ShaneRamlall said:First of all...You said fame isnt that important yet last night you said wrestlers only wrestle for fame...or something like that during an aim conversation...Secound of all...Yeah if he settles down in FL he might rest and be with his familly...but maybe his wife wouldnt want that..Maybe where he is living now is easy because his kids can visit grandparents and school..Ity would be harder on the kids..because they will have to go to a new school..You cant just move somewhere that easy...You have to take other things into mind...Like his children..School, other familly members other then his wife and kids...School is the most importaznt part because what if his children have the chance to go to a better school then they could get into Florida...Secound all he needs is a sabbatical and he wouldnt need TNA..he can take the sabbatical and be at 100% for WWE...there are many other solutions then working with TNA...and as his wrestling career develops TNA will start to travel then what...he's rather off with WWE because of the fact TNA will travel soon and WWE is already traveling and if his wife has a problem with TNA traveling she would make him go for a release so its senseless...I think the best decision for Angle right now is to stay unemployed as a wrestler...And keep in mind travelng somewhere isnt easy...
the aim conversation I said fame isn't really that important and then you said it's a part of why wrestlers wrestle. Anyways, He has a 3-year old kid who has not started school yet and another kid is on the way so the kid won't care about going to a new scholl when she didn't start yet. If here wife is mad at him cause he travels I think she'll like it better if they stayed in one place. Kurts parents are so the kid don't visit. As I said before if he goes back to the WWE after he's healthy he'll just get hurt again. TNA isn't gonna move for another few years just cause there going to Detriot for Bound For Glory doesn't mean that much it depends on the ticket sales for that date. And I'm saying that AFTER he's 100% heatlhy the best thing for him to do is TNA not NOW.