Kurt Angle Back to WWE???

i thing he should head to smackdown as the show could really use more bigger name talent. smackdown is getting old as it seems like the same guys have been feuding over and over again. i also hope to see christian end up there as well and i hope he gets a big push on top of it. i am so damn sick and tired of seeing edge winning the title over and over again. almost every damn time he won the title was in a snow job fashion too. bring in christian to feud with edge and win the belt then bring in angle to chase the belt. smackdown is definitely hurting for some fresh matches of wrestlers who haven't faced each other time and time again. i thought it would have gotten better with HHH and jeff hardy and it did to an extent but IMO those are the only two that are exciting on that show anymore.

raw already has enough top draw talent and they do a pretty good job of mixing it up with feuds so i don't think adding angle would be as big of an asset as it would for smackdown. ECW could definitely use some bigger names as well as is is certainly the least popular show of the three brands but i feel that angle is too good to end up there. he could certainly help the talent advance in their skills but i still don't think the WWE will generate a worthy profit by sending him there.

it seems like ECW is the place where they send all of the scrubs. i am not saying there isn't some great talent there but the majority of the roster is made up of people everyone could care less about. i think it is a shame that it took sending matt hardy there to give him a world championship. he deserved to wear that belt on either smackdown or raw. i just hope the WWE finally gives jeff his run with the belt soon. the guy definitely deserves it.
Kurt Angle back to the WWE,, would FUCKING OWN!!! I think the best brand for him to go back to would be Raw...*drools over Angle vs HBK* again. Either that or have him come back as a sort of Free agent for a while changing backwards and forwards until he finds a place he fits in. but when it all comes down to it as long as it aint ECW then it dont matter, The Man is back in the WWE. This would have to be (if ever happens) the greatest return ever !!!!

But i really cant see it happening. he left on his own accord. I think he sadly burnt all of his bridges with the WWE.
Personally, I don't see why the WWE would want to pay a whole bunch for him. His retirement is up and coming and its not like he's a huge presence in the media like Hulk Hogan or something that could really gain them a lot of viewers that aren't already paying attention. Would it please the fans in general? Yeah. I wouldn't mind seeing him back. But its not going to boost sales to a ridiculous level or make it so merchandise is booming tenfold, you know? He's just Kurt Angle.

That's all true. But he is very important to TNA and it might be worth over-paying him just to hurt TNA by taking him away.

Vince might cringe at the idea of taking Kurt back......... but as a business move, it might be the smartest thing he could do.
Let me first say Bwhahahahha! Sorry but him going back? I dont think so. He could but he would have some problems especally since all the things he said about the WWE. Besides doesnt he want to enter MMA? I would like to see him against Lashley or Lesnar. He has it good there in TNA, he may not have been getting paid as well as he does in the WWE but he can spend more time with his children.
Kurt Angle belongs in the WWE. He has a huge EGO but he is one of the best in the business. He had awesome matches with Austin, Rock, Undertaker, Lesner, Eddie, Benoit, Shane Mcmahon. There are many matches that were 5 star matches after his first WWE DVD release. It might very well make Vince sweat but as it has been already said here, it is a good business decision.
I doubt he would go back to WWE, but if he did, I have to agree and say he'd be best served going to ECW, or at least starting there.

He could come back, and say that ECW is the "easy show, and that he'll win the title in his first match, and then have Matt Hardy beat him.

Then, for the next few weeks, have guys like Evan Bourne and Jack Swagger beat him. Then, put him in a #1 Contender's match for the ECW belt at a minor PPV, against a proven (at one time) name like Tommy Dreamer, and have him win decisively with the Angle Lock, and set up a feud between him and whoever has the belt. Then, let him win it, and after he wins it, let the heel champ from either SD! or RAW call him out and say that he took the easy way out, and can't win a REAL title anymore. That'll set him up to hand over the belt, and go to one of the other shows where he ultimately belongs.

This does a few things...

HUGE ratings for ECW is an understatement. The young guys get a push. Angle gets "punished" for his comments. After he drops the belt, have a tourney with the same guys he just pushed. ECW ratings continue after his departure.

My guess, he goes on to feud with Edge or HHH on SD!, and Evan Bourne gets his title reign...

For me personally, I do not watch TNA IMPACT, and don't enjoy watching it when I have. I've seen the role Kurt has played there on occasion, and quite frankly I think it sucks. Kurt was 1 of my favorite people to watch in WWE, not so much in TNA

Angle can feud with: Kennedy, MVP, Punk, Kingston, Cody, Diabiase, and any other young talent WWE needs to develop. COME BACK KURT!!!
As much as I love Kurt, I think he's better in TNA. He's in a good place right now and I don't think he left the WWE on good terms anyways so I doubt Vince would allow him to return. It's a hate-hate relationship, if I remember correctly.

I don't think the WWE would have room for Kurt. They are pushing a number of guys right now, like Jeff Hardy, for example, so I think that Kurt would just get lost in the shuffle. The only feud I could possibly see is perhaps him and Triple H or maybe even him and MVP, if he ever did end up back there.
I, for one, hope Kurt Angle NEVER comes back to the WWE. I get tired of reading "Kurt Angle is the GREATEST EVER!!!" after he gets carried time and time again by the far superior workers in the WWE, like Shawn Michaels and John Cena. No sooner than Kurt Angle coming back to the WWE, then we would get the Angle dick sucking around here.

Personally, I'm tired of it. I think Kurt Angle has shown what kind of worker he REALLY is in TNA. All hype, little substance. His matches with Joe were, at best, average. About the only person he's worked well with has been AJ Styles...and that's just because AJ is such a good worker.

Anyways, if Angle does come back, I hope they ship him to Smackdown. That way I won't have to see him or Triple H.
I, for one, hope Kurt Angle NEVER comes back to the WWE. I get tired of reading "Kurt Angle is the GREATEST EVER!!!" after he gets carried time and time again by the far superior workers in the WWE, like Shawn Michaels and John Cena. No sooner than Kurt Angle coming back to the WWE, then we would get the Angle dick sucking around here.

Personally, I'm tired of it. I think Kurt Angle has shown what kind of worker he REALLY is in TNA. All hype, little substance. His matches with Joe were, at best, average. About the only person he's worked well with has been AJ Styles...and that's just because AJ is such a good worker.

Anyways, if Angle does come back, I hope they ship him to Smackdown. That way I won't have to see him or Triple H.

You have got to be kidding me?? Are you crazy? Do you not have a brain? Is the answer to any of these questions yes?

Kurt Angle is a damn good worker, and he was NEVER carried in a match by ANYONE. If anything, he carried John Cena in their feuds. I don't know much about Kurt's TNA career, because I don't like the show. But he was one of the best in WWE without question.

I can understand the fact that you don't like Kurt Angle as a performer, but you still have to look at the facts:
1. He has a large fan following, and always had his own attraction match in WWE
2. He's perhaps the best technical wrestler in pro wrestling
3. He has drawn a lot of money in high profile feuds with all the top guys on WWE's roster.
You have got to be kidding me?? Are you crazy? Do you not have a brain? Is the answer to any of these questions yes?

Kurt Angle is a damn good worker, and he was NEVER carried in a match by ANYONE. If anything, he carried John Cena in their feuds. I don't know much about Kurt's TNA career, because I don't like the show. But he was one of the best in WWE without question.

I can understand the fact that you don't like Kurt Angle as a performer, but you still have to look at the facts:
1. He has a large fan following, and always had his own attraction match in WWE
2. He's perhaps the best technical wrestler in pro wrestling
3. He has drawn a lot of money in high profile feuds with all the top guys on WWE's roster.
Please, Kurt Angle is more overrated than sliced bread. Kurt Angle hasn't been a good worker since about 2002. Angle carried Cena in their feud? Did you even watch that feud? Kurt Angle played a TERRIBLE heel. Horribly psychology, and a horrible job of getting people to boo him. Instead of using good heel psychology, he opted for high spots, and crowd-popping moves, which is the NUMBER ONE no-no for heels.

He went to TNA, and has done NOTHING for them. No great matches, no draw increase, and no impact at all on the promotion. He is all hype and always has been. For Angle to ever be any good, he's got to be with someone who can carry his worthless ass to a decent match.

Like John Cena.
Kurt should return, but not to be ****ed like Cena/Edge were, with title shots and reigns out of nowhere. Given his credentials and credibility, he should still probably get 1-2 more title reigns when he returns, each lasting no longer than half a year.

His role should be that of HBK/Undertaker. Putting over younger guys, elevating (and mentoring) them to work comfortably in the ME, before WWE decides to run with them in the title scene. Match him up with rising stars, preferably with amateur background such as Shelton Benjamin, Jack Swagger.
I, for one, hope Kurt Angle NEVER comes back to the WWE. I get tired of reading "Kurt Angle is the GREATEST EVER!!!" after he gets carried time and time again by the far superior workers in the WWE, like Shawn Michaels and John Cena. No sooner than Kurt Angle coming back to the WWE, then we would get the Angle dick sucking around here.

Personally, I'm tired of it. I think Kurt Angle has shown what kind of worker he REALLY is in TNA. All hype, little substance. His matches with Joe were, at best, average. About the only person he's worked well with has been AJ Styles...and that's just because AJ is such a good worker.

Anyways, if Angle does come back, I hope they ship him to Smackdown. That way I won't have to see him or Triple H.

A match is only as good as ALL the participants in it. You can't condem Angle for his match against Joe because it takes two people to make a good match, and Kurt can only work with what he is given. When you look to that, and his matches against, for example, Benoit, they are far surperior because you have two world class athletes who know how to carry a match. Angle is an unbelieveable wrestler, and his lack of substance in TNA can only be down to the talent there, or, lack of it.
A match is only as good as ALL the participants in it. You can't condem Angle for his match against Joe because it takes two people to make a good match, and Kurt can only work with what he is given. When you look to that, and his matches against, for example, Benoit, they are far surperior because you have two world class athletes who know how to carry a match. Angle is an unbelieveable wrestler, and his lack of substance in TNA can only be down to the talent there, or, lack of it.
Almost anyone can deliver a good match against Samoa Joe, is way to heavy and slow to help in a good match situation.

Kurt is good in the ring, my all time favorite inside the ring, he would be a great adition to the WWE roster, its clear, although I wouldn't want him to feud again against Cena, and that feud didn't go as planned thanks to Kurt, and only himself can be blamed, he was face not heel to the live crowd, and that didn't help him at all to establish him as the Heel Main-Eventer, I remember that I read back on 2005/2006 (not sure about the year), that he didn't wont the Chamber on NYR because he was too much over for a heel, and if he won Cena would be heel in that feud.

But, it's sure also that Kurt is in greater shape that he was back on the WWE period, but does not deliver so many great moments as he could.
But, it's sure also that Kurt is in greater shape that he was back on the WWE period, but does not deliver so many great moments as he could.

Kurt Angle is a Fantastic wrestler, one of the best, and among the elite the WWF/E had to offer when he was there. His matches were memorable, and if the WWE put out a DVD of Kurt Angle of his matches after his first DVD release it would be a multi-DVD set. His matches against Shawn Michaels, Benoit, Eddie, Shane, Big Show, Brock Lesner, The Rock, Undertaker, Austin, and other wrestlers are classic matches. At the top of his game he was unbelievable. He may not always have a great positive attitude, but for a man to make a transition from the Olympics to Professional Wrestling is something special. Many Amature wrestlers detest pro-wrestling. He has the ability to make the oposing wrestlers look great while making himself look even better. As long as he's clean I think that the WWE would flourish with his return. He would have to be punished for his remarks about Vince and the WWE. But how many times did Foley come back, didn't Brett accept a WWE Hall of Fame induction,and didn't Bishoff work for Vince too. Anything is possible in the WWE.

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