Raw SuperShow LD 23/04/2012 - Car-Enthusiast John Cena Celebrates Turns 35 in Motown

Brock didn't climb the UFC mountain. He was given an express pass to the top of the bunny slope with the easiest cake walk to the title in years
He'll probably smash that bottle upside Jericho's head on Sunday or something. Hopefully he picked out the right breakaway bottle and not a real one. If not, RIP Jericho.
If WWE don't have a segment later on where a drunken Josh Matthews is rambling they need to fire every one of their crack pot writers.

Cole: And Josh Matthews is standing by with Kane.

*cuts to back*
*someone forcibly nudges Matthews awake*

Matthews: Huh? What? Well, yeah, we got this guy here. Who are you?

*Kane just stares at him*

Matthews: Great. Now, let me tell you what I says to Vince today. I says, 'Vince, if you don't stop putting me on TV with these guys, you don't want to know what I'll do.' Then I says *Matthews begins to slur his words* And another thing...
Can someone explain why Truth hangs out with Little Jimmy now? He used to hate the fucker. I don't demand absolute logic, but I demand logical consistency.

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