Raw LD 4/8/13: "The Champ is Here"...But Who Else?

You're a complete fucking liar if you say this is the same crowd as last night. It was WRESTLEMANIA and NONE of the matches, not even at the beginning got anything close to these kinds of reactions last night. You can still hear chants/cheers, even without a roof.

They popped for Orton last night and Hell No you could hear them going YES YES YES YES
Arguing about the crowd is senseless.

Last night's crowd was 80k people, including hard core fans, locals, and a bunch of socialites and people just there for the event.

Tonight's crowd is probably in the 12-15k range and is mostly locals and hard core fans who stayed in town for RAW.

The concentration of people who actually care and follow the product is alot higher tonight, so the chants and pops are alot more recognizable.
They popped for Orton last night and Hell No you could hear them going YES YES YES YES

Exactly, those two chants were HEARD because they were the only 2.

Now they're doing the wave? This is NOT the same crowd. They can't even focus on the damn match.
You dont even know her stop being creepy ECW chant
Nah, less is more.

If it happened every week it wouldnt be as special

It would make WWE a hell of a lot better than it currently is.

This match has sucked but the crowd has made it entertaining at least and they are having a blast with it. I wish every crowd was indeed like this.

This isn't a crowd full of little kids - and that's the difference. That Ziggler pop was the biggest in years.

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