Reasons to Think Kurt Angle is Going Back to TNA


Pre-Show Stalwart
Reasons to believe Kurt won't be with WWE from the interview done recently posted on the main page of Wrestlezone.

-Saying he can't even wrestle til January. Not cause of a no compete but cause of a knee rehabilitation.

-Saying that he talked to Vince and learned Triple H runs the show now. Could be referring to the one and only time he talked to Vince behind Triple H's back and it backfired.

-Saying that it's a publicly traded company now and WWE can't take as many chances (in relation to his knee rehab and basic age related injuries.)

-Working a year with 40 dates. What's that include? House shows? Raws and Smackdowns? Even without house shows, if it's WWE then it'd have to per appearance, like dropping promos and beatdowns on Raw. Hopefully. But it gives me that impact wrestling feel.

-And finally, the press conference. I don't see WWE doing press conferences for anything except Wrestlemania and things like the Performance Center opening. A press conference for a one year run? I don't know about that one.

I hope I'm wrong, but signs seem to be pointing to TNA. Like he's building publicity for himself maybe going to WWE just to shine some light on TNA with him being the face of their new TV deal in January.

God I hope I'm wrong and he goes to WWE. There's like nobody I wanna see him go against in TNA. I'd even prefer that WWE style for Kurt.
Frankly, I could break this down a little more simplistically and suggest one reason why Kurt Angle is likely returning to TNA.

I doubt WWE has little to any interest whatsoever I'm seeing Kurt Angle return to WWE, with the possible exception of an induction into the WWE Hall of Fame.

A 45 year old guy who has been gone for years, a guy whose best years are far behind him. A guy who has numerous physical limitations, which I don't see improving any time soon. A guy with a laundry list of behind the scenes issues, including multiple DUI's, substance abuse issues, etc., A guy who would only be slinking back to the WWE due to the shortcomings of his present place of employment, who may or may not want him back themselves. And a guy who arrogantly speaks like he can come and go wherever and whenever he pleases, based upon his own personal whims, and his desired location would welcome him back with open arms. And supposedly a guy who approached Triple H about a return, received little positive response, and then tried to go over his head to VKM, which likely didn't help his cause as well.

As I see it, there are two options at this stage of the game. Return to TNA (if there's still a spot for him there), or retirement. I'm far from convinced that a return to WWE is even a possibility at all.
(I didn't check the interview out so I am going totally by your post) The problems that he has mentioned all make sense...

About Triple-H running the show, he might also have considered that Triple-H's focus is visibly on the younger talent and building up the future, rather than bringing back older talent for quick money- something Vince did a lot towards the end. So chances of Triple-H bringing him for one final run in exchange for a hefty amount of money seems unlikely. At least in TNA he is their biggest star.

He probably used 'Press Conference' as a loose term to describe all the B.A.Star preaching and storytelling, Breast Cancer Awareness, Comic Con(?) appearances and other appearances like Sting has been doing... Being a legend and everything, maybe he doesn't want to do all that. He can refuse, but then there would be backstage heat on him because everyone else is doing it (apart from Ryback lol).

The injuries and age are definitely major issues, but there is another issue that he seems to have forgotten about- that he loves to get drunk just before driving or going on twitter, and neither of these two habits are going to help matters when he is under a WWE contract.

The limited schedule part shouldn't be hard to acquire, since WWE puts most of their old guys into part-time schedules anyway. The real problem that he might face in this matter is that along with limited schedule, he is also likely to be offered limited money, unlike the other part-timers like The Rock, Brock, or Undertaker.

I feel TNA is still the best option for him. Everyone respects him, he is the locker room leader, he is the company's representative wrestler to newer markets, he gets more TV time and respectable storylines than he might in the WWE, and they are more likely to go easy on him after all the injuries and surgeries, than the big league would.
Personally, I think he should just finish bleeding TNA for all he can get out of them while he can, since from all signs that ship is 90% sunk.

Once that's finished (probably only a few months honestly), take the rest of the time needed to rest up, get in great shape, hopefully get/stay clean, and aim for a retirement match at WM32. 31 already looks stacked with a very likely Sting match, and Lesnar vs Bryan or Reigns.

The biggest reason why I know he's not going back is because he's said anything at all. If you look at the trend of literally any wrestler ever in the history of the internet with incredibly rare exception, if they start dropping hints they are WWE bound, that's historically almost always them just putting out feelers and/or trying to drum up publicity for themselves.

Don't get me wrong though, I'd love to see Angle back in WWE.
I'd be willing to bet that there's some kind of agreement that could be reached between the WWE and Kurt Angle. He has name recognition with the WWE's audience, especially the older age bracket that the WWE is starting to market towards now with the launch of the WWE Network. (Kids don't buy Netflix.) It's just that from Kurt Angle's perspective, the deal probably sucks.

He's watched people like The Rock and Brock Lesnar come back to huge, dramatic homecomings, complete with world championship runs, and the thought has to be in his head- "I was on that level; I should get the same treatment". However, his personal issues have been well documented, and from the WWE's perspective, they don't need to find their champion on a highway between events, walking wobbly a mile from his car parked on the median. He's probably been offered the Rob Van Dam/Jericho deal, where he gets to come in, put a guy over, and ride off into the sunset.

Also, the whole Kurt/Stephanie thing.... that has to be awkward.

What happens to Kurt is likely dependent on what happens to TNA. If they end up on another network, he may decide that being a big fish in a small pond is better then being a medium fish in a big pond. Without TNA, it's the WWE or an inglorious retirement.
I have no idea if he will or will not be back... But I can not stop thinking how I will mark out while Lana n Rusev are out bashing America and here comes the Olympic Gold Medalists music...
He beats him quickly..... then Rusev gets his revenge and retires Angle in a Retirement match.
It would be a huge rub for Rusev to get Angle to tap out! And it would give one of the best of all time 1 final run in the big leagues.
"Take this for what it's worth, as nothing has been confirmed by WWE, TNA or Kurt Angle, but WZ received two separate correspondences from readers in attendance at today's Arnold Classic in Columbus, Ohio, and they noted Kurt Angle was telling people he will be returning to WWE in September."

On the main site a few months ago. Knee rehabilitation should keep Angle out til January but his contract must have exired by now... Has anybody debunked this yet?

"But the company I’m going to go with, I’m going to give them my best year. I’m going with the company that really wants to take care of me." This however, screams TNA.
While the interview in question is very respectful of Dixie/TNA/"Big" John, and is also very ambiguous, reading between the lines it does give a feel(atleast to me) that Kurt has wrapped up the TNA chapter of his career.

And despite praise for the WWE and mention of some particular dream matches available to him there, it also feels like that is also not his impending destination.

What the OP seems to be neglecting is that other options exist outside of those two.

I feel like the most likely landing place for Kurt at this point is actually New Japan. ROH may also be a contender, but it is unlikely that ROH alone could provide the type of financial windfall that Kurt would presumably be seeking for his final year as a full(ish) time in-ring performer. But the combo of working all big NJPW as well as ROH dates, we'll call it the "AJ Styles plan", could be a possibility as well.

NJPW could offer Kurt everything he needs at this point- limited dates, big money, and countless potential dream matches. With the news that Jarrett will even be sponsoring NJPW in a venture under the GFW banner(however ghost-like that entity may be) for a debut on televised PPV in the states, a NJPW contract could even offer Kurt the opportunity to continue getting major event exposure here in the U.S. if that were important to him.
I would love to see Kurt Angle back in the WWE but only if they used him right in the main events the list of potential matches is incredible seeing him against the likes of Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, The former Sheild members, Bray Wyatt and rematches with Brock and Cena but I can't see that happening unfortunately I would imagine he would be more likely to do maybe a guest spot on the royal rumble then a couple of jobs on the undercard then fade away, I think theres too much of an agenda for them to push their current group and not enough space at the main event level.
Of course Kurt Angle will stay in TNA and go to TNA Hall of Fame as well who would want to go to an unorganized wrestling company like worst wrestling excrement and have way tooo many benchwarmers that sit on their ass and collect huge paychecks and be underutilized ,not booked properly and go unnoticed? TNA is his home as Kurt Angle said it before ! Cause Angle needs approval of shareholders now lol soooo funny!
Angle was at his peak when the brand extension was in full swing. Smackdown was on CW and was a big deal. Times are so different now. I believe sd and raw had seperate audiences back the and much of that sd fanbase have given up on wrestling.

The bottom line is that he isnt worth that much to the wwe today. Most casual fans forgot about him. He is not like mick foley who was on raw when everyone was watching raw.
I say he'll stay in TNA for another year and retire there. Kurt's just trying to spark some buzz for the announcement with all the secrecy, and truth be told, I'll be shocked if comes back to WWE.

The Olympic hero taking on Rusev (just a thought) sounds good on paper, and I'm just guessing here, but Kurt accepting mid card status or an RVD and Jericho contract/schedule in WWE has to be a big blow to his ego and his pride. It's been said already, but Kurt's not going to receive the red carpet treatment like Brock Lesnar and The Rock.

He's older now, his body is banged up, and we all know about the real life problems with Angle. With one last year in TNA, he can go on cruise control at his own pace, work a schedule that's in his favor, and quietly ride off into the sunset after an induction into the TNA Hall Of Fame.
It's been said already, but Kurt's not going to receive the red carpet treatment like Brock Lesnar and The Rock.

In fact, he might have overplayed his hand with the interviews we've been reading the past few months. In them, he's been saying stuff like: "If I go to WWE" and "I'll work only a part-time schedule if I do" and "If they meet my salary and work requirements" and other choice tidbits the guy was coming out with, spoken as if both TNA and WWE were in a fierce bidding war over him.

It's seemed plain for a long time that the guy sees himself as a gold-plated immortal of pro wrestling. Yeah, we can argue back and forth about whether he is or not, but he was so hepped up on what was going to happen when his TNA contract expired that I'm starting to wonder if he's been truly embarrassed by the results of the whole process....and is now forced to return to TNA....under terms that are still being hammered out.......and there's no rush because he has nowhere else to go, anyway.

Or, he's coming to WWE, but under contract terms that are far, far below what he was expecting to get, leaving him disillusioned and miserable.

At any rate, it's rather telling to see how little fuss is being made over where he'll go now that his contract is up, isn't it? This forum hasn't exactly been a hotbed of "What will happen with Kurt Angle?"

This is no way to treat a pro wrestling god, is it? :disappointed:
Well, somebody's gotta ask, so let me do it.

What's the story, Kurt?

His TNA contract expired September 21 and he was promising a big announcement, right?

So, nu?

Although his publicity people will probably build a "face-saving" explanation for the delay, I get the feeling Kurt might be severely embarrassed at this juncture. Could it be his seeming presumption that WWE would be clamoring for his services was incorrect? Are they agreeing to take him on, but at a salary that is embarrassingly low? Or are they resisting his "part-time" status wishes? His pronouncements in recent months suggested he could call his shots......but maybe not.

Is Kurt being stonewalled by TNA, too? Do they want him back, but at a reduced salary in the manner of guys like AJ Styles?

These past months, it seemed Angle was anxious to make a media event of where he'd wind up immediately after September 21. Could it be he'll soon be announcing his retirement, claiming that even while WWE and TNA were in a vigorous bidding war for his services, he's decided on the familiar: "Wants to spend more time with his family"........or will he instead choose the estimable: "Has decided to explore other opportunities" that many celebrated people say when being forced out of whatever they had been doing for years?

If he has no irons presently in the fire, I suppose there's no hurry announcing anything. Still, it would be nice to see Kurt preserve some dignity in all this.

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