Kurt Angle to TNA?

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peopleschamp said:
Relegating Kurt to midcard status??? If I remember correctly Kurt was World Heavyweight Champion just few months ago, so how's that being relegated to mid-card status? And what's wrong with Kurt being sent to ECW to lend it some legitimacy? Doesn't that speak volumes of what Vince thinks about ECW, that he actually trusts Kurt's presence could make ECW's relaunching a success? And Vince deserves nothing more than gratitude for caring enough about Kurt to intervene and gave Kurt the ultimatum to straighten out his life before Kurt finds himself dead.
I think Angle was shuffled off to Smackdown as a last ditch effort to put the title around someone with legitimacy because Batista got hurt. The show was and is a dead-end compared to Raw...and that's not saying much these days. The problem with Angle being sent to ECW to lend cred is that ECW doesn't need Angle...they need to use their own talent. Big Show isn't really helping much in terms of street cred if you ask me. Angle should be the premiere wrestler in the big company and the focal point. He was one of the best performers in the company. If I remember correctly, in an interview around the time of the first ONS pay-per-view, Angle stated he hated the ECW style of working, so it looks to me like Vince was forcing him to quit in a roundabout way. Not to piss anyone off, but I think the only reason Vince wouldn't bleed Angle dry is because of Eddie and what happened with him, and the backlash he'd get for it (hence the "wellness" program). WWE has already had some bad press recently because of that college study. This would've made things even worse.
Kasey said:
I tThe problem with Angle being sent to ECW to lend cred is that ECW doesn't need Angle...they need to use their own talent. Big Show isn't really helping much in terms of street cred if you ask me. Angle should be the premiere wrestler in the big company and the focal point. He was one of the best performers in the company.
Theoretically, ECW doesn't need Angle or Big Show, BUT you have to remember that it was Sci-Fi who requested that Vince send some top stars from the WWE to help boost ratings for ECW, and Vince gave them one of his best, if not the best wrestler on his roster.
This whole ECW thing doesnt matter its way too late IMO. The whole thing goes back to Kurt wanting the Stone Cold/Hogan legacy when hes done. He wanted to be on that level, the undisputed top guy in the federation and even in the industry. Instead he was abused and set as a second priority behind Cena, Batista and HHH. The last two years whould have been the Kurt Angle era in wrestling. BTW, can nobody ever stick up for Vince ever again, regardless of if you like the WWE or not, the man himself is just scum and its not like that is a secret - him giving Kurt a chance to get his life back in order by releasing him is a spit in the face of Kurt who has lost his only form of income until Vince decides otherwise, when Kurt had guaranteed money on a contract.

And to the mark who for some stupid reason kept using the WWE's WCW logo evrytime he wanted to reference the dead federation coz he obviously has that much spare time, i ask you to actually watch TNA instead of just readin about it, that way you would have at least some fkn clue as to what you are on about. Like mentioned above TNA is its own and just because it has Jarret and Sting it doesnt make it a WCW copycat. Hell if that were the case, the WWE [who has Booker, Rey, all the old WCW titles, Benoit, Shane Helms, Psichosis (always spell that wrong), Regal, Finlay, Ric Flair, James Gibson, (hell the entire cruiserwight division for that matter), and towards the end of WCW the non-sensical and random storytelling, go nowhere feuds among so many other things] would have to be the biggest WCW wannbe copycat company that there has ever been. In closing I would like to remind marks to think before you talk shit just for the sake of saying something.
attila said:
This whole ECW thing doesnt matter its way too late IMO. The whole thing goes back to Kurt wanting the Stone Cold/Hogan legacy when hes done. He wanted to be on that level, the undisputed top guy in the federation and even in the industry. Instead he was abused and set as a second priority behind Cena, Batista and HHH. The last two years whould have been the Kurt Angle era in wrestling. BTW, can nobody ever stick up for Vince ever again, regardless of if you like the WWE or not, the man himself is just scum and its not like that is a secret - him giving Kurt a chance to get his life back in order by releasing him is a spit in the face of Kurt who has lost his only form of income until Vince decides otherwise, when Kurt had guaranteed money on a contract.
OK, you obviously have a total misunderstanding of the situation. First, Kurt is not the only one who wants to remember as one of the best in the business. The reason why Kurt has been kept out of the main event scene for the last few years was NOT because Vince was trying to hold Kurt back, but Kurt has been having nagging injuries dating back to 2003 and even back to his amateur years. In fact, since his debut Kurt has been given every chance to succeed, having one of the quickest rise to the top in WWE history (winning three of the major titles – WWE World, IC, Euro – in one year, not to mention King of the Ring). However, injuries have definitely held Kurt back. Second, Vince was doing Kurt a favor by releasing him, based on what Kurt said before that the only way Vince could stop him was to release him. Kurt, being a great competitor that he is, is someone who just doesn’t know when to quit, so Vince HAD TO do something radical by releasing him before Kurt ends up dying in the ring.

Aren't you glad that you have someone like me to set you straight when you're obviously misinformed?
Please, let's not try to make Vince McMahon out to be some magnanimous ruler, doing things solely for the good of his subjects. Vince is all about the money - don't get me wrong, I understand he's a businessman; I'd do the same were I in his shoes - and does things for one reason, and one reason only - for the good of his investment.

I won't believe anything said on either side until the situation is settled; I will guarantee Kurt won't tell the truth of the matter until he's either left the company (and is free to speak his mind) or has gone back to WWE and told the truth through his actions. Postulation based on was has or hasn't been said on either side of the argument in nothing more than mental *********ion.

All I have to go on is Vince's treatment of wrestlers in the past; based on that evidence, I have to assume Vince has fucked Kurt over much like he's fucked over every wrestler he's ever dealt with, once they weren't as useful to him any more...


Forgot to address the ECW...

I liked the old ECW. It filled an entertainment niche neither WCW nor WWF wanted to. But the new ECW has the hand of God (Vince) all over it. I watch it, and all I see is a televised OVW, with a few old school ECW wrestlers thrown in to give it an air of legitimacy. To see Paul Heyman, Sandman, Sabu, RVD, et. al., involved in that crap saddens me. I don't think, televised or not, it will ever rise above the level of training camp/dumping ground for Smackdown. THAT is why it was a smack in the face for Kurt to be sent there. He doesn't even fit in the Extreme style of wrestling. If Vince wanted to send some real star power over, why didn't he send Rey? Foley?? Matt Hardy? (OK, Matt's star has gotten a bit tarnished, but I think he'd do well) Shit, I think Edge would fit perfectly in that milieu... but he won't go, cause it's the Bush league. Am I wrong???
peopleschamp said:
Theoretically, ECW doesn't need Angle or Big Show, BUT you have to remember that it was Sci-Fi who requested that Vince send some top stars from the WWE to help boost ratings for ECW, and Vince gave them one of his best, if not the best wrestler on his roster.
I can see what you mean. Kind of like TNA's situation bringing in fresh faces to secure the Spike TV deal.
yea but look what it would be like without big show, i mean i know every1 hates him cuz he looks sloppy in the ring but for a guy that size he moves damn well compaired to andre or any other 500 plus wrestler
Angle v. Joe is the only thing you can think of.

Imagine Angle, Joe, Daniels and Senshi in a 4 way. THE most intense dudes in wrestling all together in the ring going crazy at eachother. Can you imagine this and/or any singles match between Angle and any one of these three. It would be fkn insane. Styles would also be awesome. Kurt Angle in TNA is a wrestling fan's wet dream - its that simple. Well actually Kurt in ROH is a wrestling fan's wet dream but you get the idea, lol.
All I can say is that Kurt Angle v. Samoa Joe in a Submission Match for the NWA World Heavyweight Title is a dream match.
attila said:
Angle v. Joe is the only thing you can think of.

Imagine Angle, Joe, Daniels and Senshi in a 4 way. THE most intense dudes in wrestling all together in the ring going crazy at eachother. Can you imagine this and/or any singles match between Angle and any one of these three. It would be fkn insane. Styles would also be awesome. Kurt Angle in TNA is a wrestling fan's wet dream - its that simple. Well actually Kurt in ROH is a wrestling fan's wet dream but you get the idea, lol.

I agree, joe vs. angle is just the match I personally would like to see the most, the other matches you mentioned aslo sound like great matches, another good one would be Angle Vs. Raven in a House Of Fun match
justinsayne said:
I agree, joe vs. angle is just the match I personally would like to see the most, the other matches you mentioned aslo sound like great matches, another good one would be Angle Vs. Raven in a House Of Fun match

Justinsayne I must admit that idea is fuckn JUST INSANE, lol. Nice.
Kasey said:
Actual talent? Kurt is already on a sinking ship. The difference is that it's a better funded one. WWE is crap by comparison when you compare the in-ring product of both companies and the consistency of the crowd's responses. Or if you compare the product of WWE at present with what it was eight or nine years ago, it's presently on life support. The crowd responses are non-existent by comparison and the angles are mostly directionless. Spirit Squad? DX? Look, TNA may have Shark Boy and Eric Young to contend with, but they're not always splashed in the main events of the company...or it's PPVs. Why is the six-sided ring "shitty?" Do you have trouble counting all of the sides? Rather than having Angle work a few dates for ROH, put him in a company where talent is usually rewarded over gimmicks, unlike what emanates from Stamford. If Angle returns, he'll just be wasted again. Like he was for the last four years, because WWE can't book to save their life.

Ugh, TNA crowd is dying. I turned on impact for like 10 minutes last week and the crowd was DEAD. WWE is not on a sinking ship as it has been making money consistently. And Angle int going to TNA.
dmacid said:
Ugh, TNA crowd is dying. I turned on impact for like 10 minutes last week and the crowd was DEAD. WWE is not on a sinking ship as it has been making money consistently. And Angle int going to TNA.
TNA's crowd is dying? How? By starting chants numerous times throughout the broadcast without direction? If WWE's been making consistent money like you say, then why is McMahon no longer a billionaire? Maybe he misplaced a few million. And as to WWE being a sinking ship, I'm referring to the quality of the products. They suck. ECW is garbage. Raw is directionless. And I won't even begin to talk Smackdown because it's not necessary. TNA also doesn't have to pipe in crowd chants during the matches because the workers can actually keep a crowd entertained. Something that WWE has had a problem doing for the last three to four years.
kurt Angle would be huge for TNA, if they signed him that would probably be the person that could get them a primetime spot and finally bring back the monday night war...
Why is everybody comparing Sting's contract to every other piece of talent that tries to get into the company? And, why wouldn't TNA offer Kurt Angle a "Sting-like contract"? He's more popular than Sting is. He has better in-ring skills. He has about equal mic-skills, maybe even better. Just think of how huge TNA would get if they had a crowd pleaser like Angle going for that NWA Title. It wouldn't matter about the money. Everybody needs an American Hero, and WWE just lost theirs.
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