Raw LD 9/7/12 - Don't anger the crazy chick!

I will turn the channel OVER when you speak English.

Seriously though I am a WRESTLING FAN! You watch and give your thoughts on a FORUM. You don't get all butthurt and turn over the channel.
The only person butthurt here is you. Calm down.
I don't get why they've made Kane look so God awful weak lately. Dude just got knocked out for 5 minutes from a clothesline and a light slap with a ladder. Where's the real Kane? SMFH
I will turn the channel OVER when you speak English.

Seriously though I am a WRESTLING FAN! You watch and give your thoughts on a FORUM. You don't get all butthurt and turn over the channel.

Who turns over the channel? You change the channel.

That was a weak DQ ending, but it makes sense for the flow of things. It's unfortunate though, that was a pretty great tag team match, and it ended inconclusively.

It's fun to see Cena kick ass like that.
I don't think RAW has been quite the abortion some are making it out to be. My one and only pet peeve is that Kane, KANE just gave Cena the hot tag. The same "Embrace the Hate, Cena" that was in a program with him just a few months prior. Face/heel turns, even when they're done on a whim, can be justified or rationalized using some element of story telling. Someone explain to me when this happened in regards to Kane. That's my only gripe with the show so far.
30 mins left. Where is Sherlock Marella? Where is Heath Slater getting a beat down? Where is Ryback? Where is my Pizza?
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Worst Raw of the year. Time to quit watching WWE and watch TNA, since Austin Aries is the champ.

I don't think RAW has been quite the abortion some are making it out to be. My one and only pet peeve is that Kane, KANE just gave Cena the hot tag. The same "Embrace the Hate, Cena" that was in a program with him just a few months prior. Face/heel turns, even when they're done on a whim, can be justified or rationalized using some element of story telling. Someone explain to me when this happened in regards to Kane. That's my only gripe with the show so far.

This is also the same Kane that's facing Big Show and Chris Jericho this Sunday along with Cena, and the same Kane that lost to Big Show last week. He'll kick anyone's ass, it just happened to be Jericho and Show in the ring tonight. This Sunday it'll be everyone becuase that's when it's a 4 Way and not a Tag Match.

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