Kurt Angle to TNA?

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Dkko said:
If anybody would make TNA watchable, it's none other than the Big Show, you people can cry all you want about that the only thing big show would do in TNA is fill it up with gas and run it out of business, but unlike you who want your jerichos, benoits and angles to fire up TNA, sure they would put up great matches and Angle vs Sting would surely top any Wrestlemania 23 match, but I think that if Big Show wins the NWA title, he'll put the company on top of the world, much like he did with WCW when he was their world champion 10 years ago, imagine the pride that the Jarretts would feel if the ONLY man in history to hold the WCW, WWF, WWE, ECW AND NWA titles was their top man, that would be a claim that not even Ric Flair or Lou Thesz could make, and maybe by winning the NWA title, the Big Show would surpass Andre as the premier Big Man in the history of the business

Big Show sure is allot more mobile & athletic than gool'ol Andre & than most fans think, but i don't see him going anywhere.
I hate to be a dick and say no but thats what im gonna do. Sure id love Angle in TNA one could only dream the matchups but id rather have Kurt alive. WHen he does come back there is no doubt in my mind that he is going straight back to the E.
There is more chance of a hole appearing in the earth, a man crawling out claiming to be Vince Russo and the devil's love child, taking control of World Governments and making everyone bow to his will than of Angle going to TNA. He is:

1) Injured beyond belief. Dude can't even feel his hands any more.
2) Not exactly poor and in need of money
3) Too obsessed with being in the HoF to 'tarnish' his name with TNA
4) An 'E man through and through
5) Not actually that great anymore, although name value still exists I guess

All in all, nothing good can come from it apart from what happened with Sting; a few weeks ratings spike and then a plateau reached once again.
There is the possibility of him going. But it would definately burn all bridges with WWE. Although we would get some great matches. But, he's gotta heal first.
I don't wanna upset alot of the more avid TNA fans here but,why wolud Angle go to a company and win it's title and then in a few months or less be made to job to one of the owners?
As much as I'd like to see Angle in TNA, it's not happening. He has more issues to deal with than just his injuries. Painkiller addiction, wife getting ready to give birth to his 1st son and wanting a divorce.

Lets all just hope he gets things straightened out in his life and we see him back in any ring sometime soon.
Kurt Angle should go to TNA for personal and professinal reasons. Personal: Florida is a great place for him, he can relax in Flordia, he doesn't have to travel, he doesn't have as hard of a sheudule i mean TNA wrestlers only work 1 show a week. Professinal: He will be LOVED by the TNA fans, he can carry TNA, if Christian Cage won the NWA Title that quick imange how quick Kurt will get the title and personally I would LOVE for him to go to TNA
As one guy said already, Kurt Angle is a WWE loyalist. WWE's been good to him and he recognizes it. Angle and Vince are good friends, never really seemed to rub another the wrong way. I don't know how long it'll be till Kurt is ready to get back in the ring...and as a matter of fact, I don't know if he even will be back in the ring at all but if he does get everything straightened out and he heals up, he'll be training to return to WWE. If Angle were to go to TNA, sure it would be good for TNA and the TNA fans because he's quite possibly the best in the business but if he went there, it would be a slap in the face to Vince, WWE managements, all the guys in the locker room, and the WWE fans. With that being said, I don't think Kurt would ever step in a TNA ring. Him signing there isn't a possibility at all.
TNA fans in the kick ass Impact Zone will have a vessel burst in their head because of actual talent gracing their shitty 6 sided ring. You can't put Kurt on a sinking ship. Have him work a few dates for ROH and have an Angle/Dragon or an Angle/Joe dream match.
Steve Corino said:
TNA fans in the kick ass Impact Zone will have a vessel burst in their head because of actual talent gracing their shitty 6 sided ring. You can't put Kurt on a sinking ship. Have him work a few dates for ROH and have an Angle/Dragon or an Angle/Joe dream match.
Actual talent? Kurt is already on a sinking ship. The difference is that it's a better funded one. WWE is crap by comparison when you compare the in-ring product of both companies and the consistency of the crowd's responses. Or if you compare the product of WWE at present with what it was eight or nine years ago, it's presently on life support. The crowd responses are non-existent by comparison and the angles are mostly directionless. Spirit Squad? DX? Look, TNA may have Shark Boy and Eric Young to contend with, but they're not always splashed in the main events of the company...or it's PPVs. Why is the six-sided ring "shitty?" Do you have trouble counting all of the sides? Rather than having Angle work a few dates for ROH, put him in a company where talent is usually rewarded over gimmicks, unlike what emanates from Stamford. If Angle returns, he'll just be wasted again. Like he was for the last four years, because WWE can't book to save their life.
scalizi said:
that would be like getting sent to the minor leagues...a main eventer would have no incentive to take a pay cut and go somewhere else that is less visible. The man is sick, he's taking time off from wrestling to get his shit together. I'm sure if he does decide to continue wrestling in the future, it would be with WWE, with a modified schedule that allows him to extend his career. I also wouldn't be surprised if he took an office position with the company down the road.

I know he is just having wife problems and is taking a couple years off to fix it..he also needs to spend time with Familly and recover from alot of injuries...I tink its a great idea and hope he will return to WWE again...
gamehead said:
Kurt Angle should go to TNA for personal and professinal reasons. Personal: Florida is a great place for him, he can relax in Flordia, he doesn't have to travel, he doesn't have as hard of a sheudule i mean TNA wrestlers only work 1 show a week. Professinal: He will be LOVED by the TNA fans, he can carry TNA, if Christian Cage won the NWA Title that quick imange how quick Kurt will get the title and personally I would LOVE for him to go to TNA

Ok but what happens when TNA start to travel which there gonna soon..There already gpoing to somewhere for Bound for glory...Plus moving is hard plus he needs to heal up....He can die from wrestling..he has alot of injuries and needs to heal up and why would he go to a company giving him less than half the money he was making in WWE...And dont get repetitive..They may have signed CC but thats because he was never big in WWe even tho he had a short feud with Cena...He nevr got that ppv bout with Cena..Even tho he deserved it...And Sting was signed because his contract is different then others...
ShaneRamlall said:
Ok but what happens when TNA start to travel which there gonna soon..There already gpoing to somewhere for Bound for glory...Plus moving is hard plus he needs to heal up....He can die from wrestling..he has alot of injuries and needs to heal up and why would he go to a company giving him less than half the money he was making in WWE...And dont get repetitive..They may have signed CC but thats because he was never big in WWe even tho he had a short feud with Cena...He nevr got that ppv bout with Cena..Even tho he deserved it...And Sting was signed because his contract is different then others...

But he doesn't have ato wrestle as much cause TNA rarely does house shows while in WWE thats why he had to work so much. I never said he was gonna sign immediately, he could take his rest and with 6 out of 7 days off for him he could use that time to heal. I thik TNA can pay him the money so thats not a problem they just didn't sign Goldberg cause TNA really wasn't that interested in him.
gamehead said:
But he doesn't have ato wrestle as much cause TNA rarely does house shows while in WWE thats why he had to work so much. I never said he was gonna sign immediately, he could take his rest and with 6 out of 7 days off for him he could use that time to heal. I thik TNA can pay him the money so thats not a problem they just didn't sign Goldberg cause TNA really wasn't that interested in him.

Well ok you think TNA can pay him more then what WWe pays him and even if they do WWE can top whatever TNA throws at him...I really think he would go back to WWe...and again more time with familly..Yeah its only one show for a 3 or two weeks of impact but still any little injury can be effective...He still shoulnt chance it and him and vince left on good terms so again he wouldnt do that...
ShaneRamlall said:
Well ok you think TNA can pay him more then what WWe pays him and even if they do WWE can top whatever TNA throws at him...I really think he would go back to WWe...and again more time with familly..Yeah its only one show for a 3 or two weeks of impact but still any little injury can be effective...He still shoulnt chance it and him and vince left on good terms so again he wouldnt do that...

Agian this is where I throw in Christian Cage in this. The WWE didn't what him to leave so they topped the offer TNA gave him but to him it wasn't about money. Money isn't everything that goes into this decision and if it's true that he's a WWE loyalist then yes he will go to the WWE but none of us know for sure really if he's a WWE loyalist cause were not his friends or close family and I know some people that say him and Vince were butting heads cause stuff like he never wanted to be associated ECW cause he never liked ECW after the crucifixion storyline which he attended and that he wanted a WWE Title not an ECW title and people might say he's a WWE loyalist cause he's spent 7 years with the company but really where else was he gonna go? WCW died less then 2 years later and after that he could not go anywhere else cause he signed a no-compete clause in his contract so he could not go to TNA at that time.
Kasey said:
Actually, the only words Angle would have for anything at this point is "oww, my neck hurts."

I never heard him in real pain
gamehead said:
Agian this is where I throw in Christian Cage in this. The WWE didn't what him to leave so they topped the offer TNA gave him but to him it wasn't about money. Money isn't everything that goes into this decision and if it's true that he's a WWE loyalist then yes he will go to the WWE but none of us know for sure really if he's a WWE loyalist cause were not his friends or close family and I know some people that say him and Vince were butting heads cause stuff like he never wanted to be associated ECW cause he never liked ECW after the crucifixion storyline which he attendedand that he whated a WWE Title not an ECW title and people might say he's a WWE loyalist cause he's spent 7 years with the company but really where else was he gonna go? WCW died less then 2 years later and after that he could not go anywhere else cause he sign a no-compete clause in his contract so he could not go to TNA at that time.

Exactly my point..Money isnt everything...CC went to TNA cuz he knew he would get a better push but with Kurt Angle he will get a better career either way and WWE wont let TNA get their hands on him so theyll always try and top their offer...With Kurt Angle his career was a success in WWE unlike Cage...Cage is way different then Angle in this situation..And i love TNA im not a hater but even i have to admit this wont happen...
we can still dream....I know it won't happen....99% sure it won't..but god...just imagining it is amazing....
ShaneRamlall said:
Exactly my point..Money isnt everything...CC went to TNA cuz he knew he would get a better push but with Kurt Angle he will get a better career either way and WWE wont let TNA get their hands on him so theyll always try and top their offer...With Kurt Angle his career was a success in WWE unlike Cage...Cage is way different then Angle in this situation..And i love TNA im not a hater but even i have to admit this wont happen...

But other things he has to take to account that he has to think about on where he's gonna go to. Lets see which is better for him to do.One reason he left is because he could not spend time with his family. If he went back to the WWE he would have to wrestle almost everyday with ECW and then the house shows so theres no time for family but if he went to TNA all he has to is work 1 once a week sometimes 2 for the rare house shows or the PPVs so if he has more time to spend with his family. TNA gets a point. No doubt WWE will pay more money then TNA so WWE gets a point there. Another reason he left is cause he had non-stop pain. After he rests if he goes back to the WWE the shudule willl take a toll on his body while again in TNA there are tons of time to rest his body and mind. TNA is lead 2-1. He will get more fame in the WWE then TNA so the WWE gets a point there even though fame shoudn't really that important. Now for traveling. Currently TNA does not travel so he and his family settle down, buy a house and stay in one place while if he went to the WWE all the traveling would mean less time with his wife and kid/s and no time to settle down in one place. TNA leads now 3-2. Lastly if we add all this together where will he have the longer carrer? All the factors together will mean that if he went to the WWE he will end up having a way shorter career and end up quiting soon AGAIN with the only thing he gains is more money and more fame while if he went to TNA this will help his family, his body, his life and his longevity of his carrer. The best move for him to make is to go to TNA but he most likely will make the wrong desicion.
gamehead said:
But other things he has to take to account that he has to think about on where he's gonna go to. Lets see which is better for him to do.One reason he left is because he could not spend time with his family. If he went back to the WWE he would have to wrestle almost everyday with ECW and then the house shows so theres no time for family but if he went to TNA all he has to is work 1 once a week sometimes 2 for the rare house shows or the PPVs so if he has more time to spend with his family. TNA gets a point. No doubt WWE will pay more money then TNA so WWE gets a point there. Another reason he left is cause he had non-stop pain. After he rests if he goes back to the WWE the shudule willl take a toll on his body while again in TNA there are tons of time to rest his body and mind. TNA is lead 2-1. He will get more fame in the WWE then TNA so the WWE gets a point there even though fame shoudn't really that important. Now for traveling. Currently TNA does not travel so he and his family settle down, buy a house and stay in one place while if he went to the WWE all the traveling would mean less time with his wife and kid/s and no time to settle down in one place. TNA leads now 3-2. Lastly if we add all this together where will he have the longer carrer? All the factors together will mean that if he went to the WWE he will end up having a way shorter career and end up quiting soon AGAIN with the only thing he gains is more money and more fame while if he went to TNA this will help his family, his body, his life and his longevity of his carrer. The best move for him to make is to go to TNA but he most likely will make the wrong desicion.

First of all...You said fame isnt that important yet last night you said wrestlers only wrestle for fame...or something like that during an aim conversation...Secound of all...Yeah if he settles down in FL he might rest and be with his familly...but maybe his wife wouldnt want that..Maybe where he is living now is easy because his kids can visit grandparents and school..Ity would be harder on the kids..because they will have to go to a new school..You cant just move somewhere that easy...You have to take other things into mind...Like his children..School, other familly members other then his wife and kids...School is the most importaznt part because what if his children have the chance to go to a better school then they could get into Florida...Secound all he needs is a sabbatical and he wouldnt need TNA..he can take the sabbatical and be at 100% for WWE...there are many other solutions then working with TNA...and as his wrestling career develops TNA will start to travel then what...he's rather off with WWE because of the fact TNA will travel soon and WWE is already traveling and if his wife has a problem with TNA traveling she would make him go for a release so its senseless...I think the best decision for Angle right now is to stay unemployed as a wrestler...And keep in mind travelng somewhere isnt easy...
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