Raw's 02/21/11 Announcement

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The Brain

King Of The Ring
Ok we all just saw the 2/21/11 segment on Raw. Let’s not start a million threads about what it could mean. Keep all the speculation in here.

A natural first thought is this could be the long anticipated debut of Sting. I'm not sure how likely that is. He's always said he doesn't want to work for Vince, but we all know you can never say never in wrestling. Sting is getting on in years and maybe he doesn't want to look back at his career with regret. It would be a shame if he never worked for the biggest wrestling company in the world and never got to work at the biggest event.

Undertaker is another logical thought. He's been out for a while and is rumored to be back for mania. This would leave enough time to hype his mania match.

It could also be someone new. I don't think that's likely. I figure WWE would just wait until after mania to debut a new star.

What are your thoughts? Keep in mind it's the day after Elimination Chamber.

NO SPAM - You must give GOOD REASONING behind all of your opinions
:unsure:Ok so just saw the commercial.... who could it be??? Takers return? Kongs Debut? It had the Taker type aura to it, but im not for sure... i hope its taker, but thats a pretty cool promo for either as it is... i am very intrigued by it!

whats your opinions?
IT'S STIIIIING! I'm going with sting... Why? Because of the trench coat and the style of promo. Plus he was too thin to be Kong.
sting is now intriquing but i cant be sure, if so wwe is keeping it a very very well kept secret that they have him signed, much like they did cenas 2008 royal rumble return, but honestly wouldnt Sting be the main inductee for a HOF? I dont know just my oinion
my initial first thought was Undertaker however the 21st of Feb is a Monday so it cant be Taker as he rarely appears on RAW

My second guess would be a new talent being brought up from development.
Eiter that or its Awesome Kong wearing a long coat
I'm actually going with Sting, granted it may just have been a WWE video department guy walking about but the movement seemed too quick for Taker's style and more like Sting. The date is the day after the PPV so my bet is on them announcing Sting as the next HOF inductee.
I thought Taker too, but with the supposed match planned for him at Wrestlemania I don't see why he would come back so early and to Raw.

As for Sting, isn't this a youth movement? I don't see why he would come in now. I don't know where he would actually fit in on Raw with the currents feuds and probable feuds.
So if you were watching Raw they had a dark background and a man walking followed by 02/21/11... With speculation the WWE want Sting for this years HOF am I the only person thinking after 25 years we will finally see Sting in Mcmahonland??? This vingette is definatly made in a Sting style way...
with all the talk sting was going back to tna, i still have my doubts, i mean a raw for a debut tho kind of seems a little low key, but i guess it will be easier to tell in the coming weeks, i am definently interested to see how the following weeks promos go and if they get me even more intrigued! if it is sting id love it as he is my fav all time... interested to see who it is!
Im going with Sting there is only 2 men in wrestling history that wears a trench coat Taker and Sting, i though it would be HHH becuase of his new movie,
While it would be fucking great if Sting came in, I'm certainly not getting my hopes up. I think this could be Michael Tarver re-introducing himself to the WWE as they have given him that sort of mysterious character, which is fine as I'm a fan of his.

Although, I have trouble comprehending the WWE giving a guy like Tarver this kind of hype, and just before Mania at that. It'll most likely be someone who is a huge part of the show, and I don't see Tarver playing that big a role.

Well, I'm starting to argue with myself, so I'll end with this; We'll see.
Did anyone see the commercial before WWE came back to Raw?

It was a guy in all black walking up to the steps of a cabin, while it was raining.... then it gave a date....Who could this be?

Rain and Darkness reminds me of Sting....and the cabin could be the "WWE" which he has never been before....

If you look closely as the date fades..... it almost looks like it says Sting!!
My gut instinct is that it's Tyler Black's debut... with the youth movement I don't see Sting coming in.

If it's Sting I'm going to be totally stoked, but I'm more excited about the fact their might be a younger "dark" character to continue on since Kane and Undertaker are reaching the end of their careers...
On WWE Chat they all think its Skip Sheffield. Just throwing that out. I think it really is the debut of none other than Sting or Taker coming to Raw. (Awesome Kong would be funny)
Not really sure who to even guess that this is. It could be Sting. I doubt it's Undertaker. But has Sting ever repped cowboy boots? It's hard to say who it is. Maybe it's the return of Diesel? What? I can dream!
There's no way in hell that 2/21/11 will have anything whatsoever to do with Sting. In my opinion, and this is pure speculation only as I have not been doing any spoiler activity and as such will have to wait until Thursday to see who "they" version 2.0 will be, but I would bet almost anything that this will be a MEM style faction, lead by Sting. If Sting in fact does return to TNA this Thursday, this of course would end any speculation about 2/21/11 involving him in any way. It could be intriguing, though, if iMPACT comes and goes without Sting, then the speculation will really run rampant.

I don't think it will be Sting for the above reasons, plus even if he was coming to the big leagues, after years on anonymity, I don't think they would announce it over a month before Wrestlemania, they would save it for a dramatic surprise closer to the event.

Won't be Taker. He comes and goes all the time without vignettes of this nature. Plus, why would he return on RAW, as he is a Smackdown superstar?

My guess is a new debut of some sort. Possibly Tyler Black.
Well the February 21st Raw is scheduled for California and that is where Sting lives. This sets up perfectly for a Hall of Fame ceremony induction in his old WCW territory of Atlanta. That vignette looked and sounded too much like Sting. I hope it is him!
I don't know what to think of the promo. On the first thought, it looked like it might have been a Undertaker promo. However, upon repeated viewing, I get a sense that it might be Sting based on the very limited look the camera gave of the physical features of the mystery person. Another aesthetic think that caught my eye was the use of the rain. Sting's promos in the past, both in WCW and in TNA, have involved the use of this element (more so than Undertaker). I'm leaning towards a Sting WWE debut. But I wouldn't be shocked if it ended up being the Demon from Death Valley.
of possible people we have:
michael tarver
and tyler black

if its any of these 4 i will MTFO im a huge fan of all 3, maybe friday and the following modays we'll see more promos to give us more insight.
It is the boogeyman, becaus ehe cut a promo on youtube saying, coming to a neighbourhood near you. Check it out if you do not believe me.

More promos on this :O brilliant!!

and what some person just said up the page, the smoke does spell out Sting :O
well they just played it again!

And if you look at it at the end , the way the house looks , it looks like a T undertaker symbol. Pretty sure its taker now
One word.. Se7en.


I know it's more of a long shot, and the odd's are in favor of Skip, or Tyler Black. (I doubt it'd be Taker because it doesn't feel like a Taker-isque promo.) However, I would LOVE for the Company to try using Dustin Rhodes in this failed WCW role. Just the promos alone gave him a TON of potential, and I believe the WWE has what WCW doesn't, to make it worth using/trying.

Seven could be a great (dark) character and another way to allow Goldust (who recently wrote a book) to get on-air activity.
well they just played it again!

And if you look at it at the end , the way the house looks , it looks like a T undertaker symbol. Pretty sure its taker now

Could also mean that person is entering Undertaker's Yard...hint...the guy challenging him @ Wrestlemania. All speculation now until Feb 21st
Well the February 21st Raw is scheduled for California and that is where Sting lives. This sets up perfectly for a Hall of Fame ceremony induction in his old WCW territory of Atlanta. That vignette looked and sounded too much like Sting. I hope it is him!

I cannot see WWE inducting Shawn Michaels and Sting in the same year. They are both huge names, one would detract from the other. I think if WWE ever got Sting on board, he would be the headliner of the class, rather than playing second fiddle to HBK. I cannot see Michaels being too happy about sharing the spotlight with the Icon. Plus, Sting has no business being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Just ask Coco ;)

I think this is WWE taking advantage of the naivety of the WWE fans, especially amongst the IWC. Airing a promo with a clear Sting vibe, building hype and excitement, only to reveal it to instead be Tyler Black.
Though I'm mostly a WWE viewer, I'm pretty certain it has to be a veteran of some sort. All of the Would Be Taker gimmicks 'cept for Kane have failed. I think they realized they cannot recreate Taker ever again, so lets throw a young guy out (even though we had Andrew Jackson but he was squashed by Henry and he doesn't have a scary look to him). So I'd have to say, one of the veterans, most likely, Sting.
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