect and I will always have that for you - but you're 100% in the wrong on this one. You've lowered yourself to nothing more than all the other fuck-nuggets who wanted to throw a huge tantrum when their favorite was kicked out of the *insert Tournament here*.

Uhm, where did I ever say she PMed me? Ever. I'm pretty sure short of editing my post, you're randomly making shit up at this point to try and lose what little shred of dignity you had left.

I mentioned Becca's name and talking to her. Never, ever, did I say I PMed (or received a PM) from anyone. And you of all people should have more common sense than to think WZ members only talk to one another ON WZ.

Some of us actually have conversations off the forum. Again, considering you've been IN some with me, OFF the forum, I'd have assumed you'd gathered that.

If I had to put a % next to exactly how much of Becca's opinion or conversation had to do with me voting for Shawn Michaels. I'd say 10%, out of 100. And thats ONLY because she reminded me that the Tournament was even GOING ON.

I think with how much I favor Edge, a lot of people have lost sight in just how big a Shawn Michaels fan I've always been in my life. Before Edge ever came along, Shawn Michaels was my #1 Favorite. I knew damn near everything about him that Becca knows. I just didn't show it as much.

:lmao: Apparently Kobashi fans are hypocrites. Yet another statement that can easily backfire on you - considering I've SEEN you come to Becca's aid in blasting other forum members, in her defense.

So which exactly of the above statement are you? Pathetic? A virgin? Or someone willing to violently hurt their own Mother for a female on the internet?

I'm sure it can be all of the above, as well.

ZOMG! Its like I jumped out of my own body, into X's, smelt like pot, and posted a rant from a year ago.

Sucks, doesn't it?

I put every amount of effort, time and quality into my posts to point out facts.. but because someone can sit the fuck up, or drink a lot of beer.. holy shit, they're better. :rolleyes:

Don't worry, you'll get over it.

Are you serious with this bullshit Will? You're so fucking sad man. You have a fucking family and still feel the need to flirt with a girl ten years younger than you who lives halfway across the globe. I pity you, I really do. People would kill to have what you have, and you're too busy writing fucking love letters to Becca.
Wow, there are toys ALL OVER this floor, having been thrown out of XFear and Tdigs' cribs. All over the damn floor. You pick them up THIS INSTANT

I'm sorry, do you have a problem with us discussing this match up further Norcal? Here's an idea: don't come into the fucking thread.
No just teasing you guys for throwing fits over your guy losing. There were such atrocities in the WZ Tournament, you didnt see me throwing MY toys out of the crib, now did you.

What is there, FOUR threads were you guys are crying over this now?
To be fair guys, you raised quite a bit of commotion with your whole "Kobashi lost, but no one supported HBK" posts. Now that someone comes to give you the supporting posts you all were wanting, you can't come in and try to paint those people as the bad guys.

Who am I painting as a bad guy Sly? I'm only talking to the fucknuts who didn't attempt to give an explanation. When KB decided to debate for HBK, I gladly took up the challenge and responded to each of his points. I really don't get the problem here.

You can't have your cake and eat too. Either you want people to support HBK, or you don't. But you can't get mad that no one does, and then get mad that someone did. That's just silly.

I'm not mad that people support HBK. I've said several times I'm mad that fucking no one could come up with a halfway decent argument for him in the actual thread.

Did I say "FUCK YOU KB YOU FUCKING CUNT" when he decided to argue for HBK? No, I simply responded to his points. Was there something else I should have done??

I think the BIGGEST thing that people are missing, and which has already been alluded to in this thread, is that A) HBK is probably the more visible, and thus, more well known wrestler, and that B) Professional wrestling is scripted to decide who wins big matches based upon the money the winner can draw.

Both those facts have been agreed upon by tDigle and, I believe, xfear. With that in mind, I think the argument that HBK would be scripted to win the match would be very likely.

I disagree, especially since this match takes place in Canada, where HBK is absolutely reviled.
No just teasing you guys for throwing fits over your guy losing. There were such atrocities in the WZ Tournament, you didnt see me throwing MY toys out of the crib, now did you.

What is there, FOUR threads were you guys are crying over this now?

One actually. The other is a thread of Becca thanking people for voting for HBK.

Don't like us "throwing toys out of our crib"? Then don't come into the thread man. You act like drama isn't a daily thing on this forum.
I'd like to point out that the largest increase in HBK's votes happened not as a result of anyone pro-Michaels posts, but in direct response to X and TDigs rather harsh and insulting posts. Several posters even mentioned that they voted for HBK over Kobashi just because of the attitude taken by some of Kobashi's most vaunted defenders. Yet those same people are pointing the finger elsewhere.

And as I've said, I voted Kobashi and wanted him to win, but there's a definite inequity in the doling out of the stink eye here.
that's the thing with these types of things. you have people who vote for a wrestler to spite the people that actually gave credible arguments over those who basically said.... HBK IZ DA BEZT with no other reason why. Which was essentially what happened here. However I'd like to point out I voted for Kobashi orver how much I like HBK.
One actually. The other is a thread of Becca thanking people for voting for HBK.

Don't like us "throwing toys out of our crib"? Then don't come into the thread man. You act like drama isn't a daily thing on this forum.

four. This one, the thread Becca made, the actual thread itself, and the board room. Naitch.
Way to stay classy Will, taking potshots at people's personal problems with drugs. Stay on that high road.

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