No, fuck you, you little self-righteous piece of shit. You come in here preaching how Becca did this, how Becca did that in one big GIANT thread where you're doing the exact same fucking thing, you over-rated fucking hypocrite.
I even point blank said You're practically the main Mod I respect and I will always have that for you - but you're 100% in the wrong on this one. You've lowered yourself to nothing more than all the other fuck-nuggets who wanted to throw a huge tantrum when their favorite was kicked out of the *insert Tournament here*.
Uhm, where did I ever say she PMed me? Ever. I'm pretty sure short of editing my post, you're randomly making shit up at this point to try and lose what little shred of dignity you had left.
I mentioned Becca's name and talking to her. Never, ever, did I say I PMed (or received a PM) from anyone. And you of all people should have more common sense than to think WZ members only talk to one another ON WZ.
Some of us actually have conversations off the forum. Again, considering you've been IN some with me, OFF the forum, I'd have assumed you'd gathered that.
If I had to put a % next to exactly how much of Becca's opinion or conversation had to do with me voting for Shawn Michaels. I'd say 10%, out of 100. And thats ONLY because she reminded me that the Tournament was even GOING ON.
I think with how much I favor Edge, a lot of people have lost sight in just how big a Shawn Michaels fan I've always been in my life. Before Edge ever came along, Shawn Michaels was my #1 Favorite. I knew damn near everything about him that Becca knows. I just didn't show it as much.

Apparently Kobashi fans are hypocrites. Yet another statement that can easily backfire on you - considering I've SEEN you come to Becca's aid in blasting other forum members, in her defense.
So which exactly of the above statement are you? Pathetic? A virgin? Or someone willing to violently hurt their own Mother for a female on the internet?
I'm sure it can be all of the above, as well.
ZOMG! Its like I jumped out of my own body, into X's, smelt like pot, and posted a rant from a year ago.
Sucks, doesn't it?
I put every amount of effort, time and quality into my posts to point out facts.. but because someone can sit the fuck up, or drink a lot of beer.. holy shit, they're better.
Don't worry, you'll get over it.