No interest in Kurt Angle?

The thing that stops it is realistically Warrior... what happened there was so shocking and unexpected I don't think they'll take the risk on someone like Kurt, even if on paper he is a perfect feud for Rusev at Mania.

His substance past ISN'T going to be the biggest issue, RVD came back with a worse history but the problem is that Kurt also has the "broken, freakin' neck TM" and any other injuries he has picked up. Remember this is a guy who when he debuted looked young and less than 7 years later when he left looked VERY old... he'll look worse now without the roids etc to keep him big... so there is a big decision for them to make... do they risk it or let this one go and save the risk for someone like Jeff Hardy, which is more likely to pay off for them?
The thing that stops it is realistically Warrior... what happened there was so shocking and unexpected I don't think they'll take the risk on someone like Kurt, even if on paper he is a perfect feud for Rusev at Mania.

His substance past ISN'T going to be the biggest issue, RVD came back with a worse history but the problem is that Kurt also has the "broken, freakin' neck TM" and any other injuries he has picked up. Remember this is a guy who when he debuted looked young and less than 7 years later when he left looked VERY old... he'll look worse now without the roids etc to keep him big... so there is a big decision for them to make... do they risk it or let this one go and save the risk for someone like Jeff Hardy, which is more likely to pay off for them?

Which is why I said that Angle should be looking at coaching in the NCAA, rather then superstar in the WWE. Build a resume there where Levesque cannot POSSIBLY ignore you for the HoF, hence he'll look like a scumbag. Think about it: the first WWE superstar to lead an NCAA school to victory in wrestling. Is that something your DON'T want in the HoF?

As for Hardy: Yeah, he cleaned up his act. But, the fact that he is still in wrestling is miraculous after what he did in that PPV a few years back. How Dixie Carter let him back is a testament to Dixie's patience of a saint. Had Jeff pulled that on Superstars, never mind a PPV, Vince would have sent him back to Cameron on 5 different planes and strung Jeff's balls from the top of the flagpole at Titan Towers.
Triple H has an intense jealousy of people who are far, far superior to him, but aren't his buds, see: Rock, Bret, Angle, Jericho. His real-life issues with those people are documented. Rock is a megastar who can waltz back in when he wants. Bret and Jericho had personal relationships with Vince. Angle has no connections and has to negotiate with a guy whom he makes extremely insecure. Of course Angle ain't coming back.

Are you serious? You really think the reason the WWE might have no interest in a 45 year old guy that left about 10 years ago and refused rehab. Fallen off the wagon several times. Cannot stay healthy working the lightest schedule a national promotion has ever had. Who has a bad neck that could paralyze him if he sneezes too hard. Has show many symptoms of having some mental problems while blasting the company that made him a multi millionaires any chance he had is because HHH is jealous?

I'm not a HHH apologist but he is a far superior draw, better promo, as good a worker and so much less injury prone. This HHH biased bull**** I see everywhere shows how delusional some people on this site are. If he really had an ego that big would he kiss the ass of Hogan, Bruno, Rock, Warrior and the rest that he has for the betterment of the industry.
Are you serious? You really think the reason the WWE might have no interest in a 45 year old guy that left about 10 years ago and refused rehab. Fallen off the wagon several times. Cannot stay healthy working the lightest schedule a national promotion has ever had. Who has a bad neck that could paralyze him if he sneezes too hard. Has show many symptoms of having some mental problems while blasting the company that made him a multi millionaires any chance he had is because HHH is jealous?

I'm not a HHH apologist but he is a far superior draw, better promo, as good a worker and so much less injury prone. This HHH biased bull**** I see everywhere shows how delusional some people on this site are. If he really had an ego that big would he kiss the ass of Hogan, Bruno, Rock, Warrior and the rest that he has for the betterment of the industry.

The reason Levesque does that is because he is a student of, and respectful of, Wrestling's past. He understands that there is something missing when you do not have the greats from the WWWF/WWF that paved the way so the guy that had a cup of coffee in WCW could become "The Game" in WWF/E. Bruno would NEVER have come because of Vince. Same with Warrior. Levesque did what he needed to do to bring them aboard. This does not mean in the slightest that he does not have an ego, and that was proven in his time in DX.

However, I DO agree with you on Angle. Levesque has to decide on the business end of what does Angle actually bring to the table. As I have said ad nauseum in this thread, Angle brings ZIPPO, ZERO, NIL, NOTHING to the current climate of WWE. That was apparent when Vince referred Angle to Levesque. I have also said ad nauseum what Angle needs to do to grab his rightful spot in the WWE HoF and make Levesque look like a scumbag if his entrance is blocked.
Kurt Angle would definitely be a valuable addition to the roster, even in a non-wrestling role. While he is arguably the best in-ringer worker of all time, he is also very entertaining on the mic. I would love to see him in a kind of GM role and stand up to the Authority. HHH vs Angle feuds were always highly entertaining.

The reason Levesque does that is because he is a student of, and respectful of, Wrestling's past. He understands that there is something missing when you do not have the greats from the WWWF/WWF that paved the way so the guy that had a cup of coffee in WCW could become "The Game" in WWF/E. Bruno would NEVER have come because of Vince. Same with Warrior. Levesque did what he needed to do to bring them aboard. This does not mean in the slightest that he does not have an ego, and that was proven in his time in DX.

However, I DO agree with you on Angle. Levesque has to decide on the business end of what does Angle actually bring to the table. As I have said ad nauseum in this thread, Angle brings ZIPPO, ZERO, NIL, NOTHING to the current climate of WWE. That was apparent when Vince referred Angle to Levesque. I have also said ad nauseum what Angle needs to do to grab his rightful spot in the WWE HoF and make Levesque look like a scumbag if his entrance is blocked.

I'm not saying in his prime he didn't use his status as a top guy to give his opinion on guys coming up. Did he make the decision to speak his mind then and say "So and so isn't quite the yet"? Of course, every top guy has done that in some form or fashion. Its clear that in his spot as the number 2b (Steph being 2a) he is doing what's best for the company. A lot of people said that contrary to the on TV angle, HHH was one of DBs biggest supporters (pre Batista) and after the fans turned on big Dave. That being said, if when the time comes we know Kurt will get a legends deal, a dvd, the hall of fame, and a few special TV cameos. If, and its a big if, he passes the WWEs doctors tests I'm sure Kurt will have a match or 3. Just not a full time road schedule.
On the Steve Austin Show - highly recommended if you can tolerate hearing your childhood hero shill for dick pills - Kurt Angle mentioned how he felt like he was in the best shape of his life and how he felt like he had years left in his career yet. My immediate thought was: "Bullshit."

Kurt's obviously broken down. He can still perform because he still forces himself to perform but he's plainly a liability and WWE officials would be understandably reluctant to put him back in a ring on any sort of schedule.

I say this as someone who, selfishly, would kill to see Kurt Angle back wrestling in a WWE ring. Angle's worst side was brought out by TNA's lack of restraint, just as it was with Jeff "internal monologue and facepaint" Hardy. I know what saying I'd like to see him wrestle Daniel Bryan makes me sound like - like the sort of person that would suggest a thirty-two man ultimate submission tournament in place of the Royal Rumble - but I don't care.

Then there's the face-slappingly obvious bit: Kurt Angle was one of the best realised characters that WWE had. That a genuine Olympic gold medalist was one of their most charismatic performers is nothing short of bizarre. I wouldn't see any problem with giving him some sort of on-screen role, or even just being a trainer at the performance center - if they can be assured he won't get drunk and drive into a schoolbus.
Personally I have little to no interest in seeing Kurt Angle make his triumphant return to WWE, at least not in terms of even semi-regular in ring competition. Most of my reasons have already been expressed in this thread. At this stage of his career, despite his attempts to suggest otherwise, I don't think he is physically capable of regular activity at a level that we the WWE universe expect of him. I really don't need to see a shell of the former Kurt Angle come back to attempt to reclaim past glory.

I think his personal demons are common knowledge. Multiple DUI's, which he has been arrogant enough to virtually ignore, as well as his well known issues with pain medication. As far as I'm concerned, more risk than reward at this stage of the game.

The biggest problem for me, though, is his familiar and unsurprising arrogance. Angle talks like his return to WWE is a foregone conclusion, it's just a matter of him deciding where and when, and they'll welcome him back with open arms and put him front and centre in a major storyline. I for one would love to see WWE correct this incorrect assumption. Thanks but no thanks, Kurt, we've got all the talent we need right here right now, with plenty more on the horizon in developmental. We don't need the drama, the risk, the headaches. You go enjoy retirement. Or attempting to keep TNA afloat. Or the indies. The WWE world didn't revolve around Kurt Angle when he was in WWE years ago (part of the reason why he left in my opinion) and it need not revolve around him now.

Having said all of this, he could be of some benefit to WWE if he finds himself out of work in the near future. I wouldn't mind seeing him behind the scenes, as a trainer or working in NXT or something like this. I could handle some sort of in ring cameo, much like Hogan has been doing since his most recent return to WWE. I forget how much the WWE Network costs, he could always appear in RAW to remind me. And I wouldn't be opposed to seeing him inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. He wouldn't headline the year, mind you, he'd be the number two inductee of his respective year. But he does deserve to be a member of that elite group.

I guess the question remaining is, would Kurt Angle return to WWE under such circumstances. Would he be a predominantly backstage guy, appearing sporadically in a non wrestling capacity, culminating in a non-headlining induction into the Hall of Fame? Or would he only return if they made him the center of the universe. I suspect I know the answer to that question. Therefore, I have no expectation or anticipation of seeing him back in the WWE.

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