RAW LD 9/21/2015 - Ten down, three more to go

Now for Alicia Fox to disappear. "Third Wheel" is exactly what she has been for the entirety of this "revolution".
Time to transition to a Divas division centred around Paige, Sasha, Becky and Charlotte with Nikki Bella as the 'experienced' one. All the others should be strictly enhancement talents.
I have heard great things about Bayley, so I expect her to come up with the bang eventually.

Alicia doesn't need to disappear, she's hardly said 2 sentences since the revolution started so she's hardly there as it is. She was just inserted because the Bellas always had the numbers advantage, if anyone else was put in her place we'd be complaining that they're being misused. But like Tamina, Alicia has done fine as a warm body.

I also think that even though the focus was on the teams for awhile, well up until a few weeks ago, they've done a good job of putting the focus on Sasha, Nikki, Paige, and Charlotte.
Nikki Bella has. Brie has gone through the motions and ridden Nikki's cooatails. It's abundantly clear that Brie doesn't want to be there anymore, Nikki is clearly more dedicated and more talented.

Nikki's miles better than Brie at everything, no question.

Stephanie got Brie over, and I agree she has ridden Nikki's coattails since........but she does still get decent reactions, which surprises me because she's become a complete jobber.
Hate how WWE turned Henry back into a jobber. He would have been much better served as an attraction. Seriously. Probably the most misused and underutilized talent in the past 10 years.
So JBL thinks Seth Rollins is the future and face of the company but he can't wait for Sheamus to be champion.. hmmm. Something isn't right here

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