This whole ECW thing doesnt matter its way too late IMO. The whole thing goes back to Kurt wanting the Stone Cold/Hogan legacy when hes done. He wanted to be on that level, the undisputed top guy in the federation and even in the industry. Instead he was abused and set as a second priority behind Cena, Batista and HHH. The last two years whould have been the Kurt Angle era in wrestling. BTW, can nobody ever stick up for Vince ever again, regardless of if you like the WWE or not, the man himself is just scum and its not like that is a secret - him giving Kurt a chance to get his life back in order by releasing him is a spit in the face of Kurt who has lost his only form of income until Vince decides otherwise, when Kurt had guaranteed money on a contract.
And to the mark who for some stupid reason kept using the WWE's WCW logo evrytime he wanted to reference the dead federation coz he obviously has that much spare time, i ask you to actually watch TNA instead of just readin about it, that way you would have at least some fkn clue as to what you are on about. Like mentioned above TNA is its own and just because it has Jarret and Sting it doesnt make it a WCW copycat. Hell if that were the case, the WWE [who has Booker, Rey, all the old WCW titles, Benoit, Shane Helms, Psichosis (always spell that wrong), Regal, Finlay, Ric Flair, James Gibson, (hell the entire cruiserwight division for that matter), and towards the end of WCW the non-sensical and random storytelling, go nowhere feuds among so many other things] would have to be the biggest WCW wannbe copycat company that there has ever been. In closing I would like to remind marks to think before you talk shit just for the sake of saying something.